HCG for Female Fertility + progesterone supplementation+ Nail test from IdeaLabs

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
I am working with a Napro Technology Doctor for female fertility early to mid- 30's age. I have tried HCG shots from the brand Pregnyl with the goal of helping the follicle mature, rupture and release an egg and raise the progesterone and estrogen for that cycle. This was done before I knew anything about Dr. Ray Peat or pro metabolic lifestyle. It was followed up with ultrasound series to confirm the follicle size, rupture and watching for a corpus luteum; but no conception was achieved but it did raise my blood progesterone and estrogen; mine was always low.
By December 2021 I started to find out about pro metabolic community, Ray Peat and etc. Fast forward, I had Endo Surgery removal May 2022 and removal of 3 fibroids. They only found stage 1-2 of endo. Post surgery, I really focused on taking Progest-E, and powdered progesterone's from Such Labs mixed with a liquid Vitamin E taken orally upto 600mg to 700 mg progesterone per day. I started to take the progesterone, when I can see ovulation has happened or about that time. I took progesterone everyday towards the evening until a period started. I did bloodwork to watch the blood level of progesterone/ estrogen on ovulation day+7 days, so on +/-cycle day 23. My doctor keeps telling me the blood levels are low. My last 3 blood progesterone was
June 7.6
July 5.8
August 3.5
but doctor wants to see progesterone levels around 15.7- 30.
My last 3 blood estrogen was
June 70.5
July 71.1
August 37.7
but doctor wants to see estrogen levels around 120-200.

My doctor says that most likely I am not ovulating thereby the non existing corpus luteum is not producing the proper progesterone and estrogen levels. And I have 5-7 days of brown spotting before a period flow starts. Her recommendation is to try HCG again. What are the pro metabolic thoughts on HCG for fertility needs? Should I try it again? In my previous cycles before endo surgery we did HCG shot in combination with Letrozole. Nothing worked. This time doctor recommends just HCG shots.

07/01/2022 Thyroid results From taking Armour Thyroid 60 mg for a few months
1.010 T4 free, direct
0.917 TSH
16.2 Reverse T3 Serum
141 T3
4.0 T3 Free
retesting thyroid again. Waiting on results anyday.
Attached are my nail test results

Tested positive for MTHFR A1298C Heterozygous on Jan 2022
Supplements I am taking
two adrenal drinks with 1/2 teaspoon salt each daily
60 mg Armour Thyroid
stopped taking Low Dose Naltrexone 4.5 mg August 2022
325 mg Aspirin Brand GeriCare started august 2022 before that took baby aspirin few months
5000 IU vitamin A liquid drops
1500 IU vitamin D liquid drops
2 mg Vitamin K liquid drops
NAC 600 mg
240 Magnesium glycinate
130 mg Magnesium Citrate for constipation
MethylAssit brand pure encapsulations
P5P 50 activated vitamin B5 brand pure encapsulations
Vitamin E from Progest-E or 950 mg mixed Tocopherols liquid from Forefront Health
Vitamin C from orange juice from adrenal cocktails
200 mg Selenium
6 mg Boron
500 mg Quercetin
Cod Liver oil Rosita take one capsule (3 capsules on recommendations)
Castor Oil packs overnight
Liver of Life liquid tonic
Liquid Chlorophyll
New things to try this month
500 mg Taurine
Shilajit Brand Jarrow Formulas

I welcome any advise or recommendations! Thank you for your help in advance IK.


