Edward and Gabriel


Oct 10, 2012
burtlancast said:
jag2594 said:
The link proves that the burzynski clinic is mainstream. They believe that cancer is caused by genes and use chemo therapy for specific "genes". Nothing new from mainstream. Its conventional. I posted this in the other thread. You never responded.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXf7r4VB ... DD7D15EFA5

How can it be conventional when conventional only offers surgery, radiation and chemo ?

Conventional has only a few % success, contrary to Burzynski.
Conventional only uses it's own patented drugs, carcinogenic themselves.
Conventional doesn't use natural substances; antineoplastons are human peptides found in the urine of normal people.

And are you really expecting me to respond to an 1 hour video ?

Are you kidding ? they use all of those plus antineoplastons. They don't just use the antineoplastons. :lol: It said so in the video within the first six minutes. Burzynski supports chemo and other conventional treatments. He said in the movie that they should continue with chemo before trying the antineoplastons.

You've been on all day, doesn't seem you have a lot to do. :roll: '


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I pretty much have/eat mostly coffee ( sweetened with pure fructose), oj, milk, carrots, coconut oil and shrimp too. I rarely drink water at this time either. I'm new to this- at about three months in so I'm sure I will adjust things as my situation changes but it works well for me currently. I didn't think that type of eating would be considered unusual. :eek:


Nov 9, 2012
@Blossom: Can't be that unusual if you don't eat much starch or vegetables, it doesn't leave that much room for variety. Shrimp only as meat is a bit limiting, but if you rotate things eaten in small quantity such as shrimp by liver or oyster, it's more or less the same in terms of simplicity. Sipping on enough OJ throughout the day, why not every hour if it is what it takes to keep stress and the bad fatty acids low, might make drinking extra water entirely unnecessary. I can't remember the last time I drank water on its own.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I do have beef gelatin, calf liver and dark chocolate too through out the week. Sometimes in long meetings I will have some packets of sugar to help me make it through. Thanks JYB. I have authoritarian issues but like input which is why I'm here.


Jan 1, 2013
jag2594 said:
Are you kidding ? they use all of those plus antineoplastons. They don't just use the antineoplastons. :lol: It said so in the video within the first six minutes. Burzynski supports chemo and other conventional treatments.

The hell he does.
His main therapy is antineoplastons; if he does use chemo, it's complementary.
You're aware his peptides cannot cure 100% of the people, right ?

jag2594 said:
He said in the movie that they should continue with chemo before trying the antineoplastons.

You misunderstood.
He's on record saying the first therapy should be antineoplastons. The more chemo given, the more damage to the immune system.

jag2594 said:
You've been on all day, doesn't seem you have a lot to do

Sue me.


Oct 10, 2012
Blossom said:
I pretty much have/eat mostly coffee ( sweetened with pure fructose), oj, milk, carrots, coconut oil and shrimp too. I rarely drink water at this time either. I'm new to this- at about three months in so I'm sure I will adjust things as my situation changes but it works well for me currently. I didn't think that type of eating would be considered unusual. :eek:

The point is that people on the forum say one thing but truthfully ray peat recommendations are always in context. He doesn't say don't drink water. This is what he says.

The amount of water a person needs is extremely variable, depending on things such as metabolic rate, activity, and the temperature and humidity of the air. Working hard in hot, dry weather, it's possible to drink more than two quarts per hour for more than eight hours, without forming any urine, because all of the water is lost by evaporation. But in very hot, humid weather, a person with a low metabolic rate can be endangered by the smallest amount of water (e.g., "Meteorological relations of eclampsia in Lagos, Nigeria," Agobe, et al., 1981).


LIke people think he advocates a lot of table sugar. But that is also incorrect. When someone says ray peat they think marshmallows, table sugar,ice cream. Thats completely wrong and taking his ideas out of context.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Not at all out of context for repairing a damaged metabolism.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
As a middle aged person with metabolic issues I have found pure white sugar and fructose invaluable tools in my healing. These substances rapidly halt the stress response in my body at times when the situation requires that I stay in place, further contributing to the stress. If I were on a sunny beach instead of in a fluorescent lit conference room with a bunch of people who consider themselves medical authorities all after driving in rush hour traffic I might not need this tool. Thankfully I discovered the work of Ray Peat and found a way to break the stress cycle and heal.

Dave H

Aug 1, 2013
I think the thread has gotten off-topic here. The banning of Edward (am not as familiar with Gabriel's posts) has to some extent put me off the forum. Since then I find myself coming here less and less. I enjoyed his posts and always sought them out. He did his research and walked the walk in his daily life, or so it seemed to me. Yes, he was pushing a low-carb high-fat diet, if I remember correctly, but this is something that I took in, "metabolized", and eventually rejected. But that kind of metabolism deepened my understanding of both RP and the problems with low-carb diets. That is the way that we grow intellectually. Not by shutting out or refusing to listen to slightly discordant ideas or voices.

