Carnivore baseline to determine food intolerances

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Bloating, fatigue, incomplete bowels, constipation.
How is your sleep?do you have any symptom of high histamines?can you detail your diet for those who are not aware of it?


Oct 6, 2020
Well, peating by itself doesn’t fix much either.
cascara, carrot salad, charcoal are a band-aid after all, as effective as they can sometimes be.
I actually bought a bottle of D-Limonene pills, taken 2 of them, so far haven’t felt different.

I know, i m not saying you should eat a peaty diet (im not full peaty myself) and if you feel better on carnivore more power to you but i don't think it will fix stuff long term.

You got D-limonene already? If its not helping further down the road i guess we need to think outside the box of food and dietary antimicrobials/binding agents.

Wonder if you have checked for stones in the liver, galbladder or the kidneys? Noteworthy postural issues? How do you react towards antibiotics or antihelminthics?
Any odd reaction to sun or sensitivity to chemical smells? Blood rushing and being stuck in the head when doing handstands or hanging head down a bar?

Have you "explored" your abdomen/stomache area to full extend via pressure using your fingers/hands for painful spots?


Feb 3, 2020
I had SIBO in the past and I resolved it in 2 months of using an antimicrobials-protocol.
It reduced all my bloating in the upper GI tract and reduced my fatigue like 90%.

I was still sensitive to a lot of problematic food items like night shades, legumes, eggs and so on. But at least I felt well energetically and had no GI tract symptoms.

I got some sort of stomach infection lately by eating some slightly bad eggs and I had a backlash to feeling bloated, nauseous, lack of appetite, fatigue, sleepiness. At least I am not feeling depressed but not really feeling well overall.

I am currently trying to resolve that problem with the pathologic bacteria. I am using capsulated oil of oregano, berberine, ginger tea, supplemental zinc, topical vitamin D3/K2, coffee, well-cooked white button mushrooms and extra-virgin olive oil.

I am feeling better already and my bloating is reduced significantly. I got some really bad smelling burps after my infection - that already resolved so I am optimistic that things will improve further.

Maybe you have some sort of bacterial overgrowth / fungi / whatever?
Aug 14, 2019
The Lone Star State
Hey bud, I'm in the same boat as you regarding symptoms, though what I've been doing is carnivore for like 2 or 3 days with plenty of oil of oregano plus cascara then back to my typical diet until the symptoms return. I can pinpoint the root of the problem to when I took tetracycline and amoxicillin to clear up a lingering sinus infection 3 years ago. I've had gut issues ever since whereas before my g.i. system was as robust as iron.

I'm sick of going in circles, tired of new food sensitivities arising one after another, and weary of bouts of carnivore because it isn't sustainable for me due to lowered energy levels and weight loss. I've come to suspect that the issue isn't just SIBO alone, but also a thiamine deficiency.

What I'm doing now, starting this week, is mega dosing thiamine (2g per day), Greek oil of oregano, and Biocidin. I plan on following up with Saccharomyces Boulardii and a highly lauded spore-based probiotic, along with raw milk and skyr. I believe if the gut isn't colonized by a different series of bacteria, then the same problematic bacteria will just repopulate.

If you haven't already, read this thread and all the links within: Solved? - IBS, SIBO, GERD, LPR, Colitis, Constipation, Celiac, Brain Fog

And also check out the link in mostlylurking's post here: SIBO - another antibiotic along with Rifaximin


Oct 19, 2019
Foods problematic for me: vegetables, starch, fibre of any kind, fruits with seeds, UHT milk.
It’s also possible that all kinds of fruit bloat me, but I will have to test this.

I will eat: beef(cooked in ghee or butter), pastured eggs, honey & sugar.
If I am still bloated, I will remove honey / sugar.
What if beef is the issue? I’m presuming you’ve been eating that at the same time as the other problematic foods.


Aug 9, 2019
Hey bud, I'm in the same boat as you regarding symptoms, though what I've been doing is carnivore for like 2 or 3 days with plenty of oil of oregano plus cascara then back to my typical diet until the symptoms return. I can pinpoint the root of the problem to when I took tetracycline and amoxicillin to clear up a lingering sinus infection 3 years ago. I've had gut issues ever since whereas before my g.i. system was as robust as iron.

I'm sick of going in circles, tired of new food sensitivities arising one after another, and weary of bouts of carnivore because it isn't sustainable for me due to lowered energy levels and weight loss. I've come to suspect that the issue isn't just SIBO alone, but also a thiamine deficiency.

