Noticeable Drop in IQ, Feel Disabled. Reversible?


Jan 24, 2021
Hey, I can relate.

A few years ago, I started dog walking and was comfortable being independent, talking to clients and looking after their dogs. Then I scored a job at a kennel right before lockdowns. During my training I had very short shifts about 3-5 days apart. I realized my memory was crap when I returned to work (things never felt familiar) and I started to feel incredibly disconnected...everyone seemed faster and more on the ball than me. I was getting criticisms, like maybe this wasn't the right job for me because I would often not take initiative and be where I should and when I should (they had a particular set up of dog groups and where they were supposed to go when we went outside, who should be in what area, etc.) That I was "too in my head" and not dynamic enough. But similar to you, I didn't actually have a lot going on in my internal dialogue. No questions to ask them to help my performance. No small talk, even. I had gotten the criticism I was too slow from another job before that. Although these aren't exactly new criticisms (I was a daydreamer kid) I never got them at older jobs, like those I held in my early twenties.

In my twenties I also worked towards/received a BSc. I'm not dumb. But, I noticed the decline really started the more I took carbs out of my diet which was near the end of my time at uni...all the way up to my thirties when I tried carnivore for a couple years. I think the decline may be from being in a chronic stress state. I was also a very depressed and anxious kid and teen.

I tried a bunch of nootropics the past few years to try to stop the decline. Taking alpha-GPC and l-acetyl carnitine made the most impact so I'd take them before I had to do something with more focus. I'm not sure how people on the forum feel about them. (I don't really take them anymore). However, sometimes I stick half a nicotine mint in between my gums and cheek when I wanna write.

I'm still struggling to get going with life again but I am feeling more social and creative with adding sugar and fruit. Taurine and b-vitamins have helped too.
May 2, 2021
It sounds like I'm going through the exact same trajectory as you, I'm 25 male from UK, and likewise was getting straight As but have steadily declined. However there is hope, almost immediately after beginning a peat style based nutrition plan I caught a glimpse of what I used to feel like, my cognition lit up and I was socially on fire I could sense people were interested in talking to me again.

I'm now 2/3 months in but haven't reached the same levels as I did them days, although I do feel like that sporadically. My temps are rising over time and I hope I will eventually get back to that feeling. Interestingly enough I'm seeing better improvements focusing on higher saturated fat (mainly butter/ cocoa butter) and starch instead of sugar. (Similar to The Croissant Diet macros).
Apr 8, 2021
Relatable. Quite isolated at the moment, no close friends but I have been this way since early childhood.

To me it seems that you have energetic blockages that need to be work on.

I will advice you to let it all fall apart, stop clinging to ideas of how your life should or should not be.
Take some time to just observe and meditate to center yourself. You can start "clean" from there.
Accept life as it is, tough but doable (meditation helps with that).
That's what I'd do.

Have a regular walk in a park or nature. Do some body movements like Tai Chi, Qi Gong or heck even Yoga.
Do something that you would like to do like some art or some personal project which you would love to engage in but always put it back for later.

Other than that, I don't really think it's necessary but if you want to super charge your brain, this looks promising :
Lion's Mane / Psylocybin / niacinamide stack : Stamets stack: Microdosing lion's mane, psilocybin, niacin


Feb 18, 2018
I love how we’re all degenerative individuals trying to help each other out ❤️. I don’t have much to add in terms of diet or drugs but finding an activity that you can fully immerse yourself in without any negativity and makes you feel great can do wonders :)


Feb 25, 2020
It happnend to me, its caused by teeth filllings, and root canals. So you must remove them. And most likely pathogens. So probiotic foods wil help.
Feb 7, 2021
A few months ago I dealt with some pretty bad brainfog (PFS and Fin induced Hypothyroid) but I’ve been feeling mentally sharper as of late since i’ve started incorporating things which Peat and Roddy recommend.

If you don’t have the mental strength/clarity for reading Peat’s articles or his podcast appearances, Roddy’s videos on youtube will give you a good foundation to start with and when you feel stronger you can move onto Peat’s articles/podcast appearances.



Enough calories (2500-3000)
Cronometer App (track calories and nutrients)
Milk (Calcium >=2000mg, Ca to Phosphorous ratio Ca>P)
Vit D3/K2 Mk4 to synergize with Calcium utilization
Freshly Squeezed OJ (1-2L, for Vit C, Potassium, some Magnesium, easy carbs, other benefits)

Magnesium Glycinate and Thiamine HCL can help with mental/physical wellbeing if you think you show signs of deficiency.

4oz Calf liver per week for Copper, Vitamin A, other B vitamins, etc
Canned oysters for Zinc
1-2 eggs a day
Gelatin from Oxtail or Great Lakes Gelatin
Coffee with Milk and sugar, or Coffee with a meal

Also eating a raw carrot/raw carrot salad or boiled white button mushrooms (3 hrs) daily on an empty stomach is a good way to clean out your gut, a major culprit of brainfog is endotoxin from your intestine, so these natural antibiotic foods will help keep your digestion moving and hopefully minimize the endotoxin floating around your blood stream if you have leaky gut.

