Hypothyroid, Anxiety, Insomnia, Cellulite, Dental Decay Log 1



Oct 17, 2016
Hi walker- so do you take plain GABA powder (or in a capsule)? I don't know where I got the idea that glycine was somehow more GABA-ergic than GABA powder. But perhaps more knowledgable people will chime in on supplementing with GABA itself. I mean, how do benzos work? Is GABA supplement as effective?
Hi Regina, I don't actually know - I take the Now foods capsules.


Oct 17, 2016
Happy New Year! I watched a funny clip on facebook which I think sums up my NY resolution. I was ******* fabulous last year and I will be ******* fabulous again this year!

I have done a week long experiment with high dose Niacinamine (now foods no flush) at night - I am falling asleep ok but it's just taking me a long time. Someone suggested I try high dose niacinamine, which i did a few times (1.5 grams together before bed) but didn't notice anything much. I was reading once again that when you high dose with anything if you aren't getting enough food, it won't work. so the last three nights I have have skim milk hot chocolate with extra sugar + 2 grams niacinamine. VERY SEDATIVE! Slept right through the night, which doesn't happen to me much. I have done the hot chocolate before without niacinamide, which definately does help me fall asleep too, but with work starting up again and my sleep ins no longer possible I know my subconscious would be more stressed.

I've also started trying Vitamin A (for psoriasis). So far I haven't noticed anything, from 2 drops orally daily of Retanil. I'm taking E as well, plus l-theanine and reishi in the morning. I have been trying Tyronene but have similar issues as others here... it's a spike a crash thing. If it take it with a high sugar meal it's a significant increase in temp and pulse but with the anxious feeling. I was trying to do half drops though (I was taking five drops at a time on the advice of a practitioner, haidut told me not to and then I read about the 1mcg at a time). I need to dilute it before i try again.

I have more supplements which I'm trying in week long rotational cycles to see what happens. I did rub a bit of estroban on last week over some bad psoriasis and varicose veiny spot, and the itching near disappeared so looking forward to next week when I try that. :)

One thing I've noticed since peating - I am rather continuously joyful and positive. Right now I should be PMSsing hard but I'm just quite happy. Smiling alot for no reasons... :)


Aug 17, 2016
Happy New Year! I watched a funny clip on facebook which I think sums up my NY resolution. I was ******* fabulous last year and I will be ******* fabulous again this year!

I have done a week long experiment with high dose Niacinamine (now foods no flush) at night - I am falling asleep ok but it's just taking me a long time. Someone suggested I try high dose niacinamine, which i did a few times (1.5 grams together before bed) but didn't notice anything much. I was reading once again that when you high dose with anything if you aren't getting enough food, it won't work. so the last three nights I have have skim milk hot chocolate with extra sugar + 2 grams niacinamine. VERY SEDATIVE! Slept right through the night, which doesn't happen to me much. I have done the hot chocolate before without niacinamide, which definately does help me fall asleep too, but with work starting up again and my sleep ins no longer possible I know my subconscious would be more stressed.

I've also started trying Vitamin A (for psoriasis). So far I haven't noticed anything, from 2 drops orally daily of Retanil. I'm taking E as well, plus l-theanine and reishi in the morning. I have been trying Tyronene but have similar issues as others here... it's a spike a crash thing. If it take it with a high sugar meal it's a significant increase in temp and pulse but with the anxious feeling. I was trying to do half drops though (I was taking five drops at a time on the advice of a practitioner, haidut told me not to and then I read about the 1mcg at a time). I need to dilute it before i try again.

I have more supplements which I'm trying in week long rotational cycles to see what happens. I did rub a bit of estroban on last week over some bad psoriasis and varicose veiny spot, and the itching near disappeared so looking forward to next week when I try that. :)

One thing I've noticed since peating - I am rather continuously joyful and positive. Right now I should be PMSsing hard but I'm just quite happy. Smiling alot for no reasons... :)
"One thing I've noticed since peating - I am rather continuously joyful and positive." :) Yay. That's great.
Me too. I keep suddenly realizing that I am smiling.


Oct 17, 2016
Updates: Caffeine and Taurine give me bad anxiety (even with milk/sugar/honey). Trying to troubleshoot this. I know my liver is compromised (fancy chinese medicine man says chronic hepatitis A, does anyone have any experience with this? I want to get tested but I know if I go to a doctor and say some dude on the internet looked at a photo of me and said I have had hepatitis since birth.... well... i don't imagine it will go well)

I also am finding straight t3 not that helpful, with food and diluted to tiny amounts. Heart rate goes up, temp doesn't, and i get very anxious. Will eventually try the tyromix bit will stick with trying to help liver with roating estroban, vitamin a and e, and vitamin k.

TMI WARNING FOR SQUEAMISH PEOPLE! Menstrual stories included here.

