

Jun 12, 2013
Things that will help the gallbladder if it's irritated and/or over or underactive (either way, not contracting normally)? Would this be just the same remedies help the liver will also help the gb, or can anyone think of additional supplements, foods, whatever that will soothe and heal the gallbladder?

Of course I was told that it can't heal - it has to come out when it's acting up, but I would like to avoid this. My problem isn't a constant thing. It was aggravated by a meal out this evening, a meal with a lot of fat but one that didn't hurt me a few weeks ago when I had it for lunch (this time was dinner).


Jun 20, 2015
Peata, what's your experience with taurine? Does it increase bile output?

If you have the same problem with foods you prepare yourself a little turmeric (curcuma) might help.


Dec 16, 2014
My little sister had a bad gallbladder infection and it had to be removed.
Apparently, now she can't digest fatty foods well.
If it was my decision at the time, I wouldn't opt for the operation and if I was in your place now, I'd give non-intrusive therapies a try before resorting to surgery. Labs to start with might give you one or two things to work with.

If it's any help to you I find the most effective practice for healing is intense heat followed by rest.
Very warm bathes for about an hour a day followed by some very bright light during the day.
This when accompanied by little thyroid and a lot of nutritious foods can accelerate healing, I believe.
I suspect bacteria to play a role in gallbladder infections. Thus, antibiotic therapy might be of very good help.
Beets are sometimes recommenced for gallbladder problems and It probably works by thinning the blood.
Aspirin can do this along with other benefits and can be specifically therapeutic for certain conditions in high doses.
Niacinamide iin my experience is the most effective supplement for healing the liver.
Anything that keeps the progesterone to estrogen ratio in check like Progest-E and vitamin E is a plus.
Low fat, fresh, easy to digest foods to ensure the gallbladder isn't irritated too often.

Ray mentioned that injuries heal without inflammation prenatally.
This I think is due to warm temperatures, abundance of progesterone and absence of PUFA.
The idea here is to replicate that low stress environment with plenty of warmth and little to no irritation.

Build slowly, one variable at a time and consult an expert before trying any big.


Oct 18, 2013
I used to avoid gallbladder pain by using ACV. It worked for the most part but it seemed to lose efficiacy after 2 years.

What I then did is that started super dosing on Vitamin C(2-3 grams a day) and for some reason this issue stopped. I have even been able to eat extremely fatty food without issue and can now more easily sleep on my right side without discomfort(after a fatty meal).

In fact, a lot of issues have subsided after I started using more Vitamin C.


Apr 24, 2015
SaltGirl said:
post 104892 I used to avoid gallbladder pain by using ACV. It worked for the most part but it seemed to lose efficiacy after 2 years.

What I then did is that started super dosing on Vitamin C(2-3 grams a day) and for some reason this issue stopped. I have even been able to eat extremely fatty food without issue and can now more easily sleep on my right side without discomfort(after a fatty meal).

In fact, a lot of issues have subsided after I started using more Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is copper chelator...

Btw ... c-fatigue/
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Maybe cascara sagrada would be helpful.


Oct 18, 2013
YuraCZ said:
SaltGirl said:
post 104892 I used to avoid gallbladder pain by using ACV. It worked for the most part but it seemed to lose efficiacy after 2 years.

What I then did is that started super dosing on Vitamin C(2-3 grams a day) and for some reason this issue stopped. I have even been able to eat extremely fatty food without issue and can now more easily sleep on my right side without discomfort(after a fatty meal).

In fact, a lot of issues have subsided after I started using more Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is copper chelator...

Btw ... c-fatigue/

It's also an important constituent in making bile acids which is probably the more direct approach, Occam's Razor and all.

Vitamin C also seems to have some strange effect on PUFA in fish. Whether it can be extrapolated to human usage is another matter though.

Vitamin C significantly reduced the % of PUFA and increased the % of saturated fatty acid (SFA) in the liver lipid. The % of SFA in the liver lipid was not affected by water temperature. We conclude that temperature and vitamin C significantly affected the lipid characters of liver in thornfish.
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Jun 12, 2013
Giraffe said:
post 104869 Peata, what's your experience with taurine? Does it increase bile output?

