Temperature Reset à La Steve Richfield


Mar 13, 2021
This whole theory is about using hot showers to heat up and then wrapping up warm etc, well wouldn't it follow that living in a tropical country would have the same effect? Assuming you didn't use methods to cool down all the time. I guess that's why Danny Roddy lives in Mexico (and Thailand). Doesn't Ray also live in Mexico?
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Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
No more antibiotics. And woke at 97.4. Sweating. And got out of bed and drank some guava juice and collagen and salt. Later was easy to get to 98.6. Now in winter clothing I'm at 98.4

It takes really being under the hot lights to get to 98.6 and it doesn't last if I move away.

Still coughing up stuff.
Definitely helps to get moving, fueled up, some direct light/red light and then layered ASAP after getting up, if one has had a decent sleep that is.

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
Fascinating discussion here. I haven't read every page, but I just wondered if anyone had achieved results with a modified version of Steve's protocol? Would just wearing warm clothes for an extended period (i.e. to the point of feeling uncomfortable) and following a broadly pro-metabolic protocol perhaps yield similar benefits? The possible side effects of the reset sound alarming and I'm not sure I could enlist the support of any close friends / family to go through this, my various health habits and experiments are already considered wacky and extreme as it is.

BTW, I track my temps as part of the fertility awareness method and they are chronically low (no surprise, as I have all the symptoms of a low metabolic rate). Curiously, my summer and winter wardrobes have always tended to be more or less the same, and people often remark on how cold I must be in the winter as I just haven't felt the need to wrap up warm. Looking back, I don't understand why I didn't bother to take better care of myself.
It's been the case with me so far but too soon to tell for sure. I'm hypo/Hashi's and on pretty high doses but less liquid (I love drinking TONs of milk/juice)/more solid, salty food (mostly Peaty), dressing really warm right out of bed and sleeping warmer has helped my temps. I'm lightly sweating most of the time. Also using red light/sunlight, caffeine and small doses of DHEA and Preg. I woke at 97.7 today and hit 98.8 within 1.5 hours of waking (slept in). That has not happened since I was diagnosed ten years ago. I did do some crazy hot showers and bundling after but in the evening (SR protocol is after waking) and still got uncomfortably hot/sweaty. I've found stripping off layers a few hours before bed to cool down help me get to sleep. Keeping stress low is important (channel Mr. Kruger @3:01). I'll go for the full two week reset protocol when I can manage it, maybe this summer.

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
Maybe use base layer clothing designed to handle moisture and cold - eg suitable polypropolene or wool? I'd expect cotton etc to be pretty clammy.
This. Three layers of cheap **** 32 degree heat brand from Costco will do ya.

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
It's REAAALLYYY important that you stay warm when you sleep as well. Otherwise the whole thing is almost pointless.
Not too warm. You need to get to sleep temp (~97.4) to get down and then sleep just warm enough (For me, that's barely sweating) to not overheat, get deep sleep, and wake at…97.8-98.2?

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
Back in the summer of 2016 I had one magical day of normal temps where I woke up with a temp in the high 36's. It felt so awesome, brain fog was nonexistent, felt no depression and was generally happy. I hadn't felt that way in ages. Unfortunately I was never able to recreate that day and things returned to the same shitty norms the next day and all subsequent days thereafter. Supplements do nothing for me but after reading about the temperature reset I felt quite optimistic about it.
Me, last Saturday!

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
…so, I took off the wet clothing and put on a dry t-shirt and jeans and went for a walk in the hot sun. About 25 minutes into the walk, my temp went up to 99.1, and I was not sweating! something seemed wrong…
Was it, or was your body more easily able to 'capture' that temp because you were in dry clothes and sun? I'm challenged with how to keep temps up while bundled and sweating like mad. I have mostly non cotton 'wicking' stuff on (many layers). Changing clothes drops them fast. Maybe just have to strip, jump in shower again and redress?

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
I did email Steve for some advice after my first experiments of changing my body temperature were not successful, and he suggested an experiment where I would try to lower my temp with malatonin and night then raise it during the day. Like a pendulum, push it one way and then the other and get it swinging.

I am not yet successful in resetting my body temperature. After a few days of holding my temperature at 98.6 for only a few hours* and sweating profusely, I severely depleted my sodium stores and perhaps other electrolytes. I got a noticible swelling in my left ankle and foot and less swelling in my right foot and ankle. To reverse this swelling I added a "lot" of Morton's canning salt and sodium bicarbonate. In a day or two, the swelling went down. I stopped the reset process to evaluate what happened, and went on a trip to camp at a mountain lake and do some sailboat racing and relaxing.

I have continued to track my temperature. I wake up with a temperature of 97.7 to 98.0, and in a few minutes my temperature drops to near 97.4. My body really wants to be near 97.4 during the day, cooling to that temperature from about a few minutes to about 1/2 hour after waking up with a temperature of around 97.8 to 98.0 and then during the day staying at 97.4 all day. My hands are warm and I seldom feel cold, even though my body temperature is around 97.4 during the day.

After drinking hot or cold liquid, my oral temp is raised or lowered for a while, and soon reverts to my bodies favorite 97.4.

