Here's a crazy before & after picture.


Oct 21, 2017
You radiate love and deep understanding for Oregano!
It is beautiful to watch.
Actually my niece pointed you out to me some time ago as she loves your posts and is doing some tinctures according to your recipes. Just today she told me about her nettle tincture and a kind of immunity tincture she has going at the moment and where she collected the nettles etc. Thank you.


Sep 13, 2012
You look great!! I always wondered why you put your username as 'no one', you are someone! And you are loved by God!

Herbalism is definitely making a comeback, but we need to remember as most drugs are based on herbs, herbs are still mild drugs and thus are slightly toxic. According to Dr Lawrence Wilson he says most herbs are too yin, meaning cold and expanded. Should be used carefully and sparingly.

That being said since you seem to be an expert in the realm of wild crafting herbal tinctures, do you know of any that could resemble the effects of cyproheptadine? (I wish they would release data on how the chemical was researched since all drugs start from herbs)


Dec 4, 2021
You look great!! I always wondered why you put your username as 'no one', you are someone! And you are loved by God!

Herbalism is definitely making a comeback, but we need to remember as most drugs are based on herbs, herbs are still mild drugs and thus are slightly toxic. According to Dr Lawrence Wilson he says most herbs are too yin, meaning cold and expanded. Should be used carefully and sparingly.

That being said since you seem to be an expert in the realm of wild crafting herbal tinctures, do you know of any that could resemble the effects of cyproheptadine? (I wish they would release data on how the chemical was researched since all drugs start from herbs)
I changed it to that for a couple of reasons.

In the beginning there were two members that no matter where I posted and what I said would like incessantly harass me and honestly in the beginning of my healing journey I just did not have the energy to deal with that. The block feature on here isn't really a block. So much as it is you can't see that the person is harassing you but kind of can 😅

The second thing is I do have a really large online presence from my work (is to the point now that I am recognized publicly and asked for hugs by strangers which is really weird) and I kind of just felt like I needed a place where I am just no one.

Especially since I would be talking in some ways very intimately about my health.

As far as using herbs to replicate cyproheptadine, it would probably need to be multiple pairings. Stinging nettle nourishing infusiona, not tea (to weak) would greatly help with the histamine aspects which of course would then help with other stress hormones.

Nettle is also a superior leafy green when it comes to vitamin K content and such.

But then likely nourishing herbal infusion of oat straw and or Linden, make sure the oat straw is organic though so it's not loaded down with glyphosates, both would definitely help the parasympathetic nervous system ramp down which in turn would lower serotonin/ balance cortisol.


Herbs are literally my life, they're 100% how I support my family, and I've learned them generationally. However...

There is still a point where a body gets ran down enough that herbs may not be able to replace what a pharmaceutical can do.

You should see them try to burn me publicly in the herbalism sphere for saying things like this 😅

But I think at the same time we can use things like cypro to help our body recover some and then when we are back over that edge of no return, we can start using gentle herbs to move our health in a safer direction.

However, I don't work with heroic herbs. Which is more in the realms of what you spoke to in the beginning.

Meaning herbs that cause a reaction via small amounts of toxins, which is incredibly common in the herbalism world because we have learned to equate reactions with health.

I primarily work with herbs that work either through nutrition or by gently stimulating bodily functions without the need for copious amounts of toxins. I also only work with whole plant matter. You couldn't pay me to touch extracted volatile oil compounds which the industry has rebranded as " essential oils". I also get burned alive for saying that in the herbalism industry 😅


Dec 4, 2021
You radiate love and deep understanding for Oregano!
It is beautiful to watch.
Actually my niece pointed you out to me some time ago as she loves your posts and is doing some tinctures according to your recipes. Just today she told me about her nettle tincture and a kind of immunity tincture she has going at the moment and where she collected the nettles etc. Thank you.
Thanks Oregano is a great friend to know well!

I'm glad your niece is enjoying my videos & such ☺️


Mar 21, 2014
I changed it to that for a couple of reasons.