I'm always doing research on metabolic issues and have recently come across some articles of great interest, but am not sure now that I want to share it here (but, since I mentioned it and not wanting to be a tease, check out Nick Lane's articles [not so much his 2005 book; these were published later and appear in his website] on mitochondria and the renewed interest and respect for Otto Warburg's work on cellular metabolism and infrared radiation; esp. his article "Power Games," which appeared in Nature). Pretty amazing stuff. He refers to the work of the Russian photobiologist Tiina Karu too, which I am almost certain Ray is very familiar with.

Edward challenged RP's ideas occasionally and I think that is very healthy. Otherwise there is no progress. That is how science works and I'm sure Ray would agree whole-heartedly.


Nov 26, 2012
burtlancast said:
Well done Charlie.

Gabriel has been posting mainstream propaganda nearly verbatim on this forum since day one, and i'm not the only one who noticed it.

If you guys like mainstream views, feel free to join him.

I think that we, all, should be very thankful to have a truly health renegade like you to inform us about alternative miracle therapies....
Having crohn's? Ok, then take 30 000 UI of vitamin E....
Having "so called" incurable cancer? No pb, take huge amount of vitamin C like Pauling (it did wonder for him...but sadly not so much for his wife...)
Pb with milk? Sure, do not take A1 type of milk because it's bad for you...the ugly A1 milk industry had just falsified the scientific studies...choose the A2 type....want proof among others? Look, for example, at the french they are using only the A2 type of milk to make cheese....By way, this statement is just plain wrong.
I'm french, it's really much easier to speak with the french when you actually are one of them because it's more easier to understand them :D , and I phoned to different kind of cheese producers (mostly the one with AOC labels which means camembert, comté, livarot, emmental, cantal, salers and so on....) and they told me that the type of milk NEVER play a role in the quality of the cheese, only the food that is given to the cows and the thermic treatment could alter the quality of the cheese...but this fact is probably non relevant as the journalist cheese renegade has probably some good info that the french cheese makers don't have.
So Burt, thank you very much for all your very and only reliable good source of truly and working alternative therapies.
I hope that you will soon have a website that could make a good resume of those incredible therapies. But you too don't forget that this forum is a place to discuss everything [tabs][tabs: ]Ray Peat[/tabs] not everything Burt's youtube alternative therapies....
And despite being myself endoctrinated by mainstream propaganda, I will not sue you...but watch your back, they are everywhere.


Jan 1, 2013
Keep talking, Wilfrog

tu m'intéresses...



Nov 1, 2012
This forum is a wonderful resource and community to learn and share about Ray Peat's work. Charlie has put a lot of work into it. It has been maintained with integrity despite all the criticism.
It makes me sad to read this thread. Has anyone else put the amount of work into it that he has? Please show some consideration and respect where it is due. We are not all going to agree on all matters. I don't think banning someone from this forum is ever done in haste.



I didn't mind Edward's posts. Gabriel had a bit of interesting info mixed with awful advice and typical medical propaganda. I don't mind Gabriel's gone. What I noticed though is that nobody posts anymore. There are very few new posts every day.


Nov 26, 2012
burtlancast said:
Keep talking, Wilfrog

tu m'intéresses...


Joli jeu de mot, Burt.
Car c'est vrai qu'ici, en France, on aimes bien manger des grenouilles :D
Mais contrairement à toi, je ne vais pas continuer à argumenter car je ne veux pas perdre mon temps en discours stérile et insultant.....
Comme je vois que tu n'as aucum problème à comprendre la langue de Molière, je te recommandes vivement l'essai culinaire de ces petits mammifères à deux pattes car avec du beurre et du persil c'est vraiment très bon....pour le cerveau comme pour la modestie.
Et pour ce qui est du fromage, n'hésistes pas à appeler les sites dont je parle, cela te permettra de parfaire ta culture culnaire probablement misérable... :D


Nov 26, 2012
j. said:
I didn't mind Edward's posts. Gabriel had a bit of interesting info mixed with awful advice and typical medical propaganda. I don't mind Gabriel's gone. What I noticed though is that nobody posts anymore. There are very few new posts every day.

Hi j,

Probably because for most people, there is now not so much interest to get useful information here anymore.
Ray's info on his website is more than enough,no? If no debate or other opinion against Peat's view is allowed then....it's sad, because, I thought that the ultimate goal of this forum was to discuss, of course, everything Ray peat, what's working and what's not (and why?). So, if all of Ray's recommendation are perfect, then, no need to share or post anything, the easiest way to get intel is raypeat.com.
I think that's in part the reason why some people who used to post here are now probably posting more on peatarian.com.


Jan 1, 2013

Hope you know better your health topics than your native language...( but i doubt it)
Judging by your record spelling french errors, i really wonder whether we really are compatriots, or if your posts are supposed to have a point.

By the way, you're not allowed to write in (broken)french .

( post reported). :2cents

Wilfrid said:
burtlancast said:
Keep talking, Wilfrog

tu m'intéresses...


