Am I Crazy?!!?



Mittir said:
Sunshine is fine, but there are studies that found people in warm climate are also vitamin D deficient.

Maybe they have a disease that lowers vitamin D and is made worse by supplementing it? If the body doesn't make vitamin D when exposed to sunshine, I'd be careful about using a supplement.
Nov 26, 2013
I'm sorry but these things are hard to read for me. I lost my chronic stomach butterflies and palpitations after one week of "high" sugar. Booze became boring. You can't get me down if you tried to (never really was prone to depression though). I bet 90% of schizophrenia and autism are toxicities and/or vitamin/food/pregnenolone deficiencies from the womb or the childhood. Rest are epigenetic stress and social toxins (violence). My brother is like that, he has the distorted idol of "hard science" (the molecules must be artificial to have an effect, every cell is independent from the other, red light therapy = magic, biology MUST be obscurely unintuitive and doctors=gods) so he eats whatever then he gets panic attacks and must change bed sheets each night to ameliorate decade long acne (retinol=toxic so they invented isotretionin!).

It is good to use any excess energy you have to try and attack their stereotypes a little bit at a time, but as long as someone thinks a whole is just a sum of parts they will try one part and scale it up to size, then cast the whole thing out (progest-e made me dizzy, liver is disgusting, etc.). This makes our attempts hard as hell, especially when we have little energy ourselves.

take care!


Nov 1, 2012
"It is good to use any excess energy you have to try and attack their stereotypes a little bit at a time, but as long as someone thinks a whole is just a sum of parts they will try one part and scale it up to size, then cast the whole thing out (progest-e made me dizzy, liver is disgusting, etc.). This makes our attempts hard as hell, especially when we have little energy ourselves."

So true!

He just said he was getting hot and he knows it is something I gave him. So the battle keeps on. I have great energy but tire of his excuses. I tell him he doesn't really want to get well.


Haagendazendiane said:
I tell him he doesn't really want to get well.

Sorry to say this, that is ridiculous. That's exactly what the parents of a Peater I know tell him for following Peat.


Haagendazendiane said:
He just said he was getting hot and he knows it is something I gave him. So the battle keeps on. I have great energy but tire of his excuses.

What he says could be true. For example, seemingly all vitamin A supplements, even those without listed additives, can provoke bad reactions due to trace industrial contaminants. Especially in people who get panic attacks. Peat himself gets headaches from Nutrisorb A taken orally, the cleanest vitamin A supplement. I, unlike Peat, get bad reactions from taking it topically (I take it orally now without problems), so he could be right and not be giving an excuse.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Sometimes I've wondered if I tell my daughter to do the opposite of what I want her to do it would work out better. In some ways I'm lucky because she is 24 and out on her own but you still love them and worry.
You are not crazy, psychiatry is crazy. It is crazy that our lives have been medicalized to the point that you and I seem crazy if we don't partake of the system.
To me the two main things psychiatry does is sedate people to varying degrees and play the authoritarian role to the point that people believe that are truly flawed.
Hang in there.


Nov 1, 2012
Yes, I should not say that. He just does not believe that he can get well. He considers his "mental illness" incurable. I do not.


Nov 1, 2012
j. said:
Haagendazendiane said:
He just said he was getting hot and he knows it is something I gave him. So the battle keeps on. I have great energy but tire of his excuses.

What he says could be true. For example, seemingly all vitamin A supplements, even those without listed additives, can provoke bad reactions due to trace industrial contaminants. Especially in people who get panic attacks. Peat himself gets headaches from Nutrisorb A taken orally, the cleanest vitamin A supplement. I, unlike Peat, get bad reactions from taking it topically (I take it orally now without problems), so he could be right and not be giving an excuse.

You are probably right. He does get random allergy symptoms. Itchiness. Hives as a young child.

He took all at once, so it is hard to say. I just assumed it was the supplements warming him. Maybe we will back off and add one at a time if he doesn't want to take them tomorrow.


Nov 1, 2012
He is itchy and has some red splotches. Aspirin? Aspirin and E together?

