I Have Both HPV Both 1 & 2, Is My Life Pretty Much Ruined?


Apr 30, 2015
Well yes following with some reservations. You see, after stopping the high-dose androsterone therapy, I realized my body and mind had drifted off into an extremely strange and uncomfortable place. I felt like my brain had been through a blender, and the nerves throughout my body were either numb or burning. Any sense of relaxation or comfort was impossible. I didn't think I could make it through a day. Ive pushed through two months with only very small improvements. Eating sugars or drinking coffee seems to make the discomfort worse overall, so I am going to try what most of the other pfs guys are doing for a while. The consensus on hackstasis is that carbs are bad for us PFS guys because our livers and digestion are shot (I suspect due to the vagus nerve being compromised).

The TEI test showed I had 4-lows, which is low K, Mg, Sodiun and calcium. Helen calls it "tunnel of death" and thinks its due to me pushing my metabolism too hard with coffee and thyroid, and my body using up all my minerals. He thinks this is why Ive deteriorated so much in the past few months, and the androsterone finally pushed me off the edge.

His belief that taking thyroid or coffee to increase metablosim is only a "manipulation" which ignores the more fundamental imbalances present. He says it can feel like a bandaid to temporarily provide comfort but will not work long term as it overtaxes the adrenals, sympathetic nervous system, and eventually will leave one burnt out. This seems to line up with how Ive felt the past year or so, so I'm giving it attention. The plan is to stop eating sugar and taking stimulants.

Whatever the truth is, I need to find something that helps me to improve significantly or I won't make it too much longer.
Hmmm...sounds like you are in a bad way.

If I could say one thing about hair mineral testing, as I did it for around 2 years...it is for the most part "hope" porn. I just kept waiting for the "good" results to come. Every setback and bad feeling I had was "detox," and the hair test showed it (look your detoxing mercury!) If after 3-6 months you are not seeing results...I would seriously consider going elsewhere. Look for people who have actually had results after years of being on it...there are very few.

Might be good in the short term...but all the long term results about getting out heavy metals, and this turning your enzymes back on, and it being able to heal anything...I have just so rarely to never seen that actually happen for people who are on it. Its track record vs. promise is terrible.

As far as what else you are going to do...I am not sure of your situation. Live in a city? Lots of EMF and pollution? If you are desperate enough you could consider moving to a high elevation city like Flagstaff AZ or Denver. Something to get away from the chronic stress.

How does Nicotine treat you? It is surprisingly effective for many chronic diseases (patches and lozenges).


Mar 18, 2017
Ok so I finally got back the test results!.I don't have any of the major stds (syfilis, clamydia, hiv, ect.) So thats a big relief...but my genious doctor didn't give me a hsv1 & 2 test because he just assumed I had them..and he said he already treated me for it with the 7 days of valtrex. Even tho I'm still very sick with flu like symptoms...he said he's gonna run a blood test again in a month...so long story short I still don't know for sure if I have hsv 2 or not.


Apr 30, 2015
Ok so I finally got back the test results!.I don't have any of the major stds (syfilis, clamydia, hiv, ect.) So thats a big relief...but my genious doctor didn't give me a hsv1 & 2 test because he just assumed I had them..and he said he already treated me for it with the 7 days of valtrex. Even tho I'm still very sick with flu like symptoms...he said he's gonna run a blood test again in a month...so long story short I still don't know for sure if I have hsv 2 or not.
what an ****


Mar 18, 2017
Try asking for the test in your next visit
But you are lucky, hsv inst a big deal

Yeah I'm very gratefull it's not worse news thank god!...but hsv2 sounds like a real pain in the **** to deal with if u keep getting symptoms multiple times per year. They say sunlight can cause outbreaks which Isn't good because I'm a sun lover & go out everyday in the summer...I'm gonna look into the ozone therapy, it's the only option to possibly detox the hsv from your spine/dna they say atleast.


Nov 28, 2014
Aren't there clinics that test for STDs? Maybe for free or reduced cost? I suppose it depends on where you live though..


