My Goal Is to Cure Auditory Hallucinations


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Jan 12, 2024
I've had auditory hallucinations for a little over a year and a half. They are absolutely disruptive to my peace of mind. Nobody should have to go through this and we should have had the answers by now. At least better medication and methods to deal with it. I used to have delusions and cognitive issues like brain fog. As of now, I only have auditory hallucinations and internal visual hallucinations where I see the faces behind the voices. They exist in visualizations where my mind is forced to create an image of them doing something or reacting to my thoughts. My voices can see, hear, smell, and even feel what I feel. They can track my mind's focus. If I focus on an itch on my knee, they can tell which knee it is and exactly what I felt and mimic the same thing even though my eyes were closed. You can imagine how bad it can get for every pleasurable activity like eating, watching tv etc.

I've read many of Haiduts, Hans, Travis, and others posts about schizophrenia, adrenochrome, niacin, histamine, brain energy, glucose metabolism, ATP, hormones etc. to try and piece together as much as possible. What I've decided to do is optimize glucose metabolism using pyrucet, B vitamins, and aspirin. ATP supplements following an article from selfdecode 33 Natural Ways to Improve Mitochondrial Function - SelfDecode Health . I also use cardenosine and energin. Despite conventional medicine's take on dopamine for this condition, I've found using tyrosine, lisuride, metergoline etc. does nothing to my hallucinations. There is no increase in voices and it's clear that this dopamine mechanism has to be very specific. Research shows it's a part of the associative striatum where high dopamine levels is linked to hallucinations. It's not the root of the problem and nuking all dopamine with antipsychotics is not the answer. I use pregnenolone, progesterone, dhea, and t3 as well for brain function. Estroban, iodine, panquinone, lapodin, camphosal, and oxidal are all being used.

Recently I've been looking into sublingual application as I read it can reach the lymphatic system and is better able to reach the brain from there. I keep the supplements in my mouth for at least 10 minutes which I read Haidut recommended. It's only my second day and I just started doing it for 10 minutes today. It may be placebo but they aren't able to watch me and their speaking and commenting is reduced. Noticed a strong difference with 500 mg pregnenolone and progesterone dissolved in tocovit. I do sublingual for all vitamins minerals and many idealab products.

My goal is to cure this condition. I hope to one day go into research and study it. I want to propose studies that can determine more about the metabolism of the brain regions being affected. The metabolites that are being increased or decreased as a result. What certain hormones, vitamins, minerals do to symptoms. Especially sublingual application. I'm going to use this forum to organize my understanding of the topic and share it with others.

Out of all the theories for auditory hallucinations, I'm inclined to believe in the glutamate hypothesis. There's more recent research showing it's responsible for the excitation of these neurons. There's loss of grey matter which should be going along with high glutamate and lower oxidative phosphorylation. Lactate levels are higher and ph is lower. This is favoring the production of lactate meaning an inefficiency in energy production. The fact that there are so many neurotransmitters said to be involved with this condition has to mean there's a deep issue on a fundamental level. I remember Haidut quoting Ray Peat saying the brains of schizophrenics is too tired to even develop cancer. On a fundamental level, there's low brain energy. That's why schizophrenia goes along with the negative symptoms which is cognitive issues besides hallucinations and delusions. This is more subjective but in the experience of myself and others estrogen and serotonin increase brain verbalization. I could be wrong but I think Peat had dreams that were excessively verbal that was said to be linked to high serotonin and estrogen by Haidut. I wonder if the verbalization of auditory hallucinations along with neurotransmitter dysregulation can also involve neurosteroid dysregulation. Could be why pregnenolone and progesterone sublingually seemed to do something very noticeable.

I will be doing TMS and fmri neurofeedback. Getting on a new antipsychotic soon. They aren't all bad and some have good effects. For example clozapine is found to raise pregnenolone and allopregnanolone. Will be posting studies about these and discuss them as well.

