Flat Earth No Dome No Stars



That entire webpage reads like an extremely biased infomercial. First off the rocket hitting the dome.. this is just getting ridiculous. Please don't believe everything you read on those conspiracy webpages and videos. Here is the explanation for the sudden stop:

"The stop of the spin was so sudden simply because of the mechanism that stops it. Commonly a yo-yo de-spin is used, however they may have used a different system. There's a good wiki article on de-spinning you might check out. As for the rocket itself, you can very clearly hear when it runs out of fuel. The loud rocket noise just stops suddenly. After that point, yes the rockets inertia (you nailed it) continues to carry it upward. The spinning has nothing to do with upward thrust, it's only for stability. Much like a bullet, when fired, spins as it flies through the air for better accuracy. After coasting to near the top of its trajectory, the rocket de-spins and drops the launch stage, continues to drift upward into low orbit, then starts coming back down."

The Gleason map is great it shows the long stretched out Australia that's not accurate at all to real life Australia as I showed in a previous post.

I will drop some infographics to help debunk infomercial conspiracy sites:

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This was amusing, the flat earth dome model app attempts to disprove the sphere but actually disproves flat earth because of impossible light bending from the sun.
Flat Earth Dome Model
View attachment 28855

"In early October 2021, Qantas flew a one-off repatriation flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Darwin, Australia. It was the southernmost long-haul flight closer to the South Pole than any other passenger flight.

If Earth were flat, the flight should fly over South America, Canada, Russia, Japan, and Indonesia. But it flew over Antarctica instead, because the Earth is a sphere, not flat."
View attachment 28856

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This is answered here: Airplanes Will Never Fly Into Space
View attachment 28858

There's lots of other topics thoroughly debunking a flat earth model on that site. I was very happy to find it because there's no way for me to answer questions like that from own knowledge base. Which is why you can't just rely on your own observations, we need cooperation to fully understand how our world works. Flat earthers as a default are paranoid and untrusting of everything that is from a mainstream source. I myself was like that about a lot of things, but as I've grown I figured out it was from unhealed trauma in my life. Being truly set free is not being paranoid about our world.
View attachment 28853
From someone who believes NASA moon landings. Thanks!


Sep 13, 2012
Wouldn't it make far far far far more sense to say we are a speck on top of a much larger Earth than we are told, than to say it's a flat disc on top of it? I feel like your theory would make more sense that way but even still doesn't make much sense considering no one has ever hit the ice wall and armed guards.
And wouldn't account for the southern hemisphere either lol. Most data from flat-earthers are taken from a northern hemisphere perspective but fall apart when looking at the southern hemisphere.


Sep 13, 2012
From someone who believes NASA moon landings. Thanks!
That's a logical fallacy to not address any of the points raised but simply throw them out because the author believes something you disagree with.


Mar 6, 2020
Flat earth theory may sound a little crazy but it is quite important and is very useful and practical in the real world. You can completely destroy the current narrative, talk complete sense about 9covid11bostonJFK, and as long as you adopt either "flat-earth" or "lizard people", take your pick, you can remain on youtube knocking the ball out of the park. Consider russianvids podcast here. He talks completely sanely about everything else. He clearly is sane. He understands how the world works. And yet he sprinkles on some flat-earth bollocks dust so he can easily be dismissed/ridiculed by the powers that be, in order to evade censorship. Its what you have to do and he does it most convincingly.


Sep 13, 2012
I reviewed that lengthy page and agree most of it is pretty silly and easily discredited. Sometimes I wonder if that stuff is intentionally published to poison the well. In fact, I know it is... the Flat Earth Society is a great example of a disinformation campaign intentionally utilizing poor arguments to discredit the people with real, legitimate questions about the nature of this realm we live in...

@sugarbabe I appreciate your willingness to get bogged down in minutiae but I still haven't seen you address my question from a couple pages back. How do we explain that the alleged curvature can be visibly disproven? There are several experiments with lasers, plenty of empirical observations of bridges, desert plains, canals and other examples that demonstrate the 8 inches per mile squared curvature does not exist. I assume you ignore my comments because you don't have an answer?
I addressed many of those things in my previous post via infographics. The Suez canal is a popular one that has been debunked. I gave a bridge example as well. That website has loads more debunkings on popular claims about curvature.


Feb 18, 2018
If all the internationally accepted fields of aviation, geography, physics, satellites and rocketry, geoscience, astronomy, seafaring, and GPS are not reputable sources, then neither are youtube videos, duh.
How do they exactly prove we live on asphere?


Sep 13, 2012
Well that settles it lol how you know all this is actually true?
Typical response from someone who only trusts something if you yourself have done the research, or someone you trust and feel close to has done it. I don't blame you if you have a lot of trauma in your life especially after the things our gov't has done to us.


Yet another meaningless perspective-shift from flat earthers. Buoyancy is just the weight difference in a flowing medium, it's completely predicated on the attraction of masses to the earth.
Doesn't apply b/c we live in a globe, right?


