I'm suffering with major health problems. Nothing I've done has worked, and need your precious advice on where to go from here.


Nov 21, 2012
Every lyme, long covid, firbomalgyia, chronic fatigue and other mystery illness sufferer takes a big "sigh" at this comment. It usually means the correct tests have not been done due "professional" medical incompetence. It might even be that the test one needs doesn't exist yet and literature and technical devices are lacking.

That is so far more likely than "hey bro, your imagining it, snap out of it". At times it amuses me when i witness that experts and academics resort to this kind of fallacy and unscientific attitude when faced with a non-textbook cookie cutter problem. "Doctors" no less.

And before people come at me for saying this stuff. I do not deny the importance of working on ones own social, mental and emotional well-being. These are potent amplifiers of symptoms and sickness no doubt trough various mechanisms.



Dont let people gaslight you. While it may be true that pains and symptoms reduce in intensity when not focusing on them, the idea that they resolve on their own is exceedingly rare and its more or less a fact that people get chronically ill despite doing the very things they just said would "cure" it such as "ignoring" it and "keep on working on your life". It is actually dangerous to put the person on a path of ignoring the obvious warning signs. Believe me i know.

Every lyme, long covid, firbomalgyia, chronic fatigue and other mystery illness sufferer takes a big "sigh" at this comment. It usually means the correct tests have not been done due "professional" medical incompetence. It might even be that the test one needs doesn't exist yet and literature and technical devices are lacking.

That is so far more likely than "hey bro, your imagining it, snap out of it". At times it amuses me when i witness that experts and academics resort to this kind of fallacy and unscientific attitude when faced with a non-textbook cookie cutter problem. "Doctors" no less.

And before people come at me for saying this stuff. I do not deny the importance of working on ones own social, mental and emotional well-being. These are potent amplifiers of symptoms and sickness no doubt trough various mechanisms.

Well idk about the op but some symptoms make life not worthwhile by their very existence. Sounds more like a survival/coping strategy than a solution to me.
This 100%. Could not have said it better myself.
Thank you, Ben.


Feb 18, 2018
Dont let people gaslight you. While it may be true that pains and symptoms reduce in intensity when not focusing on them, the idea that they resolve on their own is exceedingly rare and its more or less a fact that people get chronically ill despite doing the very things they just said would "cure" it such as "ignoring" it and "keep on working on your life". It is actually dangerous to put the person on a path of ignoring the obvious warning signs. Believe me i know.

Every lyme, long covid, firbomalgyia, chronic fatigue and other mystery illness sufferer takes a big "sigh" at this comment. It usually means the correct tests have not been done due "professional" medical incompetence. It might even be that the test one needs doesn't exist yet and literature and technical devices are lacking.

That is so far more likely than "hey bro, your imagining it, snap out of it". At times it amuses me when i witness that experts and academics resort to this kind of fallacy and unscientific attitude when faced with a non-textbook cookie cutter problem. "Doctors" no less.

And before people come at me for saying this stuff. I do not deny the importance of working on ones own social, mental and emotional well-being. These are potent amplifiers of symptoms and sickness no doubt trough various mechanisms.

Well idk about the op but some symptoms make life not worthwhile by their very existence. Sounds more like a survival/coping strategy than a solution to me.

Psychosomatic doesn’t mean that the pain being felt isn’t real, it’s the idea that the emotional/psychological states are driving the actual physical illness.

Has OP explored any of those options that you just listed? He seems to have done everything any of us have suggested here. If not then those are potential avenues of healing, if he has and still has nothing to show, I think psychosomatic is a very valid theory to be working with…
Last edited:


Sep 1, 2019
Age 24, male, Canada.

I've been suffering with insatiable hunger, depersonalization, blurry vision, IBS (diagnosed), Cholinergic Urticaria (diagnosed), extreme ADHD symptoms (not diagnosed), insomnia, and on and off memory problems for years now. This is not a "Oh, just change your diet, and take X, Y, and Z supplements, and you'll be fine". Something is seriously wrong with my physiology, genetics, or body. Momentarily forgetting where I live when driving back home and being dizzy/blurry all the time with constant hunger is destroying my life and I cannot take this anymore.