A few things I noticed in my experience with the voices.
1. They go away when I concentrate on a task. Music, games, reading, socializing, and playing an instrument removes them. What mechanism could this be? What neurotransmitter changes are taking place? Why hasn't this been studied and become an idea for medications once the mechanism is figured out? Maybe it's there and I just haven't found it yet.
2. The voices are always negative and invasive with just a few being complete angels. I read of someone having completely positive voices. I have conscious control of their actions to some level. I can command them to do things. I used to torture them for torturing me and they would cry and suffer. What's the cause of this? Why are the voices for most people always negative and trying to irritate the individual?
My voices have clear names and personalities with distinct voices. It's very complex. They can surprise me at times with the complexity of their statements. They once told me to take their spaceship to mars. Meaning provide them an experience. They wanted me to be with women so they can feel and see everything. Very tough living with this. Can only imagine for many other people.
3. They are always mimicking me. From eating to yawning to dancing. They do everything I do. If I chew on food, they chew like a horse while saying how it tastes so good. What's being activated there is beyond me. My question is how do they know everything I'm doing? This has to be separate from the brain regions in auditory hallucinations. There has to be some hijacking of the thalamus and other regions involved with sensation and perception.
4. The images are very complex and instantaneous. The amount of brain activity makes it hard for me to believe that my brain is actually tired. It's a lot of work showing me these images where they are doing all these different things in response to what I'm doing. How does it have the energy for all of this? What's the energy efficiency in driving these processes?

Anyways, this is roughly what I've noticed and learned about auditory hallucinations so far. Hope this was interesting.
Mar 10, 2021
I am really sorry that you are being consumed with all of these things going on in your head. I have a family member, who struggled with the same, and I started writing a book about her, to raise awareness on this severe metal issue. It is really a lot to take in thinking about how dark lives can be, dealing with this mental torture. I have a couple of links on mental issues, with nutritional and other things that may be helpful to you. I know it sounds too simple to hold weight, but have you tried raw carrots. It may be a good first place to start. Eat them between meals though, as they will take out nutrition along with the excess estrogen. I am glad you shared your story lionsmane311. Not many people know how bad things can be with imbalances like yours. It is a tough and touchy subject.

This that you said really stuck out for me….

“I remember Haidut quoting Ray Peat saying the brains of schizophrenics is too tired to even develop cancer.”

Mar 10, 2021
I am so curious on this subject and know two people who have a similar condition, and both were brought on early in life from drug use. When did yours condition start @lionsmane311 ?


Mar 26, 2014
What about that doctor that treated schizophrenia with high dose B vits? Hoffer wasn't it?

(Not saying you have schizophrenia, just looking at it as unwanted brain activity)
Mar 10, 2021
What about that doctor that treated schizophrenia with high dose B vits? Hoffer wasn't it?

(Not saying you have schizophrenia, just looking at it as unwanted brain activity)
Like I said, it’s a touchy subject.


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
I am really sorry that you are being consumed with all of these things going on in your head. I have a family member, who struggled with the same, and I started writing a book about her, to raise awareness on this severe metal issue. It is really a lot to take in thinking about how dark lives can be, dealing with this mental torture. I have a couple of links on mental issues, with nutritional and other things that may be helpful to you. I know it sounds too simple to hold weight, but have you tried raw carrots. It may be a good first place to start. Eat them between meals though, as they will take out nutrition along with the excess estrogen. I am glad you shared your story lionsmane311. Not many people know how bad things can be with imbalances like yours. It is a tough and touchy subject.

This that you said really stuck out for me….

“I remember Haidut quoting Ray Peat saying the brains of schizophrenics is too tired to even develop cancer.”

