Cant Wake Up In The Morning


Feb 18, 2018
For what it's worth, and this is just me, but:

Ice cream and protein are both common suggestions as you said and neither work for me. Nor does fat.

Protein causes all sorts of havoc on your body whether its from the tryptophan, histidine, cysteine, methionine, ammonia, or phosphorus... That's quite the list of problems. So, I've opted to stop eating animal protein entirely and supplement directly the only amino acids that are actually helpful. to deplete myself of those 4 AA"s and avoid ammonia/phosphorus entirely. This is a POWERFUL problem that I think most forum members here don't respect. There's a reason why Vegan is a popular diet. It works. But, eventually Vegans get protein deficiency. Hence supplementing the other AA's.

Ice cream was a horrible food for me. It reliably tanked my body temperatures in the morning. As does eating too high fat period.

Eating before bed is only a bad idea if you eat inflammation/endotoxin promoting foods like high protein, ice cream. Eat metabolic promoting foods, and its fine.

If I eat protein, ice cream, fat etc before bed I can almost guarantee my waking temps the next day will be bad. Even gelatin, I notice, can generate ammonia, but out of all proteins, gelatin is pretty safe.

I like what you say about animal protein. Animal protein is the only determinant of me feeling worse than usual. I also quit it and eat now as a vegan. But my primary food is potatoes which is rich in protein. Plus some fruits. I don't get protein deficiency. But i am also looking for aminos supplement. The thing is they are expensive.

Animal flesh is problematic in a high starch and dairy diet imo. Remove the starch and dairy and beef is so cleanly digested and provides immense health, confidence, and strength. I personally love tomatoes, beef, and salt. That combo is a damn good combo. I add straight salsa onto that 85/15 ground beef, and I get no digestive issues, immediate satiation, strength, and well-being. Throw in a little coffee after the meal for extra good vibes. I’ve also turned to drinking v8 juice, which is very hydrating and pleasant to my brain.

Every time I get on starch and dairy I run into problems, and my stomach is much happier on a beef and fruit diet. The key all along on why I couldn’t sustain that diet is that too much fruit throws off electrolyte levels, so the v8 juice helps immensely with keeping my salt status up.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Animal flesh is problematic in a high starch and dairy diet imo. Remove the starch and dairy and beef is so cleanly digested and provides immense health, confidence, and strength. I personally love tomatoes, beef, and salt. That combo is a damn good combo. I add straight salsa onto that 85/15 ground beef, and I get no digestive issues, immediate satiation, strength, and well-being. Throw in a little coffee after the meal for extra good vibes. I’ve also turned to drinking v8 juice, which is very hydrating and pleasant to my brain.

Every time I get on starch and dairy I run into problems, and my stomach is much happier on a beef and fruit diet. The key all along on why I couldn’t sustain that diet is that too much fruit throws off electrolyte levels, so the v8 juice helps immensely with keeping my salt status up.

Is the V8 86% tomato where you live? Because the going rate for 99.5% pure tomato sauce with a pinch of salt is orders of magnitude cheaper than the watered down stuff you are buying: FRESHONA Gezeefde tomaten extra kwaliteit - SIMPL .


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Animal flesh is problematic in a high starch and dairy diet imo. Remove the starch and dairy and beef is so cleanly digested and provides immense health, confidence, and strength. I personally love tomatoes, beef, and salt. That combo is a damn good combo. I add straight salsa onto that 85/15 ground beef, and I get no digestive issues, immediate satiation, strength, and well-being. Throw in a little coffee after the meal for extra good vibes. I’ve also turned to drinking v8 juice, which is very hydrating and pleasant to my brain.

Every time I get on starch and dairy I run into problems, and my stomach is much happier on a beef and fruit diet. The key all along on why I couldn’t sustain that diet is that too much fruit throws off electrolyte levels, so the v8 juice helps immensely with keeping my salt status up.

Sadly I already tried a fruit+juice/beef diet and that didn't work for me either.

My digestion is probably ****ed, so that doesn't help lol.

Ditching meat (and fats), and dairy is so far the only thing that reliably increases my energy, clarity of mind, and temps/pulses.

I do pretty good on white rice. Potatoes are pretty good for me too. But yeah, you're right, don't mix starch with meat (or fat).

I do a mix of fruit and starch for the electrolyte reasons you stated. or you can just salt fruit, but I find that disgusting, so I eat salted starch instead, but with a primary focus on sugars.

Eating meat or dairy reliably makes me groggy and awful in the morning, and with low temp and pulses (less than 98F).


