Low Iodine Levels In Vast Majority Of Population?


Sep 24, 2016
Thanks for posting that @Cirion

I wondered about iodine before for pools and also why the meat-industry uses chlorine instead of iodine. I don’t like these thoughts, but to act so drastically against evidence, cost effectiveness and beginity you wonder if it can be anything but deliberate.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I know. Taking the red pill is not pleasant, but I'd prefer it to being ignorant.

So many other things I could rant on. Willful ignorance of the dangers of EMF, fortification of foods (especially bread and cereal, but others too), flouride in drinking water and toothpaste, pesticides, and more.


Jan 25, 2014
I've been taking iodine again, even in higher doses, but only in the form of Potassium Iodide. Reading through Travis's posts convinced me that iodINE is probably not necessary, as it's very likely to get reduced to iodIDE. And if anything causes the problems that are seen, it's likely the iodine from, not iodide. And my guess is that iodine is the form that is harshest on the skin, and also on the GI tract. Also, have no fear of the Wolff-Chaicoff effect, since I'm not injecting iodine or iodide into my veins. Besides, all the historical references to high dose iodine were mainly using KI anyway.


Oct 5, 2014

It is to the best of my knowledge this fact : Wolff and Chaikoff published a paper shortly after the one where they initially described the effect. In that paper they stated that the "Wolff-Chaikoff" effect was always transient and lasted only around 26h. In clinical experience from Brownstein and cia. and my own personal assays, it can last from 24 to 72h, not more.

I have a pdf copy of the paper if someone is interested.

So to speak, Wolff-Chaikoff effect shouldn't even be considered when discussing iodine supplementation.

Btw how are you feeling with supplementing it again ?
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Jan 25, 2014

It is to the best of my knowledge this fact : Wolff and Chaikoff published a paper shortly after the one where they described the effect. In that paper they stated that the "Wolff-Chaikoff" effect was always transient and lasted only around 26h. In clinical experience from Brownstein and cia. and my own personal assays, it can last from 24 to 72h, not more.

I have a pdf copy of the paper if someone is interested.

So to speak, Wolff-Chaikoff effect shouldn't even be considered when discussing iodine supplementation.

Btw how are you feeling with supplementing it again ?

Pretty good, didn't notice any acute affects. Certainly seems smoother using KI that when I used Iodoral. It may also be that I am supplementing more Vitamin C now. I suspect any toxins that get stirred up from the iodine are detoxed better when you have higher levels of vitamin C.


Oct 5, 2014
Pretty good, didn't notice any acute affects. Certainly seems smoother using KI that when I used Iodoral. It may also be that I am supplementing more Vitamin C now. I suspect any toxins that get stirred up from the iodine are detoxed better when you have higher levels of vitamin C.
I don't know if you readed my post about this somewhere else, but :
Definitely KI is much more gentler than I2 (elemental iodine). Not only that, but from my experience (and others on the curezone forums from where I used to hang there), the more KI you take, the more I2 you can take without having bad effects from I2.

A couple of iodoral pills for more than a few days could make me feel very bad detox reactions. Whereas If I took 4,5,6,7 x times KI than I2, I could tolerate doses of 50 or 100 or more of I2 without any detox reactions.

PS. I am not suggesting anyone to take such high doses :)


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I don't know if you readed my post about this somewhere else, but :
Definitely KI is much more gentler than I2 (elemental iodine). Not only that, but from my experience (and others on the curezone forums from where I used to hang there), the more KI you take, the more I2 you can take without having bad effects from I2.

A couple of iodoral pills for more than a few days could make me feel very bad detox reactions. Whereas If I took 4,5,6,7 x times KI than I2, I could tolerate doses of 50 or 100 or more of I2 without any detox reactions.

PS. I am not suggesting anyone to take such high doses :)
hi, in what form/brand you take KI?


Oct 5, 2014
hi, in what form/brand you take KI?

When I did the high dose experiments I was using one bought from ebay, this one.

If you want to make your own I think this one is good too.

Some weeks ago I asked the ebay vendor about his KI source and he sent me a picture of that amazon product so I think he is using the same one, so either one should be fine.

Don't forget to take 200mcg selenomethionine daily with it.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

When I did the high dose experiments I was using one bought from ebay, this one.

If you want to make your own I think this one is good too.

Some weeks ago I asked the ebay vendor about his KI source and he sent me a picture of that amazon product so I think he is using the same one, so either one should be fine.

Don't forget to take 200mcg selenomethionine daily with it.
thanks, man!