Today I took a nap for about 3/4 hour after a few hours of sailboat racing and driving to and from the lake. When I woke up, my body temp was 97.8 or so. I've been sitting under my 500W heat lamps and sweating slightly and now my oral temp is 97.4.

I don't know what to do regarding my body temperature, since my body has learned that 97.4 is what it wants to be, and it is unwilling to change without a huge fight and a lot of sweating which will deplete my electrolytes.

* I increased my body temperature by hot coffee. a hot shower and layers of warm clothes. After an hour or so, the clothes are soaking wet.
Sounds like you may need thyroid.


Nov 9, 2020
Started at 10am today. Its now almost 3.
Did the hot shower and coffee and been munching on food.
Been hovering around the 37 mark bundled uncomfortably up like an Eskimo freak.
Its interesting to me that the body can resist an optimal temperature so much

Both hubby and me have tried the thyroid meds and a bunch of other peaty things over the last two years including protest E but nothing seems to have made any difference in temps.. Just me getting nice n fat from peating.

I'm liking the mental clarity and the promise of changing my body with such an accesable tool.
Also as a side note I had surgery to repair a fracture and had wisdoms out, as well as being born to a very cold mother and from a family that made it through the treacherous ww2 times. Ticking a few low temp boxes there.

Anyway loved reading through the 20 pages of this thread much appreciated to all who've contributed.. Let's see if I have the consistency to continue on as well as report on it.

Any new temp news @ecstatichamster @MyUsernameHere or has this particular pursuit somewhat faded into the background?

This method makes sense to me and I'm very curious about the personality affects and cognitive performance I know Steve alludes to increasing the IQ as a result of a reset temp baseline.

Currently sitting at 37.11C and have had a lovely clear head most of the day with a hit of resistance initially to getting so hot. Have also been sweating lightly while body.
Nov 16, 2012
I haven't been tracking mine for a very long time since I've found other ways to get better. Most of my problems came from post-Finasteride use, the other side is thyroid related. Unfortunately this type of CNCS reprogramming seems to fix a particular subset of people, but if you have other underlying issues then you probably won't be able to keep the results.

I did feel 'good' when I would sit in 2 jackets with heating near me and what not, but all that's doing is forcing your body temperature up by external means, once I stopped doing all that I very quickly lost all of the improvements because I did not have the metabolic underpinnings to support that.

Ideally your body should be maintaining this temperature on its own, if it does not happen after about a month of forcing then your issue is probably not related to the temperate set point but the inability to maintain it.


Apr 3, 2019
This theory matches most closely to my scenario/symptoms. Although, I seem to have the opposite issue when it comes to fluids. It's more commonly known that people who are hypothyroid or have low body temperature seem to retain fluids. I seem do the opposite and cannot retain anything and am dehydrated constantly.

My symptoms are always way worse when I'm cold. And the only time my body begins to retain fluids to some degree is when it's very hot. My symptoms also came on after a period of 'famine' (fasting) and it just seems like my body has altered it's state to a new level of lower temperature homeostasis and also lowered fluid homeostasis. This has led to a whole host of other problems and gradually destroyed my health.

I am going to try the protocol. Is there a simple guide anywhere I can follow? Or does anyone know if this Steve chap is still around and contactable?


Apr 3, 2019
I found the document that explains the protocol. Essentially sitting in a hot room with multiple clothing layers while taking something to increase temperature such as T2 or T3....and various further steps. The only issue his, he states there will usually be a crash after this initial phase of raising temperature and the antidote to this is give as taking T4. I am already taking cynoplus which has T3 and T4 so i'm wondering if that is going to limit my ability to implement this protocol.


Sep 13, 2012
I found the document that explains the protocol. Essentially sitting in a hot room with multiple clothing layers while taking something to increase temperature such as T2 or T3....and various further steps. The only issue his, he states there will usually be a crash after this initial phase of raising temperature and the antidote to this is give as taking T4. I am already taking cynoplus which has T3 and T4 so i'm wondering if that is going to limit my ability to implement this protocol.
What is your temp? But yeah getting it up to 98.6 can cause adrenal stress for a yr or two. At least that's what seemed to happen to me when my temp finally went up. I can't remember if you've tried cyproheptadine? I seem to pee less volume on it. But it does have dry mouth as a side effect so might be uncomfortable for you.


Apr 3, 2019
What is your temp? But yeah getting it up to 98.6 can cause adrenal stress for a yr or two. At least that's what seemed to happen to me when my temp finally went up. I can't remember if you've tried cyproheptadine? I seem to pee less volume on it. But it does have dry mouth as a side effect so might be uncomfortable for you.

Right now, late afternoon its 36.5c/97.7f, that's with me being on cynoplus and it being a relatively warm day. I haven't actually measured in the morning for a while but it's even lower than that. So yeah, I think my temp is low.

I haven't tried Cyproheptadine no. I did have a little look into it after reading some of you guys recent posts about it. It's on my to try list if I don't have any success with the things i'm currently trying.

Edit: Taking my temp regularly today it's actually averaging 36.0c.
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Apr 3, 2019
Is this temperature reset possible if one is genuinely hyopthyroid and already taking thyroid medication?
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