Surprising Causes of Knee Pain


Apr 17, 2017

Dr. Rachel Hamel

As I was at a health fair this weekend, I had several people come ask questions about a “weird” knee pain that came on suddenly and hasn’t gone away.

Luckily, they came to my booth:) So, I could investigate what the culprits may be, but for most it was the same finding. Kidneys, kidneys, and one Gallbladder dysfunction.
(It was probably the heat)


This is the kidney Meridian as they call in acupuncture. It’s basically a map through the body that can be active at certain spots when the kidney channel isn’t functioning well. The Yingu is the knee point. What’s important to note is that the kidneys have a strong connection with a muscle called the psoas. The Psoas muscle is a huge low back stabilizer, and hip flexor.


What happens when the kidney channel isn’t flowing well, it turns “off” your psoas muscles which of course can lead to low back pain which is more common, but can also result in some weird knee pain.

What causes the channel to be blocked? Usually dehydration of some sort or a chemical toxicity/exposure. If its the first, that is pretty easy to fix, relaxing the reflex, and balancing your electrolytes. If it’s the later, then its a little more tricky, relaxing the reflex and then finding what works well for you cleaning out your kidney. Sometimes it’s certain homeopathic remedies for certain toxins, or sometimes your kidneys just need nutrition. The reason the psoas is important is because with the knees, its usually a dysfunction coming from above or below the area.
The other knee pain culprit is more commonly the gallbladder.

Here is it’s meridian:


What’s really important with this one is the muscle connection. The popliteus which is the knee stabilizer muscle. It’s on the back side of your leg.


When the gallbladder channel is blocked it directly affects the knees, and makes them feel painful and locked, because this muscle is responsible for locking and unlocking the knee.

What causes this channel blockage? More commonly internalized stressors, but also gallbladder/liver detoxing, or just nutrition for the gallbladder itself. Over time these muscles relax long term when you look into the root causes, and the knee pain goes away.
I’ve had several knee cases where they had a bad meniscus injury, and just working on the popliteus and the gallbladder channel dramatically reduced their pain.

It’s important to note that sacro iliac joint sprains are also a huge contributor to knee pain, so making sure your body is in alignment is huge. Your knees are just the middle men so to speak, so whats usually going on is either dysfunction above ( the pelvis) or down below ( the feet). It’s important to look at all causes.


Jan 23, 2017

Dr. Rachel Hamel

As I was at a health fair this weekend, I had several people come ask questions about a “weird” knee pain that came on suddenly and hasn’t gone away.

Luckily, they came to my booth:) So, I could investigate what the culprits may be, but for most it was the same finding. Kidneys, kidneys, and one Gallbladder dysfunction.
(It was probably the heat)


This is the kidney Meridian as they call in acupuncture. It’s basically a map through the body that can be active at certain spots when the kidney channel isn’t functioning well. The Yingu is the knee point. What’s important to note is that the kidneys have a strong connection with a muscle called the psoas. The Psoas muscle is a huge low back stabilizer, and hip flexor.


What happens when the kidney channel isn’t flowing well, it turns “off” your psoas muscles which of course can lead to low back pain which is more common, but can also result in some weird knee pain.

What causes the channel to be blocked? Usually dehydration of some sort or a chemical toxicity/exposure. If its the first, that is pretty easy to fix, relaxing the reflex, and balancing your electrolytes. If it’s the later, then its a little more tricky, relaxing the reflex and then finding what works well for you cleaning out your kidney. Sometimes it’s certain homeopathic remedies for certain toxins, or sometimes your kidneys just need nutrition. The reason the psoas is important is because with the knees, its usually a dysfunction coming from above or below the area.
The other knee pain culprit is more commonly the gallbladder.

Here is it’s meridian:

What’s really important with this one is the muscle connection. The popliteus which is the knee stabilizer muscle. It’s on the back side of your leg.


When the gallbladder channel is blocked it directly affects the knees, and makes them feel painful and locked, because this muscle is responsible for locking and unlocking the knee.

What causes this channel blockage? More commonly internalized stressors, but also gallbladder/liver detoxing, or just nutrition for the gallbladder itself. Over time these muscles relax long term when you look into the root causes, and the knee pain goes away.
I’ve had several knee cases where they had a bad meniscus injury, and just working on the popliteus and the gallbladder channel dramatically reduced their pain.