Oct 13, 2014
I've been taking iodine again, even in higher doses, but only in the form of Potassium Iodide. Reading through Travis's posts convinced me that iodINE is probably not necessary, as it's very likely to get reduced to iodIDE. And if anything causes the problems that are seen, it's likely the iodine from, not iodide. And my guess is that iodine is the form that is harshest on the skin, and also on the GI tract. Also, have no fear of the Wolff-Chaicoff effect, since I'm not injecting iodine or iodide into my veins. Besides, all the historical references to high dose iodine were mainly using KI anyway.

Yes I have been taking KI about half a gram twice a day and noticed feeling happier more talkative and increase in libido and solid sleep. No negative effects so far granted I have been on thyroid for the last 30 years due to radiation to neck for treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Overall good results


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I do 2 greek yogurts, potatoes, iodized salt, maybe a glass of milk, and seafood twice a week. I think I should be getting at least the RDA.


Oct 13, 2014
I do 2 greek yogurts, potatoes, iodized salt, maybe a glass of milk, and seafood twice a week. I think I should be getting at least the RDA.

I noticed that many people use the RDA as an important source but how can this government or authoritarian source be trusted?


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I noticed that many people use the RDA as an important source but how can this government or authoritarian source be trusted?

It is just a generalization I suppose to prevent deficiency syndromes. Like obviously, we could use more Vitamin C than the RDA, but that is just to prevent scurvy. Even Ray is not opposed to staying within the RDA of 150mcg.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Some days, I probably consume 250 mcg of Iodine.


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
I’v only Done Lugols. What’s the difference in “feel” vs straight KI? What KI do you recommend?


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
[QUOTE="Christoph, post: 499261, member: ]

I've just tried using Lugol's iodine for the past few days. It seems to be very effective for my sinuses. (I'm not afraid of iodine. I've been cycling through some very high amounts over the past two years. Very good results, I agree with @burtlancast regarding iodine). I'm also trying out tincture of green, Black Walnut hull from Dr. Clark's Store. It has high levels of a quinone called juglone, which I have not read about before. My current protocol is to alternate between Lugol's and green tincture. Good luck!

Would you share more about your experience with Lugol, @Christoph ? Like dosages, frequency, what you felt etc?

I started with iodine just over two years ago. I was afraid because of the stigma, "it will shred your thyroid apart!" My first hesitant trial with Lugol's was just two drops (5 mg) on my arm. Surprisingly, I was full of energy all day and could hardly sleep that night. After a few days, that amount did nothing. So I started taking 5 drops orally and it really revved me up again for a couple of days. Within a few weeks, I built up to 50 mg a day, that's 20 drops of 2% Lugol's (or 8 drops at standard strength). At about the two month mark, I noticed that my persistent cough was gone. I also noticed that my skin was much smoother than previously. Thing about it, if your skin is better I would imagine that my other epithelial tissue, i.e., organs, are also smoother or healthier. I ramped up the Lugol's again to 3 x 50 mg daily. I felt very good, and then I plateaued at a new better level of health and energy. I now fall asleep straight away and sleep right through the night, no more insomnia.

The dark side of starting up iodine is that the die-off reaction is absolutely a real thing! I experienced headaches, flu-like aches, diarrhea, and a foggy mind. The die-off symptoms come and go for weeks or months depending on the state of your health. My hypothesis is that these symptoms are related to fungal die off.

Another anecdote related to iodine. Last year I decided to up my game and push it to the limit. I bought a kg of KI and made some SSKI. I added SSKI to my Lugol's to take about 1 gm (yes a gram) of iodine a day. It revved me up further, but again the effect wore off after a few days. My thyroid is intact, my metabolism is intact, but I don't think there's a need to go that high with dosage unless you've been exposed to ebola. I mixed KI with Lugols for the following reasons. Firstly, KI tastes horrible, while I rather like the taste of Lugols. It must be the elemental iodine that tastes good. Moreover, I can't take more than 50 to 75 mg of Lugol's at a time without burning my throat a little. The mixture of the two neither tastes bad nor burns my throat.

I also learned that after taking high dose iodine a while, I started to get a little cold. So I experimented for months with various forms of selenium supplementation. I settled on a 200 mcg selenocysteine supplement that was far better than sodium selenite and selenomethionine. I take selenocysteine 3 to 5 days a week, depending on how I feel. I buy into the paradigm that high iodine requires some selenium supplementation.

I am now at the point where my Lugol's is an important part of my anti-fungal program. I am currently taking 2 x 50 mg a day plus about 100 mg a day applied to my skin. For instance, I have had a bad lower back since age 14 until recently. I apply 2% Lugol's solution to my lower back where it used to be very painful. Lugol's will fully absorb in a transdermal manner. I apply it in the evening and in the morning it's gone (absorbed).

