Anyone Improved Hearing?

Nov 21, 2015
Anyone improved hearing? I have noticed a diminution in the ability to distinguish voices in a crowded place, and a degradation of the route as well. Any suggestions?
Dec 25, 2014
Someone claimed that nicinamide was useful

I have found that clearing my lymphatic system in the inner-ear/sinus area helps with my hearing tremendously.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I haven't improved anything noticeable yet but I am trying IR light therapy for hearing. A few studies says that it can help.
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Dec 25, 2014
I didn't see where he described how to stretch your throat

Sorry, here

My Stretched Body: Open Your Throat

I will quote it as well

Anyway, I started doing a stretch that involves holding the position that caused me such pain during the crunch. Remember, it is stretch - not strengthen! I lay on my back on the floor. Place my hands palm down on each side of my hips. Lift my head ever so slightly to look down towards my feet. You might have to move your head around until you feel the maximum effect.

Do not lift your shoulders from the floor. Now, while holding your head up, stick out your chin as if to lift your bottom teeth over your top teeth. At the same time, stretch your bottom lip upwards, as if to touch it to your nose. Hold this for as long as you can. Very soon, I was holding this stretch for one minute.

Warning! This could hurt you! At first, I was able to hold this stretch for mere seconds. At first, it caused all types of discomfort, up to and including nausea. Sometimes this pain would come up behind my eyes, and was almost unbearable. This is not a stretch for sissies! I've done all those sissy neck stretches - for about three months last summer. I was trying to get relief from my thumb pain, and had read it could be caused by scalene muscles entrapment. Those stretches did absolutely nothing for me.

She does a whole lot of talking but is you scroll down here you will see other stretches that have helped. I feel some fluid emptying in my skull occasionally when I do them.

My Stretched Body: 3/1/11 - 4/1/11


Jan 4, 2017
Retinol and magnesium are low when you start to have hearing problems... Progesterone is a important cofactor in terms of the retention of those two nutrients


Mar 29, 2016
I hope there is more to this. My mother's side suffers from hearing loss. Her mother needed hearing aids. My mom and my uncle as well. And my cousin's daughter needed it as well. My niece (my cousin's daughter) needed it in her early 30s, while my grandma, mom, and uncle needed it past their 60s.

If the tendency to lose hearing is an inherited trait, I'm lucky that my dad's hearing is sharp. He's known for selective hearing though, not hearing when something is unpleasant, yet would easily pick up on third party conversation quickly. I notice he has hair sticking out his ears, and I'm glad I also have to cut hair from my ears as well.

I'm just thinking that maybe hearing loss has to do with loss of hair in the ear canal. If this is the case, maybe it would help also to read Danny Roddy's "Hair Like A Fox" to help restore hair inside the ear canal.

Btw, when I was in high school, a teacher was kind and concerned enough to tell me to go see an EENT because she felt I had some hearing issues. So I went. It was the most excruciating experience having the doctor remove all the accumulated ear wax I had. They must have been stuck to my eardrums, or so it seemed. The day I came home after a lot of the wax finally came off, I recall hearing the sound of the bar of the gate being moved and it sounded like a bell from a church tower, and it felt good.

Oh, I recall something and this would lead to me eating my own words. My uncle had a very thick crop of hair. In his late 80s, it was still very thick but all white. So, it may not be a lack of hair in the ear. It may be something else.

I recall that we used to use a certain ear pick before. It would be used to remove earwax. Chinese and Japanese are familiar with these. I don't know if excessively using it to remove ear wax would cause a lot of ear hair to be removed, and this may cause hearing loss. What if this were a family practice that was done regularly, and parents would do it often to their children. What if this practice resulted in plenty of hair being lost, and the threshold of hearing was breached only in later years?

What can be done to restore the hair so that the threshold of hearing can be crossed again to being able to hear? @haidut ?
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Feb 22, 2017
I've definitely noticed improved clarity when listening to music compared to a low-carb diet.

I feel like it has to do with supplying enough energy to the brain and it's most noticeable when drinking milk the day after eating a lot of sugar, the music literally becomes clearer and clearer as I drink.


Mar 2, 2015
I'm trying to fix postural issues, among them is forward head posture.
Today I found the "right" posture again: head over shoulders, shoulders muscles balanced, head being one with the body I noticed music were a lot less messy in beat, I could distingush high lows etc. Similair to MB use.
Look into FHP, neck extensors , shoulder muscles(lower, upper traps, levator, rotator cuff).

I remember reading the shoulders act as physical amplifiers for the ears, directing sound to them..


Mar 29, 2016
I think my hearing is normal, as no one's ever having to berate me over missing something they said, although I could certainly improving on catching every word said when watching movies.

I don't use the ear pick anymore. I'll just use a cotton bud after a shower, and only occasionally. And I don't have a lot of ear wax anymore.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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