It’s important to note that sacro iliac joint sprains are also a huge contributor to knee pain, so making sure your body is in alignment is huge. Your knees are just the middle men so to speak, so whats usually going on is either dysfunction above ( the pelvis) or down below ( the feet). It’s important to look at all causes.
What if xrays of knees show reduced cartilage - over 50% in my case? Would this grow new cartilage?


Mar 29, 2016

Dr. Rachel Hamel

As I was at a health fair this weekend, I had several people come ask questions about a “weird” knee pain that came on suddenly and hasn’t gone away.

Luckily, they came to my booth:) So, I could investigate what the culprits may be, but for most it was the same finding. Kidneys, kidneys, and one Gallbladder dysfunction.
(It was probably the heat)


This is the kidney Meridian as they call in acupuncture. It’s basically a map through the body that can be active at certain spots when the kidney channel isn’t functioning well. The Yingu is the knee point. What’s important to note is that the kidneys have a strong connection with a muscle called the psoas. The Psoas muscle is a huge low back stabilizer, and hip flexor.


What happens when the kidney channel isn’t flowing well, it turns “off” your psoas muscles which of course can lead to low back pain which is more common, but can also result in some weird knee pain.

What causes the channel to be blocked? Usually dehydration of some sort or a chemical toxicity/exposure. If its the first, that is pretty easy to fix, relaxing the reflex, and balancing your electrolytes. If it’s the later, then its a little more tricky, relaxing the reflex and then finding what works well for you cleaning out your kidney. Sometimes it’s certain homeopathic remedies for certain toxins, or sometimes your kidneys just need nutrition. The reason the psoas is important is because with the knees, its usually a dysfunction coming from above or below the area.
The other knee pain culprit is more commonly the gallbladder.

Here is it’s meridian:


What’s really important with this one is the muscle connection. The popliteus which is the knee stabilizer muscle. It’s on the back side of your leg.


When the gallbladder channel is blocked it directly affects the knees, and makes them feel painful and locked, because this muscle is responsible for locking and unlocking the knee.

What causes this channel blockage? More commonly internalized stressors, but also gallbladder/liver detoxing, or just nutrition for the gallbladder itself. Over time these muscles relax long term when you look into the root causes, and the knee pain goes away.
I’ve had several knee cases where they had a bad meniscus injury, and just working on the popliteus and the gallbladder channel dramatically reduced their pain.

It’s important to note that sacro iliac joint sprains are also a huge contributor to knee pain, so making sure your body is in alignment is huge. Your knees are just the middle men so to speak, so whats usually going on is either dysfunction above ( the pelvis) or down below ( the feet). It’s important to look at all causes.

But it is just one or many causes.

Mine came from bacterial enzymes that caused proteins to accumulate in my knees that elicited autoimmune response and inflammation.

Glad that after close to 20 of years of checking each and every lead I encounter, I finally fixed my knee pain.

Never give up, that's what I'd say.


Nov 9, 2016

But it is just one or many causes.

Mine came from bacterial enzymes that caused proteins to accumulate in my knees that elicited autoimmune response and inflammation.

Glad that after close to 20 of years of checking each and every lead I encounter, I finally fixed my knee pain.

Never give up, that's what I'd say.
"Mine came from bacterial enzymes that caused proteins to accumulate in my knees that elicited autoimmune response and inflammation."
How on earth did you ever figure that out?


Mar 29, 2016
"Mine came from bacterial enzymes that caused proteins to accumulate in my knees that elicited autoimmune response and inflammation."
How on earth did you ever figure that out?
Almost all of my health improvements came out if working on another aspect of health which didn't work out well on what I was working on but had some sort of butterfly effect on another.

In thus case, it was my research on why I had added weight from around 145 to 165 lbs and came across periodontal bacteria producing enzymes that would alter blood sugar regulation. It would also produce an enzyme that would change arginine into citrulline and form a protein that the immune system would recognize and foreign and would attack it in an autoimmune reaction. That protein accumulates in the knee joint and that would cause pain.

When I was taking berberine to fix my blood sugar issue, and it did (albeit temporarily as the main cause, periodontal bacteria wasn't yet put under control), I saw blood suhar regulation improve, but I also saw my knee pain gone.
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