Joli jeu de mots, Burt.
Car c'est vrai qu'ici, en France, on aime bien manger des grenouilles :D
Mais contrairement à toi, je ne vais pas continuer à argumenter car je ne veux pas perdre mon temps en discours stériles et insultants.....
Comme je vois que tu n'as aucun problème à comprendre la langue de Molière, je te recommande vivement l'essai culinaire de ces petits mammifères à deux pattes car avec du beurre et du persil c'est vraiment très bon....pour le cerveau comme pour la modestie.
Et pour ce qui est du fromage, n'hésiste pas à visiter les sites dont je parle, cela te permettra de parfaire ta culture culinaire probablement misérable... :D


Dec 31, 2012
Wilfrid said:
j. said:
I didn't mind Edward's posts. Gabriel had a bit of interesting info mixed with awful advice and typical medical propaganda. I don't mind Gabriel's gone. What I noticed though is that nobody posts anymore. There are very few new posts every day.

Hi j,

Probably because for most people, there is now not so much interest to get useful information here anymore.
Ray's info on his website is more than enough,no? If no debate or other opinion against Peat's view is allowed then....it's sad, because, I thought that the ultimate goal of this forum was to discuss, of course, everything Ray peat, what's working and what's not (and why?). So, if all of Ray's recommendation are perfect, then, no need to share or post anything, the easiest way to get intel is raypeat.com.
I think that's in part the reason why some people who used to post here are now probably posting more on peatarian.com.

I couldn't agree more. I've learnt so much from this forum and am incredibly grateful to those who have shared their advice and experiences. But I feel this forum is devolving which sucks because it has so much potential. I remember something 4peats said when discussing implementing a voting system, which I wish applied more often here:

I, for one, am rather reluctant to manage people's communication styles and discourage or encourage discussion one way or the other. None of us has a monopoly on the Truth. It often comes out in the strangest of circumstances. I'd hate to miss those spontaneous moments by influencing the flow of information.

What you or I consider "meat" may be potatoes or table scraps to someone else. It's a subjective judgment and free and open communication I think is more in the spirit of this community and Ray Peat.

This is a one room school house where all are welcomed. Not all of us learn the same way.


Nov 9, 2012
j. said:
Gabriel had a bit of interesting info mixed with awful advice and typical medical propaganda. I don't mind Gabriel's gone.

So you don't mind that a forum user has been banned because his contribution was, according to you, mixed?


Jan 1, 2013
jyb said:
j. said:
Gabriel had a bit of interesting info mixed with awful advice and typical medical propaganda. I don't mind Gabriel's gone.

So you don't mind that a forum user has been banned because his contribution was, according to you, mixed?

Let's just remember the banning decision was taken on account of MULTIPLE members complaints.


Nov 26, 2012
burtlancast said:

Hope you know better your health topics than your native language...( but i doubt it)
Judging by your record spelling french errors, i really wonder whether we really are compatriots, or if your posts are supposed to have a point.

By the way, you're not allowed to write in (broken)french .

( post reported). :2cents

Wilfrid said:
burtlancast said:
Keep talking, Wilfrog

tu m'intéresses...


Joli jeu de mots, Burt.
Car c'est vrai qu'ici, en France, on aime bien manger des grenouilles :D
Mais contrairement à toi, je ne vais pas continuer à argumenter car je ne veux pas perdre mon temps en discours stériles et insultants.....
Comme je vois que tu n'as aucun problème à comprendre la langue de Molière, je te recommande vivement l'essai culinaire de ces petits mammifères à deux pattes car avec du beurre et du persil c'est vraiment très bon....pour le cerveau comme pour la modestie.
Et pour ce qui est du fromage, n'hésiste pas à visiter les sites dont je parle, cela te permettra de parfaire ta culture culinaire probablement misérable... :D

Burt, mon ami,

Je suis navré d'avoir fais autant de fautes d'orthographe mais j' étais à la selle ce matin....et entre pousser fort et tenter de te répondre convenablement j'ai dû choisir....Bon, mais c'est parfait ça si tu es français car souffrant moi-même de la maladie de crohn, tu vas pouvoir m'envoyer en MP tes coordonnées pour que l'on puisse discuter plus tranquillement de toutes ces bonnes thérapies alternatives et puis je pourrais ainsi bénéficier en plus de leçons de français en même temps, youpi!!!
Comme tu es français j'aurais pensé à un jeu de mot plus recherché que Wilfrog, mais bon.....
J'en ai un pour toi si tu veux....mais j'ai peur de mal l'écrire....
Bon tout cela pour dire que j'attends tes liens pour le lait de type A2 que les fromagers français sont censés utiliser dans la fabrication du fromage,hein?
A bientôt, mon ami :D

Au fait, Burt, j'allais oublier....le mot "discours" en français s'écrit bien avec un "s", c'est un mot singulier invariable...donc la présence du "s" dans l'accord des deux adjectifs suivants est falcultatif....Allez , courage, mon ami, les fautes c'est comme les thérapies alternatives c'est souvent pénible...A l'avenir, n'utilises plus le correcteur de fautes sous Word, hein?
Et "n'hésites" s'écrit également avec un "s" puisque dans cette tournure le pronom sous-entendu c'est "toi" donc "tu".....sans rancunes mon ami?
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