Apr 13, 2019
"The literature search revealed that 60 million mainland
Japanese consume a daily average of 13.8 mg of elemental
iodine, and Japan is one of the healthiest nations, based
on overall well-being and cancer statistics.Japanese
women do not stop consuming iodine-rich foods during
pregnancy, and Japanese fetuses are exposed to maternal
peripheral levels of iodide at concentrations of 10-5M to
10-6M. Either the Japanese are mutants, capable of
thriving on toxic levels of iodine or we have been
grossly deceived, and the human body needs at least 100
times the RDA, which was established very recently in 1980 and confirmed in 1989!"

The Historical Background of the Iodine Project, Guy. E. Abraham M.D.

If your articles are true, then the statistics should show a massive incidence of congenital hypothyroidism in Japan, year after year, because Japanese women don't stop ingesting sea weeds during pregnancy.

So high tsh is beneficial? Because iodine at doses you mention increases tsh. This happens to me on iodine and there’s tons of literature and first hand experience of people getting the same results.


Feb 18, 2018
Is the V8 86% tomato where you live? Because the going rate for 99.5% pure tomato sauce with a pinch of salt is orders of magnitude cheaper than the watered down stuff you are buying: FRESHONA Gezeefde tomaten extra kwaliteit - SIMPL .

I actually enjoy the v8 product more so than drinking tomatoes sauce/soup with salt. I enjoy the fact that it is more watered down, because I find it hydrates me more than straight tomatoes. In all cases, i found that the tomatoes help with the digestion of beef immensely, and I don’t think I would achieve the same health benefits from the meat if it were not for the accompanied salsa that I place on it.

I also had a propel water today, and I found it hydrated me much better than water, and when I checked the nutrition content I agreed with a lot of the added elements. Aside from the inescapable preservatives and what not, there was niacin, potassium, vitamin e, vitamin b6, among others. That paired with Mountain Dew gave me some quality hydration, energy, and clarity of mind.

Sadly I already tried a fruit+juice/beef diet and that didn't work for me either.

My digestion is probably ****ed, so that doesn't help lol.

Ditching meat (and fats), and dairy is so far the only thing that reliably increases my energy, clarity of mind, and temps/pulses.

I do pretty good on white rice. Potatoes are pretty good for me too. But yeah, you're right, don't mix starch with meat (or fat).

I do a mix of fruit and starch for the electrolyte reasons you stated. or you can just salt fruit, but I find that disgusting, so I eat salted starch instead, but with a primary focus on sugars.

Eating meat or dairy reliably makes me groggy and awful in the morning, and with low temp and pulses (less than 98F).

If you ever decide to eat meat again try it with some salsa. Complete game changer imo.

The salty fruit concept is one I’m thinking of toying more with. Salty tomatoes are absolutely delicious, and tomato is a fruit, so there certainly are some fruits that pair well with salt. Avocados are another well tolerated salty fruit, although I rarely eat those because I find they don’t give me the same energy that other fruits do.
Aug 21, 2018
It worked for millions of Japanese for centuries.
Despite the 50 mg iodine/day ingested over a lifetime, their rates of thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism and thyroid inflammation are amongst the lowest of all nations.

Can't ask for better proof than that.

There is a noticeable flaw in your train of thoughts. You have to eat like a Japanese to get the same result, millions of Japanese consume lots of varieties of seaweed as main source of iodine. There is no way to use potassium iodide or lugol as substitute. 50mg of seaweed sourced iodine is not equal to 50mg of KI or lugol. Context is everything.


Oct 10, 2018
I didn't exactly read everyone's reply but low cortisol could be the problem. Saliva test would be able to tell you more.


Aug 17, 2016
Animal flesh is problematic in a high starch and dairy diet imo. Remove the starch and dairy and beef is so cleanly digested and provides immense health, confidence, and strength. I personally love tomatoes, beef, and salt. That combo is a damn good combo. I add straight salsa onto that 85/15 ground beef, and I get no digestive issues, immediate satiation, strength, and well-being. Throw in a little coffee after the meal for extra good vibes. I’ve also turned to drinking v8 juice, which is very hydrating and pleasant to my brain.

Every time I get on starch and dairy I run into problems, and my stomach is much happier on a beef and fruit diet. The key all along on why I couldn’t sustain that diet is that too much fruit throws off electrolyte levels, so the v8 juice helps immensely with keeping my salt status up.
Today I had coffee and fruit for breakfast, potato for lunch and then a couple hours later, I made a small beef filet and cooked some mushrooms in beef broth. I really like having the protein separate like this. Come to think of it, I always did. As a kid, I would eat sweets for breakfast, maybe chicken liver for lunch and then if my parents took us out to dinner, I would just order a shrimp cocktail and soda. I love being able to return to the way I liked to eat as a kid.
Jul 20, 2016
i tried to take magnesium malate or glycinate (under 1gram) and I'm not sure that it is good for me... iodine also-it makes me tense I think... those two could give me insomnia,,, but ok I will have it on my mind... ;)

Hey not sure what you have going on with magneisum but i know if i take it too close to sleep then it messes up my sleep due to gut disturbance, however i found using magneisum lotion avoids this


Jan 1, 2013
So high tsh is beneficial? Because iodine at doses you mention increases tsh. This happens to me on iodine and there’s tons of literature and first hand experience of people getting the same results.

