LPR (silent Reflux) Going Up To Ears


Mar 15, 2018
Hi all,

I have self-diagnosed myself with LPR and have been suffering from it since Nov 2017. First it started as dry cough, never had dry cough like that before.
So, I thought it must be related to lung but i couldn't think of a reason why my lung should be bad because i never smoked, BMI 19, works out and in my early 30s.
Eventually, the dry cough got worse and caused me shortness of breathing and severe post nasal drip around Jan 2017 and i went to a doctor and was told that i had bronchitis (basically blamed it on flu season, i think i was misdiagnosed) and put me on Prednisone and azithromycin for 5 days. Although the cough got much better i have started feeling GERD symptoms like heartburn at Day 4 of medication and the several days after finishing the treatment, i've started feeling the acid burning my throat, hoarseness of voice, dull hard to describe mild burn/pain like symptoms in both ears, chronic belching and sometimes my nose feels like it's blowing hot acidic air specially more after eating/drinking.

I've tried changing my diet but it's not really helping a lot but i noticed that i don't burp as excessively as before.
I'm on esomeprazole 20mg 1-2 times a day and I have a TNE procedure coming up soon with an ENT.
My new diet: Miso soup, turkey bacon, chicken dumplings, salmon, mashed potato, occasional bread, rice with lots of veggie and sardines, melons, banana, avocado, 1-2 cups of herbal tea a week, water 97% of time. Marshmallow root tea 1-3 cups a week, slippery elm tea 1-3 cups a week.
My old diet: Beef bolognese, pesto pasta, occasional lasagna, occasional pizza, salmon, fried rice with sardine, sharp cheddar cheese for snack, smoked salmon sandwiches with wholemeal bread, greek yogurt, lots of very strong lemon water, lots of green tea, lots of herbal tea, some water, hot ginger tea with few 1-2 cloves of garlic, turmeric tea. clementines, berries. I cooked all of the meals at home except for seldom pizza eating outside.

I kind of got crazy on ginger garlic tea and also turmeric tea from April 2017 to Nov 2017. I wonder if strong garlic ginger tea and strong lemon water damaged my stomach? Any thoughts?
Maybe i've brought LPR to myself by experimenting these crazy shits? Honestly read about them on several sites and thought that i was killing h-pylori and detoxing my gut. Now i only read wikipedia. (I used to have some milder GERD symptoms in my mid 20's but not LPR).
I have done my annual physical recently and everything was normal including the Vit D level. I am also using wedge pillow and i think it is causing back pain.
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Jan 15, 2016
I used to kinda get that as a kid but nowadays I don't, do you drink coffee?


Jan 15, 2016


Mar 15, 2018
@meatbag No, i was never into coffee but i used to drink green tea a lot.

The last link says GERD is caused by inflammation. Does that apply to LPR as well? I don't have the typical heartburn symptom, my burning is in my throat area.
My thyroid was fine according to my annual physical done by Quest lab. So if it's caused by hypothyroidism then you would think that my numbers would be abnormal or is there any other tests i should run?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I have done my annual physical recently and everything was normal including the Vit D level.
What was your vitamin D level?


Mar 15, 2018
@charlie 37 mg/ml and the normal range says 30-100.

@meatbag I absolutely hate taking PPI but i am also very concerned about the acid keep burning my throat and cause something horrific soon. So, I am in catch 22 situation. If i just had the normal GERD/heartburn i think i can manage that with diet but this LPR is advanced. My ENT prescribed me taking Dexiliant 60mg and i wonder if that stops the acid going up to throat.


Apr 14, 2013
I have LPR as well, it's causing me to have pulsitile tinnitus because of the fluid in my ear.
I've found nettle tea infusion with Ceylon cinnamon and honey, two cups per day make a huge difference. Its good hot or cold. I started drinking it for other health reasons but it helps alot with both GERD and LPR. I think it supplies much needed bioavailable minerals. And,or it helps with gallbladder function.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@charlie 37 mg/ml and the normal range says 30-100.

@meatbag I absolutely hate taking PPI but i am also very concerned about the acid keep burning my throat and cause something horrific soon. So, I am in catch 22 situation. If i just had the normal GERD/heartburn i think i can manage that with diet but this LPR is advanced. My ENT prescribed me taking Dexiliant 60mg and i wonder if that stops the acid going up to throat.
Ray says vitamin D should be at least 50, I think recently he said 55 is optimal. Dr. Gominak thinks it should be between 60 and 80. Vitamin D - Dr. Stasha Gominak

If you want, do searches for these on the internet:

