"Nofap" Mechanism


Jul 9, 2020
Age does play an important factor. Steroidogenesis is always high in male teens, generally speaking. So they can protect themselves from many of the negative problems associated with prolactin elevation. But many of these problems can catch up once you're in your late 20s and 30s. Maybe even sooner for some people.


Sep 25, 2017
Of course, here are the studies:

Brain Studies on Porn Users & Sex Addicts

My bad, seeing as all the pictures were in a language I don't know, I got mixed up.

Your first post said ejaculation doesn't cause a spike in prolactin. Try to keep up.

Of course your prolactin dropped if you are taking multiple pharmaceutical dopamine agonists. Have you not questioned why you need dopamine drugs at 17 years old? You should be in the best hormonal profile of your whole life, you shouldn't need anything.

It is ridiculous to claim the effect of masturbation on prolactin when you are taking multiple pharmaceuticals which would act on the exact hormone you are suggesting it has no effect on.
Ok thanks, I will look at theses studies.

"Should"... Not in my case, I have went through severe health problem (stomach ulcer and more) and extreme amounts of chronic stress for years straight, so ofc I need something to stay in good health.

What I'm suggesting? All the drugs I mentioned that I was taking barely (if at all) affect prolactin.


Dec 17, 2018
Of course, here are the studies:

Brain Studies on Porn Users & Sex Addicts

My bad, seeing as all the pictures were in a language I don't know, I got mixed up.

Your first post said ejaculation doesn't cause a spike in prolactin. Try to keep up.

Of course your prolactin dropped if you are taking multiple pharmaceutical dopamine agonists. Have you not questioned why you need dopamine drugs at 17 years old? You should be in the best hormonal profile of your whole life, you shouldn't need anything.

It is ridiculous to claim the effect of masturbation on prolactin when you are taking multiple pharmaceuticals which would act on the exact hormone you are suggesting it has no effect on.

Oh man, gotta love these kinds of threads popping on this forum over and over again followed by the religious brigade and poor scientific understanding. Nofap autism is infesting every outlet it can get its hands on including this forum, giving men the illusion that doing nofap will help them not be absolute losers.

You are still a loser whether you do nofap or not. It changes nothing but get rid of a source of shame. You are ashamed about an activity you partake in (which many who fap are because of religion and clowns such as above regurgitating garbage), it will negatively affect your physical health because of the shame itself stressing the organism. You stop being ashamed of something it will stop stressing your body.

And as for the prolactin issue. Try actually thinking about it for at least 30 seconds even if you lack the attention span. It is so embarrassingly obvious and yet you can't wrap your brainwashed head around it. Prolactin serves a purpose. Prolactin "spikes" to make you stop after you ejaculate. You get surge of noradrenaline to ejaculate and its this that helps get the **** back down, and prolactin rises to disinterest you to make you stop, duh. Its that simple and yet you and many other people including joke researchers try to turn into something else. Imagine trusting brainlet humans who themselves are brainwashed by their own bias and not thinking for yourself to create proper understanding, "Well clearly there is a reason why prolactin rises otherwise would the human body, which has many systems designed to maintain homeostasis?" But no, your peanut brain sees "URGH PROLACTIN GO UP MEAN IT BAD" lmfao.

And just to put the icing on the cake, you even suggest that a 17 year old fapping is the reason he even needs dopaminergics and that nofap fixes the issue. Nofap doesnt "fix" the dopamine system and its laughable to think this is why so many people have a poor dopamine system.

There are men who have what some like to consider POIS or Post Orgasm Illness Syndrome. This is because they are sick, as healthy men do not fall apart and lose motivation/drive just by ejaculating. If you are one of those men, you have much bigger problems then wanking. You are ****88 royally and need to get healthy and stop blaming ejaculation for your dopamine problems.

Dopamine is not fixed by keeping your hands off your ****. It gets fixed by living and eating correctly, improving thyroid function and fixing underlying health issues and most importantly using actual science to improve dopaminergic function.


Jul 8, 2020
Oh man, gotta love these kinds of threads popping on this forum over and over again followed by the religious brigade and poor scientific understanding. Nofap autism is infesting every outlet it can get its hands on including this forum, giving men the illusion that doing nofap will help them not be absolute losers.

You are still a loser whether you do nofap or not. It changes nothing but get rid of a source of shame. You are ashamed about an activity you partake in (which many who fap are because of religion and clowns such as above regurgitating garbage), it will negatively affect your physical health because of the shame itself stressing the organism. You stop being ashamed of something it will stop stressing your body.

