Get Better Log - King - Libido/hair Lets Go

Aug 18, 2015
I've not seen that. If you come across it again I'd be interested to see the source.

maybe not he hasn't seen anyone in good health with under 1 grain, rather, usaully it takes 1 grains a day to achieve really good health, not that it is impossible without it, ray peat is the source, danny roddy told me he emailed it to him and tahts what peat told him
Aug 18, 2015
@mayweatherking, could you give an update about how you are doing?

Pretty bad in that i realize i have bad insulin resistance now... Some kind of freak insulin resistence that makes my libido messed up from finasteride. Glad i know what it is now tho.. Basically keepijg my blood sugar low enough for how much insulij i can handle and not letting it go low enough for cortisol release..

It makes sense all the problems ive had tho my fungus us fading now

Gonna start walking like two hra at least a day.. Im walking right now actually

My cortisol is out of control i need to lower it.. Might go to yoga and the thing where they stick needles in you


Mar 15, 2014
Which explains why Asians are less likely to be bald. They like eating probiotic food like kimchi, miso soup, cayenne peppers, ginger, garlic etc. Also, Southeast Asians like to consume coconut water and meat that's antifungal and antiparasites.

Miso soup is not "probiotic", as any bacteria are killed off by the heat of the soup. Regardless, I think most of the advantageous things that Asians experience are genetic, and I anecdotally experienced a slew of changes in my body while taking K2 (both MK4 and MK7) that could be well described as "Asian".

Interestingly, Chinese (but not black, white, or Hispanic) Americans have uniquely high levels of vitamin K1. Whether this translates into higher K2 concentrations is not completely clear to me.


Sep 11, 2013
Pretty bad in that i realize i have bad insulin resistance now... Some kind of freak insulin resistence that makes my libido messed up from finasteride. Glad i know what it is now tho.. Basically keepijg my blood sugar low enough for how much insulij i can handle and not letting it go low enough for cortisol release..

It makes sense all the problems ive had tho my fungus us fading now

Gonna start walking like two hra at least a day.. Im walking right now actually

My cortisol is out of control i need to lower it.. Might go to yoga and the thing where they stick needles in you

Have you tried theanine for cortisol?

I think I have said it before, but I would certainly experiment more with B-vitamins. I lately saw a study that diabetic patients loose B1 in their urine, so I would think about supplementing that (orange juice is btw higher in B1 than bananas).

I also monitor my blood sugar. And if I supplement 300 mg of thiamin, my blood sugar drops much faster back to baseline after a meal.

You say you had bad experience with niacinamide, but I would not write this off too soon. Niacinamide basically turns you from a fat burner into a glucose burner. Maybe try a lower dosage? It is hard to lower your blood sugar, if you don't use them, and especially if your cortisol is high, you are probably burning fatty acids instead of glucose.


Jun 12, 2013
I was going to second the niacinamide. I just started up with it, so can't say much yet, but studies show improvement with fungus, insulin resistance (lowering FFA) and may target some of your other problems as well since it's anti-estrogen, lowers cortisol, increases metabolism, etc.

I bought 100 mg. tablets that I can cut to take less if I want. I believe the basic recommendation is 100 mg. 2 or 3 x day. The "trick" is to take it with a meal, otherwise it can lower blood sugar and cause symptoms.
Aug 18, 2015
I was going to second the niacinamide. I just started up with it, so can't say much yet, but studies show improvement with fungus, insulin resistance (lowering FFA) and may target some of your other problems as well since it's anti-estrogen, lowers cortisol, increases metabolism, etc.

I bought 100 mg. tablets that I can cut to take less if I want. I believe the basic recommendation is 100 mg. 2 or 3 x day. The "trick" is to take it with a meal, otherwise it can lower blood sugar and cause symptoms.

Tried it.. Reacted bad to it.. Got me in a bad state


Apr 19, 2016
I've been having blood sugar problems as well @mayweatherking so you're not alone there.

