A family member has Colon cancer with large liver metastases, any advice would be appreciated.

Mar 10, 2021
I take it you don't have cancer or diabetes? Sadly, someone I know who was doing the "low sugar cancer diet" is now resting in peace.

I'm quite informed about carnivore. If it works for you great. Keep doing it.
My best friend with stage-4 cancer was diagnosed in March of 2000 and given 3 to 5 months to live, and she eats a fairly low meat diet with carbs and some sugar, and though she has a lot of pain and can barely walk she is still going, so I agree with you here @Peatress . My friend added Manuka honey and some grounding in the sunshine, and that really improved her situation. Another big one is that she doesn’t take all the pain killers that are prescribed to her. Instead of taking all of the 4 Norco a day she could take, she averages taking only two a day and sometimes even only one, and she pushes through her pain, instead of suppressing her immune system with the pain pills. She hasn’t even taken the morphine they prescribed her last year. She took it one time and said she felt worse when it wore off.

Haidut posted this in another thread….

“You may want to bring up progesterone to her. It is anesthetic and anti-coritsol, so that alone may have benefits in her case. The opioids are death. It is not a coincidence mammals overproduce them when dying. They greatly stimulate cancer growth by increasing histamine, serotonin, and even cortisol. When a cancer patient is given a terminal diagnosis it is well-known that their prognosis depends on opioids usage - the more opioids they use the faster they go.”

Mar 10, 2021
I think I posted this in a different thread but my brother's wife had colon cancer mid 30s, spread to liver, lungs... Terrible odds of survival. He got her on daily aspirin (she also had chemo etc.)... She's made a complete recovery, completely cancer free and hes told me privately he thinks it's the aspirin that saved her


Fat feeds cancer so I don’t agree with this. RP said if cancer doesn’t get some sugar that it will spread looking for it.

Here is my e-mail to RP…

Rinse & rePeat:

“Do you think 40 to 50 grams of protein is too much protein having cancer? Is gelatin, nonfat milk and potato good sources of protein to eat with cancer?”

“If the protein is limited to those, and your other calories are from carbohydrates (not fats), that amound should be safe.”
Thanks you for this. 40 to 50 grams of protein is quite low for an adult. Please could you explain why a low protein diet is helpful for cancer. This an area I haven't really researched.

I'm glad your friend is doing well. Hope your father is not in too much pain.

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
It is helping. The tumor is smaller. They can't tolerate aspirin very much but everything else seems okay.

The cancer thing has to do with conditioning. People are conditioned so heavily that they will not do anything other than what the doctors say.

I am not sure any protocol can cure cancer. I think cancer just can live with us and we do fine with it and live our lives. But that's not how most people see it.

I think Gershom Zajiceck has it more right than wrong:
Despite intensive efforts to cure breast cancer, treatment generally fails, as evidenced by the age-adjusted mortality rate for breast cancer. For 60 years, breast cancer mortality remained virtually constant. As treatment failed to improve the life prospect of the average patient, it is based on false premises, e.g. Halsted's hypothesis, according to which the tumor is the only threat to the patient. Yet there is more to cancer than just the tumor.

Two hallmarks of cancer, cachexia, and paraneoplasia, are usually ignored, since it is assumed that they are caused by the tumor.

But what if it is the other way round, and cancer is first of all a cachexia accompanied by a tumor? At least this could explain why, in most cancers, treatment fails.

Cancer is a chronic systemic disease with local manifestations like arteriosclerosis, which is also systemic and manifested solely by its local manifestations, e.g. stroke and myocardial infarction.

In the same way as treatment of an ailing heart does not cure the underlying arteriosclerosis, tumor removal does not cure cancer, as it is 'metabolically' systemic. It is proposed here that carcinogens deplete a vital substance and induce a metabolic deficiency that ends in cachexia. In order to survive, the organism grows a protective organ-the tumor-that replenishes the missing substance.

During the preclinical phase of cancer, deficiency is slight and compensated only by a minute tumor.

With time, it gets worse and the tumor has to grow more and more in order to make up for the loss, causing pain and secondary damage to vital functions. The patient seeks help and the disease starts its clinical course. When deficiency worsens, the patient becomes cachectic and dies.

Such a metabolic relationship exists in pernicious anemia, which illustrates how a tumor might be protective. Cancer is viewed here as pernicious cachexia induced by the loss of a vital metabolite and compensated by the tumor. Until the discovery of the missing substance, treatment ought to preserve the tumor and alleviate its secondary manifestations.

100% with you there. Yes probably exists in all of us. But typically taken care of. I underarms your family member follows the doctors advice and people are conditioned that way (through fear).

You are right about living with it. A long time ago I read about a famous statistician that did an analysis (in the 70s if I remember) and on average the ones who had no treatment lived longer and with a better quality of life.

The treatments are suppressed. The other day I was watching a video on YouTube of the channel called “The Doctors”. There was an alternative medicine practitioner that was on to discuss Hydrogen Peroxide. He wasn’t even allowed to give his side of the story, the “Professionals” just attacked him. I looked in the comments section and everyone defended him saying hydrogen peroxide cured them of so many things. Goes to show how stupid and brainwashed most people are.