And as for the prolactin issue. Try actually thinking about it for at least 30 seconds even if you lack the attention span. It is so embarrassingly obvious and yet you can't wrap your brainwashed head around it. Prolactin serves a purpose. Prolactin "spikes" to make you stop after you ejaculate. You get surge of noradrenaline to ejaculate and its this that helps get the **** back down, and prolactin rises to disinterest you to make you stop, duh. Its that simple and yet you and many other people including joke researchers try to turn into something else. Imagine trusting brainlet humans who themselves are brainwashed by their own bias and not thinking for yourself to create proper understanding, "Well clearly there is a reason why prolactin rises otherwise would the human body, which has many systems designed to maintain homeostasis?" But no, your peanut brain sees "URGH PROLACTIN GO UP MEAN IT BAD" lmfao.

And just to put the icing on the cake, you even suggest that a 17 year old fapping is the reason he even needs dopaminergics and that nofap fixes the issue. Nofap doesnt "fix" the dopamine system and its laughable to think this is why so many people have a poor dopamine system.

There are men who have what some like to consider POIS or Post Orgasm Illness Syndrome. This is because they are sick, as healthy men do not fall apart and lose motivation/drive just by ejaculating. If you are one of those men, you have much bigger problems then wanking. You are ****88 royally and need to get healthy and stop blaming ejaculation for your dopamine problems.

Dopamine is not fixed by keeping your hands off your ****. It gets fixed by living and eating correctly, improving thyroid function and fixing underlying health issues and most importantly using actual science to improve dopaminergic function.

I've never understood why some people get so emotional about wanting other people on the internet to masturbate.

I have no interest if you want to masturbate or not, but there are literally thousands of anecdotes on the internet of nofap helping people with various issues, if that was a supplement youd be all over it. :grinning:


Dec 17, 2018
I've never understood why some people get so emotional about wanting other people on the internet to masturbate.

First of all, is it not you trying to control others and telling them not to masturbate based off of trash "science"? I do whatever I want, whenever I want and I suggest to anyone to do exactly the same instead of creating invisible chains. That is the difference between me and you and the rest of the lot who thinks as you do. I can do something and not think twice about it and go on about my day while you check to make sure your chains are on tightly enough on the regular.

Who's emotional rofl? You try to infer my emotions based on text. I will tell you though that the only thing I was doing writing that was having a good laugh.

I have no interest if you want to masturbate or not, but there are literally thousands of anecdotes on the internet of nofap helping people with various issues, if that was a supplement youd be all over it. :grinning:

I am one of those who successfully did nofap for many months, that's why I know its a joke. There are many anecdotes of people doing it and being better people, because as I said they removed a source of shame which is stressing their mind.


Jul 8, 2020
First of all, is it not you trying to control others and telling them not to masturbate based off of trash "science"? I do whatever I want, whenever I want and I suggest to anyone to do exactly the same instead of creating invisible chains. That is the difference between me and you and the rest of the lot who thinks as you do. I can do something and not think twice about it and go on about my day while you check to make sure your chains are on tightly enough on the regular.

Who's emotional rofl? You try to infer my emotions based on text. I will tell you though that the only thing I was doing writing that was having a good laugh.

I am one of those who successfully did nofap for many months, that's why I know its a joke. There are many anecdotes of people doing it and being better people, because as I said they removed a source of shame which is stressing their mind.

I am trying to control others? In a thread where someone basically asks if a drug can replace nofap I've said that no a drug can't replace nofap. As I said I dont really care if someone masturbates or not, but it they are asking for help I'll tell them my opinion. I didnt make this thread, you know that?

What makes the science trash? Have you got any scientific studies to disprove them, or back up your claims?

"I do whatever you want, whenever you want.":tearsofjoy:

You sound like a Tyler Durden rip off. I assume you are rich enough you dont need a job, don't have a mortgage, or rent?

People on here are ordering drugs from Mexican pharmacies and taking research chemicals, why do you take such issue to nofap?


Sep 25, 2017
"I have no interest if you want to masturbate or not, but there are literally thousands of anecdotes on the internet of nofap helping people with various issues, if that was a supplement youd be all over it. :grinning:[/QUOTE]"

Can you send a study specifically talking about the effect of masturbation on prolactin?
There is an abundance of info showing that nofap is bullcrap too.

Funny you talk about others getting emotional with little to no proof. Getting emotional and using subtle ad hominems (mixed with a quite bad interpretation) are clearly some of your main traits...
Having tried it myself, I can safely assure that nofap is useless.

And it's simply ridiculous your suggestion that fapping was the reason for my "problems" without knowing a pinch of my life and the hormonal effects of the drugs I was taking.

My hormonal status even during the worst scenario was ok, especially for my age.


Jul 8, 2020
Can you send a study specifically talking about the effect of masturbation on prolactin?
There is an abundance of info showing that nofap is bullcrap too.

Funny you talk about others getting emotional with little to no proof. Getting emotional and using subtle ad hominems (mixed with a quite bad interpretation) are clearly some of your main traits...
Having tried it myself, I can safely assure that nofap is a useless.

