Dad has a tumor, potentially glioblastoma, advice appreciated

Nov 16, 2012
Hi everyone.

As if this year wasn't bad enough, life finds a way to make it worse.

My dad (59) recently started complaining about a 'foul smell' which only he could sense, followed by vertigo & dizziness. We immediately went to the neurological internist who referred him to the hospital for further diagnostics. He had a work-related accident about 8 months ago where he fell from several meters of height. A complete check-up incl. MRI of the head was performed and at the time, no tumor was seen.

Now however, the CT scan revealed a mass approx. 25 mm in size somewhere in the frontal lobe. He flew to Germany a few days ago since he has health insurance there and the medical treatment is generally of far higher quality than where we live. They performed an MRI and right now the mass appears to be closer to the center of the brain, 35 mm in size with suspicion of a glioblastoma.

I believe they intend to perform surgery to at least biopsy the tumor and determine if it can be removed, but depending on position and spread that may not be possible. There are no metastases seen as of yet.

I have read through similar threads here and have already ordered a bunch of products, because I attempt to at least try and help him. I do not want to see him go through chemo & radiation for what is almost certain death. My biggest fear is that he will not be cooperable to the idea of coming home and agreeing to being treated holistically (he places high trust in German medical doctors as they helped him a lot before, even though for this particular diagnosis it hardly matters where you are treated), and if he stays there and receives conventional treatment, I fear he will only suffer the agony of chemo & radiation for what is maybe 12-18 months at best.

Stuff I already ordered:
-Boswellia Serrata Extract*
-Vit. D & K Combo

What I have at home already:
-Vitamin E Succinate*

* - for these I have found studies suggesting they should be helpful

I also intend to put him on a low fat diet and maybe some mild thyroid supplementation.

Any further advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you very much


Nov 22, 2017


Aug 8, 2020
Hi everyone.

As if this year wasn't bad enough, life finds a way to make it worse.

My dad (59) recently started complaining about a 'foul smell' which only he could sense, followed by vertigo & dizziness. We immediately went to the neurological internist who referred him to the hospital for further diagnostics. He had a work-related accident about 8 months ago where he fell from several meters of height. A complete check-up incl. MRI of the head was performed and at the time, no tumor was seen.

Now however, the CT scan revealed a mass approx. 25 mm in size somewhere in the frontal lobe. He flew to Germany a few days ago since he has health insurance there and the medical treatment is generally of far higher quality than where we live. They performed an MRI and right now the mass appears to be closer to the center of the brain, 35 mm in size with suspicion of a glioblastoma.

I believe they intend to perform surgery to at least biopsy the tumor and determine if it can be removed, but depending on position and spread that may not be possible. There are no metastases seen as of yet.

I have read through similar threads here and have already ordered a bunch of products, because I attempt to at least try and help him. I do not want to see him go through chemo & radiation for what is almost certain death. My biggest fear is that he will not be cooperable to the idea of coming home and agreeing to being treated holistically (he places high trust in German medical doctors as they helped him a lot before, even though for this particular diagnosis it hardly matters where you are treated), and if he stays there and receives conventional treatment, I fear he will only suffer the agony of chemo & radiation for what is maybe 12-18 months at best.

Stuff I already ordered:
-Boswellia Serrata Extract*
-Vit. D & K Combo

What I have at home already:
-Vitamin E Succinate*

* - for these I have found studies suggesting they should be helpful

I also intend to put him on a low fat diet and maybe some mild thyroid supplementation.

Any further advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you very much
Suggest taking a look at


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Jul 8, 2014
Nov 16, 2012
Thank you for your advice.

The specialists who have been examining him have stated that the mass is growing quite fast, too fast for even the most aggressive tumors. They suspect that it could very well have something to do with the fall he suffered a few months ago, a rupture in some area of the brain leading to build-up of fluid.

They will perform an initial surgery tommorow to take a biopsy and see what exactly is going on, and determine if the mass can be removed and what the further steps are.

We're not certain that it is cancer yet and I am praying that it isn't.


Jun 17, 2018
Supplements and big pharma drugs are useless against Cancer.

Cancer cells need glucose to replicate.

Fast for the day to starve the cancer cells and increase insulin sensitivity. Then give the cancer cells the glucose they want with the natural molecule which causes apoptosis of cancer cells... Beta-carotene.

I've had brain cancer twice from living near a rail yard and breathing in massive amounts of locomotive diesel exhaust while I was sleeping.

I fasted for the day and then made homemade organic raw carrot juice. 1.5L to be precise. Drank it within 10 minutes and it was fireworks in my brain. I could feel all the cancer cells explode. My brain didn't crash anymore thereafter.

Let me know if you'd like to know how to make tasty and pure raw carrot juice.



Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Supplements and big pharma drugs are useless against Cancer.

Cancer cells need glucose to replicate.

