Ejaculatory Exhaustion


Dec 8, 2017
I've been dealing with this for about 4-5 years now, with gradual onset. If I ejaculate at all, whether it's once every two weeks, or once a day for 3 days, I am totally brain dead and exhausted. I can't think, can barely wake up in the morning, my cognitive function gets very low, all I want to do is sleep, my body is sore, and I just generally feel unwell.

After years of dealing with this, it's really bad now. A couple of days ago I had a nocturnal emission while I was asleep, and then I couldn't get up for work in the morning. I had to call in sick. I'm only in my early 30's so this can't be normal.

My prolactin levels are normal, although they spike after ejaculation like anybody's does. I did happen to get prolactin blood work done once a night after having sex, and it was out of normal range. I go to the gym 3 times a week and am on the muscular side. My diet is pretty solid. I'm not a body builder but my weight is very normal.

I've started dating someone now and our sex life is starting up, but I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep up with this person. It's not like I'm a sex addict... but it seems like even ejaculating once every couple of weeks totally ruins me. My sex drive is 100% in tact, so this has been torture. Yesterday evening we had sex and this morning at work I can barely keep my eyes open. That was about 18 hours ago now.

I've tried nofap but it doesn't work. The longest I went was 60 days without ejaculating, and even at that point when I finally did, it debilitated me. Please don't tell me to just avoid ejaculating forever, that's not the solution. It's normal for someone my age to be doing it, at least sometimes.

I don't understand WTF is going on or what to do. I saw an endocrinologist but she seemed fairly sexist and didn't take my problem very seriously. She kind of just shrugged it off and said, "Well, it's normal for men to feel tired after ejaculation. That's why a lot of men do it at night time, to help them with sleep." She was kind of a moron, to be honest. If I ejaculate at bed time, my alarm clock may not wake me up!

What it almost feels like is that I need a stimulant, but I don't want to take one. The brain fog is very intense. I don't know if this gives another clue, but usually I am initially OK after ejaculation. It's when I go to sleep and then wake up that I'm wrecked. I could ejaculate at 3 in the afternoon and not feel wrecked until waking up the next morning.

So yeah... I don't get it, or what to do about it, but this is really taxing on my life. Sometimes it's so frustrating that I just want to get castrated. (I don't really mean that, but that's how bad it's gotten.) I've read online that some people take cabergoline, but that's specifically for prolactin excess, and I'm not sure if that's my problem.

Any other ideas on how to overcome this? I know it's normal for men to be less virile as they age but this is getting ridiculous.


Mar 3, 2016
That happens to me when dairy is included in my diet. It still happens to some degree without dairy, but it's only when I eat dairy that it becomes absolutely debilitating.


Jun 25, 2017
Are you taking a multivitamin? Try AOR Ortho-Core or another that includes larger amounts of B6. Also add (chelated/TRAACS) magnesium and a D + K supplement. When I take that combo, after a short while I can also go multiple rounds.


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
It's normal for someone my age to be doing it, at least sometimes.

Here's a sobering thought... sex is for procreation only. Doing it for recreation is akin to doing drugs. Sobering thought, I know. Hard pill to swallow!! :wideyed:


Jun 25, 2017
Here's a sobering thought... sex is for procreation only. Doing it for recreation is akin to doing drugs. Sobering thought, I know. Hard pill to swallow!! :wideyed:
Ha! If it was just for procreation, libido wouldn't increase daily on average.


Dec 8, 2017
Here's a sobering thought... sex is for procreation only. Doing it for recreation is akin to doing drugs. Sobering thought, I know. Hard pill to swallow!! :wideyed:

The circular reasoning of an addict. :D

Thanks for your input, but not my values. I don't care if you think that's right or wrong, but I ask you to stop disrupting this thread now. I am looking for other kinds of advice. Calling me an addict when I have a clear health problem is immoral.


Dec 8, 2017
That happens to me when dairy is included in my diet. It still happens to some degree without dairy, but it's only when I eat dairy that it becomes absolutely debilitating.

I have a dairy free diet.

