Magnesium Chloride And Magnesium Sulfate: A Comparison


Mar 29, 2016
I've taken magnesium chloride 3 grams daily since last july: result is i was the only one who didn't catch a cold around me: there were 3-4 instances where i felt my nose or throat were starting to itch, but additional cloves of garlic took care of it without fail.

It's a devastating combination for the germs: the MgCl increases the activity of white blood cells and the Garlic has direct anti-germs effect. I didn't even need to add iodine or MMS or Vit C.

First time i could remember staying healthy from colds during the winter months.

So your lowered immunity isn't related to the magnesium chloride.

That has been my experience with magnesium chloride taken at 4800mg daily with 6.75g l-ascorbic acid daily. After 5 months of both, that happened. Considering that I was taking plenty of vitamin C, my condition worsened. I first blamed it on the vitamin C, and continued on with magnesium chloride for 2 weeks. It did not get better. I then resumed Vitamin C, and stopped magnesium chloride. I no longer urinated often, and my coughing lessened gradually.

In your case, you can stop taking the cloves or garlic and observe what happens if you're just on magnesium chloride. You can increase the dosage to 4800mg as well. But maybe there are other factors at play. Is it possible that you consume plenty of fruits and vegetables (eaten or in juice form) and that the alkaline contents are able to balance out the acidic load? Or maybe you have access to water with high alkalinity and general hardness, and these also help alkalize your body?

We're going by our own experiences here. But magnesium chloride in large amounts for a long time to me isn't good. Magnesium is only absorbed at 32 percent, while chloride is absorbed at 95 percent in the gut. This creates an acidic load of chlorides that metabolize into hydrochloric acid, a strong acid, and contributes to acidosis: Balance Articles/remer.pdf

Knowing that, I would not want to continue on using magnesium chloride if there are other forms of magnesium available.[/QUOTE]
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Both of these are trash magnesium supplements for everyday use because (as mentioned before) it's a high price to pay for little magnesium. But all forms have their inconvenients and can be good in some instances while bad in others.

The chloride boost is stressful, and glycine et taurine (previous page) production or supply must be adequate to prevent problems.

Sulfate onion might bind calcium and this is why it's useful in certain situations considering the calcification of disease.

'Sodium and other cations' must be in balance with 'chloride, bicarbonate and others onions'. There are multiple possibilities for variations in how this balance is kept in check. An increased difference between those unmeasured onions and cations means that certain acids are accumulating in the body. If the body is having a hard time clearing them, these two forms are a bad idea, especially when used daily, not only because of the relative amount of magnesium to the onion, but also because magnesium will be distributed in the cell and the other outside the cell: unlike sodium chloride for example. This accentuates the distortions.
It's no wonder Gerson had bad results with them. If he had better forms available back then, perhaps the story might have been different.

I read reports of an increased onion difference following magnesium sulfate intoxication. While you can think this has no relevance for lower doses, based on what we've been discussing on the 'Main contributors of acidity in the diet' thread, the insidious daily insults also count.

The wasser that I posted here seems to be a complex and somewhat balanced mixture. It contains a great deal of sulfate but also bicarbonate.
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Jan 1, 2013
We don't know which form of magnesium Gerson used. We have no indication whether he used MgCl or another form.

But we do know eclectic school doctors (Eli G Jones) used extensively epsom salts for all his cancer patients with excellent results, according to his book.

pg 63-64:


ONE of the most important things in the treatment
of cancer is to have a good medicated bath for
the patients. I have tested different kinds of
baths for my patients and my experience has confirmed
me in the belief that epsom salts bath is the best for
cancer. Dr. William H. Burgess of East Chattanooga,
Tenn., was the first physician in this country to call attention
of the medical profession to the epsom bath.
All honor to this distinguished gentleman. May his
life be a long and a useful one in this land of his forefathers.
If the patient has a bath tub, put one pound of epsom
salts in the usual quantity of warm .water in the bath
tub. The best time to take the bath is just before bedtime
and in the treatment of cancer it should be taken
as often as twice a week. The skin should be well
rubbed until all the greasy, gummy stuff is removed
from the skin and it becomes soft as velvet. The blood
needs the magnesium in the epsom salts. It neutralizes
the toxines, it soothes the tired nerves and makes the
patient rest like a tired child upon its mother's bosom.
Any treatment for cancer would be incomplete without
this medicated bath. Many a time I have had my
lady patients tell me " Doctor, I love the epsom bath; it
just makes me feel splendid". It is useful in all chronic
diseases except skin diseases. Here I like sulphate of
soda used in the same way.
In the treatment of any form of cancer
this medicated bath· should never be omitted; it is just
as important as any part of the treatment."


