Permanently Fixing Hypothyroid Through Short Term T3


Feb 4, 2018
@No_Energy did the T3 cause any sleep issues?

I tried it and it was great for 3 days with 8mcg dose before bed and then things went wrong and my insomnia got considerably worse. I've not been brave enough to retry yet...
Nov 21, 2015
I’m following up as it’s been awhile.

I still am not maintaining good temps every day. Not sure why. I’m taking as much as 60mcg or so of T3 these days.

The key seems to be eating. If I eat starch and sugar and protein, I can easily maintain my temperatures. This has drawn attention to the fact that I probably still suffer from a fatty liver.

Sleeping is usually very good, which is normal for me. Some days I wake up at 96.9, sometimes at 97.5. Not sure what the difference is.


Feb 16, 2018
I’m following up as it’s been awhile.

I still am not maintaining good temps every day. Not sure why. I’m taking as much as 60mcg or so of T3 these days.

The key seems to be eating. If I eat starch and sugar and protein, I can easily maintain my temperatures. This has drawn attention to the fact that I probably still suffer from a fatty liver.

Sleeping is usually very good, which is normal for me. Some days I wake up at 96.9, sometimes at 97.5. Not sure what the difference is.

How are you so sure you have fatty liver? Also, I can't find your post, but didn't you write at one point your testosterone levels went up >900 from doing steve richfield protocol? I'm currently experiencing benefits right now since I've gone back to doing Matt Stone's "eat for heat" plan- basically only eating solid foods and very little fluid throughout the day. I find that I simply don't need to drink much water at all and I feel fine. Temps are up to 98 F as well. Sleep is improved.
Nov 21, 2015
My T levels have been high all along. I am on no medications and have no real health issues.

I am very happy in my life too.

I assume my liver is fatty.

Glad you are having success @stevrd so far.

I am still taking the T3 and my temps are quite good during the day. Still a bit low during the night.

I've added E Coli Nissle (Mutaflor) to my regimen to overcome chronic constipation and it's really helping. But it also had lowered temps although now they seem to have bounced back.

I drink a lot of milk and love milk and wouldn't want to give it up. Probably drink 1 - 2 quarts a day.

I may try another reset at some point but I think I'm making progress on the T3. I am using about 40mcg a day at this point. Have slowly decreased because I find I don't need as much.

I'm also living in a warm area which really helps a LOT.


Feb 16, 2018
My T levels have been high all along. I am on no medications and have no real health issues.

I am very happy in my life too.

I assume my liver is fatty.

Glad you are having success @stevrd so far.

I am still taking the T3 and my temps are quite good during the day. Still a bit low during the night.

I've added E Coli Nissle (Mutaflor) to my regimen to overcome chronic constipation and it's really helping. But it also had lowered temps although now they seem to have bounced back.

I drink a lot of milk and love milk and wouldn't want to give it up. Probably drink 1 - 2 quarts a day.

I may try another reset at some point but I think I'm making progress on the T3. I am using about 40mcg a day at this point. Have slowly decreased because I find I don't need as much.

I'm also living in a warm area which really helps a LOT.

Thanks for your response. With respect, if you are healthy, why do you experiment with so many things on here? Why do you need thyroid? Where do you live?

With me, I'm currently experimenting with not drinking any fluids until I feel thirsty. I have found that I am able to drink about 1-2 quarts of fluid per day and it is enough for me. Even when I feel thirsty, I only need about 4oz or so to feel hydrated. I think this has to do with the fact that it's winter and cold where I live. In the summer I drink about a gallon of fluid per day.


Jun 1, 2017
Any update with this?

My TSH is 2.1 and I have lower range values for t3 and t4 so I want to start taking some t3 low dose like how ray recommended to see if I can increase temps and increase steroid production since I have good cholesterol numbers (above 200+) and I am taking cholesterol powder from the life giving store. Taking vitamin A along side with it and hoping to see improvement in thyroid/temp/hair growth and mood

So far its been a day of ray's protocol I felt unusually out of it but don't feel depressed. I am ccurrently trying to slowly lose fat so I am eating under my caloric maintenance of 2400 so right now im doing 2100 calories of just sugar and protein and pretty much no fat and if I do its saturated from coconut.

4mcg maybe 3-4 times a day

Big question-and no one seems to answer it but will this extra t3 help assist my thyroid or shut it down? I don't get the concept of taking t3 to help my thyroid work "better"

This thread is amazing lets keep it going!


Nov 22, 2017
@Nick Borcic

The point of T3 is just to warm you up, and get your thyroid active when it's suppressed by stress/body fat/PUFA accumulation etc.
People feel better when they're warmer, and all the enzymes work better when temperature is optimal, so regular T3 can actually
get people healthier, in the longer term, by creating a better physiological state on a daily basis. Eventually this may lead to thyroid supplementation becoming unecessary or at the very least, very reduced.

It doesn't ''shut down'' your thyroid, although it has less work to do. The problem, as @ecstatichamster mentioned in this thread, is that many people find that they have low basal temperatures in the morning because their T3 is completely gone in the morning (can't take it while sleeping).

That's where a T3/T4 combo thyroid supplement comes in, but then again the problem here is that people take too much of it. (Say you take half a tablet) which gives you 15 mcg of T3 and 60 mcg of T4, 90% of that T3 is converted to rT3 by the liver, and this typically stops the T4:T3 conversion pathway altogether, which creates a backlog problems, and prevents people from making progress with their basal (morning temperatures).

