If you were a single man with health issues, would you have sex with a double jabbawakkied female?


Sep 21, 2014
No, and it doesn't depend on my health status. Even if I was perfectly healthy (which I'm not) I wouldn't do it now. That doesn't mean it has to be that way for the rest of my life, but we'll know more in a few months/years. For now, I just wait and observe.


Nov 6, 2015
I'm 40 years old and single. I recently met a beautiful 33 year old woman who is standing in line to get her second jabbadahut as we speak. I just found out. I'm currently working on my health by peating and it is going pretty good even though it is very slow progress. I still can easily over exert myself and bring on stress responses so my condition is still pretty delicate. I really like this girl and never thought to ask about jab scenes. I'm pretty sure we will have sex this weekend. But now i am very uneasy.

I don't have any hardcore beliefs about whether the japperjaws are contagious or not. Sometimes it sounds silly and sometimes it worries me. Even oral sex might freak me out thinking that im drinking her jabjuice. Wondering if any other guys had this experience? I wonder how freaked out she would get if i told her i cant see her now lol... anyway, any input would be helpful...
I don't know if this is just about sex or a long-term relationship, but if the latter, then consider also how different from yours is her stance about medical treatments in general. If you ever decide to have children, for example, it can be a struggle if she wants them vaccinated and constantly visiting the doctors and you not. Personally I don't think I would last in a serious relationship with someone who is pro-vaccine. It would probably not work also on many other fronts, i.e. a person who trusts vaccines is likely to trust technology and aim for life less connected to nature than myself.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
I'm 40 years old and single. I recently met a beautiful 33 year old woman who is standing in line to get her second jabbadahut as we speak. I just found out. I'm currently working on my health by peating and it is going pretty good even though it is very slow progress. I still can easily over exert myself and bring on stress responses so my condition is still pretty delicate. I really like this girl and never thought to ask about jab scenes. I'm pretty sure we will have sex this weekend. But now i am very uneasy.

I don't have any hardcore beliefs about whether the japperjaws are contagious or not. Sometimes it sounds silly and sometimes it worries me. Even oral sex might freak me out thinking that im drinking her jabjuice. Wondering if any other guys had this experience? I wonder how freaked out she would get if i told her i cant see her now lol... anyway, any input would be helpful...

Just don't fertilise her egg(s). A Turkish press conference featured a politician and three clinicians who claimed that the jabs were causing jabbed mothers to birth mutant babies: Turkse TV toont gruwelijke beelden misvormde baby’s door Pfizer en Moderna vaccins – Xandernieuws . They displayed horrifying pictures. Of course YouTube removed the video for our safety.

But my interpretation of Peat's perspective is that shedding does not pose unusual dangers for the healthy. So load up on aspirin, glycine, vitamin C, & zinc, then double wrap your jabber before you jab her!


Oct 13, 2020
I don't know if this is just about sex or a long-term relationship, but if the latter, then consider also how different from yours is her stance about medical treatments in general. If you ever decide to have children, for example, it can be a struggle if she wants them vaccinated and constantly visiting the doctors and you not. Personally I don't think I would last in a serious relationship with someone who is pro-vaccine. It would probably not work also on many other fronts, i.e. a person who trusts vaccines is likely to trust technology and aim for life less connected to nature than myself.
Good point. Why waste your time if you aren’t in agreement on serious matters, if by chance the relationship becomes more serious. Could be a recipe for future conflict.


Oct 13, 2020
Honestly though. I think if shedding is a thing, it’s almost unavoidable. We are constantly exposed to people, unless you are living like a hermit. We are all going to be exposed at some point. I’m sure just breathing the air in the same room opens us up to this, if it is a thing. Can’t avoid it.


Jun 10, 2020
Honestly though. I think if shedding is a thing, it’s almost unavoidable. We are constantly exposed to people, unless you are living like a hermit. We are all going to be exposed at some point. I’m sure just breathing the air in the same room opens us up to this, if it is a thing. Can’t avoid it.
But wouldn’t you still want to minimize it when possible?


Sep 21, 2014
Honestly though. I think if shedding is a thing, it’s almost unavoidable. We are constantly exposed to people, unless you are living like a hermit. We are all going to be exposed at some point. I’m sure just breathing the air in the same room opens us up to this, if it is a thing. Can’t avoid it.
Yes, but if shedding is a thing I guess there are differences between different types of contact (being in the same room / shaking hands / breathing vs. exchanging certain body fluids). You can't realistically avoid any contact but you can at least decide with whom you reproduce.


Sep 9, 2019
Thank you all for confirming by thoughts. Regardless of the reality. I just don't feel comfortable with it. I can't believe i am about to turn down a woman who has everything I want in a woman. Strange times indeed.
Did it raw 6 times inc oral over a few days with a "fully vaccinated" lady. That was 3 weeks ago and physiologically I feel great, better than ever in fact. To get your kicks I think you're fine pal.

Personally I'd think twice about entering a relationship with one but it wouldn't be a write off. It'd just be a red flag around critical thinking, decision making and courage. I'm no saint and no one's immovable or irredeemable.