If you have the same problem with foods you prepare yourself a little turmeric (curcuma) might help.

I supplemented taurine some over the summer, not noticing too much to do with the gb. But maybe everything was going a bit better anyway due to summertime.

Since this gb problem started about five years ago, I noticed it had an estrogen-related component. Meaning it would be worse in second half of cycle. But since I started the Peat way, I have had much less trouble with it. Sometimes none for months. It's just that sometimes it will act up, as it's been doing here lately.

It's not any terrible pain, but can be a persistent dull ache, a fullness or a burning feeling under right ribcage. Massage can help sooth it a bit.

Symptoms of estrogen started last week (and I'm now less than a week out from period), and it's strange but this cycle I am not having my usual symptoms of high estrogen like sore breasts, cystic acne, crazed appetite. But it's more stuff like depression (pmdd), gallbladder ache, etc.

I have seen this symptom like depression come on before pre-menstrually but it's rare for me. Usually happens in the Fall if it's going to. And it has. So for over a week, I have had depression, been too sentimental, melancholy and at times weepy (when I'm alone). These symptoms are harder to deal with than say, sore breasts, because I can just take something for breast pain. But this tries to override my normal thinking of, "it's temporary, brought on by hormones, it will be better in a week" etc, because it feels like it won't get better, despite me knowing otherwise.

I've seen good results on my hormones (and liver I assume) from caffeine which I've been using regularly for 2 months but only at higher doses for one month. It was after I increased caffeine to 600+mg that I started seeing better results, such as on acne.

I gave this extra info because I think it's all connected.

Thanks for your input, Giraffe.
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Jun 12, 2013
I will reply to the rest when I get the chance.

I really appreciate everyone's thoughts on this.


Jun 12, 2013
SaltGirl said:
post 104892 I used to avoid gallbladder pain by using ACV. It worked for the most part but it seemed to lose efficiacy after 2 years.

What I then did is that started super dosing on Vitamin C(2-3 grams a day) and for some reason this issue stopped. I have even been able to eat extremely fatty food without issue and can now more easily sleep on my right side without discomfort(after a fatty meal).

In fact, a lot of issues have subsided after I started using more Vitamin C.

Thanks for your reply. I have used ACV here and there, and I used to love to eat apples when the worst ache would come. Something in them seemed to calm my gb. I haven't been eating them much this week. As far as Vitamin C, what brand do you like? I will keep it in mind in case.
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Jun 20, 2015
:bump for Peata post 38252. I don't know if you supplement that form of B6 at the moment.
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Jun 12, 2013
Giraffe said:
post 105046 :bump for Peata post 38252. I don't know if you supplement that form of B6 at the moment.

Good tip, no I haven't supplemented with it for a long time. I used to use B6 or P5P, either one, a couple years ago. I think I stopped when there was talk on the board about nerve damage from B6. Though I wasn't taking tons of it nor experiencing anything bad, I guess I stopped out of caution. But I know it is helpful against estrogen. It didn't solve all my estrogen problems, but I think it helped. I would have to look back through my old log. The most I have been getting would be from a small amount of B complex lately. I will pick some up next time I'm out.
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Jan 24, 2014
Hi Peata...doing all the things to mitigate excess estrogen is great. Are you taking a good dose of vitamin E?

Also, if it were me, I would sit in front of a couple 250 watt infra-red bulbs pointed straight at the liver/gallbladder area...for like an hour, until I was sweating bullets. Then I would jump on a rebounder for 20 minutes and pound some scallops and a can of Red Bull. :2cents

How was yer gallbladder this cycle?


Oct 18, 2013
Peata said:
SaltGirl said:
post 104892 I used to avoid gallbladder pain by using ACV. It worked for the most part but it seemed to lose efficiacy after 2 years.

What I then did is that started super dosing on Vitamin C(2-3 grams a day) and for some reason this issue stopped. I have even been able to eat extremely fatty food without issue and can now more easily sleep on my right side without discomfort(after a fatty meal).

In fact, a lot of issues have subsided after I started using more Vitamin C.