He researched pregnenolone and is in agreement about taking it! :partydance


Haagendazendiane said:
He researched pregnenolone and is in agreement about taking it! :partydance

Good. No one who researches pregnenolone honestly can NOT be in agreement about its safety. Hope he takes 100 mg. Make sure to give him one without silica.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Diane I just wanted to say I think you are doing a great job. :hattip


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haagendazendiane said:
He is itchy and has some red splotches. Aspirin? Aspirin and E together?

He researched pregnenolone and is in agreement about taking it! :partydance

Aspirin and vitamin E dramatically amplify each other's effects on thinning the blood. Taken together, they likely rival warfarin in terms of blood thinning effects. I would not take them together without a hefty dose of K2 (15mg-30mg). Better yet, take them on alternate days. Their blood thinning effect is one of the reasons we know they are both anti-estrogenic. Estrogen causes blood clots, and is the reason why almost all birth control pills now have the warnings about stroke, heart attacks, and embolisms.
Btw, tomorrow I will do a post on the Russian studies on the similarity of benzodiazepines and niacinamide. If your son is a fan of Klonopin, show him the studies and maybe he will be convinced to replace his drug with another "drug" that pharmacologically acts the same way. Both Klonopin and niacinamide are "positive allosteric modulators" of the GABAa "receptor". At least that's the official theory. So, at least your son won't be poisoning himself and given niacinamide's other mitochondrial boosting qualities little by little he will be secretly recovering his metabolism as well:):
Personally, I find it easier to convince people instead of dropping their drugs to rather initially substitute them for something less toxic. I do that by showing them official studies demonstrating that a Peat-friendly compound acts the same way as a known drug. A good example is depression. Many people are nuts over the news that ketamine "cures" depression and the relief is felt immediately or at most after 2-3 days. The official explanation is that this is due to ketamine being an NMDA "receptor" antagonist. When you search Google for "NMDA receptor" you will see that the Wikipedia page says magnesium is one of the most potent NMDA antagonists out there and it quotes a study that shows "rapid recovery" from depression using magnesium taurate and magnesium glycinate. Before you know it, 17 "depressed" people who came to me for advice are now loading up on magnesium and half of them improved to the point of their psychiatrist lowering their SSRI or claiming the original diagnosis was wrong!


Feb 20, 2013
Haagendazendiane said:
Yes, I should not say that. He just does not believe that he can get well. He considers his "mental illness" incurable. I do not.

Belief is based on experience. If nothing makes him feel better and this continues for
a long period of time, it is more logical to accept the condition. RP has mentioned a
rat study where rats saw one rat escaping and it gave them hope and they swam for hours.
I think false hope is more damaging. I also think positive thinking is not essential for healing.
If something makes us feel better we will keep doing that. I do not like the taste of liver
but now i eat beef liver everyday. Because it makes me feel better.
Recently, i have started having liver pate and it does not taste like liver at all.
You can ask him to look at liver's nutritional profile.

Allergy is a often a sign of weak digestion. It is one of the reason many have
problem with supplements and additives in food. RP himself is very sensitive
to contaminants in supplements and foods. I think a slower approach is more
suitable, where he has a steady improvement of health instead of sharp up and down
in health. I would be careful about introducing new food and supplements.
Magnesium is a very important mineral, but RP has mentioned that he has
never found a magnesium supplement that was not irritating to him.
He did mentioned that some people have told him that they found magnesium
glycinate not irritating gut. But he recommends epsom salt bath for magnesium.
Is he a coffee drinker? You can use leafy greens and vegetable broth
(potato, cucumber, summer squash) as potassium and magnesium source.

Since digestive system is the root source of many health issues main focus
should be healing gut, easy to digest food and avoiding gut irritant.
Does he drink milk? Does he like cheese? Have you tried farmer's cheese?

Quality of sleep is a main indicator of good metabolism and good health.
Has he tried before bed fruit juice , ice cream or milk with sugar to
improve sleep? added salt also helps with sleep.
Does he use computer at night?
Blue light from computer screen is a major sleep disruptor.
I was having sleep delay problem for a while and it was completely
fixed using f.lux. You can ask him to check f.lux website they
explained the science behind blue light and sleep problem.
If gelatine is digested properly it is a great sleeping aid.
You can make orange gummy bear for him.