I am trying new things. One of those things is a "juju cup" to replace cotton tampons. I use organic but it's still such a waste, and expensive. And I'm planning a big trip next year and I just want an easier portable period solution. Obviously people have said "just go on the pill non-stop for the year" FFS

Background story - when I first started using tampons, the very first one i used was so I could go to a pool party in my teens. Long story short, it went in, and got stuck. Turns out I a) had a very strong and intact hymen and b) have a very strong pelvic floor and a problem called vaginismus, where the muscles contract VERY STRONGLY and stay that way. I had to go to the hospital to get it pulled out. Literally filled me with lubricant and had to leverage themselves with a knee on the table. TRAUMATIC. So using a menstrual cup is a big scary as I'm scared of things getting stuck. Anyway I was trialling this thing at the same time as I was trialling my new hobby -

CUE Rebounding - great of lymphatic system and gentle on joints. Basically doing little jumps on a small trampoline.

Probably don't need to explain furthur but jumping for ten minutes on a trampoline whilst trialling new menstrual products... ENDED BADLY. Do not recommend.


Oct 17, 2016
"One thing I've noticed since peating - I am rather continuously joyful and positive." :) Yay. That's great.
Me too. I keep suddenly realizing that I am smiling.

Me too!!! I'm happy for you too!


Mar 28, 2015
Wow, Walker....is your health practitioner Haidut or Dr. Peat himself? I have never met any practitioner alternative or not that uses stressnon, energin and other such vitamins. Would you mind sharing the name and location of this practitioner of yours? Can you PM me if it's not allowed to be posted directly to the forum? I'm having the same issue as you. I have been waking up at 4 am every morning (for 1.5 weeks now) with heart palpitations and am unable to get back to sleep. I too believe something is wrong with my liver not retaining enough glycogen.


Oct 17, 2016
So the Aspirin, Vitamin B complex, Caffeine and K2 combination really works. I went from groggy to extremely alert without anxiety in about 5 mins. Highly recommend.


Oct 17, 2016
Went to the dentist after six months of sugary orange juice goodness. FIRST TIME IN 3 YEARS I HAVEN'T HAD A CAVITY


Jan 11, 2016
I've been to many doctors, GP and Naturopathic.

Supplements: Have been given B-complex and Pregnenolone (Energin and Stressnon, thanks Haidut!) which I'm taking. Awaiting the T3 in the mail. I'm also on L-Theanine and Gaba750 to calm my system. Also, doc is prescribing me MARSHMALLOWS :)

I will log my temps once I start taking the T3, and move on to more targeted experiments after I get some warmth back in my toes.

What B-complex do you take?
Sep 1, 2015
Do you mind sharing how have you dealt with tooth decay? in terms of
1. diet
2. supplementation
3. thyroid
4. oral hygiene

I'm trying to stop the tooth decay process but it's not quite stopping in way

Thanks in advance!


Oct 17, 2016
Do you mind sharing how have you dealt with tooth decay? in terms of
1. diet
2. supplementation
3. thyroid
4. oral hygiene
Hi Knockin', I increased my oj, sugar and dairy consumption and started rubbing K2 into my teeth on and off for two week periods. Just normal brushing and occasional flossing. I think K2 helps deposit calcium and sugar helps metabolism and stress. Stress literally causes cells to push out calcium or something, so you end up needing more. if you were like me and avoiding dairy... then calcium gets leached from teeth and bones to compensate. I also drank quite a bit of coke, which did not dissolve my teeth. But please remember you might have different problems to me and maybe your problem is different to mine!
Last edited:


Oct 17, 2016
I'm terrible at keeping a log. But after six to nine months I thought I should post some results for you all.

I started peating last august/september. Since then, I have had positive results for most of the things I've been suffering that are listed in this log.
- A dental checkup resulted in no new cavities for the first time in four years.
- I managed to beat my insomnia (this was a combination of realizing I have terrible glycogen storage which hit me about 11pm every night, but then also treating the psychological side of this. My fear of not sleeping enough was also stopping me from sleeping. Human brains are so weird)
- I have hit the tipping point of weight gain despite eating like a little piggie and including plenty of delicious sugar back into my life. I have gained a full 10 kilos, but now my measurements are going down and my clothes are fitting better. I can feel and see more muscle definition which is developing despite no significant exercise regime aside from walking and some gentle yoga. I should also mention my weight gain has been even all over my body rather than just my thighs. Which has been awesome because i have BOOBS now. YAY! A-B cup to a C cup. I know it's superficial but boobs are pretty awesome.
- The appearance of my cellulite has significantly decreased. My fiance notices it. I wouldn't say I got model perfect skin but it's looking more like apple skin with my dents rather than mutated orange peel. Generally, my skin everywhere has dramatically changed to firmer and smoother. Bruising has gone (I always had little bruises all over my legs and thighs from bumping into things). Cystic Acne has all but disappeared. I get an occaisional cyst behind my ear still but my chin disasters have cleared up. The constantly red scarred skin is now smooth and pink.
- I still have some psoriasis. I'm trying to think of this as an indicator that my stress hormones have gone down. There are small patches in my hair and upper thighs, but the hive like itchy patches from my shins has gone. No longer am I scratching myself to bleed in my sleep.
- I haven't been taking my temperature but the onset of colder weather has not made me as sad as usual. I am not sleeping in three jumpers and a beanie as I usually would in below 5 degree temps.
- My anxiety has not been a problem for me. I am planning a wedding at the moment and the stress I was feeling six months ago is not there. I feel energetic but controlled. Not anxious energy.