The only reason I did this is because she was sweet, hot and I'm weak to resist.


Jan 25, 2014
And more recently, in this one radio network interview at around 1:21:00, he again acknowledged the dangers of shedding, saying "people are always shedding, whether they've been vaccinated or not. For years, they've been testing breath as a way of analyzing what's going on in your body... and things as big as large stretches of DNA and RNA are somehow getting into the airstream when you exhale, and rubbing the skin, you can find all kinda of genetic material, as well as proteins and other materials, so you can pretty well tell what a person has been exposed to by testing their skin and their breath, by testing these pretty large molecules, it's kind of hard to imagine how they get vaporized."

In this scenario, why would you only be concerned with the Demonvax? Any other drugs they are taking (SSRIs, Benzodiazapines, Birth Control, etc), would likely be a bigger concern, especially since they are taken in a larger dose, and chronically. Same with Chemotherapy drugs, and radiation for cancer. And every other vaccine they have had. And other toxins they are exposed to regularly.


Sep 9, 2019
In this scenario, why would you only be concerned with the Demonvax? Any other drugs they are taking (SSRIs, Benzodiazapines, Birth Control, etc), would likely be a bigger concern, especially since they are taken in a larger dose, and chronically. Same with Chemotherapy drugs, and radiation for cancer. And every other vaccine they have had. And other toxins they are exposed to regularly.
Excellent point man.


Jun 10, 2020
In this scenario, why would you only be concerned with the Demonvax? Any other drugs they are taking (SSRIs, Benzodiazapines, Birth Control, etc), would likely be a bigger concern, especially since they are taken in a larger dose, and chronically. Same with Chemotherapy drugs, and radiation for cancer. And every other vaccine they have had. And other toxins they are exposed to regularly.
Because those others you mentioned aren't mRNA, so they don't contain instructions for building the spike protein. Therefore, the mRNA from the Demonvax might lead to a succession of protein-building in the body, whereas other forms of RNA, like from someone on SSRIs, might not.


Jan 25, 2014
Because those others you mentioned aren't mRNA, so they don't contain instructions for building the spike protein.
What proof is there that any mRNA in any of the Demonvax carry these instructions, either? I understand that it's the "official mechanism of action," but where is the proof?

These are the most poorly tested and rushed drugs that ever got to market of all time. Looking at 2 month interim data of the Pfizer trial, you understand that the "95% Effective!" claim is based on Relative Risk Reduction. The Absolute Risk Reduction is a pathetic 0.84%. And that's taking the data at face value. Peter Doshi raised several concerns that point to outright fraud for the trial results.

But even that is safety/efficacy trial. Where are the tests to show that this specific piece of mRNA reliably gets human cells to produce spike protein? Is this even a possibility? Humans can't even synthesize certain amino acids, but suddenly, we can synthesize complex foreign proteins? What's the dosage? Is the amount in the shot adequate? It not, will 0.1% or even 0.0000001% amount (relative to the injections) that you might potentially get through "shedding" mechanisms do anything? Is the mRNA in the shots really doing anything? Is the problem arising from other things in the shots, like polyethylene glycol and bizarre custom lipids? Is this really much of a concern after being filtered through TWO human detox systems (the test subject and then your own)?


Jun 10, 2020
What proof is there that any mRNA in any of the Demonvax carry these instructions, either? I understand that it's the "official mechanism of action," but where is the proof?

These are the most poorly tested and rushed drugs that ever got to market of all time. Looking at 2 month interim data of the Pfizer trial, you understand that the "95% Effective!" claim is based on Relative Risk Reduction. The Absolute Risk Reduction is a pathetic 0.84%. And that's taking the data at face value. Peter Doshi raised several concerns that point to outright fraud for the trial results.

But even that is safety/efficacy trial. Where are the tests to show that this specific piece of mRNA reliably gets human cells to produce spike protein? Is this even a possibility? Humans can't even synthesize certain amino acids, but suddenly, we can synthesize complex foreign proteins? What's the dosage? Is the amount in the shot adequate? It not, will 0.1% or even 0.0000001% amount (relative to the injections) that you might potentially get through "shedding" mechanisms do anything? Is the mRNA in the shots really doing anything? Is the problem arising from other things in the shots, like polyethylene glycol and bizarre custom lipids? Is this really much of a concern after being filtered through TWO human detox systems (the test subject and then your own)?
You make great points. And I have a lot to learn still about how mRNA and these vaccines work, including if scientists can create vaccines that have these effects they claim. I just came across this study from October 2021, showing elevated levels of spike protein 14 days after each shot. Wouldn't this prove that the mRNA in the vaccines does prompt our body to make the spike?

Plus, these "exosomes" are exactly what our body sheds, right? So the shed spike protein from vaxxed people, in addition to the mRNA, would be the concern.



Jun 29, 2021
You're getting paranoid to avoid sex with vaccinated people. Thats like saying you wont have sex with someone who had chickenpox as child because they carry the shingles virus with them.


Forum Supporter
Oct 18, 2021
As a female, I had to take Ivm for side effects from that scenario. It was worth it though. I'd make sure you can secure some if that is your choice..just in case. :):
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