What I'm doing now, starting this week, is mega dosing thiamine (2g per day), Greek oil of oregano, and Biocidin. I plan on following up with Saccharomyces Boulardii and a highly lauded spore-based probiotic, along with raw milk and skyr. I believe if the gut isn't colonized by a different series of bacteria, then the same problematic bacteria will just repopulate.

If you haven't already, read this thread and all the links within: Solved? - IBS, SIBO, GERD, LPR, Colitis, Constipation, Celiac, Brain Fog

And also check out the link in mostlylurking's post here: SIBO - another antibiotic along with Rifaximin
I took Oregano Oil pills for almost a month, did nothing. Also been taking 500-1000mg of Thiamine HCL in the last few months, don’t notice anything from it.

At the moment, I’m using Florassist GI Phages.
Does raw milk have beneficial bacteria in it?
I was drinking it last summer, it was delicious and tasty.


Aug 9, 2019
What if beef is the issue? I’m presuming you’ve been eating that at the same time as the other problematic foods.
Doubt it. I only started eating more beef when I got into Carnivore and Peating in 2019.
My bloating issues have been present before that.
At some point, I tried to eat just potatoes, salt and grapes for 3 days. Got constipated and had suicidal thoughts, probably from endotoxin overload of starch.
Aug 14, 2019
The Lone Star State
I took Oregano Oil pills for almost a month, did nothing. Also been taking 500-1000mg of Thiamine HCL in the last few months, don’t notice anything from it.

At the moment, I’m using Florassist GI Phages.
Does raw milk have beneficial bacteria in it?
I was drinking it last summer, it was delicious and tasty.
Perhaps the oregano oil wasn't strong enough. I fill my own size 00 capsules with barely diluted oregano oil and it absolutely works.

Raw milk has beneficial bacteria if it comes from healthy animals (no mastitis and preferably grass fed). If you've enjoyed raw farmstead cheese then you've essentially tasted the end result of raw dairy bacteria feeding on milk solids. It's incredible, particularly if it's sheep cheese.

If my plan of action doesn't work then I'll do a round of rifaximin followed by a month of raw milk only. Then solid foods could be slowly introduced, probably starting with fruit or sweet potatoes. That ought to reset the g.i. tract.


Mar 15, 2018
Yeah, the only luck people have been getting when their digestive tract is wrecked is with an antibiotic protocol, any fiber ultimately feeds bacteria to an extent in the end and if your gut is compromised you have to patch it up somehow. Your stomach is a second brain of sorts.


Mar 5, 2018
I feel forced to go back to the drawing board and start again with a Carnivore Diet and reintroduce from there Carb sources, starting with honey and white sugar.

My chronic bloating is disgusting, literally walking with a pregnant man-belly. Not even 4 bowel movements / day resolves it.

Foods problematic for me: vegetables, starch, fibre of any kind, fruits with seeds, UHT milk.
It’s also possible that all kinds of fruit bloat me, but I will have to test this.

I will eat: beef(cooked in ghee or butter), pastured eggs, honey & sugar.
If I am still bloated, I will remove honey / sugar.
Are you sure only diet is in play here? As i remember form your thread you most of the time also use supplements / hormones. Did you try to remove them completely?


Aug 9, 2019
Are you sure only diet is in play here? As i remember form your thread you most of the time also use supplements / hormones. Did you try to remove them completely?
Most supplements I take don't have an effect on the digestive system.

My intention right now is to cut all fiber forms to zero first because I suspect this is possibly the problem I will still drink juice, but without the pulp.
Jun 16, 2017
Keep us updated, GreekDemiGod. I have the same issue with bloating (from any carbs). Starch, even white rice, makes me bloated. I almost went on the carnivore diet for a while, but felt bad with less carbs. Clearly lowered my metabolism. Bloating/ SIBO is really my only issue with carbs. I've only noticed benefits from adding a lot of them to my diet aside from that. It is the passage of carbs through my gut before entering the bloodstream that is the problem, because the bacteria can access it and feed on some of it before I can absorb it all.

I agree with the sentiment that the goal should be to solve the gut issue so that we can eat according to what we crave instead of avoiding foods just because of the endotoxic reaction that will ensue. I'm definitely not there yet though. In a few days from now, I'll do a doxycycline course with some nystatin. I haven't done one in a long time, and I'm starting to have some worrisome reactions to raw foods( even raw fruits), it feels like I'm being poisoned after eating them( symptoms like confusion, anxiety, getting too emotional, everything seeming hopeless etc.). In my opinion, it must be either LPS( from bacteria) or beta- glucans/ acetaldehyde( from fungi).