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May 13, 2015
I am working with a Napro Technology Doctor for female fertility early to mid- 30's age. I have tried HCG shots from the brand Pregnyl with the goal of helping the follicle mature, rupture and release an egg and raise the progesterone and estrogen for that cycle. This was done before I knew anything about Dr. Ray Peat or pro metabolic lifestyle. It was followed up with ultrasound series to confirm the follicle size, rupture and watching for a corpus luteum; but no conception was achieved but it did raise my blood progesterone and estrogen; mine was always low.
By December 2021 I started to find out about pro metabolic community, Ray Peat and etc. Fast forward, I had Endo Surgery removal May 2022 and removal of 3 fibroids. They only found stage 1-2 of endo. Post surgery, I really focused on taking Progest-E, and powdered progesterone's from Such Labs mixed with a liquid Vitamin E taken orally upto 600mg to 700 mg progesterone per day. I started to take the progesterone, when I can see ovulation has happened or about that time. I took progesterone everyday towards the evening until a period started. I did bloodwork to watch the blood level of progesterone/ estrogen on ovulation day+7 days, so on +/-cycle day 23. My doctor keeps telling me the blood levels are low. My last 3 blood progesterone was
June 7.6
July 5.8
August 3.5
but doctor wants to see progesterone levels around 15.7- 30.
My last 3 blood estrogen was
June 70.5
July 71.1
August 37.7
but doctor wants to see estrogen levels around 120-200.

My doctor says that most likely I am not ovulating thereby the non existing corpus luteum is not producing the proper progesterone and estrogen levels. And I have 5-7 days of brown spotting before a period flow starts. Her recommendation is to try HCG again. What are the pro metabolic thoughts on HCG for fertility needs? Should I try it again? In my previous cycles before endo surgery we did HCG shot in combination with Letrozole. Nothing worked. This time doctor recommends just HCG shots.

07/01/2022 Thyroid results From taking Armour Thyroid 60 mg for a few months
1.010 T4 free, direct
0.917 TSH
16.2 Reverse T3 Serum
141 T3
4.0 T3 Free
retesting thyroid again. Waiting on results anyday.
Attached are my nail test results

Tested positive for MTHFR A1298C Heterozygous on Jan 2022
Supplements I am taking
two adrenal drinks with 1/2 teaspoon salt each daily
60 mg Armour Thyroid
stopped taking Low Dose Naltrexone 4.5 mg August 2022
325 mg Aspirin Brand GeriCare started august 2022 before that took baby aspirin few months
5000 IU vitamin A liquid drops
1500 IU vitamin D liquid drops
2 mg Vitamin K liquid drops
NAC 600 mg
240 Magnesium glycinate
130 mg Magnesium Citrate for constipation
MethylAssit brand pure encapsulations
P5P 50 activated vitamin B5 brand pure encapsulations
Vitamin E from Progest-E or 950 mg mixed Tocopherols liquid from Forefront Health
Vitamin C from orange juice from adrenal cocktails
200 mg Selenium
6 mg Boron
500 mg Quercetin
Cod Liver oil Rosita take one capsule (3 capsules on recommendations)
Castor Oil packs overnight
Liver of Life liquid tonic
Liquid Chlorophyll
New things to try this month
500 mg Taurine
Shilajit Brand Jarrow Formulas

I welcome any advise or recommendations! Thank you for your help in advance IK.
I'll try to give a few thoughts:
Why the cod liver oil and the castor oil? What are "castor oil packs"?

Ray Peat is leery of "improving" (=increasing) methylation. I think he believes it increases your chances of cancer; I remember him saying that poor methylators don't get cancer.

Stem cells, cell culture, and culture: Issues in regeneration "Methylation" is mentioned 45 times in this article. It's a complex topic.

Another perspective on "MTHFR" positive test: Your "MTHFR" Is Just a Riboflavin Deficiency Makes sense to me.

"Cellgevity": From their website: "The Cellgevity formula features the proprietary RiboCeine™ technology, a special blend of D-Ribose and L-Cysteine, combined with an all-star collection of 12 complementary ingredients to more effectively enhance the function of glutathione within your body." They aren't particularly up front with what's actually in the stuff. I have a long history of very low glutathione levels caused, I believe, by my body load of heavy metals. Glutathione is difficult to normalize. My body glutathione increased to the mid-normal level by taking thiamine hcl (high dose, for around 6-9 months before the blood test). Thiamine counteracts the effects of heavy metal poisoning, including poor glutathione status.