Medical tests I've done:
- Normal
Sleep test- Normal
EEG- Normal
Blood glucose- Normal. Tested 200+ times at home and 10 times In lab.
23andMe- I don't have the main genetic diseases shown, though I am a carrier for Fructose intolerance and Biotinidase deficiency, but I am only a carrier and thus do not have either disease, so my symptoms cannot correlate to that. I've checked hundreds of SNP's on SNPEDIA for diseases involving Dopamine, Serotonin, hormones, and more... Nothing bad (that I have seen, at least)
Treated for H-Pylori
many years ago: No change at all
Blood panel (Iron, B12, Thyroid, testosterone, cholesterol, prolactin)- Normal every year
Celiac disease- Negative
Vitamin and Minerals- Normal

Activities/foods supplements I tried that make me feel a bit better, but does not cure anything:
- (obviously)
Eating high protein every 2 hours- Improves my symptoms greatly, the only reliable thing that somewhat works, but it's only a 30% reduction in symptoms.
Creatine- Helps brain fog by... 10-20%? No cure at all, but at least I get a little relief.
DHA- Helps a bit with memory, perhaps 10%
NAC- Memory, 10%
Excessive exercise- Helps a bit by lowering my appetite, but does not "cure" anything, in the same way exercise could not cure diabetes for example (even if it makes you feel better, being unrelated to disease)
Winter swimming- Swimming in freezing temperatures between 0 and -20 to "shock my system" has not done anything. Feels like a caffeine high, but my problems are still there.

What I've tried that have no effects and/or makes me feel worse:
High Carb-
Makes everything 10x worse, unless I hover around low carb-ish 70-90 G which is alright.
Practically every supplement recommended here: Taurine, Glycine, Niacinamide, Aspirin, Thyroid glandular/hormones- No effect and/or makes me worse.
100's of supplements ranging from B-Complex to Lecithin to zinc to all types of herbs to individual amino acids to....- Nothing.
PUFA avoidance- No difference. at all. My symptoms are a lot better off eating tons of fish and eating almonds. This is not a pufa or dietary issue...

My diet: Fish, beef and chicken, Balkan yogourt and milk, fruit, beans, and coffee. It's basically the perfect diet. I eat 10x better than the average person, yet even a drug addict does not have any of my symptoms.

Cognitive Testing: I've done multiple Mensa ranked online IQ tests (Norway, Luxemburg, Denmark) + clinical Psychometric IQ test (online), both of which (supposedly) accurately correlate to in person testing, created by Mensa members and psychologists - My IQ is consistently around 110 to 130, SD 15. Variations are likely a result of 1) different tests 2) health issues affecting my thinking. Despite that, my depersonalization and brain fog make me forget repeatedly and I never feel "real". Everything is a blur. I forget what happened 3 seconds ago. I can NEVER concentrate. Ever. My attention does not exist. Driving down the same road feels "unfamiliar to me", even though I could draw it from memory, I feel "distant" from it, somehow.

My fastest typing score (on the computer/keyboard) was 91 words per minute (two finger typing), but I average 75 normally writing, so my processing speed seems... Great. Yet, my memory or recognition of memories is failing.

The worse symptoms are the ones that affect my cognitive health. I could live with IBS, urticaria, and insatiable hunger... but the cognitive issues are destroying my life.


TL;DR: I don't know what to do anymore... I have a $10,000 budget for my health and don't know what other tests or therapies to try... My life is spiraling down, I cannot live like this anymore, suffering day to day for years, please someone recommend something; anything new for me to try.

I'm a desperate man. Being at rock bottom is a compliment.
I’m really sorry you’re going through this. Is there a possibility you experienced trauma at some point? Sometimes at this age ptsd can arise from past trauma and the stress can do wild things. My advice is to go in nature and breathe. Then work to regulate your sleep and eating. Read William Blake and Peat and be open to finding the healing path. Good luck!


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Agree. My psychological health improved when I committed myself to a longterm relationship/marriage/family formation path.

Becoming a spouse and parent may be the best thing you can do for your longterm health and quality of life.

Don't get trapped into making an occupation out of your health. Identify some personal goals and work toward them. Your health issues may resolve simply by deprioritizing them and giving your attention to personal achievement.


Mar 20, 2021
Psychosomatic doesn’t mean that the pain being felt isn’t real, it’s the idea that the emotional/psychological states are driving the actual physical illness.