Are you taking a multivitamin? Try AOR Ortho-Core or another that includes larger amounts of B6. Also add (chelated/TRAACS) magnesium and a D + K supplement. When I take that combo, after a short while I can also go multiple rounds.

No I don't, but I do have a very robust diet to include all the micro and macro nutrients through food.

I don't take secosteroid D, it suppresses my immune system and causes a host of other problems. Besides, in the years when I took D, it didn't affect this. I do take magnesium (it's one of the only supplemental minerals I take).

What makes you suggest B6? I hadn't considered that.

That's called POIS.

Yeah, I read about it, although my symptoms don't fully match.

"None of the currently proposed causes for POIS explain the connection between POIS and lifelong premature ejaculation."

Postorgasmic illness syndrome - Wikipedia

I don't have premature ejaculation. If I wanted to, I could have sex for hours.


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Calling me an addict when I have a clear health problem is immoral.

According to YOUR values? Your entire statement is self contradictory. Since when do your values TRUMP my values, or God's values rather? Like I said, sobering thoughts to ponder!! God bless!! :happy:


Dec 8, 2017
According to YOUR values? Your entire statement is self contradictory. Since when do your values TRUMP my values, or God's values rather? Like I said, sobering thoughts to ponder!! God bless!! :happy:

Last warning. Stop trolling my thread. You said your piece, now please just leave.


Jun 22, 2018
I've been dealing with this for about 4-5 years now, with gradual onset. If I ejaculate at all, whether it's once every two weeks, or once a day for 3 days, I am totally brain dead and exhausted. I can't think, can barely wake up in the morning, my cognitive function gets very low, all I want to do is sleep, my body is sore, and I just generally feel unwell.

After years of dealing with this, it's really bad now. A couple of days ago I had a nocturnal emission while I was asleep, and then I couldn't get up for work in the morning. I had to call in sick. I'm only in my early 30's so this can't be normal.

My prolactin levels are normal, although they spike after ejaculation like anybody's does. I did happen to get prolactin blood work done once a night after having sex, and it was out of normal range. I go to the gym 3 times a week and am on the muscular side. My diet is pretty solid. I'm not a body builder but my weight is very normal.

I've started dating someone now and our sex life is starting up, but I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep up with this person. It's not like I'm a sex addict... but it seems like even ejaculating once every couple of weeks totally ruins me. My sex drive is 100% in tact, so this has been torture. Yesterday evening we had sex and this morning at work I can barely keep my eyes open. That was about 18 hours ago now.

I've tried nofap but it doesn't work. The longest I went was 60 days without ejaculating, and even at that point when I finally did, it debilitated me. Please don't tell me to just avoid ejaculating forever, that's not the solution. It's normal for someone my age to be doing it, at least sometimes.

I don't understand WTF is going on or what to do. I saw an endocrinologist but she seemed fairly sexist and didn't take my problem very seriously. She kind of just shrugged it off and said, "Well, it's normal for men to feel tired after ejaculation. That's why a lot of men do it at night time, to help them with sleep." She was kind of a moron, to be honest. If I ejaculate at bed time, my alarm clock may not wake me up!

What it almost feels like is that I need a stimulant, but I don't want to take one. The brain fog is very intense. I don't know if this gives another clue, but usually I am initially OK after ejaculation. It's when I go to sleep and then wake up that I'm wrecked. I could ejaculate at 3 in the afternoon and not feel wrecked until waking up the next morning.

So yeah... I don't get it, or what to do about it, but this is really taxing on my life. Sometimes it's so frustrating that I just want to get castrated. (I don't really mean that, but that's how bad it's gotten.) I've read online that some people take cabergoline, but that's specifically for prolactin excess, and I'm not sure if that's my problem.

Any other ideas on how to overcome this? I know it's normal for men to be less virile as they age but this is getting ridiculous.

What is your blood flow like?
Also, how intense are your orgasms?

Do not go by libido or horniness alone.

I have tried many things, some get me really horny, some don't.
However, only one thing keeps me from getting tired - the 3 pronged approach, which I first learned from RawForestFoods dot com and later Doctor Todd Lee.
You don't have to use the stacks below, but the approach should be the same whatever supplements you use.