"240 Magnesium glycinate
130 mg Magnesium Citrate for constipation"

My digestive tract normalized via taking thiamine hcl (high dose). I'm able to tolerate a higher dose of magnesium glycinate now too. Here's an article for you to consider: SIBO, IBS, and Constipation: Unrecognized Thiamine Deficiency? - Hormones Matter

Be careful with the A drops; too much A is problematic. It can build up in the body.

I'm leery of taking B5, had a bad experience once. Evidently it facilitates the release of free fatty acids into the blood stream which can be a problem if your fat is loaded with toxins.

Is this a shot gun approach or did the doctor put you on all this stuff?

About your thyroid panel results: would it be possible for you to provide the test range numbers along with your results? I took Armour thyroid for about 20 years but then there were issues with it when the company changed hands; it stopped working so now I take Acella brand desiccated thyroid instead. I've been very happy with this brand for 7 years.

"Endo Surgery removal May 2022 and removal of 3 fibroids. They only found stage 1-2 of endo. Post surgery, I really focused on taking Progest-E, and powdered progesterone's from Such Labs mixed with a liquid Vitamin E taken orally upto 600mg to 700 mg progesterone per day." Sounds like you're dealing with estrogen dominance?
"but doctor wants to see progesterone levels around 15.7- 30.
My last 3 blood estrogen was
June 70.5
July 71.1
August 37.7
but doctor wants to see estrogen levels around 120-200."
I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV but I did suffer from estrogen dominance for about 30 years so I do have some experience in this. From memory, I think Ray Peat said that your progesterone level should be something like 100 times higher that your estrogen except when you cycle and get hit BAM! with a high shock of estrogen to make the uterine lining inflamed so it will be more conducive to receiving the fertilized egg. Then the progesterone kicks back in and neutralizes the estrogen. If you have high estrogen all the time you get serious problems with inflammation and possibly cancer.

You didn't mention anything about your diet. Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) are estrogenic and can cause problems. They get stored in the fat cells and can get released via adrenaline (and B5). Have you cut all sources of PUFA from your diet? The cod liver oil is PUFA.

Here's some links to radio shows for your consideration:
I take a pretty high dose of progesterone; I've found it to be very helpful. I also take desiccated thyroid (Acella, 135mg./day) and I also take high dose thiamine hcl. I found the thiamine to be extremely beneficial. Thiamine is required for healthy oxidative metabolism. My doctor had to lower my dose of thyroid med from 180mg to 135mg after I was on the thiamine for a while because I no longer needed as much of it.

I hope you find something in this response helpful.
Last edited:


Feb 28, 2021
Fibroids may be a sign that your iodine deficient. How long is your cycle without supplemented progesterone? If it’s 25 days or less that may be another sign you’re lacking iodine.

I’d also be super careful of synthetic a and d - I’d rather eat beef or chicken liver and cod liver in the winter (for a vit d). Nascent iodine (about 5mg) if you are indeed deficient. What sort of selenium are you taking? Is it food based like selenoexcell?


Aug 17, 2018
Hm, personally I would do mineral analysis by Haidut. It helps to know what one actually needs than blindly take different supplements.

I agree with above posts, drop vitamin A. Also do a search on metergoline and fertility. Also, would be good to know your cortisol and prolactin.
Ilona K.

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
Hm, personally I would do mineral analysis by Haidut. It helps to know what one actually needs than blindly take different supplements.

I agree with above posts, drop vitamin A. Also do a search on metergoline and fertility. Also, would be good to know your cortisol and prolactin.
Hello! thank for reading my post. I attached my nail test results from Haidut to the original post. Is that what you are talking about? I get the Vitamin A in liquid form. And its combined with Vitamin D3 1500 i.u. and Vitamin K2 2 mg. So I would like to finish the bottle and not just throw it out. Here is the link to the liquid product. Vitamin ADK Thyroid Formula
I would like to ask my family doctor to run some bloodwork. One of which is prolactin and I'll add the cortisol. Hopefully they would agree and do the testing so its cover under insurance. I have never heard of Metergoline/ for fertility but a quick search says its a lowering prolactin drug. I would first need to find out the prolactin levels.
Thank you,


Dec 8, 2016

How are you FEELING?

