A family member has Colon cancer with large liver metastases, any advice would be appreciated.

Mar 10, 2021
Haidut posted this….

“Third, it mentions specific dietary interventions that can likely treat cancer. Methionine restriction, asparagine restriction, glycine therapy, the importance of histamine in promoting cancer, the possibility that B12 is dangerous in excess, etc are all aspects that Peat has mentioned in his articles and we have posted on this blog”.



Nov 4, 2017
I know several people who got colon cancer early last year, and all three were diagnosed straight to stage-4 without hardly a warning, not long after getting the Covid vaccine. It was so baffling. Two of them had a colostomy bag, and a third was in the hospital for 6 months and is on hospice now, my father.
I have experience this over and over since they rolled that thing out. I still do part-time in healthcare, and I feel like daily someone is telling me about a family member with stage 4 something. I personally had a family member that it happened to, and it was so aggressive. Like nothing I've ever seen before. I wish people would have listened to us!

I'm really sorry about your dad. It's hard when people you want to protect don't believe you.
Mar 10, 2021
I have experience this over and over since they rolled that thing out. I still do part-time in healthcare, and I feel like daily someone is telling me about a family member with stage 4 something. I personally had a family member that it happened to, and it was so aggressive. Like nothing I've ever seen before. I wish people would have listened to us!

I'm really sorry about your dad. It's hard when people you want to protect don't believe you.
All this aggressive cancer now is unbelievable @shanny. In all of my sixty years I have never seen so many people, have cancer. Before now, it was maybe one every five years or so. The ones I know, all skipped the first three stages and went straight to stage-4. I know a fourth one, a family member that married in on my late husband’s side, who is in her forties, that went in for some suspicious issues and found all kinds of cancer in her colon and has a colostomy bag, which makes two people I know that has had a colostomy bag since last year. Thank you for your condolences.


Apr 15, 2015
Dec 10, 2015
youre not curing anything, cortisol is anti-inflammatory and the large increase in cholesterol is protective against cancers and viruses alike. However, as soon as you get off the diet, by adding in carbohydrate, you'll find to be worse than even before starting the diet. I did the keto diet for 1 year and carnivore for 6 months, im speaking from experience. Also a ketogenic state has been shown anecdotally to be useful for cancer, but this is only because you slow the whole system down. Its protective against things like cancer, but not protective to the organism as a whole. It's an illusion that breaks down completely when you try to shut off the stress system with sugar.

I reread this again & again. Nice thought. Also i have been reading majority who keto are having a hard time getting a bowel movement


Nov 4, 2017

All this aggressive cancer now is unbelievable @shanny. In all of my sixty years I have never seen so many people, have cancer. Before now, it was maybe one every five years or so. The ones I know, all skipped the first three stages and went straight to stage-4. I know a fourth one, a family member that married in on my late husband’s side, who is in her forties, that went in for some suspicious issues and found all kinds of cancer in her colon and has a colostomy bag, which makes two people I know that has had a colostomy bag since last year. Thank you for your condolences.
I have worked in healthcare for a long time and I have never seen this much cancer, either. Pretty much daily there's a patient having a recurrence of previous cancer or them describing a family member that was "totally healthy" and now has stage 4 cancer. I love how the medical industry is telling everyone that it's because we went a year without cancer screenings during cov!d, that's why everyone is getting cancer.
Mar 10, 2021
I have worked in healthcare for a long time and I have never seen this much cancer, either. Pretty much daily there's a patient having a recurrence of previous cancer or them describing a family member that was "totally healthy" and now has stage 4 cancer.
It is funny you should say this, because one of the people I know had throat cancer 6 years ago and was cancer free up until last year when he got the Covid vaccine, and within a couple of months he was diagnosed with the colon cancer. His doctor said that it was highly unusual for cancer to switch and just show up somewhere else like that, and that it usually spreads. Then his colon cancer showed up to be brain cancer, but the the throat cancer never came back. Poor guy has lost over a hundred pounds, weighing 125 pounds now at 6’1 and is now is pre-diabetic. It is really awful to watch. He is in his early sixties and looks to be about 80 years old now. It is like his life timeline sped up.


Apr 15, 2015
according to Aajonus:
“Cancer, then, is basically a fat deficiency. A deficiency in
utilizable cholesterol that normally binds with or dissolves, carries
away and eliminates dead cells. Certain properly digested,
assimilated and utilized fats, like those in stone-pressed olive oil,
dissolve dead cells. Then other fats, like those in raw eggs, act like
sacrificial garbage collectors, binding with dead cells or the
dissolved waste and dump themselves and the toxins wherever the
body is able to eliminate them from the body."
“A fat deficiency forms when a person stops eating fat; or a person
doesn’t eat the particular fat his or her body digests, assimilates or
utilizes properly; or the body is unable to digest, utilize or assimilate
fat at all. Therefore the body becomes as much a vessel for death as
for life."

To clarify, in Aajonus world, the only usable dietary fat is raw/unheated fat. Vegetable oils (apart from cold-pressed coconut/olive) are plastic.
Last edited:


Dec 29, 2015
Cutting sugar and most carbs would help, as cancer cells use fermentation of sugars for energy, so using ketones as energy will help (fat).
Also cold exposure I read can really help.
There is absolutely No Way to cut out sugar. The body Makes all the sugar required if you do not eat it. People on Ketogenic Diets have Normal blood sugar levels. There is no possibly way to avoid sugar, even if you ate 100% whale blubber. All Cells use sugar, whether they are cancer cells or healthy cells.


