How to increase legs muscle stamina/endurance?


Sep 9, 2021
United States
Growing up I played 5 hours of soccer a day and had above average endurance, I'm 18 and after years of not playing and my metabolic health declining I experience this problems when playing soccer or running:

* Legs feel super full of blood/lactic acid and are super hard at touch and loose all power

*Loose balance and have no strength left in them

*feel legs super slow

*after playing for only one hour my calves were cramping and contracting by themselves

My diet:

3 raw eggs, coffee, milk, orange juice

Rice and chicken/meat/salmon and juice/coffee

Rice and tuna or chicken

What supplements, foods, habits can I do to fix this? It is incredible to me seeing 120lbs dudes or super fat people having more endurance than me.


Dec 17, 2018
Growing up I played 5 hours of soccer a day and had above average endurance, I'm 18 and after years of not playing and my metabolic health declining I experience this problems when playing soccer or running:

* Legs feel super full of blood/lactic acid and are super hard at touch and loose all power

*Loose balance and have no strength left in them

*feel legs super slow

*after playing for only one hour my calves were cramping and contracting by themselves

My diet:

3 raw eggs, coffee, milk, orange juice

Rice and chicken/meat/salmon and juice/coffee

Rice and tuna or chicken

What supplements, foods, habits can I do to fix this? It is incredible to me seeing 120lbs dudes or super fat people having more endurance than me.
Do you have coffee every meal?


Sep 9, 2021
United States
Are these with or close to your meals when you do consume it? Also how many servings of dairy do you consume a day?
The morning one is ideally consumed 1 hours after 3 raw eggs and orange juice.

The 12pm one alone with milk and sugar because I Lunch at like 2pm.

I drink like 2-3 servings of milk


Dec 17, 2018
The morning one is ideally consumed 1 hours after 3 raw eggs and orange juice.

The 12pm one alone with milk and sugar because I Lunch at like 2pm.

I drink like 2-3 servings of milk
Coffee has something called thiaminase which is an enzyme that destroy thiamine. You likely are low on thiamine (also known as B1) because coffee is destroying some of the thiamine you eat. With low B1 you will have higher lactic acid build up from exercise. You will also have weakness, balance problems, feel slow because B1 is also necessary to synthesize acetylcholine which is what contracts your muscles. You may need to consume more rice/carbs. This kind of exercise depends on glucose so make sure you have plenty from starches.

I would purchase 100mg thiamine HCL tablets and take it once a day in the morning and all these symptoms should improve. Also if you need to have caffeine, either have it away from meals or consume energy drinks or soda which do not destroy thiamine. Or consume the coffee 2-3 hours away from meals.

By the way, hours of soccer daily can contribute to low iron levels and with time anemia or at iron deficiency without anemia which will also worsen performance. You lose more iron from foot strike hemolysis and iron loss from sweat. Iron is necessary for hemoglobin which carries oxygen. You can also have lactic acid build up if your are anemic. I would focus on getting more iron rich foods in your diet though based on your diet it seems good. Low B1 also mimics anemia since you cannot use the oxygen that is delivered to your cells properly without B1.

If B1 doesnt help after a few days then I would definitely look into anemia.


Sep 9, 2021
United States
Coffee has something called thiaminase which is an enzyme that destroy thiamine. You likely are low on thiamine (also known as B1) because coffee is destroying some of the thiamine you eat. With low B1 you will have higher lactic acid build up from exercise. You will also have weakness, balance problems, feel slow because B1 is also necessary to synthesize acetylcholine which is what contracts your muscles. You may need to consume more rice/carbs. This kind of exercise depends on glucose so make sure you have plenty from starches.

I would purchase 100mg thiamine HCL tablets and take it once a day in the morning and all these symptoms should improve. Also if you need to have caffeine, either have it away from meals or consume energy drinks or soda which do you not destroy thiamine. Or consume the coffee 2-3 hours away from meals.