It’s shocking to see the amount of supplementation you are taking.
Not hyperbole.
It’s actually concerning.
Plus- how can one discern what is or isn’t working; and or their relationship to each other.

What do you do for work?
Are you in a high stress job?
Are you up late at night or have a sporadic sleep schedule?
What is your diet?
Have you been on any “restrictive” diet in the past?
Are you an athlete?

What are your morning temps upon waking up- and then in a relaxed state 20 minutes after your breakfast?
Ilona K.

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
Fibroids may be a sign that your iodine deficient. How long is your cycle without supplemented progesterone? If it’s 25 days or less that may be another sign you’re lacking iodine.

I’d also be super careful of synthetic a and d - I’d rather eat beef or chicken liver and cod liver in the winter (for a vit d). Nascent iodine (about 5mg) if you are indeed deficient. What sort of selenium are you taking? Is it food based like selenoexcell?
Hello, Thank you for reading my post. My cycle typically is longer than 25 days. How would you recommend testing Iodine? Here is a link to the vitamin A and D. and the Selenium I take. Vitamin ADK Thyroid Formula Liquid Selenium Supplement
Ilona K.

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA

How are you FEELING?

It’s shocking to see the amount of supplementation you are taking.
Not hyperbole.
It’s actually concerning.
Plus- how can one discern what is or isn’t working; and or their relationship to each other.

What do you do for work?
Are you in a high stress job?
Are you up late at night or have a sporadic sleep schedule?
What is your diet?
Have you been on any “restrictive” diet in the past?
Are you an athlete?

What are your morning temps upon waking up- and then in a relaxed state 20 minutes after your breakfast?
Hello, Thank you for reading my post. I am actually feeling good. Much better than the last 2 years thanks to reading more about pro metabolic information, and Ray Peat. You may be very surprised how much supplements are taken by women with infertility. I think other ladies take more than me. I did a hair mineral analysis in Dec 2021 that helped me see what supplements would help along with food. The other supplements are recommendations from my fertility doctor. The road the health in regards to infertility is filled with a lot of experimenting and trials.
My current living conditions is I have been fortunate to not work for the last 4 years and focus on health issues. So I would not say I have a stressful living condition at the moment. I eat mostly home cook meals, sleep as much as I need, I try to balance the protein, carb and fat with the app Cronometer. But I don't have a food log to share. No restrictive diets in the post. Not athletic ever. Morning temps are about 96.65, 97.25, 97.32, 97.14, 96.66, 97.16, 97.35 but the morning temps can change around ovulation. Basically they can get higher like 98.5, 98.1, 97.7, and etc. I have not logged my post eating temps.


Dec 8, 2016
Hello, Thank you for reading my post. I am actually feeling good. Much better than the last 2 years thanks to reading more about pro metabolic information, and Ray Peat. You may be very surprised how much supplements are taken by women with infertility. I think other ladies take more than me. I did a hair mineral analysis in Dec 2021 that helped me see what supplements would help along with food. The other supplements are recommendations from my fertility doctor. The road the health in regards to infertility is filled with a lot of experimenting and trials.
My current living conditions is I have been fortunate to not work for the last 4 years and focus on health issues. So I would not say I have a stressful living condition at the moment. I eat mostly home cook meals, sleep as much as I need, I try to balance the protein, carb and fat with the app Cronometer. But I don't have a food log to share. No restrictive diets in the post. Not athletic ever. Morning temps are about 96.65, 97.25, 97.32, 97.14, 96.66, 97.16, 97.35 but the morning temps can change around ovulation. Basically they can get higher like 98.5, 98.1, 97.7, and etc. I have not logged my post eating temps.
You’re welcome.

Glad you feel well and that you have a supportive environment.

I’m familiar with the traditional or typical infertility regime.
Not a fan.

Best to you on your journey.
Ilona K.

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
I'll try to give a few thoughts:
Why the cod liver oil and the castor oil? What are "castor oil packs"?

Ray Peat is leery of "improving" (=increasing) methylation. I think he believes it increases your chances of cancer; I remember him saying that poor methylators don't get cancer.

