How to FINALLY eliminate Candida overgrowth?


Dec 6, 2016

I've been having Candida overgrowth for probably ~ 5 years.
During this time did A LOT of protocols:
Intermittent fasting, Fasting, Candida Diet,
Herbal antibiotics - berberine, olive leaf extract, pau d arco, greek wild oregano oil, garlic's allicin, cloves-berberine-tansey mixtures, coconut oil loading, grapeseed extract & more
Ketogenic Diet, Low carb, Low fodmap Diet
Various detoxification programs - as mentioned Anti-fungal , Anti-SIBO diets, colon cleanses & etc. Did some Heavy metal detoxification for some time too.
Probiotic & Prebiotics loading.
Parasite cleanses

And I still do have the white tongue coating every morning. I still have some level of gut problems & digestive issues and some other complaints, like skin issues and hormonal disturbances.
I think in my case this is what has been called a deep fungal infection . Where the fungus gets used to your body and spreads more than just little. It's probably not systemic - as that would be deadly in many cases. But I do think it could be systemic at some points , in the sense that I also experience some endocrinal problems , skin issues, my joints are cracking a lot, I have neck stiffness, I'm prone to joint/structural problems

I am asking those who SUCCESFULLY overcame Candida overgrowth and solved their general health / gut health problems related to Candida overgrowth? What were the most important golden gems to ultimately solve this issue ? ? ?



Oct 20, 2021
United States

Tim Lundeen

Feb 19, 2017
I suspect candida overgrowth is due to high levels of lactate (e.g. elevated glycolysis, reduced mitrochondrial function).

MitoSynergyCopper is supposed to reduce lactate, increase mitrochondrial function, so could try that

Borax is highly antifungal, and seems like it could be effective.


  • 181054142-The-Borax-Conspiracy-pdf.pdf
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David G

Feb 27, 2019
^ very interesting article about Borax. Sounds like worth a try for sure.

Nystatin is also very good for getting rid of candida/fungus, with very few if any side effects. We have a very good holistic MD who prescribed that and who also has a lot of other ideas. Given OP's extent of issues I'd highly recommend finding a very good holistic MD to help.


Jun 16, 2015
Caprylic acid will nuke candida, but you have to keep it away by building a beneficial gut environment. Adding taurine should increase bile output which prevents candida and milk should help feed good bacteria which will keep candida at bay.


Dec 6, 2016
I suspect candida overgrowth is due to high levels of lactate (e.g. elevated glycolysis, reduced mitrochondrial function).

MitoSynergyCopper is supposed to reduce lactate, increase mitrochondrial function, so could try that

Borax is highly antifungal, and seems like it could be effective.
Don't know about Borax specifically, just that it's boron based. What's else?
I've used boron from Trace Minerals Research for Candida ant Testosterone [both] - I think positive effects were seen in both cases, but very minimal effect in terms of Candida.

^ very interesting article about Borax. Sounds like worth a try for sure.

Nystatin is also very good for getting rid of candida/fungus, with very few if any side effects. We have a very good holistic MD who prescribed that and who also has a lot of other ideas. Given OP's extent of issues I'd highly recommend finding a very good holistic MD to help.

Caprylic acid will nuke candida, but you have to keep it away by building a beneficial gut environment. Adding taurine should increase bile output which prevents candida and milk should help feed good bacteria which will keep candida at bay.

I know how holistic MD's work (most of the strategies) - you can see that from my description what strategies I've already tried - some deep , strong stuff & serious protocols, in that sense - but nothing to full success.
Nystatin and Caprylic acid indeed are antifungals, however it would only treat the symptom, reduce the Candida overgrowth for the time as you take it. As soon as you stop, Candida overgrowth comes back - that's what happens for a lot of patients. And usually the infection comes even harsher. Kind of similar with SIBO like situations, but Fungus is even worse, if it's a deeper infection. In these cases there is something more serious, that's creating a hazardous environment in the body for Candida to overgrow - just that I haven't identified WHAT that is... ; albeit trying a lot of different strategic approaches to fix it.



Mar 22, 2019
Travis wrote about how cinnamon is beneficial, but he did write that only the whole bark rolls should be used and the powder is not useful, i do not know why. Probably due to denaturation of the compounds.
I have made some progress with flowers of sulfur initially. But every time i eat starchy foods, especially potatoes, i get problems with candida. I think when candida is in the hyphen form starches (rice+potaotes) should be avoided (amylopectin), agar+potatoe / rice water is a good culture medium for mycelium/fungi in petri dishes. It is enough feed for the fungi to simply have the water in which you have boiled the potatoe or rice.