I would get a blood test to see what your Cholesterol, TSH, prolactin, Vitamin D, Testosterone are so you can zero in on what the problem is. IMO you probably have an under active thyroid (Hypothyroid) coupled with foods which are causing you problems (grains, starch, vegetable/seed oils, PUFA in general, too much muscle meat.)

Here is Roddy’s video on the Carnivore Diet:



Feb 13, 2016
It just sounds like your brain is too cold, the brain needs a lot of heat to function well. Aluminum in the environment can chill the brain. Vitamin A and salt in particular heat the brain. So increasing salt intake (while making sure the brand you're buying doesn't have aluminum), increasing Peat staples (coconut oil, OJ/coke, milk, cheese) will keep the body warm in general, and especially increasing carrots, eggs (along with coffee and aspirin, so that you keep the vitamin A content of eggs but detoxify the iron), and capsaicin will heat the brain in particular.

Water, PUFA and copper cool the brain too much. Chocolate is a source of copper that doesn't cool the brain.

I think red light would probably also be helpful but I find it unnatural and inconvenient to use compared to food. Also non-diet wise, just doing a few difficult math problems a day might help a lot.


I also experienced an episode like this during my life and in the end it was mainly related to what I was doing most of the day. This might sound strange, especially in contrast to everything which is mentioned on this forum most of the time, but I would give it a consideration. What I mean is related to the basic biological principle that the energy flow through a given tissue maintains and even further delevops its structure (use it or you lose it).
So the question would be: Are you actually using the functions which you think have atrophied? What are the main daily activities? Are you mindlessly watching youtube for many hours per day? Are you challenging yourself mentally in an active/productive manner? Does your job involve mindless, repetitive activities?
Of course you should also care about a solid diet, but when the above applies to you, the solution might not be hidden in some rare nutrional deficiency or a magic supplement, even though this might be the easy, enticing way out. You would also not recommend supplements to a man who spends 80% of his waking hours in bed and complains about his declined athleticism.

OP: make sure not to overlook this comment.


Jul 29, 2020
Oh absolutely, don't worry about it. Neuroplasticity is real and with proper focus on nutrition, sunshine and focus on hobbies, socialization, literature that you enjoy, little sport, you can get right back on track and then some! If life taught me anything it's that nothing is eternal


May 30, 2018
I have been reading a book which describes a protocol with high doses vitamin B3 and long sauna sessions (along with electrolytes replenishment) to help detoxification.
They report that some of the participants got IQ gains after the 2 weeks. They also report that a lot of people who have chronic fatigue benefit from it.


Sep 25, 2018
I have been reading a book which describes a protocol with high doses vitamin B3 and long sauna sessions (along with electrolytes replenishment) to help detoxification.
They report that some of the participants got IQ gains after the 2 weeks. They also report that a lot of people who have chronic fatigue benefit from it.

Dang interesting. What's the book called?


May 30, 2018
Dang interesting. What's the book called?
That's "Sauna Detoxification Using Niacin: Following The Recommended Protocol Of Dr. David E. Root".

Note that I've not tried it but I find the concept interesting.

Here is an excerpt:
Energy levels and vitality are boosted, the so-called “Low T” (low testosterone in men) condition is reversed, stamina and strength are increased, and all cognitive processes—including memory, attention, focus, and coordination—are vastly improved. On average, we have seen I.Q. scores increase 7 points after the protocol. Also, many people report that food tastes better, their vision is clearer, colors are brighter, and their skin is softer and younger looking. Even body odor is greatly improved. By far, the most exciting benefit from Detoxination is the increased ability to lose weight once the toxins have been removed from the fat cells.


Apr 9, 2020
That's "Sauna Detoxification Using Niacin: Following The Recommended Protocol Of Dr. David E. Root".

Note that I've not tried it but I find the concept interesting.

Here is an excerpt:
Since when Ray Peat ideas are being converted to sell shill and completely unproven methods?
Toxins from fat cells? Really?


May 30, 2018
Since when Ray Peat ideas are being converted to sell shill and completely unproven methods?
Toxins from fat cells? Really?
Well, I believe that sauna/heat is rather praised here.
Toxins can't be contained in fat cells?


Well, I believe that sauna/heat is rather praised here.
Toxins can't be contained in fat cells?
I think what was meant is in theory of breaking down of fat cells and releasing those toxins is not without ill effects. Heat shock proteins can also have bad effects. Lipolysis burdening the body with inert stored pufa suddenly released can also be bad.
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May 30, 2018
I think what was meant is in theory of breaking down of fat cells and releasing those toxins is not without ill effects. Heat shock proteins can also have bad effects. Lipolysis burdening the body with inert stored pufa suddenly released can also be bad.
I find it interesting because I think dehydration could activate detoxification pathways (via potential LXR/FXR activation).

The question is, do you want to have them in you or out of you. If you want them out of you, they will eventually cause damage as they are taken care of.

But I agree that it could overburden the capacity of detoxification pathways.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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