Since starting full peat I've gotten more anxious/cortisol and worse blood sugar problems, as well as other undesirable changes. Some things improved, but I don't feel better overall. I have sweet smelling body odor now and have my fluctuating blood sugar symptoms back. I was doing well before I went full on with all the fruit and milk. Too much gelatin is a problem for me as well as I quickly get cold sores (especially with the increase of carbs). Also, it doesn't take much coffee/caffeine to get me to a very undesirable state (buzzed, anxious). So many of these "peat friendly" foods aren't doing so well with me. What am I to do? I was in the process of eliminating a lot of supplements from my routine when I started "peating" and now am reading on this forum being convinced by posts that I am going to have to get back on a whole bunch of supplements and medications just to feel better... I've experimented with a few suggestions in smaller doses and failed. I am almost regretting my decision to go full peat. I wish that I had just stuck with some of the basic suggestions...

I think I am going to restart by cutting down the fruit, replacing the milk with eggshell for now, continue to avoid PUFA, occasional organ meats, make sure I don't go way overboard on carbs and avoid white sugar, figure out how to get my cortisol back down again, raw carrot, fat soluble vitamins (A,E,D,K), coffee only every few days, plenty of light and going on walks. I am going to stick to as few supplements and meds as possible as it is hard to tell how my health is truly doing if I am relying on a bunch of aspirin, cypro, or other supplements/drugs to feel good.

I am starting to think that there is a missing piece somewhere or a factor that no one is talking about.


Jun 10, 2016
I am going to stick to as few supplements and meds as possible as it is hard to tell how my health is truly doing

It is not so hard to find out, just measure your temps and pulse daily, or multiple times a day.

I am starting to think that there is a missing piece somewhere or a factor that no one is talking about.

I think many people feel like that. And I felt like that for a long time as well, but I don't think it works that way.

Everytime I thought I found this missing piece, and suddenly felt much better, I think in all those cases, I was just pushing out some extra stress hormones, that can make you feel good.

Even if you are high in stress hormones, such as depressed people are, if they are given some extra cortisol, their depressive symptoms will go away. The problem of stress hormones is, that they are never a long term solution.

So everytime I had this eureka moment, oh yes "Cold showers, they are really the ***t", I felt like superman. And many symptoms will suddenly go away.

In my experience, true healing, which means, stress free healing, takes a freaking lot of time. It doesn't come overnight. It doesn't come in a week. You are lucky, if you heal in a month. Most people, it will take many months.

So how do you know that you are heading the right direction in those many months that healing takes? Measure your metabolic rate. Measure your pulse and temperature daily. If you are high in cortisol, it is harder, because it may give a false sense of good metabolism, but there are many strategies to get cortisol down. And most of the times, it will feel horrible (getting cortisol down), but it is necessary for true healing.

And no, it is not bad, to keep your metabolism high with supps like cypro or aspirin (as long as those sups don't increase your stress hormones). It only will speed up the time you get really better.
Aug 18, 2015
I hear u..
I beleive the problem is endotoxin. I have constipation constantly. Its a loop.. When ur constipated... Ur not hungry.. When ur not hungry... Ur cortisol is prob going up bc u dk when to eat..

I think i gave myself cushings syndrome. I hate my body.

I flucuate a lot. I sometimes remove all fungus... Then it comes back again. It switches a lot in limbo.


Apr 19, 2016
You are lucky, if you heal in a month. Most people, it will take many months

I've been at it since November. Cortisol was lower. Blood sugar problems were improving. Sleep was better. Libido was better. Allergies better. Just incorporating a few ideas I felt great but still had some lingering issues and was convinced that I needed to go "full peat". Going "full peat" threw me way off. Aspirin and cypro made me feel great for a time but when I weened off I was just back to the problems. I've been measuring pulse and temp but can't rely on it because of the increase in anxiety and cortisol. Before all this those problems were not that bad, and I was focused on other problems.