Thanks for the sweet reply and the links. Will spend some time on them. I have tried carrot salad and really enjoy it. I usually have it with Pau D'Arco tea. It's fascinating how the brain can go into all these different states and develop in different ways. Even with this one condition it's not the same for everyone. My auditory hallucinations are different from others. I looked all over the internet and nobody is experiencing the kind of hallucinations that I am. It's definitely important to get the word out and keep looking for solutions. I'm sorry that you have a family member going through this. It's a good thing that you're turning a negative into a positive by bringing more awareness about this kind of suffering. I've had some very dark days while on heavy medication and listening to their nonsense. I used to have all kinds of delusions. I believed I was dead and came back to life, that my eyes could interact with lights in unique ways, people weren't real or there were duplicates, the tv was communicating with me and I could interact with it, my phone and computer was hacked, my neighbors were in on it etc. the list can go forever. I was lost in many ways spending hours on different delusions. It's actually insane how I was able to endure that kind of endless activity. It's so weird how the brain is considered to be tired in schizophrenia when there's so much activity that forces you to pay attention and be convinced. But it reminds me of cancer and the previous mentioning of serotonin and estrogen making one talk more. There's a weird type of energy that gets increased when something isn't right and it is pathological. And of course there are levels to this.

So far I've been eating really well. Carrot salad, eggs, potatoes, coffee, rice, salmon, ground beef, chicken, bone broth. I make a heavy fruit shake with honey and coconut flakes. Only thing I'm missing is organ meats. I got my testosterone levels checked when I was going through delusions and worse hallucinations. It was 800 ng/dl. My free testosterone was at the lowest range and my estrogen levels was very low. Still had brainfog and general fatigue. Now I think it's at about 1000 ng/dl. I believe it's impossible to have the negative symptoms of schizophrenia when you follow a Peat diet and raise dopamine.

I really hope I can cure this one day. I think I have the picture of what's going on and how to target it. All I need is my brain to use everything I provide it and heal in ways we don't understand yet. These neural connections are only a year and a half old. While it may have been developing over years, the connections that make me hear voices started much later. It should be able to be detected as dysfunctional and be removed.


Mar 8, 2019
My viewpoint is rather simpler, though I second Rinse's advice of getting your intestines cleared out in a reasonable way to avoid related issues. About a decade ago, I had a somewhat similar situation. After getting through the gauntlet of lunatics, I was finally able to see a sleep specialist. He didn't know how I was still alive, going off of my sleep study. He agreed, in his limited medical capacity (see also: he absolutely agreed but couldn't make a medical decision based on it) that my idea of my brain misfiring due to lack of sleep was plausible, if not definitive. We agreed a psychiatric diagnosis and the associated medications were worthless, if not harmful, so long as I could handle myself.

Over the years since, I got on thyroid, though I also use antihistamines and progesterone as needed, and haven't had an issue for quite some time. I had a massive parasitic infestation that I'm still handling, but it's mostly done.

As for your list, my best guess and/or experience:

1. Using your brain in one way diverts the energy being used for the other. Just as it can be hard to be aware of the simplest thing if you're very well concentrate don something else.

2. You have control because they are apart of you but your brain's compartmentalizing has failed to due a lack of energy whether in the sense of thyroid, calories/sugar, etc. I really don't put much stock in the negativity, kids go through it all the time and even as people get older those memories still linger.

3. I'd wager it's simply memory or play evocation. Like when kids mimic each other it's cute, but here it worrisome because your brain can't stay in order. When I first started on T4/T3 combo thyroid, I sort of flatlined in terms of mood, and with the issues gone, this was my realization.

and for all three of these it's sort of like when you can't get a song out of your head, except that's considered normal. Amp the problem up because your brain can't handle it, and it's everything, not just a jingle or pop music.

4. Dr. Peat said that hypothyroid people can have much more adrenaline than usual, 100 times or more. This would certainly explain a lack of energy by burning up sugar, causing fatty acid oxidation, etc.


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Jan 12, 2024
@lionsmane311 Just out of interest have you tried cypro? (I'm assuming it's likely you have)
Yes I have. I noticed no affect from it for my hallucinations. So far all serotonin lowering chemicals/compounds don't affect my auditory hallucinations. I think mine is related to glutamate. Research that's just on auditory hallucinations shows that it's glutamate that's elevated in the temporal lobe and frontal lobe. They even found this to be the case in schizophrenics that were divided into groups that have hallucinations and don't. The group that had hallucinations had this increase in glutamate compared to the group that doesn't.