In ELUV stress interview RP mentioned a study where
they found almost everyone admitted to intensive care unit were
vitamin D deficient. They thought it was either disease lowering vitamin D
or lack of vitamin D causing disease. Then they prescribe them vitamin D
and in follow up they found length of stay in hospital were shortened
and survival rate increased. There are tons of good studies on vitamin D now.
Either you can follow RP's recommendation on vitamin D or you can do your
own research. There are several good video on vitamin D.
This channel has tons of good info on vitamin D.
RP also has a different view on autoimmune disease.
RP thinks 50 ng/ml is a good target for vitamin D.


Oct 21, 2013
Haagendazendiane said:
Yes, I should not say that. He just does not believe that he can get well. He considers his "mental illness" incurable. I do not.

Remember Haagendazendiane, stress is the enemy here. My old, and ill parents tell each other all the time "you just don't want to get well". It's part of their stress cycle which they have spiraled in for the last 40 years. I know it is really really hard to hold one's tongue sometimes, but giving in can become habit forming. You're lucky though, you live in Florida! So next time, instead of saying something negative, how about asking if he wants to go the beach for an afternoon, and plan a relaxing outing in bright sunshine and saltwater?


Nov 1, 2012
@Charlie Thank you for your kind words.

@Haidut After j. posted about allergic reactions, I remembered my experience using a large dose of aspirin with Vitamin E. My son immediately assumed it was flushing from the Niacinamide. Prior to this post, he was refusing to take the Niacinamide. Thank you for your post about it. I will share it with him. He has used mag. citrate a little and I spoke to him about possible irritation and have a powdered form that he could use a smaller quantity.

@Mittir This son seemed "allergic" from the beginning when he was only fed breast milk. I did not immunize him for this reason. My pregnancy was great although probably primarily vegetarian. He does drink milk and eat cheese and has not complained of having any digestive troubles. I do think hypoglycemia was a factor in his panic attacks. I have talked to him about this. He was doing better when he was eating more and taking a few supplements including thyroid. Because he wanted to be able to focus and study,he decided to take straterra, which killed his appetite, and caused a full blown panic attack at work. I think he had been stressing at work but the diet and supplements seemed to help. I believe his worst experiences were when his body was out of fuel. This led to him seeking a benzo. He was first prescribed a beta blocker which lowers heart rate. He then was prescribed the klonipin from a different doctor. The klonipin has relieved his anxiety/stress so he is very defensive about staying on it. I understand this. He still does not have an appetite so I have to remind him to eat. He was eating a daily carrot. He smokes with a vaporizer (?) and quit coffee/caffeine because he felt it contributed to his anxiety. I think there are so many factors that contributed to his meltdown. Thank you for your thoughtful response. I am going to keep rereading them and the other responses to see what we can implement.


Nov 1, 2012
LucyL said:
Haagendazendiane said:
Yes, I should not say that. He just does not believe that he can get well. He considers his "mental illness" incurable. I do not.

Remember Haagendazendiane, stress is the enemy here. My old, and ill parents tell each other all the time "you just don't want to get well". It's part of their stress cycle which they have spiraled in for the last 40 years. I know it is really really hard to hold one's tongue sometimes, but giving in can become habit forming. You're lucky though, you live in Florida! So next time, instead of saying something negative, how about asking if he wants to go the beach for an afternoon, and plan a relaxing outing in bright sunshine and saltwater?

You are right. The stress for all has been very high. I fall into a pattern with him thinking he wants to "get on board" and then it turns into a disagreement. I keep telling myself to lay it down but what is the answer if I do? He has suffered for a long time and it is hard to see this and not try to help.

The beach is definitely a great place to rejuvenate and relax! We don't go as often as we should.


Nov 1, 2012
burtlancast said:
Haagendazendiane said:
I think the white spots could be from estrogen or serotonin?

I've personally never heard yet of serotonin or estrogen affecting the mineralisation of teeths as to cause white spots.
This quote is what made me think the white spots could have been caused by estrogen.

