Our First Love


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Nicholas said:
post 115226 I feel badly that you publicly have accused me of this.
You are the one that brought this public.
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Apr 25, 2015
jag2594 said:
post 94976 What your promoting is an idea that has been around for thousands of years, and that is the idea that people cannot help themselves.

i know i've already answerd this accusation in great detail in this post but since this thread is up again i figured it needed an answering again for those who aren't going to want to read through the entire thread. Essentially, by this statement or anyone else believing that i am saying this means that they don't understand what message i am conveying. I posted the Schwarzbein video because she understands. And it was relieving to see another person who gets it. You don't get it. And many other people here don't get it. I'm not saying that to be mean, i'm saying that to show you that your misunderstanding is what is the problem. Nowhere in my post do i convey that we cannot help ourselves. Rather, i DO say that the only ROUTE of helping ourselves is giving the cell what it needs consistently. That's it. We have no other control over our health. You may THINK that you are lowering or raising something by taking something or eating something, but the reality is that your CELLS are the ones who respond to the stimuli of our environment and the things we put in/on our bodies....it's not the SYMPTOM or CONDITION responding to a therapy or diet, it's the CELL. The ONLY way we heal any metabolic condition is by looking out for the cell....therefore, there becomes no separate treatments or approaches to different conditions. Every condition has the same treatment. I hope that clears things up and can put to rest the misunderstanding that i am saying in this post that people cannot help themselves.
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Jan 25, 2014
In the very essence you are right Nicholas, and I actually do like most of your posts. However your statement that every conditions begs the same treatment is not true in my opinion. See for example http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/11/151119143445.htm but there are more examples. Also a particular condition, though you'd still need to cover the basics, can set up for a particular dysfunction demanding specific requierements.


Apr 25, 2015
Suikerbuik said:
In the very essence you are right Nicholas, and I actually do like most of your posts. However your statement that every conditions begs the same treatment is not true in my opinion. See for example http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/11/151119143445.htm but there are more examples. Also a particular condition, though you'd still need to cover the basics, can set up for a particular dysfunction demanding specific requierements.

thank you. and thank you for recognizing that this is a bigger picture issue. It's a bigger picture issue which has specific effects on the choices we make. however, i did not say that every situation begs the same dietary or supplement plan, i said that every situation begs the same treatment as far as treating the cells and not the symptom/condition. I'm saying that the across-the-board treatment is giving your cells what they need, not looking at biomarkers or hormones. When we meet the demands of our particular body we are regulating our hormone system. We don't regulate our hormones to meet the demands of our body. This is the popular view, which is synonymous with treating symptoms. Everyone's CELLS are what will have particular person-specific demands. It is not the condition/symptoms which create the particular demands. If we believe that we can regulate hormones in isolation or address conditions alone, then we do not have a biochemical understanding of the body. Dr. Schwarzbein recognizes that cellular healing (aka giving them what they need) is not always possible if you have missing hormones. I would also add that in some situations, very specific interventions to "lower this" or "lower that" or "attack that" is absolutely necessary initially to keep someone alive or address a very aggressive life-threatening problem.

when someone has developed a condition and needs help getting out of it, they HAVE to understand this. they have to understand that their life experience/choices are what has created the problem. the proper way to educate and help people is not to teach them treatments or teach them about dysfunction or look at their labwork and recommend diet changes or supplements to counteract a hormone, the proper way is to teach them what i have written above, which is the same thing as teaching them how we FUNCTION. None of us understand even 1% of a person's life story and what has led to their current condition or what things they are not sharing or think they are doing right. In this forum, it's probably more appropriate to help along the lines of asking questions, really trying to understand someone's story. Recommendations should be focused on encouraging the individual to assess whether they are meeting the demands of their body....as Dr. Schwarzbein says, "building more than using." Tara is really great about doing this - not quick to jump to conclusions, asking a lot of questions, and always recommending very basic changes. The truth is that our problems are usually from very basic choices we make.


Apr 11, 2015
"Health is not something that you reach, it's something you have a limited responsibility over till the day you die."

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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