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Hmmm...sounds like you are in a bad way.

If I could say one thing about hair mineral testing, as I did it for around 2 years...it is for the most part "hope" porn. I just kept waiting for the "good" results to come. Every setback and bad feeling I had was "detox," and the hair test showed it (look your detoxing mercury!) If after 3-6 months you are not seeing results...I would seriously consider going elsewhere. Look for people who have actually had results after years of being on it...there are very few.

Might be good in the short term...but all the long term results about getting out heavy metals, and this turning your enzymes back on, and it being able to heal anything...I have just so rarely to never seen that actually happen for people who are on it. Its track record vs. promise is terrible.

As far as what else you are going to do...I am not sure of your situation. Live in a city? Lots of EMF and pollution? If you are desperate enough you could consider moving to a high elevation city like Flagstaff AZ or Denver. Something to get away from the chronic stress.

How does Nicotine treat you? It is surprisingly effective for many chronic diseases (patches and lozenges).

I've actually tried nicotine in the past and thought it helped a lot, but got scared how addicted I became so quickly and dropped it.

I live in a suburb west of Los Angeles. It is a populated area and I am sure I get exposed to a fair amount of EMF. I live with my family because I get charged only a very small amount of rent. They keep the wifi on all the time but I dont see EMF being a huge deal. I use a water filter for drinking/showering and am thinking of getting an air filter.

Do you think living at a higher elevation is that important? Bag breathing isn't that difficult.

That is very interesting you tried hairtest for 2 years @Tarmander . I'd like to hear more about your experience good or bad. The impression I got from hackstasis was that it's been moderately helpful for most guys, but I have seen a couple nonresponders. However, A couple guys I talked to said following TEI was the best thing they'd ever done, and that got my hopes up.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
If I remember correctly, you did rather long fasts in the past.

It may well be an occurence of the Law of the hammer on my side, but if you happen to arrive in a situation where you feel like there is nothing else to do, I would advise you to try a "reset" with dry fasting.

You might need to increase the durations gradually.

I'm sorry a dry fast? So no water either? What are the supposed benefits of that?


May 30, 2018
I'm sorry a dry fast? So no water either? What are the supposed benefits of that?

I believe it can help to potentiate the results of a fast. Note that it's theoretically not necessary to completely fast to have results. I think that drinking way less water could already bring results.

It could help to activate the innate immune system (while it can be blocked by bacteria in certain theories, allowing latent chronic infections to take a toll on one's body) and to structure the intracellular water by the stimulation of osmolyte intake. The structure of water seems to be important for cells' proper metabolism.

Please see this thread for some elements about why it could be useful: Water Structure, Osmolytes And Cancer (it's not just about cancer).

You may well be thinking that these have nothing to do with your problem which seems like hormonal-based, but I believe that if you have PFS, you may have AGA which is correlated with metabolic syndrome which itself might well be of infectious origin.

But again, there might have better interventions to do before trying dry fasting. I Just want you to know there is this last option that you could try.


A revised Germ Theory of disease:

"Chronic diseases could be caused by a first unsolved acute infection. In case the pathogen cannot be completely eliminated, it becomes a persistent infectious. After the acute episode, some mild symptoms will occur and probably disappear; the chronic disease will remain latent over time. It will manifest even after years or decades, in the presence of another acute infection, a particular stress, trauma, or another event. The presence of the persistent infectious elicits changes in the immune and systemic regulation, and these processes degenerate over time. They will assume their rules and patterns, being independent from the initial stimulus. The key to understand the dynamics and individuality of chronic diseases is the immune system and its networks. The immune mechanisms that can lead to the persistent response are mainly the switch from the Th1 to the Th2 immunity and the molecular mimicry. The first persistent infectious will also modify the susceptibility to other pathogens, facilitating new infections and new consequent persistent infectious."

A new model for chronic diseases


Some testimonies from the dry fasting subreddit:

"I dry fast daily and basically never get sick. The one time I did, the symptoms were extremely mild (sore throat basically, no annoying runny nose or anything) and it went away after like 2 days (yes I continued to dry fast through it).