Stem cells, cell culture, and culture: Issues in regeneration "Methylation" is mentioned 45 times in this article. It's a complex topic.

Another perspective on "MTHFR" positive test: Your "MTHFR" Is Just a Riboflavin Deficiency Makes sense to me.

"Cellgevity": From their website: "The Cellgevity formula features the proprietary RiboCeine™ technology, a special blend of D-Ribose and L-Cysteine, combined with an all-star collection of 12 complementary ingredients to more effectively enhance the function of glutathione within your body." They aren't particularly up front with what's actually in the stuff. I have a long history of very low glutathione levels caused, I believe, by my body load of heavy metals. Glutathione is difficult to normalize. My body glutathione increased to the mid-normal level by taking thiamine hcl (high dose, for around 6-9 months before the blood test). Thiamine counteracts the effects of heavy metal poisoning, including poor glutathione status.

"240 Magnesium glycinate
130 mg Magnesium Citrate for constipation"

My digestive tract normalized via taking thiamine hcl (high dose). I'm able to tolerate a higher dose of magnesium glycinate now too. Here's an article for you to consider: SIBO, IBS, and Constipation: Unrecognized Thiamine Deficiency? - Hormones Matter

Be careful with the A drops; too much A is problematic. It can build up in the body.

I'm leery of taking B5, had a bad experience once. Evidently it facilitates the release of free fatty acids into the blood stream which can be a problem if your fat is loaded with toxins.

Is this a shot gun approach or did the doctor put you on all this stuff?

About your thyroid panel results: would it be possible for you to provide the test range numbers along with your results? I took Armour thyroid for about 20 years but then there were issues with it when the company changed hands; it stopped working so now I take Acella brand desiccated thyroid instead. I've been very happy with this brand for 7 years.

"Endo Surgery removal May 2022 and removal of 3 fibroids. They only found stage 1-2 of endo. Post surgery, I really focused on taking Progest-E, and powdered progesterone's from Such Labs mixed with a liquid Vitamin E taken orally upto 600mg to 700 mg progesterone per day." Sounds like you're dealing with estrogen dominance?
"but doctor wants to see progesterone levels around 15.7- 30.
My last 3 blood estrogen was
June 70.5
July 71.1
August 37.7
but doctor wants to see estrogen levels around 120-200."
I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV but I did suffer from estrogen dominance for about 30 years so I do have some experience in this. From memory, I think Ray Peat said that your progesterone level should be something like 100 times higher that your estrogen except when you cycle and get hit BAM! with a high shock of estrogen to make the uterine lining inflamed so it will be more conducive to receiving the fertilized egg. Then the progesterone kicks back in and neutralizes the estrogen. If you have high estrogen all the time you get serious problems with inflammation and possibly cancer.

You didn't mention anything about your diet. Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) are estrogenic and can cause problems. They get stored in the fat cells and can get released via adrenaline (and B5). Have you cut all sources of PUFA from your diet? The cod liver oil is PUFA.

Here's some links to radio shows for your consideration:
I take a pretty high dose of progesterone; I've found it to be very helpful. I also take desiccated thyroid (Acella, 135mg./day) and I also take high dose thiamine hcl. I found the thiamine to be extremely beneficial. Thiamine is required for healthy oxidative metabolism. My doctor had to lower my dose of thyroid med from 180mg to 135mg after I was on the thiamine for a while because I no longer needed as much of it.