Huge thanks to Hitoshi/Paleo Osteo for helping me, pointing me in the right direction, giving me new material to devour and answering my weird questions. I don't know how to tag him in it but thank god I went to see him. I put it off for ages because I thought he would tell me to eat raw beef and have ice baths. Nope. Icecream and cheese and just relax. :)

Also thanks to Nate from **** Portion Control because he writes everything so clearly and makes it so easy to understand! Really great blog. I think he was NateDawg or something on this forum?

And to Haidut for doing interviews with Danny Roddy and supplying us with the things we need that we can't get from our "free world" HA.

I'm going to keep it all up and use my energy to take up dancing lessons, which I've always wanted to but never had the beans for. It was pointed out to me by Hitoshi/Paleo Osteo and many other bloggers and research that how you view something can affect your physiological response to it. So instead of "No Pain No Gain" training, I'm going to move my body in a way that will be joyful! I'm sure the benefits will be far greater than deadlifts in a fluro lit airless gym.

Basic summary - I eat eggs, OJ, Gelatin and meat, fruit, chocolate, cheese, milkshakes (a2 milk) with homemade choc sauce (no soy), icecream, cooked vegies, I drink coke sometimes, organic cola if I find it, rice and potatoes sometimes. I also eat other things I want that aren't peaty and are not perfect foods but they are meals I share with people I love so I don't get caught up on it. I probably could get healthier quicker if I restricted myself more but honestly it has to be sustainable. And I'm not a robot or a particularly organised person. Sticking to anything like a serious long term diet plan causes me stress, which would undo most of the good.

I take the whole shebang of fat solubles - ADEK etc, lots of K for me because my teeth and my liver
I take pregnenolone and progesterone (with my cycle)
I take natural dessicated thyroid.
I take Taurine.
I take the B's - mainly B2 and Niacinamide
I'm trying this Savoury Yeast thingo now

I have a list of other things I use when I feel like it. Supplementary HCL, Reishi I used for two months, I tried aspirin but got gastritis and vomited a bit of pinkish bile once so I am waiting for a while to try again. I have also started drinking weak, milky sweet coffee, never had it before but just craved it a while ago so tried it. :)

I also did a week of raw garlic on empty stomach which may have helped because my stomach was really bothering me (have had h, pylori in there so aspirin was probs not a good combo if it was still overgrown). It seems less of an issue now but I might do another week of it. Really made me feel funny and have a metallic taste which I think means it was killing ***t in there...

Anyway the point is keep reading, keep trying and just eat nutritious food you crave. I'll probably update this again in a few months - hopefully with more good results.


Oct 17, 2016
I'm trying to show the improvement in my teeth in six months of peating. Still have a giggle, can't wait to tell my dentist drinking coca cola is why I'm not funding his early retirement anymore. Anyway in the photos from december I have lovely brown plaque from between my teeth that was gradually spreading outwards. In may, this plaque has now disappeared, and there is just a little in between my teeth.

Vitamin K2 made a rapid improvement, but only once I upped cheese, and started drinking milk again.

It's possible guys, I have had the worst teeth my whole life but they are getting so much better, less sensitive, and naturally without plaque.

I also only brush with this toothpaste made from bentonite clay, Earthpaste.


  • december 16 teeth.jpg
    december 16 teeth.jpg
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  • may 17 teeth.jpg
    may 17 teeth.jpg
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May 11, 2017
Great progress with teeth! I want it too!!! I have a situation like at your foto on the left but worse....
How do you use vitamin K2? Are you still rubbing it in your gums? How do you do it and how often if so?
I have vitamin K already , but i am afraid to take it because i have a tendency to have dense blood. So maybe for me it would be better just to rub it in my gums to save my theeth ...


Oct 17, 2016
How do you use vitamin K2
I just rub it on my gums. I was doing one to two drops a day for about three months, now I just do it once a week. I do use Estroban (has k in it) now too most nights before bed. Dense blood doesn't sound good?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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