By the way, hours of soccer daily can contribute to low iron levels and with time anemia or at iron deficiency without anemia which will also worsen performance. You lose more iron from foot strike hemolysis and iron loss from sweat. Iron is necessary for hemoglobin which carries oxygen. You can also have lactic acid build up if your are anemic. I would focus on getting more iron rich foods in your diet though based on your diet it seems good. Low B1 also mimics anemia since you cannot use the oxygen that is delivered to your cells properly without B1.

If B1 doesnt help after a few days then I would definitely look into anemia.
Thanks a lot


May 6, 2015
I do a lot of very strenuous dancing, which can easily result in persistent problems with calf muscles and the nerves that control them.

In my case, I have learned that any CHOLINE containing supplements cause calf muscles to become very tight and stay that way. Then when it gets really bad, the nerves start to fire inappropriately, resulting in twitches, burns, stingers and cramps.

The mechanism is probably CHOLINE increasing the neurotransmitter ACETYLCHOLINE beyond the body’s ability to break it down with the enzyme ACETYLCHOLINE ESTERASE.

Sad to say, I find that foods that are high in CHOLINE, like eggs, have the exact same effect on me as the supplements.

I cannot tolerate more than 1 egg every 2 or 3 days.

The breakdown enzyme ACETYLCHOLINE ESTERASE is inhibited by many toxic environmental substances from pesticides used in the house and garden to the chemical warfare agents, resulting in excessive levels of ACETYLCHOLINE in the body.

ACETYLCHOLINE is definitely vital in contracting the muscle in the first place, but ACETYLCHOLINE ESTERASE is just as vital in relaxing the muscle after it has fired so it can fire again.


Dec 17, 2018
I do a lot of very strenuous dancing, which can easily result in persistent problems with calf muscles and the nerves that control them.

In my case, I have learned that any CHOLINE containing supplements cause calf muscles to become very tight and stay that way. Then when it gets really bad, the nerves start to fire inappropriately, resulting in twitches, burns, stingers and cramps.

The mechanism is probably CHOLINE increasing the neurotransmitter ACETYLCHOLINE beyond the body’s ability to break it down with the enzyme ACETYLCHOLINE ESTERASE.

Sad to say, I find that foods that are high in CHOLINE, like eggs, have the exact same effect on me as the supplements.

I cannot tolerate more than 1 egg every 2 or 3 days.

The breakdown enzyme ACETYLCHOLINE ESTERASE is inhibited by many toxic environmental substances from pesticides used in the house and garden to the chemical warfare agents, resulting in excessive levels of ACETYLCHOLINE in the body.

ACETYLCHOLINE is definitely vital in contracting the muscle in the first place, but ACETYLCHOLINE ESTERASE is just as vital in relaxing the muscle after it has fired so it can fire again.
Its possible but the fact that he also has balance issues and reports lack of strength points to B1 issues which causes low Ach supply and lactate build up. Cramping is usually caused by electrolyte depletion which makes the muscles hyperexcitable.


Sep 9, 2021
United States
Its possible but the fact that he also has balance issues and reports lack of strength points to B1 issues which causes low Ach supply and lactate build up. Cramping is usually caused by electrolyte depletion which makes the muscles hyperexcitable.
Now that I think about it. My shoes were making me fall more than I should have, when I took them off I stopped falling but yes my legs feel like when you are trying to run from something in a nightmare and just can't.


May 6, 2015

Yes, you are right: Electrolyte depletion is definitely a big part of the problem.

In my case, when I develop cramps after an hour or two of exertion, either my SODIUM or my CHLORIDE becomes depleted.

I take a gram of salt and the cramping dissipates in about 10 minutes.


Dec 17, 2018
Now that I think about it. My shoes were making me fall more than I should have, when I took them off I stopped falling but yes my legs feel like when you are trying to run from something in a nightmare and just can't.
Shoes may be too tight, restricting blood flow. May need to try ones that fit better as well as the other suggestions.
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