Meanwhile the person I got it from was walking around with a mask and was considering going to the hospital bc of how miserable she was. She also had it for like 2 weeks."

-> some might say it suppresses the immune system, I would rather say it is potentiated.

"I have cured my lower back pain. It wasn’t a serious pain, but I would always notice it when I sat down and stood up. My body has completely healed it.

All my skin tags have disappeared and I no longer get any tongue ulcers (which I used to get quite a few of) because of dry fasting.

I also cured cystitis. If I ate certain foods I would always get inflamed, it negatively affected my quality of life. Even foods that I loved I had to give up because they would cause me such a bad reaction.

But I went out for dinner today and I’m able to eat those foods again. I no longer have a bad reaction to them and it feels amazing."

"The first time I realized that all this "weird talk about autophagy" was real was when I did a 6 day dry fast. It completely fixed a massive amount of digestive issues that I had been having for the past year. I honestly don't know if you need to do something insane like what I did but if you haven't done non stop OMAD then it can't hurt right?"
Not sure it is really about autophagy in his case.
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May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I believe it can help to potentiate the results of a fast. Note that it's theoretically not necessary to completely fast to have results. I think that drinking way less water could already bring results.

It could help to activate the innate immune system (while it can be blocked by bacteria in certain theories, allowing latent chronic infections to take a toll on one's body) and to structure the intracellular water by the stimulation of osmolyte intake. The structure of water seems to be important for cells' proper metabolism.

Please see this thread for some elements about why it could be useful: Water Structure, Osmolytes And Cancer (it's not just about cancer).

You may well be thinking that these have nothing to do with your problem which seems like hormonal-based, but I believe that if you have PFS, you may have AGA which is correlated with metabolic syndrome which itself might well be of infectious origin.

But again, there might have better interventions to do before trying dry fasting. I Just want you to know there is this last option that you could try.


A revised Germ Theory of disease:

"Chronic diseases could be caused by a first unsolved acute infection. In case the pathogen cannot be completely eliminated, it becomes a persistent infectious. After the acute episode, some mild symptoms will occur and probably disappear; the chronic disease will remain latent over time. It will manifest even after years or decades, in the presence of another acute infection, a particular stress, trauma, or another event. The presence of the persistent infectious elicits changes in the immune and systemic regulation, and these processes degenerate over time. They will assume their rules and patterns, being independent from the initial stimulus. The key to understand the dynamics and individuality of chronic diseases is the immune system and its networks. The immune mechanisms that can lead to the persistent response are mainly the switch from the Th1 to the Th2 immunity and the molecular mimicry. The first persistent infectious will also modify the susceptibility to other pathogens, facilitating new infections and new consequent persistent infectious."

A new model for chronic diseases


Some testimonies from the dry fasting subreddit:

"I dry fast daily and basically never get sick. The one time I did, the symptoms were extremely mild (sore throat basically, no annoying runny nose or anything) and it went away after like 2 days (yes I continued to dry fast through it).

Meanwhile the person I got it from was walking around with a mask and was considering going to the hospital bc of how miserable she was. She also had it for like 2 weeks."

-> some might say it suppresses the immune system, I would rather say it is potentiated.

"I have cured my lower back pain. It wasn’t a serious pain, but I would always notice it when I sat down and stood up. My body has completely healed it.

All my skin tags have disappeared and I no longer get any tongue ulcers (which I used to get quite a few of) because of dry fasting.

I also cured cystitis. If I ate certain foods I would always get inflamed, it negatively affected my quality of life. Even foods that I loved I had to give up because they would cause me such a bad reaction.

But I went out for dinner today and I’m able to eat those foods again. I no longer have a bad reaction to them and it feels amazing."

"The first time I realized that all this "weird talk about autophagy" was real was when I did a 6 day dry fast. It completely fixed a massive amount of digestive issues that I had been having for the past year. I honestly don't know if you need to do something insane like what I did but if you haven't done non stop OMAD then it can't hurt right?"
Not sure it is really about autophagy in his case.