I haven't had a cold or sniffle for the past two years. If I were to start feeling ill or achy, I'll up my iodine to may 300 mg until I'm sure it has passed. Like I said, I'm not worried about the Wolff-Chaikoff Defect.


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Sep 25, 2018
I started with iodine just over two years ago. I was afraid because of the stigma, "it will shred your thyroid apart!" My first hesitant trial with Lugol's was just two drops (5 mg) on my arm. Surprisingly, I was full of energy all day and could hardly sleep that night. After a few days, that amount did nothing. So I started taking 5 drops orally and it really revved me up again for a couple of days. Within a few weeks, I built up to 50 mg a day, that's 20 drops of 2% Lugol's (or 8 drops at standard strength). At about the two month mark, I noticed that my persistent cough was gone. I also noticed that my skin was much smoother than previously. Thing about it, if your skin is better I would imagine that my other epithelial tissue, i.e., organs, are also smoother or healthier. I ramped up the Lugol's again to 3 x 50 mg daily. I felt very good, and then I plateaued at a new better level of health and energy. I now fall asleep straight away and sleep right through the night, no more insomnia.

The dark side of starting up iodine is that the die-off reaction is absolutely a real thing! I experienced headaches, flu-like aches, diarrhea, and a foggy mind. The die-off symptoms come and go for weeks or months depending on the state of your health. My hypothesis is that these symptoms are related to fungal die off.

Another anecdote related to iodine. Last year I decided to up my game and push it to the limit. I bought a kg of KI and made some SSKI. I added SSKI to my Lugol's to take about 1 gm (yes a gram) of iodine a day. It revved me up further, but again the effect wore off after a few days. My thyroid is intact, my metabolism is intact, but I don't think there's a need to go that high with dosage unless you've been exposed to ebola. I mixed KI with Lugols for the following reasons. Firstly, KI tastes horrible, while I rather like the taste of Lugols. It must be the elemental iodine that tastes good. Moreover, I can't take more than 50 to 75 mg of Lugol's at a time without burning my throat a little. The mixture of the two neither tastes bad nor burns my throat.

I also learned that after taking high dose iodine a while, I started to get a little cold. So I experimented for months with various forms of selenium supplementation. I settled on a 200 mcg selenocysteine supplement that was far better than sodium selenite and selenomethionine. I take selenocysteine 3 to 5 days a week, depending on how I feel. I buy into the paradigm that high iodine requires some selenium supplementation.

I am now at the point where my Lugol's is an important part of my anti-fungal program. I am currently taking 2 x 50 mg a day plus about 100 mg a day applied to my skin. For instance, I have had a bad lower back since age 14 until recently. I apply 2% Lugol's solution to my lower back where it used to be very painful. Lugol's will fully absorb in a transdermal manner. I apply it in the evening and in the morning it's gone (absorbed).

I haven't had a cold or sniffle for the past two years. If I were to start feeling ill or achy, I'll up my iodine to may 300 mg until I'm sure it has passed. Like I said, I'm not worried about the Wolff-Chaikoff Defect.[/QUOTE]

Interesting, thanks!


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I started with iodine just over two years ago. I was afraid because of the stigma, "it will shred your thyroid apart!" My first hesitant trial with Lugol's was just two drops (5 mg) on my arm. Surprisingly, I was full of energy all day and could hardly sleep that night. After a few days, that amount did nothing. So I started taking 5 drops orally and it really revved me up again for a couple of days. Within a few weeks, I built up to 50 mg a day, that's 20 drops of 2% Lugol's (or 8 drops at standard strength). At about the two month mark, I noticed that my persistent cough was gone. I also noticed that my skin was much smoother than previously. Thing about it, if your skin is better I would imagine that my other epithelial tissue, i.e., organs, are also smoother or healthier. I ramped up the Lugol's again to 3 x 50 mg daily. I felt very good, and then I plateaued at a new better level of health and energy. I now fall asleep straight away and sleep right through the night, no more insomnia.

The dark side of starting up iodine is that the die-off reaction is absolutely a real thing! I experienced headaches, flu-like aches, diarrhea, and a foggy mind. The die-off symptoms come and go for weeks or months depending on the state of your health. My hypothesis is that these symptoms are related to fungal die off.