-GERD vitamin D
-reflux vitamin D
-LPR vitamin D

I have LPR as well, it's causing me to have pulsitile tinnitus because of the fluid in my ear.
I've found nettle tea infusion with Ceylon cinnamon and honey, two cups per day make a huge difference. Its good hot or cold. I started drinking it for other health reasons but it helps alot with both GERD and LPR. I think it supplies much needed bioavailable minerals. And,or it helps with gallbladder function.
Fantastic. Thank you for reporting. I think that LPR/GERD/Reflux is some kind of deficiency which then causes inflammation.
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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Not sure if it will help with your type of GERD, but I have had the best luck using zinc carnosine, do a search and you will see good info. Also, I can't testify that it works, but I have read much about it and that is melatonin for GERD, there are studies showing elimination of symptoms and healing of stomach. According to what I read, the gut produces 500 times more melatonin than the pineal, so it is integral in gut health, you can find much on that in a searches well. Other things to consider are: aloe, not just any aloe, look for Stockton aloe, search that and you will find it to be the best that you can find (it is shipped frozen, website will give you all the details), mastic gum, DGL, D-limonene, slippery elm and marshmallow root, alginates (Life Extension has a good formula), etc. Using anti-inflammatory things may help as well, since inflammation is at the heart of the problem. Everyone is different, trial and error, some things work, some things do nothing.


Mar 15, 2018
I have LPR as well, it's causing me to have pulsitile tinnitus because of the fluid in my ear.
I've found nettle tea infusion with Ceylon cinnamon and honey, two cups per day make a huge difference. Its good hot or cold. I started drinking it for other health reasons but it helps alot with both GERD and LPR. I think it supplies much needed bioavailable minerals. And,or it helps with gallbladder function.

Thanks for the info and i'd like try it out. Can you give perhaps more detailed info about how do you make your tea? and where do you find that tea?


Mar 15, 2018
Not sure if it will help with your type of GERD, but I have had the best luck using zinc carnosine, do a search and you will see good info. Also, I can't testify that it works, but I have read much about it and that is melatonin for GERD, there are studies showing elimination of symptoms and healing of stomach. According to what I read, the gut produces 500 times more melatonin than the pineal, so it is integral in gut health, you can find much on that in a searches well. Other things to consider are: aloe, not just any aloe, look for Stockton aloe, search that and you will find it to be the best that you can find (it is shipped frozen, website will give you all the details), mastic gum, DGL, D-limonene, slippery elm and marshmallow root, alginates (Life Extension has a good formula), etc. Using anti-inflammatory things may help as well, since inflammation is at the heart of the problem. Everyone is different, trial and error, some things work, some things do nothing.

Have you used all of them at the same time to get the good result or just zinc?

I read about Zinc being helpful but how do you know if your zinc level is deficient? also for iron? I eat meat almost daily. Yeah i read about the melatonin too, i think i will try zinc and melatonin for next.

The side effects for DGL kind of scary, this is the reason why i haven't tried it yet. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice - Wikipedia
I am not very familiar with D-Limonene is this correct item? Limonene - Wikipedia
The aloe juice you mentioned sounds interesting and i will do research about that, i used to take the aloe juice concentrate from grocery store drug section, forgot the name of that brand.
I am also taking the expensive probiotics from Garden of Life (60 or 80 billion) and i don't think it's doing much of at all. Maybe it's too early show results? I am on my first bottle (30 capsules for 30 days). It is the kind that comes in cold pack with ice and such, So, i assume the probiotic is alive.

I have tried taking mastic gum from Vitscost and it had few acids including HCL. I took two for few days and i suspect it caused more acid reflux so now basically kind of scared to take it specially with LPR on throat.

My daily supplements are now:
L-glutamine 2g with 6oz water first thing in the morning (couple mins after that i take my PPI, and i take antacid when symptoms occurs through out the day)
Calcium 600mg once a day
B12 5000mcg once a day
Fish Oil 1400mg once a day
Magnesium 400mg (1-2 twice a week maybe i should take it more often? i think it turns my stool dark green after taking them few days in a row and i am not sure if that's bad. I've decided to take it because my legs get muscle spasm quite easily)
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Mar 15, 2018
Ray says vitamin D should be at least 50, I think recently he said 55 is optimal. Dr. Gominak thinks it should be between 60 and 80. Vitamin D - Dr. Stasha Gominak

If you want, do searches for these on the internet:

-GERD vitamin D
-reflux vitamin D
-LPR vitamin D

I have a bottle Vitamin D3 2000IU that i bought recently and maybe should include one daily more often, I didn't feel to take it daily when i get 15 mins of sun on most of my body. Also i don't like taking tons of supplements. I kind of suspect that i may have malabsorption issue. Malabsorption - Wikipedia


Mar 15, 2018
Ray says vitamin D should be at least 50, I think recently he said 55 is optimal. Dr. Gominak thinks it should be between 60 and 80. Vitamin D - Dr. Stasha Gominak

If you want, do searches for these on the internet:

-GERD vitamin D
-reflux vitamin D
-LPR vitamin D

Fantastic. Thank you for reporting. I think that LPR/GERD/Reflux is some kind of deficiency which then causes inflammation.

I have a bottle Vitamin D3 2000IU that i bought recently and maybe i should take one daily more often, I didn't feel to take it daily when i get 15 mins of sun on most of my body. Also i don't like taking tons of supplements. I kind of suspect that i may have malabsorption issue. Malabsorption - Wikipedia Could it be the root cause of LPR? I don't have very strong symptoms of it but i can easily get diarrhea specially from alcohol, very oily food and highly spiced food like indian etc. and my stomach area is very sensitive to cold weather and causes diarrhea and seldom cramps/constipation.
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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Have you used all of them at the same time to get the good result or just zinc?