Has OP explored any of those options that you just listed? He seems to have done everything any of us have suggested here. If not then those are potential avenues of healing, if he has and still has nothing to show, I think psychosomatic is a very valid theory to be working with…


Aug 7, 2014
That's okay, I appreciate the comments and insight. Naltrexone is something to look into, heard good stuff regarding DPDR.

Symptoms appeared gradually at the age of 14, full onset at 15. When I was a child, I had momentary "lapses" of consciousness, a complete and near disassociation that would subside in 2 minutes.
It appears those transient experiences in childhood were in fact depersonalization. Now? It's 95% of the time.

Perhaps I have a genetic or neurological susceptibility to this (?).

My little sister (age 15) is starting to show similar signs of depersonalization and blurry vision and thinks she might have ADHD (thankfully not as bad as my health, and she can live normally).
It makes me furious that life is so cruel, that evolution has no morals, no feeling; it is impartial to our struggle.
She cannot, not with every ounce of my being, suffer as I did. I'm hellbent on solving this for her sake and of course mine, and very strangely, my mother and father do not have DP, blurry vision, or any other symptoms. Not sure what to make of that.

My friend,

Based on what you just said in that passage right here, I believe that EMDR with the right person could be the route to explore. I’ve got the right guy you can call and he will be the perfect person to share your story and he can advise you on how to move forward.

I’ve been mentored in EMDR for almost a year now and based on your urgency and your story I believe there might have been something that you might have gone through that is being hidden from you. Something that you can’t see. I’ve experience this myself where I exhausted every option until I came across EMDR.

Send me a private message if you would like his contact info. Trust me. It’s worth the call my friend. I call EMDR a divine tool and with the right guidance it can do many amazing things.


Sep 18, 2019
Gee, all I have to do to get rid my Urticaria, mind numbing migraines, and health issues are to get married and pretend I don't have health issues long enough that a placebo effect will occur, rendering all my issues obsolete, thereby insinuating it is "all in my head" and could have gone away all this time if I just understood the pseudoscientific principle of "positive thinking". Of course! Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?

All diseases can now be reversed if we just socialize, get a job, and a spouse? All three of you have clearly never experienced debilitating health issues.

For what it's worth, I do work and have lots of friends. Neither correlate even a fraction of an iota to my health, and I very much doubt no matter how beautiful and otherworldly angelic a woman may be, no matter how much she showers me with love, it would have any effect on the pins and needles I feel in my skin thanks to Cholinergic Urticaria anymore than "love" could make someone walk out of their wheelchair.
My physical health actually got a lot worse after having three babies in four years. 3 back to back pregnancies, lactating and 24/7 childcare for years, and horrible sleep might sound easy, but is actually physically and mentally draining. The intense pregnancies wrecked my leg veins, and I’m about to undergo a second surgery for a removal of a varicose vein. I also had a lot of psychological stress because during this period when I started my family I was finishing writing my dissertation to complete my PhD at an elite university, etc etc.

So I have health issues, but my experience has been that a lot of my bad personality issues (anxiety, eating disorder, narcissistic behavior) totally resolved after getting married and having kids. Wasn’t expecting that, but it happened.

And it’s not about being showered with love because, honestly, that is not what marriage is like after you have a bunch of kids and everything is super crazy. Part of it is the well being that comes with having a clear sense of belonging and purpose. Part of it is just being too busy and too focused on others to worry about your own issues.

Yeah, I know this isn’t actionable advice for you, but I gotta say it just to plant the thought and to encourage the others :)


May 3, 2015
@Dan77 wrote:

“My diet: Fish, beef and chicken, Balkan yogourt and milk, fruit, beans, and coffee. It's basically the perfect diet.”

What fish do you eat? Farmed fish can be toxic. Some rivers, lakes and seas are polluted.

What beans do you eat? Beans And lentils can cause gut irritation.


Apr 26, 2018
Hi Dan,
I have a feeling that you may have low dopamine. It might be worth it to just try a dopamine agonist such as bromocriptine. You need a prescription of course, or you can try to order from an overseas pharmacy (in canada it might be problematic). This is serious medicine and has some risks, but might pay off for you. If you have a Dr. you could work with on this that would be best.


