I Refused Appendicitis Surgery, what now?


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
If ACUTE, I would take Lycopodium clavatum 200C + Belladonna 3C, one dose combined every 3 hours. After relief, 2 doses daily.
PLUS Sulphur 200C, once a week.

For CHRONIC, Lycopodium clavatum 1000C in water, once every 10 days for 3 months
And sulphur 200C, once every 15 days for 3 months.

For pain: Belladonna 3C in water, every 15 minutes until pain free, and as often as required.

(Source: Banerji homeopathic protocol, first line medicines.)

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
If ACUTE, I would take Lycopodium clavatum 200C + Belladonna 3C, one dose combined every 3 hours. After relief, 2 doses daily.
PLUS Sulphur 200C, once a week.

For CHRONIC, Lycopodium clavatum 1000C in water, once every 10 days for 3 months
And sulphur 200C, once every 15 days for 3 months.

For pain: Belladonna 3C in water, every 15 minutes until pain free, and as often as required.

(Source: Banerji homeopathic protocol, first line medicines.)

Hom(e)opathy? Really??

I guess any bs goes now on this forum.


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
Hom(e)opathy? Really??

I guess any bs goes now on this forum.
I've been using homeopathy for 35 years. It saved my life. How sad that you're missing out on one of the best tools for healing in existence. The British Royals have used it for generations. They even established a British homeopathic hospital. Actress Jane Seymore has used it for many years. She said she would never travel anywhere without her bottle of homeopathic Arnica. (Jet lag, fatigue, bruises and other injuries, shock, ptsd, and more.)

I've cured or seen cured: food poisoning, poison ivy, painful herpes of the eye, nausea and vomiting, pneumonia, poisonous spider bite, leg cramps, foundering (goats), distemper (cat), and MANY other illnesses.

Maybe your rude comment will be offputting to most around here and they'll choose to ignore it.


Oct 6, 2021
United States
peter88 said:
Wish I refused the surgery like you. My gut has been destroyed ever since I had my appendix removed.

Same here. Never right since, no matter what I've changed. Better, but not like before the heavy antibiotics before the appendectomy.


Sep 14, 2020
The "gall bladder guarding the heart" is interesting to me. Interestingly when I was having gall bladder issues many years ago, I was also having heart issues. I am just realizing this now. The doc had me wear a heart monitor for a couple of days and, though they didn't know why I was having irregularities in my heart beats, I was prescribed heart medication, that they said would be necessary for life. They said it was to keep me from having a heart attack. At the same time I had a gall bladder attack and another doc said it needed to be be removed. Long story sorta short, i flushed the heart medication down the toilet, refused the gall bladder surgery and did some reading. I am happy to report 10+ years later I have no issues with either organ and now reading what you wrote angelina, I am so grateful I became my own doctor Thank you so much for that new puzzle piece of my health :)
How did you solve your gallbladder issues?


May 19, 2017
I gave up my calcium magnesium supplement and started having dairy again instead. I also quit eating at restaurants so much and using bad fats at home.
What kind of calcium supplement have you used? Do you feel like all forms of supplemental calcium are bad for your gallbladder?
Mar 10, 2021
What kind of calcium supplement have you used? Do you feel like all forms of supplemental calcium are bad for your gallbladder?
Calcium supplements aren’t bad for gall bladder per se, they caused me to form stones. My body couldn’t use the calcium properly, like the calcium that is balance from food. I passed stones from my kidney and pancreas as well. Fresh nettles are an excellent source of calcium. I grow them fresh on my patio…

"Spinach is considered the most nutritious green in grocery stores but it pales in comparison to nettles, which are 29 times higher in calcium, 8 times higher in magnesium, 3 times higher in potassium, and almost double in their potassium content! Nettles are also exceptionally high in the trace minerals chromium, cobalt, zinc, and manganese. They have a delicious flavor and can be used in cooked dishes in a similar way to spinach and kale. Nettles are a medicine that can help bring the body back to a state of balance. If someone is feeling debilitated or generally worn down, nettles are a good remedy. They are tonic to the liver, blood, and kidneys. Nettles balance blood pH and assist our kidneys in filtering waste from the body and removing excess fluid retention. They can be especially useful for arthritis, gout, eczema, and skin rashes. Nettles reduce inflammation, helping to alleviate the symptoms of allergies including hay fever. Drink two cups of nettle tea a day starting early in the spring and continuing into the allergy season. Nettles are also used to stop bleeding."