There are drugs that block the iron absorption of candida, which have a positive effect against candida, so restricting iron for the time when you tackle the issue might be beneficial. But i only read about a study in connection to this and a drug they have proposed there.
Quoting Travis from Oregano Oil, Carvacrol, And The Hormones

How would you address tongue coating and candida if you suffered from both? It sounds like to prevent its development there are dietary ideas, but once it has been well established in the body, what to do? Metergoline, high dose niacinamide and methylene blue have been discussed as potent anti-fungal treatments from what I remember.
Reverting it back to the yeast form is easy. All you have to do is avoid all linoleic acid, acetylglucosamine, most glutamine, and stick to a 1∶1 gluctose∶fructose ratio. A person may have to stop eating potatoes due to the glucose (as amylopectin) and eating kimchi will help. Natural C. albicans yeast can transform into the hyphal state under conditions dominated by lowered immunity (stress), glucose, glutamine, and prostaglandin E₂. Of course, those who've taken antibiotics or glucocorticoids are generally more

Pineapple (Bromelain), NAD (disrupts biofilm) and aspirin should be helpful as well.
I have never had meaningful progress with honey, simply does not have a big enough effect.
From the study about honey against candida albicans:
Although this study demonstrates the antifungal effect of honey in vitro there are some practical considerations for its use in vivo. Firstly, honey is limited to topical treatments, and could not be used to treat candidaemia, the most serious form of candidiasis.

I did manage to have a good hold on my problems with fungal overgrowth, but i ate a lot of rice recently, and my tongue is now very, very coated. Starches do not really work for me.
I will try to get my carbs from these sources, and restrict the fats, using low fat goat milk for next weeks as main protein source (with gelatin). Blasting antifungals while still feeding the source problem is not really too helpful from my experience, it will produce die off, one feels very weak and ill (mild flu symptoms) and then the yeasts take over when given the chance again.

foods glucose fructose.png
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Oct 6, 2020
I've read about multiple teaspoons of honey being helpful troughout the day.

Which is kinda funny because virtually almost all candida protocolls tell you to starve it and not give it sugar ... which to me sounds like a bandaid aproach.

Also from @Hans article about black cumin seed:


TQ has antifungal activity against Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, and Candida krusei as well as the pathogenic fungal strains on the skin, such as Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and Microsporum gypseum (R)."

Maybe chew some seeds down to mush and get it down with a tablespoon of Honey or maybe even better a Honey with propolis mix. Methylene Blue would probably be the cherry ontop.

Good digestion (perhaps pancreas organ meat/grandular or some good enzymes like biooptimizers masszyme) would be a additional help. Or w/e else helps cellular energy.


Oct 6, 2020
I have made some progress with flowers of sulfur initially. But every time i eat starchy foods, especially potatoes, i get problems with candida.

I took it twice over a weekend along with papaya seeds ... now idk what that did exactly but it had to be some kind of ultimate dieoff reaction because i felt almost suicidal. Every negative thought or experience i've ever made came up and i was a literal mess for a week, digestion suffered alot too.
Not sure if that came from the seeds or from the sulphur .. haven't tried to isolate these ...


Jan 27, 2021
What is the evidence that you have a candida overgrowth? Many things can cause a white tongue. Dairy, sibo, etc.

You may have been nuking your ***t for candida, when really its just something else.


Oct 6, 2020
What is the evidence that you have a candida overgrowth? Many things can cause a white tongue. Dairy, sibo, etc.

You may have been nuking your ***t for candida, when really its just something else.

Trough which mechanism does milk cause white tongue? If it leads to some bacteria and digestive track issue then most candida protocolls can be helpfull aswell.

Nuking onself with antimcorbials is always risky and a hit or miss situation.


Jun 20, 2019
I did a minimal version of the Christine Orecchio protocol. At the time I was into the functional medicine paradigm. Pau'd arco, diatomaceous earth, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract. 3 or 4 days of each, rotate. I didn't stop eating sugar, etc and never completed the repeat. No I would try flowers of Sulphur since that's the Peat recommendation. Now I tend to get heavy ammonia vaginal smell, no discharge. It's disgusting. I cut back on meat. Not sure what else to do.

Tim Lundeen

Feb 19, 2017
Some people find boron effective.


  • 181054142-The-Borax-Conspiracy-pdf.pdf
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Feb 13, 2016
I recently asked Peat about borax, and he said it's neurotoxic.

Tim Lundeen

Feb 19, 2017
I recently asked Peat about borax, and he said it's neurotoxic.
Curious. I can't find evidence for this, do you know what the source(s) are?

Apparently borax converts to boric acid in blood, which is the normal form for boron.

Boron binds tightly to fluoride, so if you are clearing fluoride via extra iodine, seems to be helpful. My diet should have good boron content, but I've been taking some iodine to clear likely high fluoride levels, so that might deplete boron, because I've had some deficiency symptoms, and the (short-term as yet) supplementation has reduced symptoms.

Boron also cross-links chitin, so is extremely helpful for fungus.

And there's this:

Neuroprotective effects of dietary borax in the brain tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to copper-induced toxicity​

Of course, anything in excess can be toxic. I'm taking 3mg/day of boron, which should keep me in the normal dietary range...