"In rat studies, treatment with estrogen was found to enlarge the space between the jawbone and the teeth, which is a factor in periodontal disease (Elzay, 1964). Teeth are very similar to bones, so it's interesting that treating male or female rats with estrogen increases their incidence of tooth decay, and removing their gonads was found to decrease the incidence (Muhler and Shafer, 1952). Supplementing them with thyroid hormone decreased the incidence of cavities in both males and females (Bixler, et al., 1957"


Nov 1, 2012
"If it is possible to introduce ATP directly, its use would be suggested by the theory, since it is one of the central points in both energy metabolism and structure. Creatine phosphate, which is in equilibrium with ATP, might be an alternative way of raising ATP concentration since it is at a higher energy level and would not introduce additional adenosine, thus allowing a higher ratio of ATP to AMP, if not an absolutely higher concentration of ATP.] ATP has been found to improve the functional state of the brain (vestibular analyser) when used with Pyridoxine, increasing its stability and shortening postrotatory nystagmus (Lapayev et al., 1971). Also, ATP promotes healing of corneal wounds at high altitudes, when applied locally with 4-methyluracil (Vovsi, 1972). Since ATP hydrolyzes rapidly in blood, it might achieve these effects partly through vasodilation. Recent in vitro studies show that ATP prevents leaking of enzymes and other proteins from cells (Science News, 1974)." ... 3-p189.pdf

Nystagmus is another symptom that appeared in my son's teen years. I did not even know what it was called until I read this paper.


Oct 21, 2013
Haagendazendiane said:
I fall into a pattern with him thinking he wants to "get on board" and then it turns into a disagreement. I keep telling myself to lay it down but what is the answer if I do?

I feel for you, I really do. And I'll tell you up front I don't have the answer to that one, I don't think anyone does. It is a part of life. I take refuge in prayer. It really helps to turn it over to the higher power.

I have the same problems with my parents. I can't help them anything like I want to. They live in a different state, and refuse to move. My dad is blind from macular degeneration, and never gained any independence as a blind person, instead, has declined and requires a lot of assistance for the most simple of things. I get frustrated and want to (and too often I do) say "you're not trying!" But I remind myself what Micheal Eades wrote once - (paraphrasing here) people aren't fat because they're "lazy"; they're "lazy" because they're fat. This is the same thing. My dad isn't helpless because he's not trying. He's not trying because he's not well. For example, he has every symptom of hypothyroidism, including blood tests showing a TSH over 7! and his doctor has done NOTHING. (But that's another spiel :cry: ).

You're lucky your son is young, strong and likes to (and is capable of) researching things. Without knowing the details of your relationship, I can broadly suggest helping where you can, making suggestions, purchasing good things for him, but most importantly, working on the relationship side of the house. Trying to be someone he can talk to and relax around. And, if you have never read it, the book "Don't Shoot the Dog" by Karen Pryor is a great resource for manipulating people's behavior, nicely :D

I'll pray for you.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haagendazendiane said:
"If it is possible to introduce ATP directly, its use would be suggested by the theory, since it is one of the central points in both energy metabolism and structure. Creatine phosphate, which is in equilibrium with ATP, might be an alternative way of raising ATP concentration since it is at a higher energy level and would not introduce additional adenosine, thus allowing a higher ratio of ATP to AMP, if not an absolutely higher concentration of ATP.] ATP has been found to improve the functional state of the brain (vestibular analyser) when used with Pyridoxine, increasing its stability and shortening postrotatory nystagmus (Lapayev et al., 1971). Also, ATP promotes healing of corneal wounds at high altitudes, when applied locally with 4-methyluracil (Vovsi, 1972). Since ATP hydrolyzes rapidly in blood, it might achieve these effects partly through vasodilation. Recent in vitro studies show that ATP prevents leaking of enzymes and other proteins from cells (Science News, 1974)." ... 3-p189.pdf

Nystagmus is another symptom that appeared in my son's teen years. I did not even know what it was called until I read this paper.

H-Diane, it is possible to administer ATP directly. There are even supplements on the market alerady. In factm, there is a conspiracy theory going on in one of the forums that one of them, being a sodium salt of ATP, worked so well that FDA pulled it from the market. There are have not been any adverse reports in using oral ATP so I woul dnot be surprised if the FDA link proves correct. Here are some studies to consider:

Here is the ATP supplement that everybody raved about and mysteriously went out of stock everywhere, at about the same time: ... 13273?at=0
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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