Per David Brownstein's book:


One of the most frequent e-mails I receive from physicians and laypeople is their concern
about TSH levels elevating after beginning iodine therapy. As previously mentioned, TSH is
released by the pituitary gland to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone.
However, TSH has another function besides stimulating thyroid hormone production. It also
helps stimulate the body’s production of the iodine transport molecules–the sodium-iodide
symporter-NIS. Without adequate amounts of NIS, iodine would not be able to enter the cells
and be utilized.
In other words, the NIS is like a taxi cab that shuttles the iodine from the blood stream into
the thyroid cell in order for the cell to use the iodine to make thyroid hormone.
This concept is not hard to grasp. Let’s take the example of a patient who is iodine deficient.
This iodine-deficient patient’s body does not require a large amount of NIS since there is little
iodine that needs to be transported into the cells. However, when this individual begins to
supplement with iodine, the extra iodine now needs to be transported into the cells. One way the
body will accomplish this is to increase the production of TSH to stimulate more NIS. In other
words, when iodine supplementation is started, the body will produce more “NIS taxi cabs” to
shuttle the iodine into the thyroid cell in order to produce thyroid hormone.
My experience has shown, when iodine supplementation has begun, an elevated TSH
without clinical signs of hypothyroidism (i.e., fatigue, hair loss, headaches, etc.) as well as
normal T3 and T4 levels does not indicate a hypothyroid condition. On the contrary, the elevated
TSH is the body’s appropriate and necessary response to produce more NIS or “taxi cabs” to
increase the transport of iodine into the thyroid cells. How long does TSH stay elevated? I have
found that TSH may remain elevated for up to 6 months before lowering to normal.
How high do TSH levels rise? The normal TSH level ranges from 0.5-4.5mIU/L. I have
witnessed TSH levels elevated to 5-30mIU/L for a period of time–sometimes up to six months–
before falling back to the normal range. Remember, if there are no clinical symptoms of thyroid
problems and T3 and T4 levels are normal, it is doubtful that TSH elevation is sign of
hypothyroidism. In this case, TSH elevation is normal and expected. The TSH will decline back
to the reference range after the thyroid gland is saturated with iodine."


Apr 13, 2019
Per David Brownstein's book:


One of the most frequent e-mails I receive from physicians and laypeople is their concern
about TSH levels elevating after beginning iodine therapy. As previously mentioned, TSH is
released by the pituitary gland to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone.
However, TSH has another function besides stimulating thyroid hormone production. It also
helps stimulate the body’s production of the iodine transport molecules–the sodium-iodide
symporter-NIS. Without adequate amounts of NIS, iodine would not be able to enter the cells
and be utilized.
In other words, the NIS is like a taxi cab that shuttles the iodine from the blood stream into
the thyroid cell in order for the cell to use the iodine to make thyroid hormone.
This concept is not hard to grasp. Let’s take the example of a patient who is iodine deficient.
This iodine-deficient patient’s body does not require a large amount of NIS since there is little
iodine that needs to be transported into the cells. However, when this individual begins to
supplement with iodine, the extra iodine now needs to be transported into the cells. One way the
body will accomplish this is to increase the production of TSH to stimulate more NIS. In other
words, when iodine supplementation is started, the body will produce more “NIS taxi cabs” to
shuttle the iodine into the thyroid cell in order to produce thyroid hormone.
My experience has shown, when iodine supplementation has begun, an elevated TSH
without clinical signs of hypothyroidism (i.e., fatigue, hair loss, headaches, etc.) as well as
normal T3 and T4 levels does not indicate a hypothyroid condition. On the contrary, the elevated
TSH is the body’s appropriate and necessary response to produce more NIS or “taxi cabs” to
increase the transport of iodine into the thyroid cells. How long does TSH stay elevated? I have
found that TSH may remain elevated for up to 6 months before lowering to normal.
How high do TSH levels rise? The normal TSH level ranges from 0.5-4.5mIU/L. I have
witnessed TSH levels elevated to 5-30mIU/L for a period of time–sometimes up to six months–
before falling back to the normal range. Remember, if there are no clinical symptoms of thyroid
problems and T3 and T4 levels are normal, it is doubtful that TSH elevation is sign of
hypothyroidism. In this case, TSH elevation is normal and expected. The TSH will decline back
to the reference range after the thyroid gland is saturated with iodine."

Ok thanks for that might have to give it a try for 6 months and see what happens. What form of iodine do you recommend? Should it be taken with selenium or is dietary selenium enough if you eat seafood and meat seems kinda high in selenium.