I hope you find something in this response helpful.
Hello, Thank you for reading and replying to my post. You said a lot so I'll address some things. The cod liver oil was a recommendation from my post hair test back in Dec. 2021. I know cod liver oil is controversial. Fish oils were recommended by my fertility doctor but I stopped those over a year ago. Castor Oil packs are used my women over the liver to support the liver detox process. I'll post a like to the one I use Queen of the Thrones® | Natural and organic health and beauty products
The methylated supplements I started only after knowing I had the MTHFR mutation. Those are highly recommended by fertility doctor because of the folate necessary for any future pregnancy. I am not sure what Ray Peat recommends for people with MTHFR mutations. The mutation I have specifically A1298C has to do with Vitamin Bs. The Cellgevity was recommended by my fertility doctor. The hair test I took back in Dec 2021 showed very low metal toxics.
Is this a shot gun approach or did the doctor put you on all this stuff? Most the the supplements are recommended by the doctor. Only I few I added after doing the Hair test in Dec. 2021.
I just added the updated thyroid results from September 2022 with the range levels. My doctor approved the results. No changes to the medications needed.
Sounds like you're dealing with estrogen dominance? I think only the Ray Peat community would acknowledge that. The doctors look at blood tests and wouldn't agree with being estrogen dominate. I eat the raw carrot or cooked mushrooms.
From memory, I think Ray Peat said that your progesterone level should be something like 100 times higher that your estrogen except when you cycle and get hit BAM! with a high shock of estrogen to make the uterine lining inflamed so it will be more conducive to receiving the fertilized egg. Then the progesterone kicks back in and neutralizes the estrogen. If you have high estrogen all the time you get serious problems with inflammation and possibly cancer. Well I wouldn't disagree the balance of progesterone to estrogen. The problem is fixing the issue. Its not so easy to fix that.
You didn't mention anything about your diet. Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) are estrogenic and can cause problems. They get stored in the fat cells and can get released via adrenaline (and B5). Have you cut all sources of PUFA from your diet? The cod liver oil is PUFA. My diet has been eating mostly home cook meals for many years. I only use avocado oil, Olive oil, or animal fat. The cod liver oil I use very minimal. I haven't heard of Thiamine hcl.


  • thyroid as of september.JPG
    thyroid as of september.JPG
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Ilona K.

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
You’re welcome.

Glad you feel well and that you have a supportive environment.

I’m familiar with the traditional or typical infertility regime.
Not a fan.

Best to you on your journey.
Thank you for your time and thoughts.


May 13, 2015
I am not sure what Ray Peat recommends for people with MTHFR mutations.
There's not a lot about MTHFR from Ray Peat himself. However, by using this search engine, Bioenergetic Search , I did find this video below. Please note that this is an interview with Danny Roddy talking to someone else. But the gist of the conversation is Peaty.

View: https://youtu.be/RbiRNiEdeS4?t=1953

Chris Masterjohn Phd. on MTHFR mutations:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp6u82coOYE


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QImhsa8AWdc

From listening to this one, I hear a lot of the same diet advice that Ray Peat suggests a lot. Eat real food, eggs and liver are important. Gelatin for the glycine is important. Ray advises cooking vegetables a LOT to make them easier to digest. Don't overdo muscle meats.

Castor Oil packs are used my women over the liver to support the liver detox process.
Suggested reading about being supportive to your liver: Natural Estrogens
"For over fifty years, it has been known that the liver excretes estrogens and other toxins from the body, and that when (because of liver inertia) estrogen isn't excreted by the liver and kidneys, it is retained in the body. This process was observed in both animals and humans decades ago, and it is also well established that estrogen itself suppresses the detoxifying systems, causing fewer carcinogens to be excreted in the urine. Ingram's evidence logically would suggest that the women who have cancer are failing to eliminate estrogens, including phytoestrogens, at a normal rate, and so are retaining a higher percentage of the chemicals consumed in their diets. Flavonoids and polyphenols, like our own estrogens, suppress the detoxifying systems of the body."

Estrogen lugs down the liver so it cannot detox the body.

The methylated supplements I started only after knowing I had the MTHFR mutation.
Ray Peat on methylation: Protective CO2 and aging

"The experiences and nutrition of a pregnant animal are known to affect the expression of genes in the offspring, affecting such things as allergies, metabolic rate, brain size, and intelligence. Miles Storfer (1999) has reviewed the evidence for epigenetic environmental control of brain size and intelligence. The main mechanisms of epigenetic effects or “imprinting” are now known to involve methylation and acetylation of the chromosomes (DNA and histones).