Interesting. There is a guy I know who had been trying to get me to try fasting. He believes that his pfs compromised the immune system and led to chronic infections taking hold of him.

Personally I have wondered if I dont have meningitis or lyme disease, because my brain and nervous system are in such hideous shape. I also have digestive issues and muscle pain etc etc. I wouldn't know how to test for them though, if there even is a reliable method.

What more do you know about dry fasting? How long is it safe to try for? Most people around here stay away from fasting because it harms the metabolic rate. Does that concern you?


May 30, 2018
He believes that his pfs compromised the immune system and led to chronic infections taking hold of him.

Honestly, I am currently of the opinion that the majority of chronic diseases, or diseases for which we are not able to find the origin, are of infectious nature. There seems to be a lot of case reports correlating these diseases with some pathogens.

Of course, there exist issues of nutrients defiency or simply too few calories. But does this constant chase of an improved metabolism (because ours are "broken") make sense? A lot of people have tried a lot of supplements while having no good results to report, myself included. There are other things than supplements to try but their track records aren't really that impressive.

What more do you know about dry fasting? How long is it safe to try for? Most people around here stay away from fasting because it harms the metabolic rate. Does that concern you?

Dry fasting during 5 days was found to be safe in ten healthy adults.

I would say that it's best to try a 1 day fast to accomodate to such a dehydrating process. No need to try more at first. I have myself not done more than 2 days. You can also try intermittent dry fasting which might bring more regular results.

Note that if you are really subject to such an infection and that dry fasting allows to kill them, it could be logical that you experience immunopathologies (I tend to believe that dry fasting could be akin to the Marshall Protocol, which is used against chronic inflammatory diseases).

I'm sorry about that but, knowing how bad your health seems to be, I would not expect that you heal over night :(

Finally, there are some nutrients that I think could be needed for the "dehydration metabolism" or immune stimulation (why I think so is explained in the other thread about water and osmolyte that I linked to you above):
- boron,
- vitamin B1,
- osmolytes,
- salt,
- maybe zinc and vitamin A.

Sorry for derailing your thread @dq139 :):

Edit: about the metabolic rate, there are quite a lot of people that report that dry fasting is way easier for them (during comparable duration of course) than water fasting. Try it and see for yourself. I have dry fasted 14h today (not a lot I know), I'm not cold and my heart rate is around 80bpm, no signs of metabolism shut down.
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Honestly, I am currently of the opinion that the majority of chronic diseases, or diseases for which we are not able to find the origin, are of infectious nature. There seems to be a lot of case reports correlating these diseases with some pathogens.

Of course, there exist issues of nutrients defiency or simply too few calories. But does this constant chase of an improved metabolism (because ours are "broken") make sense? A lot of people have tried a lot of supplements while having no good results to report, myself included. There are other things than supplements to try but their track records aren't really that impressive.

Dry fasting during 5 days was found to be safe in ten healthy adults.

I would say that it's best to try a 1 day fast to accomodate to such a dehydrating process. No need to try more at first. I have myself not done more than 2 days. You can also try intermittent dry fasting which might bring more regular results.

Note that if you are really subject to such an infection and that dry fasting allows to kill them, it could be logical that you experience immunopathologies (I tend to believe that dry fasting could be akin to the Marshall Protocol, which is used against chronic inflammatory diseases).

I'm sorry about that but, knowing how bad your health seems to be, I would not expect that you heal over night :(

Finally, there are some nutrients that I think could be needed for the "dehydration metabolism" or immune stimulation (why I think so is explained in the other thread about water and osmolyte that I linked to you above):
- boron,
- vitamin B1,
- osmolytes,
- salt,
- maybe zinc and vitamin A.