Aug 21, 2020
Dont let people gaslight you. While it may be true that pains and symptoms reduce in intensity when not focusing on them, the idea that they resolve on their own is exceedingly rare and its more or less a fact that people get chronically ill despite doing the very things they just said would "cure" it such as "ignoring" it and "keep on working on your life". It is actually dangerous to put the person on a path of ignoring the obvious warning signs. Believe me i know.

Every lyme, long covid, firbomalgyia, chronic fatigue and other mystery illness sufferer takes a big "sigh" at this comment. It usually means the correct tests have not been done due "professional" medical incompetence. It might even be that the test one needs doesn't exist yet and literature and technical devices are lacking.

That is so far more likely than "hey bro, your imagining it, snap out of it". At times it amuses me when i witness that experts and academics resort to this kind of fallacy and unscientific attitude when faced with a non-textbook cookie cutter problem. "Doctors" no less.

And before people come at me for saying this stuff. I do not deny the importance of working on ones own social, mental and emotional well-being. These are potent amplifiers of symptoms and sickness no doubt trough various mechanisms.

Well idk about the op but some symptoms make life not worthwhile by their very existence. Sounds more like a survival/coping strategy than a solution to me.
First of all, nobody is saying that it is all in his head and that he can just snap out of it. But his, and your, understanding of health seems very limited to me, like a doctor arguing that no solution can be found unless a clear diagnosis is made. This is clearly wrong, and I know plenty of people whose symptoms resolved over time by improving their general health and life situation (you can find plenty of examples on this forum, too).
Ray Peat himself believes in the power of the body to regenerate and heal naturally, and most of his work revolves around ways to help it do exactly that — be it with food and hormone optimisation, optimal breathing, sunshine exposure, creativity and purpose, stress and toxins avoidance, or other general health promoters.

Now, OP himself has written that he has been in health circles for 10 years and has tried almost everything in his power. How likely is it that his problems will resolve very soon? Not very, and that is why I advise him to find a way to improve his general outlook despite the pain, if only to make it more bearable. Only then will he get a chance to feel better and make real, lasting improvements.
Last edited:


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
Age 24, male, Canada.

I've been suffering with insatiable hunger, depersonalization, blurry vision, IBS (diagnosed), Cholinergic Urticaria (diagnosed), extreme ADHD symptoms (not diagnosed), insomnia, and on and off memory problems for years now. This is not a "Oh, just change your diet, and take X, Y, and Z supplements, and you'll be fine". Something is seriously wrong with my physiology, genetics, or body. Momentarily forgetting where I live when driving back home and being dizzy/blurry all the time with constant hunger is destroying my life and I cannot take this anymore.

Medical tests I've done:
- Normal
Sleep test- Normal
EEG- Normal
Blood glucose- Normal. Tested 200+ times at home and 10 times In lab.
23andMe- I don't have the main genetic diseases shown, though I am a carrier for Fructose intolerance and Biotinidase deficiency, but I am only a carrier and thus do not have either disease, so my symptoms cannot correlate to that. I've checked hundreds of SNP's on SNPEDIA for diseases involving Dopamine, Serotonin, hormones, and more... Nothing bad (that I have seen, at least)
Treated for H-Pylori
many years ago: No change at all
Blood panel (Iron, B12, Thyroid, testosterone, cholesterol, prolactin)- Normal every year
Celiac disease- Negative
Vitamin and Minerals- Normal

Activities/foods supplements I tried that make me feel a bit better, but does not cure anything:
- (obviously)
Eating high protein every 2 hours- Improves my symptoms greatly, the only reliable thing that somewhat works, but it's only a 30% reduction in symptoms.
Creatine- Helps brain fog by... 10-20%? No cure at all, but at least I get a little relief.
DHA- Helps a bit with memory, perhaps 10%
NAC- Memory, 10%
Excessive exercise- Helps a bit by lowering my appetite, but does not "cure" anything, in the same way exercise could not cure diabetes for example (even if it makes you feel better, being unrelated to disease)
Winter swimming- Swimming in freezing temperatures between 0 and -20 to "shock my system" has not done anything. Feels like a caffeine high, but my problems are still there.