In the beginning there were two members that no matter where I posted and what I said would like incessantly harass me and honestly in the beginning of my healing journey I just did not have the energy to deal with that. The block feature on here isn't really a block. So much as it is you can't see that the person is harassing you but kind of can 😅

The second thing is I do have a really large online presence from my work (is to the point now that I am recognized publicly and asked for hugs by strangers which is really weird) and I kind of just felt like I needed a place where I am just no one.

Especially since I would be talking in some ways very intimately about my health.

As far as using herbs to replicate cyproheptadine, it would probably need to be multiple pairings. Stinging nettle nourishing infusiona, not tea (to weak) would greatly help with the histamine aspects which of course would then help with other stress hormones.

Nettle is also a superior leafy green when it comes to vitamin K content and such.

But then likely nourishing herbal infusion of oat straw and or Linden, make sure the oat straw is organic though so it's not loaded down with glyphosates, both would definitely help the parasympathetic nervous system ramp down which in turn would lower serotonin/ balance cortisol.


Herbs are literally my life, they're 100% how I support my family, and I've learned them generationally. However...

There is still a point where a body gets ran down enough that herbs may not be able to replace what a pharmaceutical can do.

You should see them try to burn me publicly in the herbalism sphere for saying things like this 😅

But I think at the same time we can use things like cypro to help our body recover some and then when we are back over that edge of no return, we can start using gentle herbs to move our health in a safer direction.

However, I don't work with heroic herbs. Which is more in the realms of what you spoke to in the beginning.

Meaning herbs that cause a reaction via small amounts of toxins, which is incredibly common in the herbalism world because we have learned to equate reactions with health.

I primarily work with herbs that work either through nutrition or by gently stimulating bodily functions without the need for copious amounts of toxins. I also only work with whole plant matter. You couldn't pay me to touch extracted volatile oil compounds which the industry has rebranded as " essential oils". I also get burned alive for saying that in the herbalism industry 😅
Susan Weed is another herbalist against EOs. Did a class with her years ago and she railed against them. She got very upset (at another herbal conference) when my friend gave her water with peppermint EO added to the water. "Are you trying to kill me??"

I used to be way more into herbs but it seemed like so many were estrogenic once I entered Peatlandia 8 years ago. I'm sure it's more complicated than "this herb is estrogenic" though.
What about calming blends like oat straw hops and catnip -- would they increase estrogen in women? Sorry if I'm asking you too many herbal questions. lol


Mar 21, 2014
It would be great if more people in the herbal world found Ray Peat. I swear so many have eating disorders -- either low carb or vegan -- and are promoting a lot of incorrect info that has led many people, including myself, astray.


Dec 4, 2021
Susan Weed is another herbalist against EOs. Did a class with her years ago and she railed against them. She got very upset (at another herbal conference) when my friend gave her water with peppermint EO added to the water. "Are you trying to kill me??"
Yeah I imagine she flipped out a bit over that, but to be fair we all don't enjoy ingesting natural endocrine disruptors lol.
I used to be way more into herbs but it seemed like so many were estrogenic once I entered Peatlandia 8 years ago. I'm sure it's more complicated than "this herb is estrogenic" though.
It really is especially when most of the studies being done are on a particular terpene and or alkaloid in a plant are typically in highly refined states.

So, yeah maybe if we ingest what would take 50lbs of plant matter to make into one tiny vile we might get a nasty reaction.
What about calming blends like oat straw
Oat straw infusion has all the vascular benefits of oatmeal without actually having to digest the oats. We also know that oat bran has the capacity to lower serotonin/estrogen, albeit that's more of a physical absorbing action.

Oat straw has a ton of calcium though.
Hops, in large amounts, is a bit estrogenic.

Again though humanity has been brewing beer with hops for a very long time and estrogen dominance wasn't created through that.

It's pretty great for calming the nervous system & lowering cortisol in the same way cannabis is because they're actually in the same genus.

Moderate use here & there likely won't cause a spike in E.
and catnip
Catnip is in the mint family so not really one that would raise E, although mints when used excessively tend to lower thyroid function.

But catnip is great for insomnia and is a good dopamine stimulator, I like her in tincture form over tea. But if course with tinctures it's always best to use fresh plant matter so you also have access to the water soluble properties versus just the alcohol soluble ones.

