Get Better Log - King - Libido/hair Lets Go


Feb 12, 2015
ok tara i will go buy some collard greens tonight... maybe some honey too i will try again for round2, but i didn't do too great with it last time. honestly i don't erally do great with any sugar, i probably just have a messed up thyroid.

Yes, you do need some cooked leafy greens. They're awesome :) Glutathione, vitamin K, (natural) magnesium etc.


Feb 12, 2015
okay cool do you just eat them plain? why do people say we dont need vegetables here then? lol

No, I always short-boil them and drink the water, too. Eating raw meat and vegetables lead to high risk of tapeworm/roundworm/liver flukes infestation. Since you and I know what it's like to have candida, you definitely don't want those parasites!

Vegetables have been very beneficial to me. I can't speak for everyone else.


Mar 29, 2014
Ok, good that you are finding OJ helpful. I thought you meant you were just using coke for all your carbs - and that looks like a recipe for deficiency in potassium amongst other things.

ok tara i will go buy some collard greens tonight... maybe some honey too i will try again for round2, but i didn't do too great with it last time. honestly i don't erally do great with any sugar, i probably just have a messed up thyroid.

Your system may be having trouble with lots of sugar since you've been undereating for a while. Might take a bit t get it back into the swing. Chronic undereating is a known cause of reduced thyroid function.

You need carbs from somewhere, so I guess you get to figure out which ones work best for you for now - you can't avoid both starch and sugar and expect to have the energy for recovery. If a particular food is obviously causing you more trouble that others, switch it for something that bothers you less - I don't mean you should force yourself to eat large amounts of honey specifically if it bothers you particularly. Some people get allergic reactions to particular kinds of honey. But you still have to eat food.

I know what you mean about not wanting lots of high vit-C fruit with red meat - I'm not coping with much dairy, so I'm relying on beef and lamb etc quite a bit too. Any reason not to have fruit in some form between meaty meals? With an egg if you are aiming for protein with your carbs? I think if you stew apples with a bit of sugar you don't get a large amount of vit-C from that? Not sure if the same applies to most fruit.

If you look at your average diet for the last few days via chronometer or similar, you could get an idea how much potassium (K) you are getting, and whether it is in cooey of RDI? K is one of the many things needed to metabolise sugar well. If I eat too much refined sugar and not so much fruit (and veg) I start to feel off/tired after a while, and I suspect it is lack of K.


Mar 29, 2014
and drink the water, too.
Yeah, lots of the minerals are apparently in the cooking water.

I seem to find greens helpful too.

okay cool do you just eat them plain?
I usually boil veges and puree them (water and all) to mix with stock for soup.
You can also add them to stews.

why do people say we dont need vegetables here then? lol
As you know, people express many and varied opinions and interpretations of Peat's writing here. You can find people saying all sorts of things. I wouldn't take a small number of forum member's postings as telling the whole story. I'd recommending reading Peat himself.

Maybe some people are getting enough minerals from fruit and other sources and don't need them, esp. if their systems are stronger and better able to retain the useful minerals. Hypothyroid states tends to lose Mg and probably some others easily. Peat has pointed out that most leaves growing above ground have some defensive chemicals, and may not be ideal as the major source of calories when there are better options available. Some people seem to take this as meaning that one should not eat veges. Raw veges can be hard for some people to digest, and cooking makes many of them more easily digestible.
I've read Peat sometimes recommending the broth from cooked greens, and sometimes speaking favourably of cooked greens.

Have you read his article about vegetables?
Aug 18, 2015
well this is great... woke up today and have new fungus on my chest. WTF. i ate kale, took thyroid, and got a zinc supplement yesterday. smh. so much hair lost in the shower as well. this isn't working out.
Aug 18, 2015
Dont care anymore.. going all out. Just took .5 grain of thyroid and going back full peat style anc will supplement zinc. Too much coke causing me problems. I dk what else to eat with beef and oysters. I lost more hair doing that than regular peating. Yolo

I dont think calcium or mag is able to get anywhere without thyroid at this point and I have no more time to waste. Im gonna work my way up to a grain eventually.
Aug 18, 2015
I just sprayed some mag on me after thyroid.. this was correct.. no tiredness.. just positive from the mag. I think I just need thyroid at the end of the dag
Aug 18, 2015
no wonder i lost so much hair the last few days... look at that prolactin.. dear god...



Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Sorry about your prolactin. A forum member sent me a study about the herb vitex reducing prolactin. I will try to find the link for you.
Aug 18, 2015
Sorry about your prolactin. A forum member sent me a study about the herb vitex reducing prolactin. I will try to find the link for you.

No worries. Thanks for the kind words. I all ready kind of knew it was happening .Whenever I took magnesium, I got very very sleepy. It was not going where it should be. My thyroid got completely screwed up. I restarted thyroid today and boom.. magnesium is going where it should now. I will get this lowered within a week and retest it next week to prove it.

I'm going all out on peating now with thyroid the way it should be with enough now to make it count.

Vitex I had a weird reaction to.. but I think the problem is calcium and magnesium not going where it should... I think it should now. We will see...

My vitamin D is perfect though.. man that is amazing to look at.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Oh good. I hate the feeling of high prolactin.:cry
Aug 18, 2015
Oh good. I hate the feeling of high prolactin.:cry

Yeah. Even my bones started aching the last few days and I shed so much hair in the shower it was unreal. Lol. Damn it. Live and learn. I took half a grain of thyroid today and felt amazing. That is the most I have ever taken in a day. I need to get up to a grain. I all ready had like 4 bowel movements today from taking it... just goes to show how messed up I was.
Aug 18, 2015
Pretty silent here since I posted a 26 prolactin level... lol...............

I should have taken thyroid since day one. Forget all this other stuff. Thyroid is needed to get calcium and magnesium into the cell. The only way. My fungus is fading on my chest and I'm doing a lot of milk and OJ now. At half a grain. Movin on up boy. Hope I didn't wait too long is all I can say.


Jun 8, 2014
Pretty silent here since I posted a 26 prolactin level... lol...............

I should have taken thyroid since day one. Forget all this other stuff. Thyroid is needed to get calcium and magnesium into the cell. The only way. My fungus is fading on my chest and I'm doing a lot of milk and OJ now. At half a grain. Movin on up boy. Hope I didn't wait too long is all I can say.

Personally for me sunlight and being outdoors is my best tool for getting magnesium and calcium working correctly, but since that isn't possible for you it makes sense that thyroid is what you need the most. It's my experience that once calcium and magnesium are doing what they should be that zinc consumption is suddenly very effective in lowering prolactin and increasing dopamine/libido even in small amounts, so you should have that to look forward to pretty soon.
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2015
Personally for me sunlight and being outdoors is my best tool for getting magnesium and calcium working correctly, but since that isn't possible for you it makes sense that thyroid is what you need the most. It's my experience that once calcium and magnesium are doing what they should be that zinc consumption is suddenly very effective in lowering prolactin and increasing dopamine/libido even in small amounts, so you should have that to look forward to pretty soon.

cool. yeah i was thinking that was a big disadvantage i had. i was also about to fly to mexico for a week to try to soak in the sun all day because i was getting so desperate i didn't know what else to do, but i wouldnt be able to do it for a couple of weeks so i just opted for thyroid, but yeah i think that is probably a big part of the problem. yeah it seems magnesium doesnt make me tired anymore and i hope the zinc starts going where it should.. i am taking liver for hte first time today with thyroid so i think it will do very good things.. i can all ready tell a big difference.. like a huge difference. at least with how i am feeling, not awkward, can speak normally to people type thing. feel normal. my libido isnt there yet, but i just feel normal, but i think it will come soon once that prolactin goes super low and im still only on half a grain.. peat says he doesnt know anyone in good health under 1 grain somewhere.


Mar 29, 2014
and im still only on half a grain.. peat says he doesnt know anyone in good health under 1 grain somewhere.
I've not seen that. If you come across it again I'd be interested to see the source.
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