Certain kinds of behavior, as well as nutrition and other environmental factors, increase the production and retention of carbon dioxide. The normal intrauterine level of carbon dioxide is high, and it can be increased or decreased by changes in the mother's physiology. The effects of carbon dioxide on many biological processes involving methylation and acetylation of the genetic material suggest that the concentration of carbon dioxide during gestation might regulate the degree to which parental imprinting will persist in the developing fetus. There is some evidence of increased demethylation associated with the low level of oxygen in the uterus (Wellman, et al., 2008). A high metabolic rate and production of carbon dioxide would increase the adaptability of the new organism, by decreasing the limiting genetic imprints.

A quick reduction of carbon dioxide caused by hyperventilation can provoke an epileptic seizure, and can increase muscle spasms and vascular leakiness, and (by releasing serotonin and histamine) contribute to inflammation and clotting disorders. On a slightly longer time scale, a reduction of carbon dioxide can increase the production of lactic acid, which is a promoter of inflammation and fibrosis. A prolonged decrease in carbon dioxide can increase the susceptibility of proteins to glycation (the addition of aldehydes, from polyunsaturated fat peroxidation or methylglyoxal from lactate metabolism, to amino groups), and a similar process is likely to contribute to the methylation of histones, a process that increases with aging. Histones regulate genetic activity.

With aging, DNA methylation is increased (Bork, et al., 2009). I suggest that methylation stabilizes and protects cells when growth and regeneration aren't possible (and that it's likely to increase when CO2 isn't available). Hibernation (Morin and Storey, 2009) and sporulation (Ruiz-Herrera, 1994; Clancy, et al., 2002) appear to use methylation protectively.

Parental stress, prenatal stress, early life stress, and even stress in adulthood contribute to “imprinting of the genes,” partly through methylation of DNA and the histones.

Methionine and choline are the main dietary sources of methyl donors. Restriction of methionine has many protective effects, including increased average (42%) and maximum (44%) longevity in rats (Richie, et al., 1994). Restriction of methyl donors causes demethylation of DNA (Epner, 2001). The age accelerating effect of methionine might be related to disturbing the methylation balance, inappropriately suppressing cellular activity. Besides its effect on the methyl pool, methionine inhibits thyroid function and damages mitochondria."

also this: Estrogen, memory and heredity: Imprinting and the stress response
"Stresses, including estrogen excess, activate the Heat Shock Proteins (HSP), the stress-proteins, a primitive defense system.
Heat Shock Proteins and "hormone receptors" are closely related and interdependent.
Stress (at least partly via HSP) activates viral expression, ordinary gene expression, and destabilizes the genome, activating the "endonucleases," enzymes which break up DNA chains.
"Stress increases genetic variability.
DNA chains can be chemically modified (e.g., methylated) in a way that limits enzymes' accesss, probably as protection, and to regulate gene expression.
Genes, and subsequent growth and development, are modified by the prenatal hormonal environment, that of the newborn, and even that of the parents before conception."
know cod liver oil is controversial. Fish oils were recommended by my fertility doctor but I stopped those over a year ago.
suggested reading: The Great Fish Oil Experiment

"The original "essential fatty acids" were linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids. Now that the toxic effects of those are coming to be recognized, new "essential fatty acids," the omega-3 fatty acids, including those with long chains, found in fish oils, are said to make babies more intelligent, to be necessary for good vision, and to prevent cancer, heart disease, obesity, arthritis, depression, epilepsy, psychosis, dementia, ulcers, eczema and dry skin.

"With just a normal amount of vitamin E in the diet, cod liver oil is certain to be highly oxidized in the tissues of a mammal that eats a lot of it, and an experiment with dogs showed that it could increase their cancer mortality from the normal 5% to 100%. Although fish oils rapidly destroy vitamin E in the body, some of them, especially the liver oils, can provide useful vitamins, A and D. In studies comparing fish oil diets with standard diets, these nutrients, as well as any toxins besides fatty acids (Huang, et al., 1997; Miyazaki, et al., 1998) in either type of oil, should be taken into account, but they seldom are."