I think many people feel like that. And I felt like that for a long time as well, but I don't think it works that way.

Everytime I thought I found this missing piece, and suddenly felt much better, I think in all those cases, I was just pushing out some extra stress hormones, that can make you feel good.

Even if you are high in stress hormones, such as depressed people are, if they are given some extra cortisol, their depressive symptoms will go away. The problem of stress hormones is, that they are never a long term solution.

So everytime I had this eureka moment, oh yes "Cold showers, they are really the ***t", I felt like superman. And many symptoms will suddenly go away.

I am talking way deeper than just one supplement, just one "miracle cure", just one macro or micronutrient, just one problematic body part, etc.. I am talking about why the body became the way it is. Obviously PUFA played a role as well as some other dietary and lifestyle factors. But what about the people who fix those issues and still do not get better? What about an environmental factor like mold, infection, chemical, allergy, etc. that could have effed up the liver/thyroid/body in the first place?

I hear u..
I beleive the problem is endotoxin. I have constipation constantly. Its a loop.. When ur constipated... Ur not hungry.. When ur not hungry... Ur cortisol is prob going up bc u dk when to eat..

I think i gave myself cushings syndrome. I hate my body.

I flucuate a lot. I sometimes remove all fungus... Then it comes back again. It switches a lot in limbo.

Yeah clearly endotoxin is a big deal on this forum but I never see anything talking about how to deal with the root cause of the problem. Endotoxin overload would clearly indicate chronic infection. You wouldn't be able to get better unless you treated it. I think even the best diet in the world combined with thyroid med would still leave some people feeling sick. I only think this because I have talked to several people with Lyme's disease and other infections who only could get better through effectively treating the infections. Problem is that finding effective treatment is hard. I have decided that I am going to see a functional medicine doctor who specializes in this area and treats using fairly unconventional methods. Maybe I'll post my experience here.

BTW lots of milk causes constipation for me. My roommate stopped drinking milk because it was doing something to his thyroid and he was getting hypo symptoms with excess milk. This was discovered by a doctor at an earlier age.
Aug 18, 2015
I've been at it since November. Cortisol was lower. Blood sugar problems were improving. Sleep was better. Libido was better. Allergies better. Just incorporating a few ideas I felt great but still had some lingering issues and was convinced that I needed to go "full peat". Going "full peat" threw me way off. Aspirin and cypro made me feel great for a time but when I weened off I was just back to the problems. I've been measuring pulse and temp but can't rely on it because of the increase in anxiety and cortisol. Before all this those problems were not that bad, and I was focused on other problems.

I am talking way deeper than just one supplement, just one "miracle cure", just one macro or micronutrient, just one problematic body part, etc.. I am talking about why the body became the way it is. Obviously PUFA played a role as well as some other dietary and lifestyle factors. But what about the people who fix those issues and still do not get better? What about an environmental factor like mold, infection, chemical, allergy, etc. that could have effed up the liver/thyroid/body in the first place?

Yeah clearly endotoxin is a big deal on this forum but I never see anything talking about how to deal with the root cause of the problem. Endotoxin overload would clearly indicate chronic infection. You wouldn't be able to get better unless you treated it. I think even the best diet in the world combined with thyroid med would still leave some people feeling sick. I only think this because I have talked to several people with Lyme's disease and other infections who only could get better through effectively treating the infections. Problem is that finding effective treatment is hard. I have decided that I am going to see a functional medicine doctor who specializes in this area and treats using fairly unconventional methods. Maybe I'll post my experience here.

BTW lots of milk causes constipation for me. My roommate stopped drinking milk because it was doing something to his thyroid and he was getting hypo symptoms with excess milk. This was discovered by a doctor at an earlier age.

Yeah it causes constipation for sure.. but I think it's because there's not enough sugar to offset it. When I started taking egg shell calcium and lots of gelatin, I started getting better fast... but then I tanked again with very dry skin. I don't konw why I got it or what caused it. It's getting annoying AF for me to deal with this. I'm going to be bald soon dude.. this SUCKS. LOL DAMN IT. I'm at a low point now.. very dry hair.