I go over this a lot in my various video.
-- would they increase estrogen in women? Sorry if I'm asking you too many herbal questions. lol
Ultimately, just like with supplements, too much of a potentially helpful thing can throw us out of balance.

To be fair though I've seen more people in here hurt themselves with supplements than I have with a decade plus of folks rotating through simple non heroic herbs 😉


Sep 13, 2012
I changed it to that for a couple of reasons.

In the beginning there were two members that no matter where I posted and what I said would like incessantly harass me and honestly in the beginning of my healing journey I just did not have the energy to deal with that. The block feature on here isn't really a block. So much as it is you can't see that the person is harassing you but kind of can 😅

The second thing is I do have a really large online presence from my work (is to the point now that I am recognized publicly and asked for hugs by strangers which is really weird) and I kind of just felt like I needed a place where I am just no one.

Especially since I would be talking in some ways very intimately about my health.

As far as using herbs to replicate cyproheptadine, it would probably need to be multiple pairings. Stinging nettle nourishing infusiona, not tea (to weak) would greatly help with the histamine aspects which of course would then help with other stress hormones.

Nettle is also a superior leafy green when it comes to vitamin K content and such.

But then likely nourishing herbal infusion of oat straw and or Linden, make sure the oat straw is organic though so it's not loaded down with glyphosates, both would definitely help the parasympathetic nervous system ramp down which in turn would lower serotonin/ balance cortisol.


Herbs are literally my life, they're 100% how I support my family, and I've learned them generationally. However...

There is still a point where a body gets ran down enough that herbs may not be able to replace what a pharmaceutical can do.

You should see them try to burn me publicly in the herbalism sphere for saying things like this 😅

But I think at the same time we can use things like cypro to help our body recover some and then when we are back over that edge of no return, we can start using gentle herbs to move our health in a safer direction.

However, I don't work with heroic herbs. Which is more in the realms of what you spoke to in the beginning.

Meaning herbs that cause a reaction via small amounts of toxins, which is incredibly common in the herbalism world because we have learned to equate reactions with health.

I primarily work with herbs that work either through nutrition or by gently stimulating bodily functions without the need for copious amounts of toxins. I also only work with whole plant matter. You couldn't pay me to touch extracted volatile oil compounds which the industry has rebranded as " essential oils". I also get burned alive for saying that in the herbalism industry 😅
Ah, ok that makes sense, you aren't making a statement about yourself more of a statement against being a celebrity here.

Thanks the suggestions I've never really experimented with herbs other than calendula which I did find to be healing for skin ailments (didn't do much for psoriasis though). I also have comfrey that I have made a tea from for when I was sick.

That's good you don't work with the heroic herbs that you can really feel the side effects from. Yeah sometimes using drugs in a targeted way is good, I am using cypro right now because it saves me from being in a constant state of allergic reactions. But I can't be on it forever it did raise my liver enzymes last time I was on it for a lengthy time. So I do firmly believe all drugs can harm the liver over time. Maybe not in the short term as it helps someone escape the stress they are stuck in but long term use.


Mar 21, 2014
Yeah I imagine she flipped out a bit over that, but to be fair we all don't enjoy ingesting natural endocrine disruptors lol
Yeah I understand her reaction -- it should've been disclosed there were EOs in the water for sure.
To be fair though I've seen more people in here hurt themselves with supplements than I have with a decade plus of folks rotating through simple non heroic herb
Good point!

Thank you for the info on the herbs.

I don't know if you've looked into hardwiring your internet instead of wifi and keeping phones off as much as possible. Seems to help my stress levels a bit which affects my blood sugar issues.


Dec 4, 2021
Yeah I understand her reaction -- it should've been disclosed there were EOs in the water for sure.

Good point!

Thank you for the info on the herbs.

I don't know if you've looked into hardwiring your internet instead of wifi and keeping phones off as much as possible. Seems to help my stress levels a bit which affects my blood sugar issues.
I wish that was an option but where I live remotely it's gata beam into a router. I do turn it off at night, have a few WiFi mitigation thingies, & sleep on a high quality grounding sheet.


May 31, 2018
Alright don't be jerks but here is a picture of me before I found pro metabolic eating/ this form & after about 2 years of healing.