Fast for the day to starve the cancer cells and increase insulin sensitivity. Then give the cancer cells the glucose they want with the natural molecule which causes apoptosis of cancer cells... Beta-carotene.

I've had brain cancer twice from living near a rail yard and breathing in massive amounts of locomotive diesel exhaust while I was sleeping.

I fasted for the day and then made homemade organic raw carrot juice. 1.5L to be precise. Drank it within 10 minutes and it was fireworks in my brain. I could feel all the cancer cells explode. My brain didn't crash anymore thereafter.

Let me know if you'd like to know how to make tasty and pure raw carrot juice.

Excellent!! I think this is known also under insulin cancer treatment. They first starve the cancer cells by injection of insulin and after that giving glucose and chemo (or natural anti-cancer remedies). I read about that years ago. The ‘do it yourself’ method you describe makes 100% sense to me. Thanks for sharing!
Nov 16, 2012
The diagnosis is confirmed. It is glioblastoma.

They can't operate on it, too risky I guess. They will start radiotherapy soon. My mother is currently with him in Germany so I have to do everything remotely via her.

He's taking Boswellia 3x daily. Niacin 25 mg 2x daily (should I give him stronger niacin? This seems weak)
Vitamin D & K
And pyrucet up to 5 drops for now (increasing daily)

He had a fainting spell this morning and now my mother and him are already suspecting that the Pyrucet caused this somehow. Even though the doctors told him he can expect seizures if it continues to grow...

I have to convince them that there is no way Pyrucet caused that and it is just the cancer continuing to grow. They have to keep increasing the dose to at least 20-25 drops as that is what helped others.

It's already really difficult to work with someone remotely, and then esp. when they don't believe in the treatment and think that it's making them worse. I am very frustrated.


Nov 29, 2017
Ozone ear insufflation would be something worth trying as it's direct to the brain. Hydrogen gas(breathing) or drinking water before and after will minimize over oxidizing
Nov 16, 2012
So, short update.

He just finished a month long course of temozolomide and gamma radiation. The doctors say his tumor is shrinking and that there is progress. Now he has a 1 month break before more diagnostics and potentially another course of chemo & radiation.

During all this time he was taking:
-25 drops of pyrucet,
-vit. D, & K
-100 mg of Niacin

The tumor symptoms seem to be gone for the time being (phantom smells, fainting) though - he still gets dizzy, is disoriented, slow, has trouble finding words quickly.

I am not sure what I should be giving to him to make him feel better generally. The suggested dosages of Niacin for this condition are 500 mg, but I am not sure if that would inhibit fatty acid too much in combination with Pyrucet.

I can only have him take a few pills per day (he gets annoyed by it) so the stuff that I give has to count.

Any advice?


Feb 3, 2020
I personally would add in a pure thiamin HCL in a dosage of 250 - 500 mg every 4 hours, in combination with a well-tolerated magnesium chelate like glycinate, as magnesium is required for B1 metabolism.
B1 is crucial for overall metabolic health, but also for neurological health. (balance, motor control, nerve functioning, cognitive processing and so on..)

Biotin deficiency can cause excessive glycolysis, also known as the Warburg Effect, so I might add in 5-10mg of supplemental biotin.
If someone does not eat 3-4 eggs a day or lots of organ meats, then biotin deficiency is really really likely in my opinion.

As with every other supplement, I‘d try to find a supplement that does not have any fillers and nasty additives.
Nov 16, 2012
I personally would add in a pure thiamin HCL in a dosage of 250 - 500 mg every 4 hours, in combination with a well-tolerated magnesium chelate like glycinate, as magnesium is required for B1 metabolism.
B1 is crucial for overall metabolic health, but also for neurological health. (balance, motor control, nerve functioning, cognitive processing and so on..)

Biotin deficiency can cause excessive glycolysis, also known as the Warburg Effect, so I might add in 5-10mg of supplemental biotin.
If someone does not eat 3-4 eggs a day or lots of organ meats, then biotin deficiency is really really likely in my opinion.

As with every other supplement, I‘d try to find a supplement that does not have any fillers and nasty additives.

Cool. I have some Energin, so that could work. I'm hoping it helps him regain some energy and coordination.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Nov 16, 2012

Thanks, I managed to get some of this herb as well.

Anyway, update to the situation. My dad's therapy has been as follows:
- temozolomide + radiation in September, afterwards temozolomide 5 days a week (they gave him really high doses up to 400 mg per day)

The first month we were with him in Germany while he was receiving the therapy and giving lots of alternative medicine as well (Pyrucet, Boswellia, Niacin, etc.) During this time a regression in the tumor growth was observed.

After that, we had to return to Croatia due to work and a few weeks later he traveled to Germany to stay at our uncle's, unfortunately he is incapable of keeping track and applying all these medications on his own due to memory & coordination issues by now, and my relatives could not be tasked with applying the treatments so he was only receiving conventional therapy (temozolomide).