Another anecdote related to iodine. Last year I decided to up my game and push it to the limit. I bought a kg of KI and made some SSKI. I added SSKI to my Lugol's to take about 1 gm (yes a gram) of iodine a day. It revved me up further, but again the effect wore off after a few days. My thyroid is intact, my metabolism is intact, but I don't think there's a need to go that high with dosage unless you've been exposed to ebola. I mixed KI with Lugols for the following reasons. Firstly, KI tastes horrible, while I rather like the taste of Lugols. It must be the elemental iodine that tastes good. Moreover, I can't take more than 50 to 75 mg of Lugol's at a time without burning my throat a little. The mixture of the two neither tastes bad nor burns my throat.

I also learned that after taking high dose iodine a while, I started to get a little cold. So I experimented for months with various forms of selenium supplementation. I settled on a 200 mcg selenocysteine supplement that was far better than sodium selenite and selenomethionine. I take selenocysteine 3 to 5 days a week, depending on how I feel. I buy into the paradigm that high iodine requires some selenium supplementation.

I am now at the point where my Lugol's is an important part of my anti-fungal program. I am currently taking 2 x 50 mg a day plus about 100 mg a day applied to my skin. For instance, I have had a bad lower back since age 14 until recently. I apply 2% Lugol's solution to my lower back where it used to be very painful. Lugol's will fully absorb in a transdermal manner. I apply it in the evening and in the morning it's gone (absorbed).

I haven't had a cold or sniffle for the past two years. If I were to start feeling ill or achy, I'll up my iodine to may 300 mg until I'm sure it has passed. Like I said, I'm not worried about the Wolff-Chaikoff Defect.
Wow! Amazing!

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I started with iodine just over two years ago. I was afraid because of the stigma, "it will shred your thyroid apart!" My first hesitant trial with Lugol's was just two drops (5 mg) on my arm. Surprisingly, I was full of energy all day and could hardly sleep that night. After a few days, that amount did nothing. So I started taking 5 drops orally and it really revved me up again for a couple of days. Within a few weeks, I built up to 50 mg a day, that's 20 drops of 2% Lugol's (or 8 drops at standard strength). At about the two month mark, I noticed that my persistent cough was gone. I also noticed that my skin was much smoother than previously. Thing about it, if your skin is better I would imagine that my other epithelial tissue, i.e., organs, are also smoother or healthier. I ramped up the Lugol's again to 3 x 50 mg daily. I felt very good, and then I plateaued at a new better level of health and energy. I now fall asleep straight away and sleep right through the night, no more insomnia.

The dark side of starting up iodine is that the die-off reaction is absolutely a real thing! I experienced headaches, flu-like aches, diarrhea, and a foggy mind. The die-off symptoms come and go for weeks or months depending on the state of your health. My hypothesis is that these symptoms are related to fungal die off.

Another anecdote related to iodine. Last year I decided to up my game and push it to the limit. I bought a kg of KI and made some SSKI. I added SSKI to my Lugol's to take about 1 gm (yes a gram) of iodine a day. It revved me up further, but again the effect wore off after a few days. My thyroid is intact, my metabolism is intact, but I don't think there's a need to go that high with dosage unless you've been exposed to ebola. I mixed KI with Lugols for the following reasons. Firstly, KI tastes horrible, while I rather like the taste of Lugols. It must be the elemental iodine that tastes good. Moreover, I can't take more than 50 to 75 mg of Lugol's at a time without burning my throat a little. The mixture of the two neither tastes bad nor burns my throat.

I also learned that after taking high dose iodine a while, I started to get a little cold. So I experimented for months with various forms of selenium supplementation. I settled on a 200 mcg selenocysteine supplement that was far better than sodium selenite and selenomethionine. I take selenocysteine 3 to 5 days a week, depending on how I feel. I buy into the paradigm that high iodine requires some selenium supplementation.

I am now at the point where my Lugol's is an important part of my anti-fungal program. I am currently taking 2 x 50 mg a day plus about 100 mg a day applied to my skin. For instance, I have had a bad lower back since age 14 until recently. I apply 2% Lugol's solution to my lower back where it used to be very painful. Lugol's will fully absorb in a transdermal manner. I apply it in the evening and in the morning it's gone (absorbed).

I haven't had a cold or sniffle for the past two years. If I were to start feeling ill or achy, I'll up my iodine to may 300 mg until I'm sure it has passed. Like I said, I'm not worried about the Wolff-Chaikoff Defect.

That’s good it worked for you but you might have been really deficient.

Most people probably shouldn’t use doses that high I’m guessing


Sep 25, 2018
That’s good it worked for you but you might have been really deficient.

Most people probably shouldn’t use doses that high I’m guessing

Yeah, I was just quoting the above post. Iodine 8mg per day didn’t do anything noticeable for me.
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