The thing is, I just wish this was more figured out. Like if I stumbled on this with 50 years of research behind it or something. There is a solution somewhere. Like two days, I started puking my brains out and I slept all night after that without really eating. The next day, I had like every girl that walked by me brush there hair or staring at me or saying hello to me. This hasn't happened to me in like 6 years, I never even had girls look twice at me. Then, like 2 days after, all of a sudden my hair starts falling out like crazy, is unbelievably dry, hands dry, etc etc.

I don't know lol. I'm just slamming down the sugar at this point and hoping something evens out. What's odd is I don't get "scalp itch" anymore, but really I just get really dry hair sometimes or bad dandruff. It just switches a lot, sometimes it's there, sometimes not, I don't really know the trend to be honest.


Feb 4, 2016
I've been at it since November. Cortisol was lower. Blood sugar problems were improving. Sleep was better. Libido was better. Allergies better. Just incorporating a few ideas I felt great but still had some lingering issues and was convinced that I needed to go "full peat". Going "full peat" threw me way off. Aspirin and cypro made me feel great for a time but when I weened off I was just back to the problems. I've been measuring pulse and temp but can't rely on it because of the increase in anxiety and cortisol. Before all this those problems were not that bad, and I was focused on other problems.

I am talking way deeper than just one supplement, just one "miracle cure", just one macro or micronutrient, just one problematic body part, etc.. I am talking about why the body became the way it is. Obviously PUFA played a role as well as some other dietary and lifestyle factors. But what about the people who fix those issues and still do not get better? What about an environmental factor like mold, infection, chemical, allergy, etc. that could have effed up the liver/thyroid/body in the first place?

Yeah clearly endotoxin is a big deal on this forum but I never see anything talking about how to deal with the root cause of the problem. Endotoxin overload would clearly indicate chronic infection. You wouldn't be able to get better unless you treated it. I think even the best diet in the world combined with thyroid med would still leave some people feeling sick. I only think this because I have talked to several people with Lyme's disease and other infections who only could get better through effectively treating the infections. Problem is that finding effective treatment is hard. I have decided that I am going to see a functional medicine doctor who specializes in this area and treats using fairly unconventional methods. Maybe I'll post my experience here.

BTW lots of milk causes constipation for me. My roommate stopped drinking milk because it was doing something to his thyroid and he was getting hypo symptoms with excess milk. This was discovered by a doctor at an earlier age.

An old Dr. Friend of mine once told me that for as many years an individual has had a condition it would take at least that many months to clear it up naturally. Anything else was a forced state and the condition could swing one deeper into the illness.
I think it wise to seek the wisdom of someone who has your best interest and experience in your condition.
Please keep us in the loop here or start your own thread.
Aug 18, 2015
i think i have it almost figured out. i really noticed a big difference when i added a lot of egg shell and a lot of gelatin. it was like a 360 turn around. that, with the right milk, and a ***t load of OJ, probably some coffee... i think i can turn it around almost... getting close......... praying it hapens... im definetely way better today than i was any other time in this journey....... has nothing to do with taking months.. moreso choosing the right things to take.... but still messed up for sure and need to clear some things up.... like whne is salt a priority.... how does salt distribute the calcium and magnesium...

seems like to handle sugar... its really more about getting enough calcium, magnesium, b vitmains, and zinc and copper... which i get enough of........ need a lot of sugar i think to get things going... i think constipation is just your body in shock... obviously high cortisol if you are in shock.. only sugar can bring it down....

i can talk to people way more normally now.... way more normally............. but i really think i gave myself cushings lol... so im trying to not overdue the protein unless i have a lot of sugar with it........ not sure if i am truly messed up from finasteride or im dealing with some other problem and i cant get the diet right.... i think i might be truly messed up why im dealing with so many issues for so long... im not sure
Aug 18, 2015
I figured out my problem. My sugar needs have been vastly under needed. My glycogen storage needs a lot of help. Ive all ready had like close to 2L of oj today and its 2pm and just bought another 2L.