Jul 2, 2022
There is absolutely No Way to cut out sugar. The body Makes all the sugar required if you do not eat it. People on Ketogenic Diets have Normal blood sugar levels. There is no possibly way to avoid sugar, even if you ate 100% whale blubber. All Cells use sugar, whether they are cancer cells or healthy cells.
While there is no feasible way to cut out sugar, on a ketogenic diet the amount of glucose is definitely much smaller as most cells switch to ketones. Also by not eating carbs/sugar the spikes are absent.

I am actually really confused what the best approach for cancer is. Seems a lot of people are having success using a ketogenic approach to get rid of cancer and in the past I was somewhat confident that ketogenic diet is the preferred one. In the meantime it is obvious that FFA can feed the cancer as Otto Warburg showed and cutting out sugar does not really work and can be counterproductive as stress in the body is increased.

Cancer is lala land for me. Especially after I read somewhere on the forum that Ray Peat mentioned that if he stops his thyroid supplementation he gets melanoma....

If I were to get cancer now I would lean towards a Aajonus Vonderplanitz type approach with some Peaty principles and supplements mixed in.
Nov 21, 2015
No I don’t think keto diets get rid of cancer.

When you have cancer, it is a different ball game. Nobody wants to forgo treatment, at least only 1% or .1% do, so it’s a question of diet and supplements that can amerliorate the damage from the treatments.


Feb 22, 2021
For the OP’s relative, I would use cascara, high dose cypro, progesterone (regardless of the person’s gender), mushrooms or bamboo shoots or carrot salad, magnesium glycinate, thyroid (t4+t3) after every meal to slow its absorption down, aspirin, vitamin e succinate, very low fat, high carb, moderate protein (the amount would depend on the person’s physical activity level), 10.000 IU vitamin D3, vitamin k2, vitamin C, low fat milk, cheese, sugared OJ (or add honey), salt to taste (shouldn’t be low), bone broth, a good active form b-complex, macrolides/penicillin/tetracycline abx courses, methylene blue, weekly liver consumption for minerals and vitamins. Wouldn’t give the person starches as they increase endotoxin, which is a significant burden on both the colon and the liver.

I’d also research the use of coffee enemas, acetazolamide, angiotensin receptor blockers in this context.

Management of stress is also important. This is highly contextual so I can’t give any specific advice, but finding ways to support the person; guide him/her to a better, stronger mentality; meditation if he/she is willing, or other things etc.

"I’d also research the use of coffee enemas, acetazolamide, angiotensin receptor blockers in this context."

Why would you use Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (aka ARBs)?

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
I have experience this over and over since they rolled that thing out. I still do part-time in healthcare, and I feel like daily someone is telling me about a family member with stage 4 something. I personally had a family member that it happened to, and it was so aggressive. Like nothing I've ever seen before. I wish people would have listened to us!

I'm really sorry about your dad. It's hard when people you want to protect don't believe you.

Could you give a number on this? For example how many people per year before that got stage 4 before Covid and how many now that get stage 4 after?

Also any idea on the age of people getting cancer before/after? It seems young people are now affected? Is this true?


Dec 29, 2015
While there is no feasible way to cut out sugar, on a ketogenic diet the amount of glucose is definitely much smaller as most cells switch to ketones. Also by not eating carbs/sugar the spikes are absent.

I am actually really confused what the best approach for cancer is. Seems a lot of people are having success using a ketogenic approach to get rid of cancer and in the past I was somewhat confident that ketogenic diet is the preferred one. In the meantime it is obvious that FFA can feed the cancer as Otto Warburg showed and cutting out sugar does not really work and can be counterproductive as stress in the body is increased.

Cancer is lala land for me. Especially after I read somewhere on the forum that Ray Peat mentioned that if he stops his thyroid supplementation he gets melanoma....

If I were to get cancer now I would lean towards a Aajonus Vonderplanitz type approach with some Peaty principles and supplements mixed in.
I agree with you, and we have to also remember, there is really no one on this planet that can do 100% strict Carnivore nor Keto diet, or Vegan. All, and I mean all the Leaders on the Keto diet , will admit to eating a cheat meal at least a couple times a year. Plus, most keto dieters incorporate Avocados into their diet which has carbohydrates. Meat is said to contain Vitamin C and glycogen, which is sugar. From my perspective, avoiding Canola and trans fats is #1, avoiding most other PUFA oils #2, enjoying fun foods like tacos, pizza , burgers, cooked and made with butter and olive oil #3, being happy , laughing and taking complete control of your life while avoiding most allopathic treatments # 3/12, (Getting high nutrients for you body is #1 /12) . All these is all we can do to avoiding ill health, and getting the most out of our lives. Ray's death taught me one thing, no matter what we do right, we are going to transition to the other side regardless.


Jul 2, 2022
Ray's death taught me one thing, no matter what we do right, we are going to transition to the other side regardless.
Same. There is simply no escape, maybe a slight delay but that is it. Which might not be such a bad thing after all.

The important part is to go in peace and with honor. Not suffer for the last decade or two in this realm due to some chronic malfunction in the avatar.

I agree with all your points especially being happy. Which unfortunately sometimes can be taken away, so I would only add a belief/knowing of a higher power/continuation of Life after death which seems to extend Life and provides the added bonus of an easier transition.


May 23, 2013
No I don’t think keto diets get rid of cancer.

When you have cancer, it is a different ball game. Nobody wants to forgo treatment, at least only 1% or .1% do, so it’s a question of diet and supplements that can amerliorate the damage from the treatments.
I second that!
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