Sep 8, 2017
This is not medical advice, read about what an appendicitis is, it's inflammation of the appendix and it's most likely caused by bacterial infection which could be caused by impacted fecal matter near the appendix. So impacted fecal matter causes bacterial overgrowth causes infected appendix.

So if I were you I would clear out the colon with an enema while doing a fast with apple cider vinegar and oral antibiotics like oregano oil to kill off the bacteria, no solid food or sugar for a few days to really target the bacteria. If you feel anything get worse I would seriously consider going to the doctor and getting it removed.


Mar 27, 2021
This is not medical advice, read about what an appendicitis is, it's inflammation of the appendix and it's most likely caused by bacterial infection which could be caused by impacted fecal matter near the appendix. So impacted fecal matter causes bacterial overgrowth causes infected appendix.

So if I were you I would clear out the colon with an enema while doing a fast with apple cider vinegar and oral antibiotics like oregano oil to kill off the bacteria, no solid food or sugar for a few days to really target the bacteria. If you feel anything get worse I would seriously consider going to the doctor and getting it removed.
What should someone do after the appendix is removed? With the wrong foods I feel like food is just rotting in my colon and intestines. Tried b vitamins, thyroid and other measures and nothing has helped. Coffee is the only thing that seems to improve the problem because ever since I quit drinking coffee I’ve had more problems.


Sep 8, 2017
If you needed your appendix removed we could guess that something was causing the bowels to slow, or stop (constipation). There are a bunch of things that can cause this but some of the top ones would be

microbiome imbalance
slow bile flow/no bile flow
low stomach acid
lack of physical activity

If I were you I would start of making sure I run at least a mile three times a week (at a minimum) and get at least 8,000 steps a day minimum (buy a step counter). I would also supplement 4-6 HCL+Pepsin pills with each meal and see how I feel after a week. If after 1 week of doing this you don't feel things moving along better down there then I would try other solutions. Digestion issues can be extremely complex to solve but you can do it. If you decide to try this please let me know, I like to see what results these things get because it allows me to help people better, I can tell you this remedy has had a good success rate.


May 19, 2017
@Rinse & rePeat Thank you!

What should someone do after the appendix is removed? With the wrong foods I feel like food is just rotting in my colon and intestines. Tried b vitamins, thyroid and other measures and nothing has helped. Coffee is the only thing that seems to improve the problem because ever since I quit drinking coffee I’ve had more problems.
Have you tried any cholagogues or choleretics? Swedish bitters, bile acids / UDCA, or something similar?


Feb 8, 2017
What should someone do after the appendix is removed? With the wrong foods I feel like food is just rotting in my colon and intestines. Tried b vitamins, thyroid and other measures and nothing has helped. Coffee is the only thing that seems to improve the problem because ever since I quit drinking coffee I’ve had more problems.
Hey man! I feel you. I had my appendix out in 2018 and my guts haven’t been the same since. Whenever I eat bulky / voluminous foods I can feel it putting pressure on the scar tissue. I think there’s a kink in the chain at the scar point like a narrow junction where things get jammed up.

I have read that appendectomy is a predisposing factor to bezoars which are like solid masses of cellulose and fibres from fruits and vegetables which compact in the intestine.

I read an interesting article here: https://www.vichiro.com/wellness-center/food-combinations-and-more-1

Herbivorous animals, such as the cow or sheep, eating only vegetable food, have specialized on alkaline digestion. They are equipped to eat large quantities of food in proportion to their size, compared to humans. They all first alkalinize their food by prolonged chewing (their saliva being alkali), and they all rechew their food (chewing the cud). They all have a large sack or pouch where man has his tiny appendix.

Carnivorous animals, such as lions or wild dogs, have specialized acid digestion. They bolt their food in large pieces and chew it as little as possible, if at all. Actually the less they chew it, the better it is for them. An experimental study was carried out at the Mayo Clinic in which dogs were fed meat fed in large chunks or meat ground up, and the contents of the small intestine examined for the results of digestion. The big pieces were digested far better than the ground meat.

It is highly significant that meat-eating animals have no appendix or a very small one. Man, with his small appendix, seems on this basis to fit the meat-eating animals, rather than the herbivorous animals with their large pouches.

I also find the bit about ground meat quite interesting. I find beef mince just doesn’t sit right but steak is ok.

I don’t know if any of this is any help to you. Maybe trying good food combinations and simpler / lighter meals might be what your gut needs in a compromised state.
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