Feb 13, 2016
Curious. I can't find evidence for this, do you know what the source(s) are?

Apparently borax converts to boric acid in blood, which is the normal form for boron.

Boron binds tightly to fluoride, so if you are clearing fluoride via extra iodine, seems to be helpful. My diet should have good boron content, but I've been taking some iodine to clear likely high fluoride levels, so that might deplete boron, because I've had some deficiency symptoms, and the (short-term as yet) supplementation has reduced symptoms.

Boron also cross-links chitin, so is extremely helpful for fungus.

And there's this:

Neuroprotective effects of dietary borax in the brain tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to copper-induced toxicity​

Of course, anything in excess can be toxic. I'm taking 3mg/day of boron, which should keep me in the normal dietary range...

No sources, he just said it's neurotoxic. My guess is that it improves symptoms by lowering histamine, but many things that lower histamine are bad for brain function (except salt, which seems to be one of the only things that simultaneously lowers histamine and is good for the brain).

If you're using borax to protect against excess copper, I think molybdenum helps to protect against excess copper, but I don't know any good food sources of it. The only good sources seem to be black-eyed peas and lima beans, but Peat doesn't recommend legumes.

Tim Lundeen

Feb 19, 2017
No sources, he just said it's neurotoxic. My guess is that it improves symptoms by lowering histamine, but many things that lower histamine are bad for brain function (except salt, which seems to be one of the only things that simultaneously lowers histamine and is good for the brain).
Thanks :):


Dec 6, 2016
Travis wrote about how cinnamon is beneficial, but he did write that only the whole bark rolls should be used and the powder is not useful, i do not know why. Probably due to denaturation of the compounds.
I have made some progress with flowers of sulfur initially. But every time i eat starchy foods, especially potatoes, i get problems with candida. I think when candida is in the hyphen form starches (rice+potaotes) should be avoided (amylopectin), agar+potatoe / rice water is a good culture medium for mycelium/fungi in petri dishes. It is enough feed for the fungi to simply have the water in which you have boiled the potatoe or rice.

There are drugs that block the iron absorption of candida, which have a positive effect against candida, so restricting iron for the time when you tackle the issue might be beneficial. But i only read about a study in connection to this and a drug they have proposed there.

Pineapple (Bromelain), NAD (disrupts biofilm) and aspirin should be helpful as well.
I have never had meaningful progress with honey, simply does not have a big enough effect.
From the study about honey against candida albicans:

I did manage to have a good hold on my problems with fungal overgrowth, but i ate a lot of rice recently, and my tongue is now very, very coated. Starches do not really work for me.
I will try to get my carbs from these sources, and restrict the fats, using low fat goat milk for next weeks as main protein source (with gelatin). Blasting antifungals while still feeding the source problem is not really too helpful from my experience, it will produce die off, one feels very weak and ill (mild flu symptoms) and then the yeasts take over when given the chance again.

View attachment 30088
In the study of Honey you mentioned, I think the antifungal one would be the Manuka honey.

I've read about multiple teaspoons of honey being helpful troughout the day.

Which is kinda funny because virtually almost all candida protocolls tell you to starve it and not give it sugar ... which to me sounds like a bandaid aproach.

Also from @Hans article about black cumin seed:


TQ has antifungal activity against Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, and Candida krusei as well as the pathogenic fungal strains on the skin, such as Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and Microsporum gypseum (R)."

Maybe chew some seeds down to mush and get it down with a tablespoon of Honey or maybe even better a Honey with propolis mix. Methylene Blue would probably be the cherry ontop.

Good digestion (perhaps pancreas organ meat/grandular or some good enzymes like biooptimizers masszyme) would be a additional help. Or w/e else helps cellular energy.
That's a nice combo - BCS , manuka honey / or simple + propolis. I heard MB mentioned a lot, but what exactly it is, where it's derived from and how does it work in this case?
Curious. I can't find evidence for this, do you know what the source(s) are?

Apparently borax converts to boric acid in blood, which is the normal form for boron.

Boron binds tightly to fluoride, so if you are clearing fluoride via extra iodine, seems to be helpful. My diet should have good boron content, but I've been taking some iodine to clear likely high fluoride levels, so that might deplete boron, because I've had some deficiency symptoms, and the (short-term as yet) supplementation has reduced symptoms.

Boron also cross-links chitin, so is extremely helpful for fungus.

And there's this:

Neuroprotective effects of dietary borax in the brain tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to copper-induced toxicity​

Of course, anything in excess can be toxic. I'm taking 3mg/day of boron, which should keep me in the normal dietary range...
Very interesting about the boron & fluoride - they are antagonistic as I understand.
There is a theory that Candida overgrows because of excess burden of heavy metals. Perhaps halogens like fluorid & others play a role too. Have tried consuming Boron from Trace Minerals research - was useful, but only to a certain extent, not fixing the problem all in all.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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