Thanks for your reply. I have used ACV here and there, and I used to love to eat apples when the worst ache would come. Something in them seemed to calm my gb. I haven't been eating them much this week. As far as Vitamin C, what brand do you like? I will keep it in mind in case.

Sorry, missed your question.

I am using a very generic brand(NOW) because the availability of anything where I live is severely limited.

I have noticed that gall bladder pain seems to be most likely when my estrogen is high. Vitamin C has so far been able to completely neutralize all my pain. Even when I am lazy taking it and feel that I might be getting a gallbladder attack(growing pain in that area) I pop Vitamin C and after 10 minutes the pain subsides. It has literally been a miracle to me. I also noticed that when I am taking Vitamin C my weight loss does pick up a bit.

I can't find it now, but I did read an article or two way back that talked about how Vitamin C counteracts some of the free radical effect of PUFA which is why I got interested in Vitamin C in the first place.
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Jun 12, 2013
I experimented with three months of high vitamin C last year and did not notice anything on estrogen. Maybe I was using the wrong form.

I have been taking vitamin E (100 iu) around pufa foods if I'm having any. Maybe I should be taking it daily no matter what. I just am not sure about taking all these things that can potentially affect blood clotting - vitamin E, aspirin, theanine/cypro, etc. Don't want to overdo things.

It's been a long time since I took B6 but I picked up some today and started taking 50 mg. I will decrease that amount after a while.
Jan 2, 2014
I just read that the gallbladder has a lot of both estrogen and progesterone receptors. Estrogen makes gallbladders worse but has anyone tied progesterone for gallbladder pain?


Aug 18, 2013
If I had known I had a gallbladder problem I would have treated it before I was collected and handled by the hospital. I should tell you that I have had no complications and have no trouble digesting fat, or pain, and my digestion is basically the same if not better.

What I would try for this before I got it out would be mino ( in case of infection, once that starts it doesn't matter what else you do) and infrared therapy. The heat would help any cholesterol that's trapped in there emulsify and drain.

The thing is, if you have stones, actual stones, these things are *really* hard and if they're big enough there's no way they can get out. You can't cleanse a rock as big as your fist out of your gallbladder, so if it's gotten to that point it really is the best option. In that case your gallbladder isn't doing you any good anyway.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Amazoniac said:
Hello haidut,
brief question:

a family member is dealing with gallstones but she's willing at all costs to try to heal them with nutrition and lifestyle before resorting to surgery. Do you have some suggestions? Apparently anyting is welcomed by her.
As always I'll find a proper thread to place your reply if you have any tips.

Have a great day!​
haidut said:
Ray has said that gallbladder problems are due to hypothyroidism so fixing thyroid, lowering estrogen
and avoiding PUFA can solve this problem. This link has studies showing administration of T4 dissolved the gallstones. ... r-disease/

A similar method would be to take 2g - 3g taurine daily since it strongly increase bile acid formation and bile flow. This tends to dissolve and expel the gallstones.
Another popular remedy seems to have an effects is apple cider vinegar (ACV). The dose is 30ml twice a day (total 60ml) and it is diluted with water to taste. Coconut and other saturated fats can also help since it forces the gallbladder to contract but it may be painful for some people. Cascara in doses of 500mg daily has also shown some success.
Finally, the safer medical option is breaking up the stoned with ultrasound. It is established medical therapy in Europe and it is available worldwide AFAIK but most doctors in USA go for the surgery first. I would avoid surgery at all costs if possible. Losing the gallbladder can wreak havoc on digestion and impose intolerable food allergies and a host of other more sinister issues.


May 31, 2015
This is really interesting to me since I'm starting to suspect a primary problem with fat digestion myself (and I also am pretty classic case high estrogen). I get crazy vinegar cravings and vinegar does make me feel much better, vitamin c helped when i took it, things like cinnamon and ginseng which both thin the blood help a ton. It only recently occurred to me that most of the things that work for me are essentially blood thinners. I have always struggled to consume large meals at once and my recent foray into fat free dieting pretty much cleared many of my major issues (like chemical sensitivity, which I associate with high estrogen).
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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