Jan 1, 2020
How do they exactly prove we live on asphere?
Most of them neccessitate that the earth is spherical. It's not top-tier knowledge that requires direct access to astronaut equipment, but their calculcations of things such as travel would fail if they wrongly assumed a round earth.
Doesn't apply b/c we live in a globe, right?
No idea what you're trying to get at here, but let me just elaborate that buoyancy is not a force, it's a consequence of a force, usually gravity but the same principle applies in centrifuges or electromagnetic fields or similar. Buoyancy doesn't exist without whatever force pulls things towards the earth, which is why it's a perspective shift, like in assuming that the path of sunlight follows strange curved lines, or epicycles from old geocentric astronomy. The theory perfectly fits within the observations, but it's because the theory was made in reverse, assuming flat earth as a starting position.


Feb 18, 2018
Typical response from someone who only trusts something if you yourself have done the research, or someone you trust and feel close to has done it. I don't blame you if you have a lot of trauma in your life especially after the things our gov't has done to us.
If you would give me evidence that could only happen on a sphere earth then I would change my mind.you only believe in sphere earth because authority says so.


Feb 18, 2018
Most of them neccessitate that the earth is spherical. It's not top-tier knowledge that requires direct access to astronaut equipment, but their calculcations of things such as travel would fail if they wrongly assumed a round earth
Show me how....


Feb 18, 2018
No idea what you're trying to get at here, but let me just elaborate that buoyancy is not a force, it's a consequence of a force, usually gravity but the same principle applies in centrifuges or electromagnetic fields or similar. Buoyancy doesn't exist without whatever force pulls things towards the earth, which is why it's a perspective shift, like in assuming that the path of sunlight follows strange curved lines, or epicycles from old geocentric astronomy. The theory perfectly fits within the observations, but it's because the theory was made in reverse, assuming flat earth as a starting position.
You would need to prove gravity exists first.


Sep 13, 2012







Sep 13, 2012
Doesn't apply b/c we live in a globe, right?

"Buoyancy is an upward force exerted by a fluid (liquid or gas) that opposes the weight of an immersed object. Buoyancy happens because the fluid has a pressure gradient. Pressure gradient occurs because the fluid is affected by acceleration, such as the Earth’s gravitational acceleration.

Flat-Earthers makes buoyancy as an “explanations” on how things fall. They are wrong. Without Earth’s gravitational acceleration, buoyancy will not occur.

An immersed object displace the fluid by an equal volume. The magnitude of buoyancy is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. By extension, we can also say buoyancy is the force of gravity of the surrounding fluid trying to displace the immersed object upwards.

The immersed object still retains its weight, which is entirely unaffected by the presence of buoyancy. A submerged object feel lighter not because its weight diminishes, but because there’s now an upward force we call buoyancy. The object is accelerated upward if its buoyancy is greater than its weight.

An immersed object with lower density than the fluid around it will rise upward because it will generate a greater buoyancy than its weight. However, we cannot say density alone causes it. Without the presence of an acceleration —like Earth’s gravitational acceleration—, buoyancy will not occur. Without factoring in the acceleration, we can only know if it rises or sinks, but cannot determine how fast it will rise or sink. Moreover, if a force other than weight & buoyancy is present, we cannot predict how the object will behave without factoring in the acceleration."


Feb 18, 2018
Flat-Earthers makes buoyancy as an “explanations” on how things fall. They are wrong. Without Earth’s gravitational acceleration, buoyancy will not occur.
Wrong stop lying this shows you haven't looked at both sides properly. Things fall because the object is denser than its medium. And do you even have an original thought it seems you can only copy and paste?


Sep 13, 2012
What are you talking about? Fish eye lens makes things curved I've tested this on straight objects.....
Read all the way through.

In images taken using a fisheye lens, a straight line will remain straight if it crosses the center of the image. We can use this attribute to determine if a line is straight in reality.

In any fisheye videos taken from a high altitude, there should be plenty of moments where the horizon crosses the center of the image, and we can use those to determine that the horizon line is curved in the real world.

If the horizon is above the center point, the fisheye distortion will exaggerate the curvature. The horizon will look curved more than in reality. On the other hand, if the horizon is below the center point, the fisheye distortion will bend lines in the other direction, and at some point, Earth’s curvature will appear concave as a result.

Only when the line crosses the center point of the image, we can determine if a line is straight in the real world. A straight line crossing the center of the image will appear straight, and if a line crossing the center of the image appears curved, then it must be curved in reality. It is how we can determine the horizon is curved even if the video was taken using a fisheye lens.

Flat-Earthers often focus themselves on the edges of the frame where fisheye distortion will exaggerate the curvature or turn the curve to look concave and then dismiss the video entirely. Others will cherry-pick moments where the distortion will turn the curve to appear flat and present them as “proof” of a supposed flat Earth. By understanding the characteristics of the distortion, we can use the fisheye videos to prove Earth’s curvature and avoid their deception.


Feb 18, 2018
A submerged object feel lighter not because its weight diminishes, but because there’s now an upward force we call buoyancy. The object is accelerated upward if its buoyancy is greater than its weight.
A submerged object feels lighter because it is now being supported by its medium so off course it feels lighter .
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