What I've tried that have no effects and/or makes me feel worse:
High Carb-
Makes everything 10x worse, unless I hover around low carb-ish 70-90 G which is alright.
Practically every supplement recommended here: Taurine, Glycine, Niacinamide, Aspirin, Thyroid glandular/hormones- No effect and/or makes me worse.
100's of supplements ranging from B-Complex to Lecithin to zinc to all types of herbs to individual amino acids to....- Nothing.
PUFA avoidance- No difference. at all. My symptoms are a lot better off eating tons of fish and eating almonds. This is not a pufa or dietary issue...

My diet: Fish, beef and chicken, Balkan yogourt and milk, fruit, beans, and coffee. It's basically the perfect diet. I eat 10x better than the average person, yet even a drug addict does not have any of my symptoms.

Cognitive Testing: I've done multiple Mensa ranked online IQ tests (Norway, Luxemburg, Denmark) + clinical Psychometric IQ test (online), both of which (supposedly) accurately correlate to in person testing, created by Mensa members and psychologists - My IQ is consistently around 110 to 130, SD 15. Variations are likely a result of 1) different tests 2) health issues affecting my thinking. Despite that, my depersonalization and brain fog make me forget repeatedly and I never feel "real". Everything is a blur. I forget what happened 3 seconds ago. I can NEVER concentrate. Ever. My attention does not exist. Driving down the same road feels "unfamiliar to me", even though I could draw it from memory, I feel "distant" from it, somehow.

My fastest typing score (on the computer/keyboard) was 91 words per minute (two finger typing), but I average 75 normally writing, so my processing speed seems... Great. Yet, my memory or recognition of memories is failing.

The worse symptoms are the ones that affect my cognitive health. I could live with IBS, urticaria, and insatiable hunger... but the cognitive issues are destroying my life.


TL;DR: I don't know what to do anymore... I have a $10,000 budget for my health and don't know what other tests or therapies to try... My life is spiraling down, I cannot live like this anymore, suffering day to day for years, please someone recommend something; anything new for me to try.

I'm a desperate man. Being at rock bottom is a compliment.
Considering your diet is on point, especially the Balkan yoghurt , I would put my money on some toxin. Sounds like nervous system issue pointing towards metals maybe ? And it does seem serious. I don't think adding something will fix anything.

I don't like the word detox but you might need to try something that you believe is right for you.

Chlorine dioxide might be a good tool.


May 28, 2022
I've tried 100 mg Thiamine and it made everything far far worse, taking 5-20x that dose would only exaggerate the negative symptoms, sadly.

Everyone, I am sorry for repeatedly commenting "I have tried that". I appreciate every single one of your comments, and am incredibly thankful at all the suggestions, that you've all taken the time to help a fellow internet stranger. Thank you. Honestly.

I seem like an inconsiderate jerk, I know, but believe me when I say I have genuinely tried almost everything in my power. I've been in health circles for 10 years.
I didn't read the whole thread but got the many "I vê tried that". So sorry if I'm repeating some ideas.

Have you tried the cellcore protocol? (mainly binders and supplements derived from fulvic and humic acid, tudca, minerals, plus a heavy emphasis on getting parasites, microbes and contaminants out of the body)

Have you tried any mms/cds protocol? Great for killing stuff

Have you tried the ip6/inositol protocol?

You can't get wrong with killing microbes and getting contaminants out.

Also, a note, you mention some things making you feel worse. That might be a herxheimer reaction. Unfortunately there's no way to know for sure unless you know what you are dealing with and what to expect at first when addressing it.
Oct 13, 2022
So hey, I read your other post from 2 years ago after reading this post thinking it was over my head buuuttttt--- I noticed you didn't mention all of the same problems as your other post.

These things you have mentioned stick out to me:
-Brain fog/memory issues
-Blurry vision
-High cortisol
and what it makes people feel "wired but tired"
-any supplement to increase energy makes it worse (that's probably cause you have high stress hormones)
-digestive problems

Hypothyroidism causes these symptoms...I had it myself for a few years before I was treated at all. The "wired but tired" feelings I had made my doc think I was somehow slightly hyperthyroid and I remained untreated and miserable-- this kind of yucky energy comes from stress hormones when one's body isn't making enough thyroid hormone, also making people think there is no way one is hypothyroid. I was also emotionally volatile, I couldn't handle stressful situations and was very snappy at my loved ones. I also gained a lot of weight and was tired, but not all the time, there were days were I bounced off the walls.

