New And Need Advice On My Situation - Very Fearful

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Feb 4, 2016
Other issues that can cause anxiety are environmental mycotoxin, endotoxin or food allergies. Oj and or actvated charcoal can help with either. Go slow with charcoal as it can greatly slow the gut transit time. A little goes a long way.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
I know there is only so much insight I can get on my situation without bloodwork, but I just feel like something is terribly wrong. I have this overwhelming sense of fear constantly. I have been taking synthetic thyroid for 7 weeks now, taking 2 grains daily. It is very cold where I am, so I plan on increasing in a week as my temperatures are still not in the 98's. Or should I just increase now? Idk. These are the questions I struggle with because no doctor has really been helpful to me.

I found a broda barnes doctor, but he was pushing iron and hydrocortisone on me. This process of "being your own doctor" is incredibly overwhelming.

I experimented with vitamin b6 and got some scary symptoms with bad anxiety, and have stopped that for atleast a week. I won't be taking that ever again.

I was taking dollar store aspirin and then I switched over to a bayer brand from toxinless and also got some bad symptoms. Aspirin poisoning I guess its called. Thyroid hormone stopped working as well and I have stopped that for 2 days and will proceed cautiously in the future when using aspirin. I got a subconjunctival hemorrhage which was very minor and I am a bit better but still fearful.

Maybe i'm still recovering from these two events? Could the b6 still be causing this?

I'm thinking about just going to the emergency room to get checked out.

I take a lot of pregnenolone too, which I think helps with anxiety. But this recent fear/anxiety is unlike anything I've ever experienced.

So many variables here.

Idk this fear is worthy of going to a psych ward or whatever. I guess I fear I have a serious neurological disease like ALS or something because my body has been so weak and frail. Idk what to do any more. I don't trust doctors to help me because they'll tell me to get off the thyroid because TSH is too low. They'll tell me to stop the pregnenolone. I don't want them to push SSRI's on me. I have a doctor who is prescribing the thyroid, but he seems pretty clueless. maybe the mayo clinic?

I look forward to your responses. thank you in advance.
I consider myself pretty healthy but whenever I take any form of thyroid, even 1 drop of Haidut's Thyroid, I get a real foreboding sense of fear and anxiety. How's your diet before you start with supplements?


Feb 4, 2016
The fear is gone now. I have been taking 75 mcg t4 and 20 mcg t3 for 7 weeks now which from what I understand is equal to two grains of armour. I will be increasing to 100 mcg t4 and 25 mcg t3 in one week. I'd like to do it now, but I'll just wait like broda Barnes suggests to wait two months.
How are you fairing this week?
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