The almost dead looking woman on the left barely ate just out of unrealized disordered eating from being homeless as a teen.

I wasn't vegan. I didn't avoid sugar. I didn't even eat out or even that much processed food. I just didn't eat enough and was consumed by stress and environmental toxins.

(Want to know something kind of weird even that half dead looking version of me wasn't estrogen dominant? Crazy.)

The living woman on the right who looks 5 years younger even though I'm 5 years older now eats ample amounts of foods.

Am I still struggling with weird random health issues? Absolutely! However I am still doing 10,000 times better than I was. I even reversed dangerously flipped cortisol levels from severe burnout.

A scary as it might be I'd love for people to share there before and after pictures!

The photo memory function on my Google phone showed me this picture from forever ago right next to this picture that I had taken less than a week ago and it really shocked me 😳

View attachment 42913

Because someone will ask the tattoo & my hair are cultural, no you likey haven't heard of my culture.

Hey... I know you.. my grade school friend always shares your posts on FB. She adores you :)


Dec 29, 2015
Take another picture in sunlight like the first one

inside and outside photos always look different
I can not believe you asked that, when under close inspection there are such obvious positive changes.
Then she posts one in daylight, looks just as good if not better.
Wow, you are something Sam ol boy


May 10, 2018
I can not believe you asked that, when under close inspection there are such obvious positive changes.
Then she posts one in daylight, looks just as good if not better.
Wow, you are something Sam ol boy
Sam has always been a voice of resounding negativity on here. He then threatens to leave the forum, he then reposts the same skin thread consecutively when he doesn’t like peoples answers, then puts negative remarks on a photo like the OP’s which by anyones standards is remarkable.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
There are a couple revelations here:

1.) You seem to be a little bit of an as*hole that doesn't like when people share a success story.

2.) I just wanted to share how far I'd come because it's pretty ******* shocking.

3.) Lastly, I didn't just "put on weight" I completely changed my body right down to hormonal functions. If people "just gaining weight" helped them heal in such radical ways the world would be a much healthier place.
I got the same reaction when I posted a before and after picture about my face getting wider after vitamin k. It was true that I had gained some weight but I didn’t feel the facial changes were due to weight gain. Now that my weight is virtually the same I think it’s a better comparison. Below is me at ages 39 and 52. The first one was a few years before discovering Peat and joining this forum. Whenever we put ourselves out there we become open to criticism. I still think my face (specifically my jawline) is wider now. Obviously I’m 13 years older and aware that I look it so hopefully no one will feel the need to remind me! :)


Oct 21, 2017
Both examples I find impressive, both in their own ways. Both posters radiate and look more beautiful in the second picture which may be helped by feeling in a better space healthwise.
I do think your lower face as more „presence“ in the second picture Blossom. There has not been much fatloss in your face as could be the case with ageing. It appears as if your face has been „rearranged“ and it seems more harmonious in its proportions.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Both examples I find impressive, both in their own ways. Both posters radiate and look more beautiful in the second picture which may be helped by feeling in a better space healthwise.
I do think your lower face as more „presence“ in the second picture Blossom. There has not been much fatloss in your face as could be the case with ageing. It appears as if your face has been „rearranged“ and it seems more harmonious in its proportions.
Thank you, I certainly feel better in my recent picture.


Apr 19, 2021
I got the same reaction when I posted a before and after picture about my face getting wider after vitamin k. It was true that I had gained some weight but I didn’t feel the facial changes were due to weight gain. Now that my weight is virtually the same I think it’s a better comparison. Below is me at ages 39 and 52. The first one was a few years before discovering Peat and joining this forum. Whenever we put ourselves out there we become open to criticism. I still think my face (specifically my jawline) is wider now. Obviously I’m 13 years older and aware that I look it so hopefully no one will feel the need to remind me! :)View attachment 43079View attachment 43080
Hi Blossom, I have a couple of questions for you. I assume it's mk-4, right? What dose? Do you eat dairy? Also any negatives to report from supplementation?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hi Blossom, I have a couple of questions for you. I assume it's mk-4, right? What dose? Do you eat dairy? Also any negatives to report from supplementation?
Yes, MK4 between 2-5 mg and yes to dairy.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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