And it's simply ridiculous your suggestion that fapping was the reason for my "problems" without knowing a pinch of my life and the hormonal effects of the drugs I was taking.

My hormonal status even during the worst scenario was ok, especially for my age.

You do know that ejaculation increases prolactin, right? This is incredibly basic stuff.

The post-orgasmic prolactin increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation and suggests greater satiety - ScienceDirect

Lack of satiety = more masturbation sessions and chronically elevated prolactin, rather than the initial high and then normalisation with sex. Haidut and Danny even spoke about this on a podcast, you should listen to them. This really isn't high level stuff, honestly.

When did I suggest nofap was the cause of your problems? All I've asked you is why you want dudes on the internet to masturbate so much. I don't even know who you are haha.

I'm guessing you do have a job and a mortgage/rent by your refusal to answer that :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Anyway, I'm going to "do what I want when I want" and leave you to keep arguing about strangers masturbating, I think OP has enough information to go off.


Dec 17, 2018
People on here are ordering drugs from Mexican pharmacies and taking research chemicals, why do you take such issue to nofap?

If spoke against it I would get banned irrevocably. I do talk against it but the smart way to avoid that issue. Research chemicals are much worse don't you worry.


Nov 21, 2019
I thought nofap was utter cope but nothing, no discourse analysis on r/nofap or some cited scientific studies beat self observation.
And I do not buy in the „its mostly the porn“ either.
******* drains me out just as much. And for most men fapping is not associated with shame either. Maybe if you are in a relationship.
I always thought the low energy and tiredness vibes after ejaculation is natures way of telling men to let others shoot their shot and not completely ******* up genetic variety if you are the alphamale


Nov 21, 2019
I thought nofap was utter cope but nothing, no discourse analysis on r/nofap or some cited scientific studies beat self observation.
And I do not buy in the „its mostly the porn“ either.
******* drains me out just as much. And for most men fapping is not associated with shame either. Maybe if you are in a relationship.
I always thought the low energy and tiredness vibes after ejaculation is natures way of telling men to let others shoot their shot and not completely ******* up genetic variety if you are the alphamale

I also see a definitive correlation between frequent masturbation and bags under my eyes, as well as loss of glow of skin
Whereas women seem to glow more after orgasm


Sep 25, 2017
You do know that ejaculation increases prolactin, right? This is incredibly basic stuff.

The post-orgasmic prolactin increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation and suggests greater satiety - ScienceDirect

Lack of satiety = more masturbation sessions and chronically elevated prolactin, rather than the initial high and then normalisation with sex. Haidut and Danny even spoke about this on a podcast, you should listen to them. This really isn't high level stuff, honestly.

When did I suggest nofap was the cause of your problems? All I've asked you is why you want dudes on the internet to masturbate so much. I don't even know who you are haha.

I'm guessing you do have a job and a mortgage/rent by your refusal to answer that :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Anyway, I'm going to "do what I want when I want" and leave you to keep arguing about strangers masturbating, I think OP has enough information to go off.
Ask the mods to change your name to "Whenman", you are a hero that saves all the bros from fapping, but please don't include me on your hobbies, it's not my concern if other males are fapping or not.

But I'm sure that after 1 minute you will ask when you said all that so it's fine.


Jul 9, 2020
I think most of us would unanimously agree it's not healthy to just sit around masturbating all day. I'm not sure why this would be controversial. The main concern alarmists like to point out (and imo it is a valid concern) is masturbation tends to be much more frequent then authentic sex. Unless you're paying for sex via prostitution or something, odds are you aren't doing it as frequently as a masturbator is masturbating. So it tends to be much more habit inducing, and therefore can take up one's time when they can be doing more constructive things.

Is this a problem? No one but the individual can answer this. Does masturbation make you feel good or bad about yourself? Is masturbation taking a toll on your social life? Are you masturbating because you aren't getting laid, or are you not getting laid because you're masturbating? Is your mental and/or physical health declining? These are all questions the individual has to answer for themselves.
Nov 21, 2015
I believe that men should learn how to do dry orgasms, because ejaculation does take a lot out of a man. They have a genetically engineered worm with a knockout gene that cannot ejaculate and those worms live 50% longer. There is a huge biological cost to constant ejaculation especially as a man ages.

In Worm, at Least, Making Sperm Is Found to Shorten a Male's Life

Dry orgasms are the answer.

I also think porn is very harmful. I think it’s well beyond anything having to do with addiction and dopamine. It’s desensitizing and very very bad for the brain. It hurts a man’s self respect and confidence. I know there are so many people who love porn and they will never admit this. But I am very sure of it.

I have to recommend nonejaculatory orgasms

his book is a must read.
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