I got my nipples to go down in size and made my libido spike slightly. It seems like magnesium is not stayung where it should..... I drank milk and my nipples blew up again.. I took some mag and felt my body relax.... It seems like my glycogen is not refueling or something... Or i need like crazy carbs to refill it... Im doing a lot of calcium and mag now to handle the big sugar loads and getting my protein. Bring it b****... I didnt give up... Final stretch baby lets go
Aug 18, 2015
that's probably not the problem... seems like what i did last time. i did feel way better today though for a little bit. my nipples did go down considerably in size and it seemed like i was finally getting somewhere. i drank milk once and all of a sudden my nipples blew up after that and i lost all progress after that. i came home and took a small nibble of thyroid and my libido exploded for like 15 mins but disappeared after that. now im sitting here wondering what i should do now. my fungus is really bad all over the back of my back.. i also have this weird bone ache thing. i think it might be from vitamin d. i'm not sure. back to the drawing board...... i really wish my bones would stop aching and my fingers would stop aching randomly. i think it is from vitamin d for some reason, i will not be taking it internally anymore. i also noticed it when i was taking gelatin. something with poor metabolism i guess. i jsut dont know if im almost giving myself diabetes or not, i dont think i am though, if i can handle eating all the sugar or not, i just dont know. it seems like if i have enough calcium and magnesium, i guess it is OK to do it if you have the right vitamins and minerals, but seems like i cant hold on to any magnesium at all. i noticed it gets lost immediately very quickly from my body.

the same pattern keeps happening, i keep doing really well and feel amazing for a short period of time, then i lost all of it and fall apart again. its like a stack of cards how you feel better, then it comes falling down.

i keep wondering if it is just very bad 5ar2 and it is still broken and maybe its not fixable. im not sure. it seems like when 5AR2 isnt working, you have way more testeosterone. i keep wondering if my testosterone production is really high, and i keep fueling it, but it just runs out of resouces very fast.

i am getting desperate. :(

the bone ache, i think it is telling me i need something. sometimes i get a twinge of hunger, then i feel the bone ache sometimes affter that. but it happens so fast i cant even catch it in time. i think it might be eggshell im not sure. hmmmm.
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Aug 18, 2015
It seems like i have come to my final conclusion here. My body has a hard time storing glycogen and thus leading to constant high cortisol and estrogen.

I decided to try a small nibble of thyroid in order to start the process of storing glycogen and even doing a small amt of thyroid.... Im talking nibbling on the edge of .25 grain was enough for my nipples to go down and start uptaking the calcium magesium and zinc.

Today my nipples were tiny and the fungus faded a lot.

It still flucuates... But if i can keep supplying mini thyroid doses and essential minerals.. I hope to get out of the loop
Aug 18, 2015
Same thing happens when i walk 2+ hrs.. My body can uptake sugar all of a sudden... Lol
Aug 18, 2015
Saying im at the end of my rope is an understatement at this point. Upon using thyroid today, it just didnt work as well. Estrogen symptoms came on and i just feel constipated again. Im very moody amd switching betweem feeling amazing down to so horrible that i just want to go be by myself and curl into a ball and just dissapear.

I dont feel hungry again. It sucks bc im having some weird reaction to something. I keep getting these aches in my fingers i wish it would stop. I keep spraying magnesium on my body it might be it.

My libido is non existant today. Sigh. I feel i probably just completely ****88 myself up.

I think taurine did more harm then good somehow.

This is completelt demoralizing and infruioriting on so many levels. I feel like finasteride completely robbed my life and i had no choice but to go low carb to stop the extreme symtpoms i was feeling... Seriousy what else would you do if you ate carbs you got penis aches numb penis pain down there etc... I had no choice. Fml
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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