Aug 9, 2019
Last night, I have been reading a bit about primal / raw primal principles & the works of Aajonus V. There are a few threads on this forum about it too. So far, it sounds quite fascinating, although my bro-science detector is beeping.
I have also been following quite a few people on Instagram in this sphere, I can share them if anyone is curious.
An animal-based diet combined with carb sources such as raw honey & raw milk does make a lot of sense.

Whereas Peating is about micro-managing everything, this is about simplicity, which I would welcome, as I am tired of spending all this money on supplements & drugs to have little results.


Aug 9, 2019


Oct 19, 2019
Whereas Peating is about micro-managing everything
It can be if you make it, but ultimately it is very simple at heart. The supplement regimes can lead people astray, but Ray is the first to tell people they’d probably be better stopping most supplements.


May 4, 2019
Doubt it. I only started eating more beef when I got into Carnivore and Peating in 2019.
My bloating issues have been present before that.
At some point, I tried to eat just potatoes, salt and grapes for 3 days. Got constipated and had suicidal thoughts, probably from endotoxin overload of starch.

Not Peaty, but taking high doses of iodine (200-300 mg) really improved my starch tolerance. Before I couldn't eat starch without feeling poisoned, which is why I had to stay on a Peat diet of milk, fruits and meat, but now I can eat starch 3x daily like a normal person. I suspect the iodine cleared out some kind of fungal overgrowth. Did also take Boron (15 mg) per day which has anti-fungal activity.

Also not Peaty, but it could be worth exploring using probiotics to change the gut microbiome. B. longum can reverse the changes caused by an animal-based diet (, increase Bifido strains and reduce pathogenic strains, and reduce systemic endotoxin (Beneficial effects of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum BB536 on human health: Modulation of gut microbiome as the principal action)

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Last night, I have been reading a bit about primal / raw primal principles & the works of Aajonus V. There are a few threads on this forum about it too. So far, it sounds quite fascinating, although my bro-science detector is beeping.
I have also been following quite a few people on Instagram in this sphere, I can share them if anyone is curious.
An animal-based diet combined with carb sources such as raw honey & raw milk does make a lot of sense.

Whereas Peating is about micro-managing everything, this is about simplicity, which I would welcome, as I am tired of spending all this money on supplements & drugs to have little results.
Greek,its not so simple,you have to account past déficiency,food quality that make some nutrients vary drastically in some foods,and that your needs fluctuate with time,and if in your foods list none of them contain what you need At a very moment in time that help your body restore an optimal state you are ****88,do they account following your instincts cravings,sense of smell and taste in these approachs?


Oct 22, 2019
I did the carnivore diet and it ended up wrecking my digestive system, causing gastroparesis, fatique, extreme irritability and PMDD. It is NOT a harmless "baseline" diet that will simply reveal to you your intolerances. Imo, it can *cause* intolerances, as many will find that foods that never bothered them before suddenly cause serious reactions.

It's like saying, "I'm going to completely alter my microbiome as well as the macro/micronutrient makeup of my diet by eliminating all sources of fiber/sugar/anything but animal products. If I stick to this long enough, it will reveal to me my 'true' state so that I can identify any food intolerances that I was missing before." No, you're dramatically changing the way your body is fueling itself, affecting who knows how many systems, and clearing out whatever beneficial bacteria you had that had helped you to digest fibers (even poorly, in your case). You are also possibly becoming nutrient deficient, depending on what you're eating and how long you persist with the diet. Someone even reported developing anemia due to B1 deficiency while on carnivore. I think you're priming yourself to be more sensitive, especially if you do carnivore diet long term.

I came to this forum after listening to a video by Danny Roddy that explained why he quit the carnivore diet. It was the first time I'd heard someone who had clearly done the diet long term, to a T, and was admitting that he felt terrible on it. He was admitting that it didn't work, that it caused negative symptoms. What a breath of fresh air after being in the carnivore echo chamber in which everyone assures everyone else that the diet is at worst harmless, and at best a cure-all or the perfect human diet ... In my experience, this restrictive diet (and food elimination mentality) will cause more problems long term than it appears to be solving at first.

I don't have any advice for you wrt your issues, as I'm still trying to eat like a normal person, two years after quitting carnivore. I will say though that I'm now able to eat foods that before were causing me extreme bloating and discomfort as well as depression/anxiety. I thought I had SIBO, I thought there was something terribly wrong with me, that I needed a cure, or I needed to eliminate more damaging foods. But now ... I drink milk. I eat potatoes. Both caused serious reactions even a year ago.

Anyway, good luck. Just know that carnivore is not a miracle, not harmless, and, imo, not a solution to anything.
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