Sorry for derailing your thread @dq139 :):

Edit: about the metabolic rate, there are quite a lot of people that report that dry fasting is way easier for them (during comparable duration of course) than water fasting. Try it and see for yourself. I have dry fasted 14h today (not a lot I know), I'm not cold and my heart rate is around 80bpm, no signs of metabolism shut down.
I tend to dry fast when I’m feeling sick just by natural inclination to not want to put more into my body when it’s trying to use its energy to heal. something I noticed is that my hands and feet and entire body will be warm even though I haven’t eaten anything. I haven’t been able to figure out why the sweaty, clammy stress response of not eating goes away or returns in different contexts. It seems way more complicated than eating or not eating.


Apr 30, 2015
I've actually tried nicotine in the past and thought it helped a lot, but got scared how addicted I became so quickly and dropped it.

I live in a suburb west of Los Angeles. It is a populated area and I am sure I get exposed to a fair amount of EMF. I live with my family because I get charged only a very small amount of rent. They keep the wifi on all the time but I dont see EMF being a huge deal. I use a water filter for drinking/showering and am thinking of getting an air filter.

Do you think living at a higher elevation is that important? Bag breathing isn't that difficult.

That is very interesting you tried hairtest for 2 years @Tarmander . I'd like to hear more about your experience good or bad. The impression I got from hackstasis was that it's been moderately helpful for most guys, but I have seen a couple nonresponders. However, A couple guys I talked to said following TEI was the best thing they'd ever done, and that got my hopes up.
Well the EMF angle is all about how close a tower is to you. If you live right under one, it would be a good explanation for what you are experiencing. But if you aren't, then yeah it probably isn't the main factor, but a contributing one.

I don't know about the elevation, it would be a hail mary of an environment change that may make things different. You sound very hopeless, and that is the time to make big changes.

I followed this crazy Dr. Wilson guy for a couple years who did hair testing. This guy is a bit out there. He tells you to have sex on rubber sheets so you can reabsorb vaginal fluids through the skin, and other wacky practices.

The thing is, the hair mineral testing just made me feel bad. I would just feel worse and worse as my "ratios" got better, and would be told it was good...that I was detoxing. I was getting the mercury and other heavy metals out. I did research online and looked for others who had done hair testing and supplements, and the success stories were few and far between. There were people who had done it for years and were still "detoxing."

At a certain point, I was told that it could take up to 15 years to get my heavy metals out and feel good again. That is when I knew it was such a crock of ***t. They don't have studies, they don't have people they can point to who have done it for 15 years and now are super healthy. What are they going to do if I get there and am still not well? Another 15 years? All they sell you is hope through this weird fetish of suffering and sacrifice. Their only skin in the game is to keep you paying for the supplements. They just keep shuffling chairs around on the titanic and tell you that your drilling deeper into what ails you: "everytime your 2 low 2 high pattern goes away and changes into a 1 high 3 lows pattern with high zinc, you are getting deeper into healing these old nutritional deficiencies." It is all BS, they want you to keep going around and around, buying their supplements, waiting for the day.

If you don't believe me, or maybe think that my experience is an outlier, go do some research outside hack stasis. See if you can find people who really turned their health around with it. The only stories I found were mostly from the people selling it. It is not a powerful system of healing or diagnosis. Things that work are like a large rock dropped in a pond. They are talked about, people try it...it makes waves! Hair testing has been out now for decades and there has been enough time that we should be getting real expertise in how to use it to help people.

Also, helen has no qualms about making fake accounts on that forum. I would not trust anyone saying how great hair analysis is...those guys who say it was moderately helpful are probably the true user reviews. Because that is about all I ever found for the positive: "yeah it was okay for awhile." I also found the people who were maybe 2 months in and super hopeful and talking about how great it was. That went away after a year or so.


Apr 30, 2015
@sladerunner69 I just read your thread over on Hackstasis...to be honest your symptoms do fit a lot of EMF symptoms that I was having. Can you see any towers from your house? Are you near a big bay of smart meters?


Mar 18, 2017
Honestly, I am currently of the opinion that the majority of chronic diseases, or diseases for which we are not able to find the origin, are of infectious nature. There seems to be a lot of case reports correlating these diseases with some pathogens.