I just added the updated thyroid results from September 2022 with the range levels. My doctor approved the results.
The only thing I see negative is the elevated reverse T3.
see this Peat article: Preventing and treating cancer with progesterone.
"Stress, besides suppressing the TSH, acts in other ways to suppress the real thyroid function. Cortisol, for example, inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3, which is responsible for the respiratory production of energy and carbon dioxide. Adrenaline, besides leading to increased production of cortisol, is lipolytic, releasing the fatty acids which, if they are polyunsaturated, inhibit the production and transport of thyroid hormone, and also interfere directly with the respiratory functions of the mitochondria. Adrenaline decreases the conversion to T4 to T3, and increases the formation of the antagonistic reverse T3 (Nauman, et al., 1980, 1984)."
Sounds like you're dealing with estrogen dominance? I think only the Ray Peat community would acknowledge that. The doctors look at blood tests and wouldn't agree with being estrogen dominate. I eat the raw carrot or cooked mushrooms.
I think that the following radio shows would be helpful for you to listen to:
Well I wouldn't disagree the balance of progesterone to estrogen. The problem is fixing the issue. Its not so easy to fix that.
Please listen to the radio shows posted above.
You didn't mention anything about your diet. Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) are estrogenic and can cause problems. They get stored in the fat cells and can get released via adrenaline (and B5). Have you cut all sources of PUFA from your diet? The cod liver oil is PUFA. My diet has been eating mostly home cook meals for many years. I only use avocado oil, Olive oil, or animal fat. The cod liver oil I use very minimal.
Avocado oil is pufa. Olive oil is 12% pufa. Chicken fat and pork fat are also pufa. Also nuts, seeds, grains. I got myself into trouble with homemade salad dressing made with olive oil (yum!). The safe fats are: coconut oil, butter, ruminant animal fat (beef, venison).
I haven't heard of Thiamine hcl.
Ray Peat on thiamine: Ray Peat On Vitamin B1 - Thiamine
Thiamine hcl is the oldest version with the most safety studies. There are other forms.
Ilona K.

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
I have some updated bloodwork. Please see attachments. Let me know what you guys think.
my RBC are low, and they seem to be on the lower side typically
RDW is low not sure what that means
High Cholesterol 221
High LDL Cholesterol 137
Low Vitamin D 27.7 although it was 41.7 in February this year
high Albumin. its been always high
There are recommendations to take a look a my liver. Its struggling. I am already doing lemon/cranberry non concentrated daily; Liver Life tonic, Raw carrots, Castor oil packs; Taurine, and Shilajit.


  • CBC Metabolic Panel Ilona Kalimov.JPG
    CBC Metabolic Panel Ilona Kalimov.JPG
    468.3 KB · Views: 8
  • Metabolic Panel Lipid panel Vitamin D Ilona Kalimov.JPG
    Metabolic Panel Lipid panel Vitamin D Ilona Kalimov.JPG
    268.5 KB · Views: 7
Ilona K.

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
You’re welcome.

Glad you feel well and that you have a supportive environment.

I’m familiar with the traditional or typical infertility regime.
Not a fan.

Best to you on your journey.
Please see updated bloodwork I just received and attached.
Ilona K.

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
Fibroids may be a sign that your iodine deficient. How long is your cycle without supplemented progesterone? If it’s 25 days or less that may be another sign you’re lacking iodine.

I’d also be super careful of synthetic a and d - I’d rather eat beef or chicken liver and cod liver in the winter (for a vit d). Nascent iodine (about 5mg) if you are indeed deficient. What sort of selenium are you taking? Is it food based like selenoexcell?
Please see updated bloodwork I just received and attached.


Dec 8, 2016
Ilona K.

Ilona K.

Jul 29, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
Thank you for the follow up. I posted my husband bloodwork and nail test results. Would you be able to take a look? here is the title of the new post:

"Acid Reflex; Bloodwork results and Nail test results Male 36 YRS"​



Dec 8, 2016
Thank you for the follow up. I posted my husband bloodwork and nail test results. Would you be able to take a look? here is the title of the new post:

"Acid Reflex; Bloodwork results and Nail test results Male 36 YRS"​

Will do.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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