TyroMix - Liquid T3/T4 Mix For Lab/R&D


Jun 2, 2017
I was wondering should I try NDT, hoping its gonna be a step up, even better then tyromix, but from your response, I think I will not.
Tyromix gives me good results. Its actually very potent. I think I cannot handle 3 drops 2 X day. I will try adding a drop of tyronene and reducing tyromix. Presence of T4 does something wonderful, but there is to less of T3 in tyromix.
I'm interested and inspired by your success with Tyromix (as well as everyone else commenting here). I've read so many experiences of people on thyroid that makes it sound like a daunting undertaking to get everything right and balanced. Your experience on Tyromix sounds quite succesful, as does @Jennifer 's, @NommyWommy 's, and @aniciete 's,

Can you elaborate on why you want to reduce Tryomix and add Tryonene, after you've seemingly found success with Tyromix? Thanks.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
I'm interested and inspired by your success with Tyromix (as well as everyone else commenting here). I've read so many experiences of people on thyroid that makes it sound like a daunting undertaking to get everything right and balanced. Your experience on Tyromix sounds quite succesful, as does @Jennifer 's, @NommyWommy 's, and @aniciete 's,

Can you elaborate on why you want to reduce Tryomix and add Tryonene, after you've seemingly found success with Tyromix? Thanks.
As I said, tyromix give me the same feeling as when I take vitamin E. That means reduction in Estrogen and also Cortisol.
Dryer, leaner hands and face and reduction in anxiety are positives, but I feel its a bit to much. In a very healthy individual that may make you feel very good, but if you have deranged metabolism with to much stress it can be to much. If you suddenly take away cortisol and reduce estrogen a lot, and you dont have enough androgens to give you energy, you are going to feel crappy. Its good to take it a bit slower. Maybe later, when I heal, I will be able tolerate more of T4, but for now I need to reduce T4 by reducing tyromix.
And as I said there is already to less T3 in tyromix, so if I reduce tyromix to acomodate for comfortable amount of T4 I will have to less T3 so I need to add a drop of Tyronene.
And as I said, just taking Tyronene T3, makes me feel good but it has no such effects as tyromix does. Completely different beast.
I dont know really how to describe it in symptoms what happens if I take to much tyromix. To dry hands, I see double, some kid of irrational fear...
Last night I took 1 drop tyromix and 2 drops tyronene. I feel quite good. Will try 2 drops tyromix and 1 drop tyronene next...


Jun 2, 2017
As I said, tyromix give me the same feeling as when I take vitamin E. That means reduction in Estrogen and also Cortisol.
Dryer, leaner hands and face and reduction in anxiety are positives, but I feel its a bit to much. In a very healthy individual that may make you feel very good, but if you have deranged metabolism with to much stress it can be to much. If you suddenly take away cortisol and reduce estrogen a lot, and you dont have enough androgens to give you energy, you are going to feel crappy. Its good to take it a bit slower. Maybe later, when I heal, I will be able tolerate more of T4, but for now I need to reduce T4 by reducing tyromix.
And as I said there is already to less T3 in tyromix, so if I reduce tyromix to acomodate for comfortable amount of T4 I will have to less T3 so I need to add a drop of Tyronene.
And as I said, just taking Tyronene T3, makes me feel good but it has no such effects as tyromix does. Completely different beast.
I dont know really how to describe it in symptoms what happens if I take to much tyromix. To dry hands, I see double, some kid of irrational fear...
Last night I took 1 drop tyromix and 2 drops tyronene. I feel quite good. Will try 2 drops tyromix and 1 drop tyronene next...
Thank you for the detail. What a challenge taking thyroid is. I hope you get the balance right.


Jan 18, 2020
Would anyone know why when I use tyromix it enables clear nasal breathing as opposed to when using cynoplus my nose is always stuffy. Could it be the higher t3 ratio? Thanks
I swear down i got stuffed nose from thyroxine, but not from NDT, must be some reaction to synthetic version


Jan 18, 2020
Got it. Cynoplus reliably gives me a stuffy nose and red, itchy eyes. Tyromix doesn’t give me these issues and makes my skin look really good. I also feel a nice temperature increase shortly after taking it.
Do you take it with meals? Does it reliably raise your t4/ft4 levels??