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
I am so curious on this subject and know two people who have a similar condition, and both were brought on early in life from drug use. When did yours condition start @lionsmane311 ?
A year and a half ago. Caused by stress. Staying indoors and studying too much. Didn't drink or use any drugs.


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
My viewpoint is rather simpler, though I second Rinse's advice of getting your intestines cleared out in a reasonable way to avoid related issues. About a decade ago, I had a somewhat similar situation. After getting through the gauntlet of lunatics, I was finally able to see a sleep specialist. He didn't know how I was still alive, going off of my sleep study. He agreed, in his limited medical capacity (see also: he absolutely agreed but couldn't make a medical decision based on it) that my idea of my brain misfiring due to lack of sleep was plausible, if not definitive. We agreed a psychiatric diagnosis and the associated medications were worthless, if not harmful, so long as I could handle myself.

Over the years since, I got on thyroid, though I also use antihistamines and progesterone as needed, and haven't had an issue for quite some time. I had a massive parasitic infestation that I'm still handling, but it's mostly done.

As for your list, my best guess and/or experience:

1. Using your brain in one way diverts the energy being used for the other. Just as it can be hard to be aware of the simplest thing if you're very well concentrate don something else.

2. You have control because they are apart of you but your brain's compartmentalizing has failed to due a lack of energy whether in the sense of thyroid, calories/sugar, etc. I really don't put much stock in the negativity, kids go through it all the time and even as people get older those memories still linger.

3. I'd wager it's simply memory or play evocation. Like when kids mimic each other it's cute, but here it worrisome because your brain can't stay in order. When I first started on T4/T3 combo thyroid, I sort of flatlined in terms of mood, and with the issues gone, this was my realization.

and for all three of these it's sort of like when you can't get a song out of your head, except that's considered normal. Amp the problem up because your brain can't handle it, and it's everything, not just a jingle or pop music.

4. Dr. Peat said that hypothyroid people can have much more adrenaline than usual, 100 times or more. This would certainly explain a lack of energy by burning up sugar, causing fatty acid oxidation, etc.
Thanks for the reply. I actually tested positive for lymes disease. This may actually be the cause. Do you by any chance have toxoplasma gondii? That's another one that's linked to psychotic symptoms. I'm using higher dose T3 from tyronene sublingually and topically to the temples. So it should help. Definitely getting good calorie intake of carbs, fats, and proteins. I actually feel really good and the only issue is auditory hallucinations at night time. But yesterday they weren't even a problem with 500 mg pregnenolone and progesterone. Sleep is really good as well.

No matter what they always talk before I go to sleep and when I wake up. The voices definitely have access to my hippocampus. They remember things from months ago.

There's a great study someone posted explaining the lack of proper energy production and reliance on glycolysis for energy production in brain regions of those with schizophrenia. The only issue is that the medications facilitate these problems and usually cause metabolic syndrome. So it's hard to tell if it's the condition or the medication. But I think there was already an underlying energetic issue.


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
What about that doctor that treated schizophrenia with high dose B vits? Hoffer wasn't it?

(Not saying you have schizophrenia, just looking at it as unwanted brain activity)
Definitely had schizophrenia. Too many delusions, problems cognitively, hallucinations etc. what happened was that I never went to the doctors to get diagnosed. I believed in a website called and went into this rigid belief that this is happening to me due to other people.

I've read about Hoffer and use niacin daily. Only 500 mg because I threw up using 1.5 grams. I wish I could tolerate more and try the high dose. What's interesting was that Haidut mentioned it's not only good for its effects on adrenochrome but that it lowers lactate in the brain. Also it lowers ammonia which is something else he mentioned to being elevated with schizophrenia.