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
as often as twice a week
It is useful in all chronic diseases except skin diseases. Here I like sulphate of soda used in the same way.
On the first page it was mentioned that transdermal magnesium absorption is more difficult than sulfate. By the time you get enough magnesium, you'll already have too much sulfate. The bath can't be done more often because that's how long it takes for the body to normalize itself again from the distortion. The problem is that magnesium is lost in a paces of the fasts when the body is weak and this type of supplementation must not be enough for the purpose of magnesium repletion.

The main benefit here might be derived from the sulfate onion and its action on calcium, and then magnesium having a chance to find The Cell. But the amount you'll be able to obtain will be limited by sulfate.

Right now I think there are better forms.


Jan 1, 2013
The reason i posted these extracts is because they represent a direct clinical contradiction to Gerson's assertion that magnesium supplementation doesn't give good results with cancer patients.

Where that leaves cancer patients is anyone's guess.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
The reason i posted these extracts is because they represent a direct clinical contradiction to Gerson's assertion that magnesium supplementation doesn't give good results with cancer patients.

Where that leaves cancer patients is anyone's guess.
It appears to me that the problem isn't magnesium, but some of these archaic forms used. Or perhaps that his diet was very low in sodium, and magnesium supplementation could make it worse.


I've taken magnesium chloride 3 grams daily since last july: result is i was the only one who didn't catch a cold around me: there were 3-4 instances where i felt my nose or throat were starting to itch, but additional cloves of garlic took care of it without fail.

It's a devastating combination for the germs: the MgCl increases the activity of white blood cells and the Garlic has direct anti-germs effect. I didn't even need to add iodine, methylene blue, vit C or MMS.

First time i could remember staying healthy from colds during the winter months.

So your lowered immunity isn't related to the magnesium chloride.
How do you get/take 3 grams?


Jan 1, 2013
I just dissolve it in a small glass of water and drink it-fast- lol


Jan 1, 2013
For the moment i'm using the powdered chemical form of MgCl, not the Nigari (flakes) which are the natural form: but i believe it would yield the same effects if i took them for the same duration.


Apr 27, 2015
What are you guys doing currently to meet your magnesium needs? I haven't tried any foot baths or oils, I'm just trying to eat more potatoes and get enough sodium.
I easily get Mg deficiency, manifested as heart palpitations (I have atrial fillibration) and nighttime leg cramps. 1g of epsom salts in 50ml water inserted anally works well. .. often mixed with 500mg of Lite salt (60% potassium chloride 40% sodium chloride). Dr Max Gerson said that we don't get enough potassium these days. Search for drmyhill Magnesium_Per_Rectum


Jan 1, 2013
I've recently switched to the NIGARI flakes, and i noticed the taste is notably less bitter, and the flakes resist humidity much better.

So i now definitely recommend the natural form over the chemical one.


Mar 29, 2016
That has been my experience with magnesium chloride taken at 4800mg daily with 6.75g l-ascorbic acid daily
Correction: I meant 480 mg daily, not 4800 mg daily.


Oct 21, 2013
response from Better You on their mag chloride:
I can confirm that all raw materials for our products are tested at source for heavy metals and are in compliance with UK and all international limits. Unfortunately, we are unable to share documentation of this nature with our customers.

Best Regards,

Simon Burton
Quality Manager



Nov 27, 2016
I've recently switched to the NIGARI flakes, and i noticed the taste is notably less bitter, and the flakes resist humidity much better.

So i now definitely recommend the natural form over the chemical one.
Could you please post the link to the nigari that you buy? I would like to buy the same you use.

How much do you take per day? Do you take the doses with your meals?

Are you not concerned with too much chloride?


Jan 1, 2013
Could you please post the link to the nigari that you buy? I would like to buy the same you use.

How much do you take per day? Do you take the doses with your meals?

Are you not concerned with too much chloride?
I buy what i find in France, and it varies because sometimes the stocks run dry so i buy somewhere else: i've never noticed a difference in taste (bitter !)

I take 1 teaspoon/day dissolved in water. I usually don't like to take it after meals. It's rather between meals.

As far as the chloride goes, i'm much more concerned about de Na (sodium) because i already brush my teeth with baking soda and if don't watch my salt intake it can raise my blood pressure (or it might be the chloride as you say)
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