A desiccated thyroid product has less of these issues (because a full tablet can be taken with food and still metabolized), but it is much harder to dose precisely. Food is crucial, but it allows the thyroid supplement to be absorbed slowly, reflecting more natural patterns.

In both situations, people (myself included) get in trouble because they're not careful and knowledgeable enough about thyroid therapy when first starting. It's important to be meticulous and any given dose of a T3/T4 product should always have significantly less than 10mcg of T3. For example a starting bedtime dose may be one or two drops of TyroMix (3mcg of T3 - 6mcg of T4 each) or an eighth of a cynoplus (3.75 mcg of T3 and 15mcg of T4). If the dose of T3 approaches physiological amounts (around 4mcg per hour) along with a sufficient backup of T4, as in these products, then this will, in time improve the morning temperatures. This dose can be increased slowly, but the doses always need to be divided so that it never contains more than 10mcg T3 at a time.

Here are some quotes:

"...Each dose shouldn't contain much more than maybe 10 mcg of T3. If you're going to take say 10 mcg of Cytomel and 40 mcg of T4 then you should break it so that each dose doesn't give you much more than 10 mcg of T3." - Ray Peat

''...An eighth to a fourth of a [Cynoplus] tablet would be a reasonable amount to start with; thyroxine’s halflife in the body is two weeks, so the effect is cumulative, and if you get the desired effects in less than two weeks the dose should probably be reduced.” - Ray Peat


Aug 12, 2019
@ecstatichamster when you were doing the wilsons protocol but with regular t3 (not sustained t3) where you still taking it every 12 hours? I'm going to try this but I don't have sustained T3, just Cynomel from Mexico.


Jan 18, 2020


Jun 1, 2017
So taking say 4mcg every few hours will assist my natural thyroid without shutting it down? I was taking larger amounts split throughout the day up to 30-40mcg t3. My temps were hot as hell but I started getting alot of estrogenic symptoms.


Jun 1, 2017
I used the small dosages 3x ~4mg and it crashed my natural t4 production after a view weeks. Checked with a Bloodwork -> T4 dropped to 4% instead of my normal ~50%! I feel a lot better with a full+++ replacement dose with 25-50mcg in one dose before bed. This results in perfect sleep and no up and downs during the day. So even small dosages will make you more hypothyroid and Stopp your own production. So you have to go for a full ore more replacement dose. Keep in mind 25mcg is the average replacement dose (big guy and small ladies?) and also the absorption rate in the gut is not 100% + receptors can be comprised. So 50mcg sounds more than it is ;)


Jun 1, 2017
So what's the point of even taking t3 if it's going to shut you down? Ray mentions small amounts to help metabolism and stress maybe in the winter taking t3 would be more benefit. No point of taking something if its going to shut you down.

Currently 3 days in with no t3 feel tired but not getting any other crazy hypo symptoms


Jun 1, 2017
I used the small dosages 3x ~4mg and it crashed my natural t4 production after a view weeks. Checked with a Bloodwork -> T4 dropped to 4% instead of my normal ~50%! I feel a lot better with a full+++ replacement dose with 25-50mcg in one dose before bed. This results in perfect sleep and no up and downs during the day. So even small dosages will make you more hypothyroid and Stopp your own production. So you have to go for a full ore more replacement dose. Keep in mind 25mcg is the average replacement dose (big guy and small ladies?) and also the absorption rate in the gut is not 100% + receptors can be comprised. So 50mcg sounds more than it is ;)

How long until you felt better post t3? I assume you believe in replacing t3 instead of boosting endogenous production since a small amount suppressed.


Jun 10, 2020
@ecstatichamster having read through this whole thread, it’s one of my favorites on the entire forum. Your constant updates were so informative. Thank you.

I’m 28 years old and although my metabolism and energy improved over summer, they’re now dipping again. T3 immediately made a positive impact several days ago, but I’m nervous that I’m too young to take it — that it might lose efficacy over time or that diet may fix my problems.

  • Looking back on your T3 journey, what are the biggest takeaways?
  • If you could go back to the beginning of taking T3, would you do anything differently?
  • Do you think think that even relatively young people might benefit from T3?
  • If a certain dose stops working, is this a sign to increase the dosage, or back off? Could increasing the dosage be digging yourself a bigger hole?
Anybody with thyroid experience can chime in of course. Thanks for your thoughts.
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Matt C

Nov 25, 2018
My experience with Tiromel - the only T3 I can get my hands on in Australia - I didn't feel a difference to be honest and this is the second course of taking this T3 brand. Both times I haven't noticed any difference in feeling and if it bumped my temp up it was only slightly. I still average around a high of 37.8 c which is .2 under optimal.

I got T3 because my RT3 has come back very elevated a couple of times. What I did do was check my RT3 recently while i'm still taking T3 and it dropped significantly. So while I don't feel all that much better, my RT3 looks great now which was my goal.

I did quit coffee for about a month before my Rt3 test so I can't help but wonder what impact that had - I felt worse without coffee too so im back to drinking every other day.

Now i'll take a metabolic test because i had other bad markers months ago which indicate thyroid problems eg. High LDL cholesterol, lowish ferritin and vit D, high cortisol. Im thinking these will be different now I know my Rt3 is much lower.


Matt C

Nov 25, 2018
@Matt C How long have you been taking it and at what dose?

Started with 2 pills a day, at 25mcg each taken over 4 points of the day/night. Then increased slowly to 4 a day, scaled it back a bit before I took my test. This was over the span of about 2 months.
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