I read about Zinc being helpful but how do you know if your zinc level is deficient? also for iron? I eat meat almost daily. Yeah i read about the melatonin too, i think i will try zinc and melatonin for next.

The side effects for DGL kind of scary, this is the reason why i haven't tried it yet. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice - Wikipedia
I am not very familiar with D-Limonene is this correct item? Limonene - Wikipedia
The aloe juice you mentioned sounds interesting and i will do research about that, i used to take the aloe juice concentrate from grocery store drug section, forgot the name of that brand.
I am also taking the expensive probiotics from Garden of Life (60 or 80 billion) and i don't think it's doing much of at all. Maybe it's too early show results? I am on my first bottle (30 capsules for 30 days). It is the kind that comes in cold pack with ice and such, So, i assume the probiotic is alive.

I have tried taking mastic gum from Vitscost and it had few acids including HCL. I took two for few days and i suspect it caused more acid reflux so now basically kind of scared to take it specially with LPR on throat.

My daily supplements are now:
L-glutamine 2g with 6oz water first thing in the morning (couple mins after that i take my PPI, and i take antacid when symptoms occurs through out the day)
Calcium 600mg once a day
B12 5000mcg once a day
Fish Oil 1400mg once a day
Magnesium 400mg (1-2 twice a week maybe i should take it more often? i think it turns my stool dark green after taking them few days in a row and i am not sure if that's bad. I've decided to take it because my legs get muscle spasm quite easily)
The zinc in the zinc carnosine is minimal, and from my readings, it goes right into the stomach tissue and not into circulation, so it does not really raise your zinc levels to any degree. If you are not sure, just back off your normal zinc dosage while using the zinc carnosine. I have never read any cautions or negative press on the DGL, many people for many years have used it safely, unlike non-DG licorice which can raise blood pressure in some people if too high of a dose is taken. D-limonene is the same as limonene. It does work. It is recommended to use one capsule every other day for 20 days. More is not better, over consumption could irritate the gut lining (d-limonene was the only thing that worked for my wife). The aloe is something I have not tried yet, but I am ordering very soon, as I have just found out about this form of aloe. It is a good for gut healing whether you have GERD or not. Probiotics are definitely a good thing. Also, I have read that turmeric or curcumin (if tolerated) is very healing to the gut because it is anti-inflammatory. I am going to trial the melatonin for GERD, since there is just too much science to show it is beneficial if not curing for GERD. I have done most of these together with each other, they don't antagonize each other, probably synergistic if anything. One more thing to consider, sometimes GERD is a result of stomach infection, from fungal (candida), bacteria, etc. It would be wise to make a diet change to low carb, and take antifungals like oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, silver, iodine, GSE, etc., etc. Also, mastic gum without other things is very healing to the gut, it will also get rid of H. Pylorie bacteria if that would happen to be the cause behind your GERD.


Dec 10, 2016
I have self-diagnosed myself with LPR and have been suffering from it since Nov 2017.
Some additional ideas here: https://fixyourgut.com/silent-reflux-lerd-a-digestive-condition-that-mimics-other-health-issues/
@charlie 37 mg/ml and the normal range says 30-100.

@meatbag I absolutely hate taking PPI but i am also very concerned about the acid keep burning my throat and cause something horrific soon. So, I am in catch 22 situation.
Have you tried famotidine (Pepcid) instead?


Mar 15, 2018
@MoonDay I've posted about this frequently on the forum, if you look at my post history, but I think it's possible that the etiology of LPR could be related to the nervous system for at least a part of the population who suffer with it.

Sympathetic Nerve Entrapment Point Injection as an Antireflux Procedure for Refractory Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: A First Case Report of Innovative Autonomic Regulation

It would be awesome if it is the cure for LPR. Do you personally know anyone who had this injection done and had success with it? I wonder why my ENT didn't mention about it at all. He said something like injecting botox in UES helps but if you have LPR, it doesn't work or something. I am going to ask him about this injection when i see him next.


Dec 10, 2016
No, I am not taking famotidine and i read that it's weaker than PPI. PPI is not fully working for me so it seems pointless. Have you had good results with it?
Not recently, but I’ve used it on occasion for acid reflux and it worked very well for me. It appears to be a much safer alternative to PPI’s. Forum member Haidut has pointed out that “Famotidine is NOT a PPI, it is an H2 antagonists. This is why I mentioned it in my post - i.e. H2 antagonists like famotidine do not increase risk of EC.”


Mar 15, 2018
Not recently, but I’ve used it on occasion for acid reflux and it worked very well for me. It appears to be a much safer alternative to PPI’s. Forum member Haidut has pointed out that “Famotidine is NOT a PPI, it is an H2 antagonists. This is why I mentioned it in my post - i.e. H2 antagonists like famotidine do not increase risk of EC.”
Do you need a prescription for it?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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