Of course, there exist issues of nutrients defiency or simply too few calories. But does this constant chase of an improved metabolism (because ours are "broken") make sense? A lot of people have tried a lot of supplements while having no good results to report, myself included. There are other things than supplements to try but their track records aren't really that impressive.

Dry fasting during 5 days was found to be safe in ten healthy adults.

I would say that it's best to try a 1 day fast to accomodate to such a dehydrating process. No need to try more at first. I have myself not done more than 2 days. You can also try intermittent dry fasting which might bring more regular results.

Note that if you are really subject to such an infection and that dry fasting allows to kill them, it could be logical that you experience immunopathologies (I tend to believe that dry fasting could be akin to the Marshall Protocol, which is used against chronic inflammatory diseases).

I'm sorry about that but, knowing how bad your health seems to be, I would not expect that you heal over night :(

Finally, there are some nutrients that I think could be needed for the "dehydration metabolism" or immune stimulation (why I think so is explained in the other thread about water and osmolyte that I linked to you above):
- boron,
- vitamin B1,
- osmolytes,
- salt,
- maybe zinc and vitamin A.

Sorry for derailing your thread @dq139 :):

Edit: about the metabolic rate, there are quite a lot of people that report that dry fasting is way easier for them (during comparable duration of course) than water fasting. Try it and see for yourself. I have dry fasted 14h today (not a lot I know), I'm not cold and my heart rate is around 80bpm, no signs of metabolism shut down.

lol It's all good man.. just as long as I can get answers about the hsv if I really need it.


Mar 18, 2017
HPV probably cleared his system on its own yeah, gonorrhea is a bacterial infection so he must have gotten antibiotics to treat that when he was diagnosed, 1 week and the antibiotics clear the Gono for most people. No, kiss any chick you want man, the worst you can get is oral herpes which you already have and 90% of other have also, it just lies dormant. I said 1-3 people have it by the time you're like 18 or something so if you've already kissed 3 women then just keep kissing lol no point in stopping unless you were a saint having never kissed a woman and wanted to stay like that for life.

As far as your next question, I personally go about it like this. 1) pick up chicks who are intelligent themselves, don't **** dumb blatantly dirty scum, because regardless of health i hope you hold yourself to a higher standard than that.

2) now that you've been chatting up a seemingly half decent woman with some sense and you wanna hook up? great, I personally always avoid putting my mouth on her genitals in a one night stand (because most women will have three times the body count you do lol) , it's really easy honestly just go from making out fingering her before you have sex, in which you should ALWAYs wear a condom.

chances are she will blow you, you can play with her with your hands and then just go to town (actual sex). Just wear a rubber and that will do wonders in saving you from anything serious.

Hey man, just wanted to be sure, your saying that if I'm not having a outbreak & im healthy Its safe to let a girl give me oral without a condom without passing anything on??


Apr 30, 2015
Hey man, just wanted to be sure, your saying that if I'm not having a outbreak & im healthy Its safe to let a girl give me oral without a condom without passing anything on??
are you messaging from the bar? Have you for sure sealed the deal?


Mar 18, 2017
are you messaging from the bar? Have you for sure sealed the deal?

No sir lol, now I'm finally feeling better from that absolute nightmare of a outbreak. Won't be doing anything like that for atleast a month or 2. It put the fear of God in me lol...just asking for future reference


Mar 18, 2017
So the major initial hsv 2 outbreak i had finally passed almost 2 weeks ago. But I'm still relapsing with symptoms everyday, Eventhough they don't last all day usually..I have insomnia & on and off chills & burning in genitals with fatigue...it's making it so going to work is a living hell with on and off symptoms....im taking immune system support supplements & also vit c, d, A, zinc ect. but it's not stoping the out breaks..I'm also downing painkillers to get through the day, and using cigarettes & coffee to stop the chills...this isnt healthy..at this point I'm gonna try & get Medicare and just take the valtrex indefinitely probably the rest of my life. I can't have this hsv2 keep on infringing on my life...I almost would've rather have gotten HPV or gonorrhea or clamydia. Already they can leave your system. The HSV plagues you for life..smh getting very depressed over this again.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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