Feb 22, 2014
I'm hoping for some guidance. I have two older rats (the equivalent of 67 y.o. in human years...) who I'll call Mama Rat and Papa Rat. Papa Rat has been hypo and on synthroid for decades. Papa Rat has always believed that the humans in lab coats know what they're talking about, even though he continues to be a poster child (poster rat?) for hypo. Every symptom you can think of, he has it, and for decades he's thought it was all his fault that he was obese and bald and depressed (it makes me want to kill people, how miserable he's been for no reason :rage). I've been trying to convince Papa Rat for years that the people in lab coats are (well-meaning) morons, and he's finally starting to reconsider. He even asked about T3 the last time he went in and was, not surprisingly, shot down. I'm wondering, if I can convince Papa Rat to try Tyromix instead of his evil Synthroid, what would be a good, safe way for him to do that? I will probably try to get Mama Rat to try it first. She has been on Synthroid for only a couple years and is much more open minded about things. But the last thing I want to do is create problems for them that would scare them into listening only to the lab coats again, so any suggestions are welcome. I.e., would they need to slowly transition or just quit the one and start the other? Any guidelines for how many drops a severely hypo rat (with, no doubt, a lot of useless T4 flooding his system) should start with?

I tested a drop of Tyromix today on the inside of my (other, younger) rat's wrist, and she felt a lift in mood in less than 60 seconds! I'll report back in a week or so when I've done more testing. A friend's rat also used one drop today for the first time, and her rat reported immediately feeling more relaxed yet more alert and also feeling happy. This rat tried Cytomel years ago and always got jittery, but she got none of that from the 1 drop of Tyromix.
Denise- are you still using Tyromix? Can you give an update? Thank you!


Jan 18, 2020
Can anyone confirm that taking tyromix with meals/milk does increase t4 levels?


Feb 9, 2022
New York, United States
Hello all,

I have been using tyromix in doses between 9-18 mcg t3/18-36mcg t4 for about 6 months and had great results for mood, energy, focus, etc. There has potentially been a small recession in my hairline but it's hard to judge as I don't have before photos and I get it cut infrequently. However a surprise has come up and in about 3 weeks I'll unexpectedly be travelling overseas for 5 days and I don't know if I want to bother packing the bottle and having customs look at it. I was thinking about tapering off when the weather warms up anyway but now I'm considering doing it now. I've seen really conflicting reports of some people having terrible experiences for 2-4 weeks coming off thyroid, while the conventional wisdom around here is that if the gland is intact switching off should be barely noticeable within 2-4 days. I'd like to ask about others experiences as well as see if people have opinions on if I should go completely off it basically today or else do something like take 1 less drop each day till it's at zero.

I've seen that supposedly the body should produce about 100mcg t3 per day, and I haven't been taking enough to replace that, so would that make quitting easier, or would it just put me in an annoying ~10-15% deficiency while production ramps back up?


Mar 27, 2021
I experienced a reduction in swelling when I switched from TyroMax to TyroMix. I wrote this to peter88 on the previous page of this thread:
Hey Jennifer, are you still off of tyromix or did you need it in the winter?


Dec 3, 2022
United States
Hello all,

I have been using tyromix in doses between 9-18 mcg t3/18-36mcg t4 for about 6 months and had great results for mood, energy, focus, etc. There has potentially been a small recession in my hairline but it's hard to judge as I don't have before photos and I get it cut infrequently. However a surprise has come up and in about 3 weeks I'll unexpectedly be travelling overseas for 5 days and I don't know if I want to bother packing the bottle and having customs look at it. I was thinking about tapering off when the weather warms up anyway but now I'm considering doing it now. I've seen really conflicting reports of some people having terrible experiences for 2-4 weeks coming off thyroid, while the conventional wisdom around here is that if the gland is intact switching off should be barely noticeable within 2-4 days. I'd like to ask about others experiences as well as see if people have opinions on if I should go completely off it basically today or else do something like take 1 less drop each day till it's at zero.

I've seen that supposedly the body should produce about 100mcg t3 per day, and I haven't been taking enough to replace that, so would that make quitting easier, or would it just put me in an annoying ~10-15% deficiency while production ramps back up?
Did you end up tapering off. Facing the same situation myself
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