During this time, his tumor grew back in size and he developed several oedemas around the brain so the TEMOZOLOMIDE on its own had clearly failed.

He has returned home and we see no further point for him to continue the conventional therapy.

For now I am returning to what was last effective:
-25 drops of Pyrucet + vit. D & K
-4-5 tablets of Boswellia (1600-2000 mg) to control the brain inflammation
-Working up to 500 mg of Niacin
-Plan to add the Gymnema from above at some point soon

It is hard for me to dial in all the dosages for this because it seems that at these high doses of Pyrucet he is more sedated and tired (He slept until 11.30 today) and doesn't want to be very active, but at the same time I want to make sure I am using a high enough dosage to control the tumor growth because we can't afford any further worsening.

I'm also unsure if potentially Pyrucet + Niacin will inhibit FA too much, but they both have unique mechanisms how they could help.


Apr 17, 2017
"The balance between Th1 and Th2 cells is an important factor in tumor prognosis. In general, Th1 cells can kill tumors by secreting IFN-γ in the tumor microenvironment, and type 2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13 derived from Th2 cells promote tumorigenesis [65]. There is a decrease in the levels of IL-12 and an increase in the levels of L-10 in the circulation of Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients, which reflects systematic immunosuppression [62]. Yasuo et al. also showed that the enrichment of Th1(low)/Th2(low) and Th1(high)/Th2(low) cells resulted in better prognosis than the increase in Th1(high)/Th2(high) cells in GBM patients, suggesting that high levels of Th2 cells promote the development of GBM [66]. In addition, Shimato et al. demonstrated that Th cells have a significant Th1 bias in healthy people and a significant Th2 bias in GBM patients, especially in patients with recurrent GBM [67]."


Effects of Th1/Th2 on tumor progression. Naive T cells become Th1 cells or Th2 cells, following the stimulation by different factors. In Th1 immunity, cells produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-2 (IL2), interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), and tumor necrosis factor-beta (TNF-β). In Th2 immunity, cells produce antiinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-13. In normal circumstances, Th1 immunity and Th2 immunity approach a balance. But, the presence of tumor cells disrupts this balance. This occuring increased Th2 immunity and decreased Th1 immunity, because of down-regulation of adaptive immunity. This eventually leads to tumor progression. However, if Th1 immunity becomes predominant, this stimulation of immunity can lead to tumor regression.

So reducing Th2 immune responses helps treat Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).

Top Factors that May Lower Th2:

  1. Sun/UVB light [1] – UVB decreases IFNy in Th1 dominance but increases it in Th2 dominance. So it’s balancing. It also decreases IgE responses. UVA in the sun also decreases Th2 dominance [2].
  2. Probiotics… Decreases Th2: L Reuteri [3] (probiotic), L. Plantarum [4] (probiotic), L. salivarius [4] (probiotic), L. lactis [4] (probiotic)… Increases Th1: S Boulardii? [5], L. Sporogenes, L Acidophilus [6], L casei [7], Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG [8], Lactobacillus paracasei [9], Lactobacillus salivarius [9], B Longum [10], L Brevis [11], L fermentum [12].
  3. NAC/Glutathione sufficiency decreases Th2 [13] and increases Th1 [14].
  4. Licorice -18/β-glycyrrhetinic acid+LicoA [15, 16]. Glycyrrhizin increases IFNy and decreases the Th2 response [17, 18].
  5. Gynostemma [19]. This is a Th1 immune stimulant and reduces allergies. Gynostemma is recommended also because it’s a powerful mitochondrial enhancer.
  6. Ginger or juice the root [20, 21]. Recommended because it has anecdotal support in addition to the research, but also because you can get it everywhere, it has a long history of use and for its multitude of other benefits.
  7. Reishi [22]
  8. Tinospora [23]. This has a clinical trial backing it, with some anecdotal support.
  9. Quercetin [24]
  10. Astragalus [25] Decreases Th2 and increases Th1.

Top Factors To Decrease Both Th1 and Th2:
Nov 16, 2012
Thanks. It's really hard to get him to take any more pills or powders though, and this herbal stuff all requires huge doses.

Unfortunately the situation seems to be getting worse. His right hand and leg are getting affected by the tumor and he tends to drop things and occasionally stumble as he walks so I have to follow him everywhere to make sure he's OK. His sentences are hard to follow and memory is greatly affected.

They put him on some corticosteroids right now to try and quell the brain edema. The stuff that we're doing currently does not seem to be working, sadly:

300 mg niacin
25 drops of Pyrucet
6000 IU Vitamin D & 5 mg Vitamin K2
Boswellia 1600 mg / day
Graviola & spirulina powder
Gymnema 1 cap / day

Not sure what else I can add at this point but whatever it is has to be easy to take and effective, I'm not sure there's much stuff like that.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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