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Jan 12, 2024
Thanks definitely worth a shot. A lot of those herbs lower dopamine though. So have to be careful
Mar 10, 2021
I've had some very dark days while on heavy medication and listening to their nonsense. I used to have all kinds of delusions. I believed I was dead and came back to life, that my eyes could interact with lights in unique ways, people weren't real or there were duplicates, the tv was communicating with me and I could interact with it, my phone and computer was hacked, my neighbors were in on it etc. the list can go forever.d.
This list above sound very much like, my mother’s. At one point while hospitalized for “dangerous” behavior, she said she was upset that the hospital was l piping in music with me singing songs, and it was annoying her. She said the voices in her head were telling her to kill me, and they had some awful plans for my sister and her newborn child, that I don’t want to describe, but she wrote those intentions in a letter to my poor grandmother. I was scared of her, yet I was her primary caretaker. Believe me I have some unbelievable stories that are movie worthy. She died 9 years ago so we can all rest in piece now. She thought the government was tracking her and that the microwave was some a source of it, and that someone on PTL was sending messages to her. She talked about demons and people teleporting into her room. It was creepy cleaning out her place after she died, with stacks of papers as tall as I am next to her computer, of her trying to prove the government was using her. Behind every one of her windows which had heavy black-out blinds was holy oil dripping down, from her trying desperately to protect herself from evil forces. How old are you? I would take the PUFA laden chicken and salmon out of your usuals.


Mar 8, 2019
Thanks for the reply. I actually tested positive for lymes disease. This may actually be the cause. Do you by any chance have toxoplasma gondii? That's another one that's linked to psychotic symptoms. I'm using higher dose T3 from tyronene sublingually and topically to the temples. So it should help. Definitely getting good calorie intake of carbs, fats, and proteins. I actually feel really good and the only issue is auditory hallucinations at night time. But yesterday they weren't even a problem with 500 mg pregnenolone and progesterone. Sleep is really good as well.

No matter what they always talk before I go to sleep and when I wake up. The voices definitely have access to my hippocampus. They remember things from months ago.

There's a great study someone posted explaining the lack of proper energy production and reliance on glycolysis for energy production in brain regions of those with schizophrenia. The only issue is that the medications facilitate these problems and usually cause metabolic syndrome. So it's hard to tell if it's the condition or the medication. But I think there was already an underlying energetic issue.
Never got tested, I was stonewalled by nearly every "doctor" for just about everything. My GP even blocked my sleep doctor from the stuff he tried. However I did do a comprehensive protocol that would include killing of T.gondii and similar bc I had no idea what had happened opportunistically. FWIW I did settle down some and stopped feeling so overly-daring which would match the mouse behavior. So I'd lean towards yes if I had to choose but that's all I can say.

Progesterone is great for that. When the going gets rough, I get going to my bottle of Cortinon+ or Progest-e. Helped my sleep too, was a massive difference even after the mental issues had subsided. I've noticed I'll have something like lucid dreams, which seem similar to your nighttime issue, if my adrenaline is high or digestion is bad. Darkness, as Ray mentioned in his newsletters, is also a stress factor. I feel all sorts of bad if I sleep in complete darkness. When I was first healing, and a few small crises since, I actually slept with bright lights on.

I would assume the anti-psychotics and other medications are simply slowing the metabolism in all sorts of bad ways. So the "cure" aspect touted by doctors is actually a side effect, and could probably be replicated more safely by a large dose of T4. That's not a recommendation just thinking out loud.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
Definitely had schizophrenia. Too many delusions, problems cognitively, hallucinations etc. what happened was that I never went to the doctors to get diagnosed. I believed in a website called and went into this rigid belief that this is happening to me due to other people.

I've read about Hoffer and use niacin daily. Only 500 mg because I threw up using 1.5 grams. I wish I could tolerate more and try the high dose. What's interesting was that Haidut mentioned it's not only good for its effects on adrenochrome but that it lowers lactate in the brain. Also it lowers ammonia which is something else he mentioned to being elevated with schizophrenia.
it is nicotinic acid you are using right? and not niacinamide? do you flush from it? (ie turn red like a lobster) Im sure Hoffer had a 100% success rate using nicotinic acid, along with some other methods like group therapy if remember correctly, proving that schizoprenia was just a long term deficiency of niacin in highly stressed people
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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