SO, echoing another persons sentiment about the thyroid panels, they are usually not using the right tests and mislead, like that happened to me, and doctors can be knuckleheads.

TEST FREE t3 and FREE t4, make sure they are the upper quarter of the range (middle or less may feel not good at all). Don't get caught up in the TSH--- My TSH was 1.5 at its highest when I was the sickest (normally 0.8-1.0 for me) and so no doc would ever consider I was hypothyroid. I definitely was, I got lucky cause my thyroid had big nodules and I got to rip it out and get on meds. Who knows maybe you are the other way and are hyper. Or something completely different. I hope you figure out what is causing this. Much love.
Oct 13, 2022
So hey, I read your other post from 2 years ago after reading this post thinking it was over my head buuuttttt--- I noticed you didn't mention all of the same problems as your other post.

These things you have mentioned stick out to me:
-Brain fog/memory issues
-Blurry vision
-High cortisol
and what it makes people feel "wired but tired"
-any supplement to increase energy makes it worse (that's probably cause you have high stress hormones)
-digestive problems

Hypothyroidism causes these symptoms...I had it myself for a few years before I was treated at all. The "wired but tired" feelings I had made my doc think I was somehow slightly hyperthyroid and I remained untreated and miserable-- this kind of yucky energy comes from stress hormones when one's body isn't making enough thyroid hormone, also making people think there is no way one is hypothyroid. I was also emotionally volatile, I couldn't handle stressful situations and was very snappy at my loved ones. I also gained a lot of weight and was tired, but not all the time, there were days were I bounced off the walls.

SO, echoing another persons sentiment about the thyroid panels, they are usually not using the right tests and mislead, like that happened to me, and doctors can be knuckleheads.

TEST FREE t3 and FREE t4, make sure they are the upper quarter of the range (middle or less may feel not good at all). Don't get caught up in the TSH--- My TSH was 1.5 at its highest when I was the sickest (normally 0.8-1.0 for me) and so no doc would ever consider I was hypothyroid. I definitely was, I got lucky cause my thyroid had big nodules and I got to rip it out and get on meds. Who knows maybe you are the other way and are hyper. Or something completely different. I hope you figure out what is causing this. Much love.
furthermore, I know you mentioned that you tried to supplement with thyroid hormone, perhaps you just started out too high. The stress hormones that would be circulating to compensate for lack of thyroid (cortisol and adrenaline) would be very pronounced when just starting too much thyroid hormone. One has to start low enough to let your body ease off the stress hormones. ;)
Oct 13, 2022
TEST FREE t3 and FREE t4, make sure they are the upper quarter of the range (middle or less may feel not good at all). Don't get caught up in the TSH--- My TSH was 1.5 at its highest when I was the sickest (normally 0.8-1.0 for me) and so no doc would ever consider I was hypothyroid.
And test more than once...especially if you have good days and bad days, test both kinds of days.


Jan 30, 2021
I have not read the replies, but I see you have not, at the time of posting, been tested for toxic mold exposure. Doctors typically have no idea about this cause of symptoms like yours and even will deny that mold can do that because all they know about mold is the allergic response and not the genetically driven inflammatory response. survivingmold dot com would be a great place to start, and an ISEAI physician also. It is easy to rule out with someone who knows what they are doing. c3a, c4a, visual contrast test. Urine testing does not detect all the bad ones, so it is not on my list.
And I hope this is not all since you got jabs, if you got them. If so -- I wish you the best.


New Member
Nov 23, 2022
New England
it's weird but doing a colon prep for an exam eliminated a ton of my long-standing autoimmune, dysautonomic and more recent long covid symptoms and reopened my eyes to the idea some of this stuff was fixable. I could suddenly metabolize simple sugar instead of crashing miserably

I had insatiable hunger and brain fog something awful. tons of lactic acid. shortness of breath and a constant stress response. I wasn't using the sugar I ate properly. I'm not sure if antibiotics alone would have worked and I think maybe something is to be said for physically clearing the bowels and then targeting with an antibiotic to keep it at bay (I'm currently using biocidin) rather than just "killing" to start with. I've done a lot of other stuff since then but that was a huge head start.

also have you tried anything to facilitate the citric acid cycle, maybe pyrucet or MB? or maybe a serotonin antagonist? even if you don't want to use them long term maybe it could help pinpoint the pathology
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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