1 - supplements
2 - producers
3 - maximizers

1 - supplementing androgens EXOgenously
2 - naturally boosting ENDOgenous production to the max
3 - maximizing the utilization of the plethora of androgens

The two best stacks I have used to achieve this follow:

Thor's Hammer by Doctor Todd Lee
Magnoil by Idealabs

TWO: using all products from RawForestFoods dot com
Pine pollen powder or extract
Tongkat Ali powder or capsules
Beta-Sitosterol capsules or Nettle Root powder

Taking either of those after one month and you will on full force.

Essentially, you want your body producing at such an intensity that even if you ejaculate there is still plenty more, because you are on full production mode, not to mention the plethora of androgens already there from supplementing.


Jun 25, 2017
I have a dairy free diet.

No I don't, but I do have a very robust diet to include all the micro and macro nutrients through food.

I don't take secosteroid D, it suppresses my immune system and causes a host of other problems. Besides, in the years when I took D, it didn't affect this. I do take magnesium (it's one of the only supplemental minerals I take).

What makes you suggest B6? I hadn't considered that.

Yeah, I read about it, although my symptoms don't fully match.

I don't have premature ejaculation. If I wanted to, I could have sex for hours.
Vitamin B5 P-5'-P counters prolactin. 100 mg/day. Take with other B vitamins or a multivitamin.


May 3, 2015
That happens to me when dairy is included in my diet. It still happens to some degree without dairy, but it's only when I eat dairy that it becomes absolutely debilitating.

That looks related to the allergy explanation of POIS.

Since @Orius doesn't eat dairy, he could try going gluten free, grain free, seed free etc.


Dec 8, 2017
What is your blood flow like?
Also, how intense are your orgasms?

Do not go by libido or horniness alone.

I have tried many things, some get me really horny, some don't.
However, only one thing keeps me from getting tired - the 3 pronged approach, which I first learned from RawForestFoods dot com and later Doctor Todd Lee.
You don't have to use the stacks below, but the approach should be the same whatever supplements you use.

1 - supplements
2 - producers
3 - maximizers

1 - supplementing androgens EXOgenously
2 - naturally boosting ENDOgenous production to the max
3 - maximizing the utilization of the plethora of androgens

The two best stacks I have used to achieve this follow:

Thor's Hammer by Doctor Todd Lee
Magnoil by Idealabs

TWO: using all products from RawForestFoods dot com
Pine pollen powder or extract
Tongkat Ali powder or capsules
Beta-Sitosterol capsules or Nettle Root powder

Taking either of those after one month and you will on full force.

Essentially, you want your body producing at such an intensity that even if you ejaculate there is still plenty more, because you are on full production mode, not to mention the plethora of androgens already there from supplementing.

I'm a licensed clinical herbalist so I know a lot about the herbs you describe. There may be something to what you're saying because up until recently I was taking DHEA and pregnenolone, and I found that I did not really have POIS symptoms as much. I would be groggy the next day but within a few hours I'd be fine. Because they were causing male pattern baldness, I had to stop taking them. Now it seems like the POIS is back full on.

I found a POIS forum online and some people seem to think it's a vagus nerve disorder, brought on by inflammation. I don't know what to think yet, my research is just beginning. I have been able to ignore this POIS-like problem for a long time but now it's at the point where it's really ruining my life.

If supplementing androgens or B5 (the post above) works, then it suggests that I am merely antagonizing prolactin, and prolactin is the actual problem. If that's true, then why does my blood work not show high prolactin? If it's a prolactin issue, then something like cabergoline should work. But I'm wary of the long-term effects of taking a dopamine agonist.

My thyroid and AM cortisol are normal, btw... had the full panel done a month ago.


Dec 8, 2017
That looks related to the allergy explanation of POIS.

Since @Orius doesn't eat dairy, he could try going gluten free, grain free, seed free etc.

I'm already gluten, diary, grain and seed free :)

I have Crohn's disease so my diet is very regimented.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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