Apr 13, 2019
Per David Brownstein's book:


One of the most frequent e-mails I receive from physicians and laypeople is their concern
about TSH levels elevating after beginning iodine therapy. As previously mentioned, TSH is
released by the pituitary gland to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone.
However, TSH has another function besides stimulating thyroid hormone production. It also
helps stimulate the body’s production of the iodine transport molecules–the sodium-iodide
symporter-NIS. Without adequate amounts of NIS, iodine would not be able to enter the cells
and be utilized.
In other words, the NIS is like a taxi cab that shuttles the iodine from the blood stream into
the thyroid cell in order for the cell to use the iodine to make thyroid hormone.
This concept is not hard to grasp. Let’s take the example of a patient who is iodine deficient.
This iodine-deficient patient’s body does not require a large amount of NIS since there is little
iodine that needs to be transported into the cells. However, when this individual begins to
supplement with iodine, the extra iodine now needs to be transported into the cells. One way the
body will accomplish this is to increase the production of TSH to stimulate more NIS. In other
words, when iodine supplementation is started, the body will produce more “NIS taxi cabs” to
shuttle the iodine into the thyroid cell in order to produce thyroid hormone.
My experience has shown, when iodine supplementation has begun, an elevated TSH
without clinical signs of hypothyroidism (i.e., fatigue, hair loss, headaches, etc.) as well as
normal T3 and T4 levels does not indicate a hypothyroid condition. On the contrary, the elevated
TSH is the body’s appropriate and necessary response to produce more NIS or “taxi cabs” to
increase the transport of iodine into the thyroid cells. How long does TSH stay elevated? I have
found that TSH may remain elevated for up to 6 months before lowering to normal.
How high do TSH levels rise? The normal TSH level ranges from 0.5-4.5mIU/L. I have
witnessed TSH levels elevated to 5-30mIU/L for a period of time–sometimes up to six months–
before falling back to the normal range. Remember, if there are no clinical symptoms of thyroid
problems and T3 and T4 levels are normal, it is doubtful that TSH elevation is sign of
hypothyroidism. In this case, TSH elevation is normal and expected. The TSH will decline back
to the reference range after the thyroid gland is saturated with iodine."

Iodine stimulates estrogen receptor singling and its systemic level is increased in surgical patients due to topical absorption

Whats up with this?


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Is that for me?
How? Any specific advice?

Yes, for you. I think the best way is to eat balanced meals (containing proteins, carbs, and fats) every few hours throughout the day, not allowing yourself to get too hungry at any given time.

Sample meals could be hamburger or steak, orange juice, and chocolate (which is what I eat regularly).
Another might be chicken, milk, gelatin and pineapple.


Mar 29, 2014
I've had patches of difficulty waking up occasionally that don't seem to be just tiredness from insufficient sleep. Have you considered whether you can identify any likely triggers for yourself? These seem to to be possible personal triggers for me if I have too much the day/night before:
  • dairy foods (I suspect personal intolerance or possibly allergy)
  • coffee (I seldom have any, so it doesn't take much to have an effect - wakes me up when I drink it, but can sometimes leave me low in withdrawal next morning)
Dino D

Dino D

Nov 14, 2017
If it helps then it means you need it. As @Travis mentioned somewhere if you’re going to supplement iron the glycinate/bisglycinate form is likely prefered since it sorta forms a complex around the iron to form a shell as in iron sulphate probably causes more oxidative stress. You can take iron in conjunction with antioxidants like vitamin E to also ward of oxidation. Likely reason why meat makes you tired is first off it aint really that high in iron and its very high in zinc. Zinc antagonise iron absorption and depletes your cells of iron. I would recommend liver since it contains more iron and also copper and retinol which both are needed for iron absorption and utilization. Vitamin D also increases iron absorption by supressing hepcidin and some other mechanism I don’t fully understand. 1000-2000 IU per day is enough. Regarding iron dosage 25mg of iron bisglycinate daily seem to be enough since its absorption is superior to regular iron sulphate. Also having good gut health seems vital to proper iron absorption. I can imagine lysine and ginger which inhibits serotonin synthesis in the gut to be very helpful.
Ferrous sulphateView attachment 13462
Ferrous bisglycinateView attachment 13463
Hey, i use iron for 9 days, my morning woods are almost gone and libido is low... the same happend 9 months ago with zinc... also after 10 days if use... any ideas?
I think i feel better, goos mood, i maybe lost some weight, sleep is the same 4 now...
Last edited:


Apr 13, 2019
Hey, i use iron for 9 days, my morning woods are almost gone and libido is low... the same happend 9 months ago with zinc... also after 10 days if use... any ideas?
I think i feel better, goos mood, i maybe lost some weight, sleep is the same 4 now...

Have you even tested your iron? Have you tried copper? Was your sleep any improved during those 10 days and then got same?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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