I wish you the best of luck. By the way I know 3 people (friends of friends) who cured their cancer. One was stage 4 weeks to live and survived with hemp oil rectally and now lives a normal life, another had multiple tumors and used protocel and the 3rd used ivermectin and other herbs (don’t know him but this is what I was told). So these treatments do work. All 3 were in the higher stages. And were essentially cured.


I'm just leaving this quote here because I believe misdiagnosis is a problem that has not necessarily gone away

"What was going on 20/30 years ago was that they were diagnosing people with cancer with tests that was not accurate." Dolores Cahill

Edit - these quotes from Ray are relevant

"A lot of the language used medically in relation to cancer has been to promote the business of of the oncologist. 50 or 60 years ago cancers were things that were definitely identified as benign the language was escalated so that something which formerly was not cancer was called pre-cancer and then cancer the if you use the language of 1940 many cancers wouldn't exist that are now officially named as as a cancer." Ray Peat

“Things that had been non-cancer became cancer, and so if you cure all of these cases of non-cancer, it shows that your treatment is effective. But if you look at the actual death from cancer, the deaths from cancer increased exactly at the speed that the treatment for cancer increased. By definition, they were having a tremendous success in curing cancer by creating a strawman of disease and curing it, but meanwhile, the bystander patient was dying at a higher rate.” Ray Peat
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Mar 10, 2021
Thanks you for this. 40 to 50 grams of protein is quite low for an adult. Please could you explain why a low protein diet is helpful for cancer. This an area I haven't really researched.

I'm glad your friend is doing well. Hope your father is not in too much pain.
I have not researched the “why” about protein and cancer, but my guess would be lactic acid, and possibly too much of a good thing, in someone having trouble using things right…

“Swelling, an increase of the water content of an area of tissue, is a general feature of
inflammation (Weiss, et al., 1951), whether it's in a lump caused by a bee sting, a bruise, or hives, or a cancer. Besides the instantaneous uptake of water described by Tasaki, there are increases that continue because of metabolic and chemical changes in the irritated cell. Tasaki has used gels of synthetic polymers to demonstrate that an electrical field can cause these changes, without the need for the "chemical osmotic" changes that are customarily assumed to account for the swelling changes caused by
stress (Tasaki, 2002). When the pH of a protein gel becomes more alkaline, it swells. The electrical activation of a nerve causes a quick shift towards internal alkalinity (Endres, et al., 1986), followed by a sudden increase in lactic acid production. Although increased lactic acid causes acidity of an irritated or inflamed region, the conversion of
pyruvic acid to lactic acid causes the interior of the stressed cell to become more alkaline, causing it to swell. This is the same process that causes the familiar swelling of tired muscles.”

“Apart from its acidity, lactic acid acts as an excitatory signal. A very slight increase above the normal amount of lactic acid in the body fluids excites sensitive cells, and the amounts reached in inflamed tissues and in cancers will excite even stable cells such as
myelinated nerves (Uchida and Murao, 1975).”

“Foods that provide generous amounts of sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, help to minimize stress. Trace minerals and vitamins are important, but can be harmful if used excessively--iron excess is important to avoid.”



Aug 2, 2023
My best friend has stage-4 breast and bone cancer and she is cold all the time. I can’t imagine telling her to to expose herself to cold.
Would it be safe to take aspirin with ssri?
Not at the same time, but with vitamins , especially k2 to prevent bleeding?


I guess it’s about balance because a protein deficiency can also cause edema. Mind you, with cancer the body is already producing an excess of amino acids so it makes sense not to overdo it. Thank you @Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Would it be safe to take aspirin with ssri?
Not at the same time, but with vitamins , especially k2 to prevent bleeding?
I’m no doctor, but Tylenol and Advil are allowed alongside prescribed pain killers, and my husband’s doctor said aspirin was ok, so I personally would use it, if vitamin K1 intake was high. The K1 is why Ray Peat recommended drinking the boiled kale water, for blood clotting, k2 in milk is just not enough….

“Is vitamin K1 better than K2 for blood clotting?

Although K1 is likely to stay with the liver and pay most homage to the blood clotting benefits, K2 will end back into the bloodstream to carry out its work on bone health and calcium build-up prevention due to its longer side-chains.”

“Interactions between your drugs
No interactions were found between aspirin and Norco. However, this does not necessarily mean no interactions exist.”



Jan 18, 2020
Thanks guys really, a lot of great info


May 10, 2022
The same thing is happening to my best friends dad, its killing him. I wish I could do something, but he wouldn't take help from me anyways.
Colon should be one of the easier ones to treat, usually when you hear about simple things like aspirin or whatever helping, its usually in reference to colon cancer.
About the liver part, is bad. Is he even open to help, trying to tell an old man to change their habits, their diet, their activities, doesn't work.
Nov 21, 2015
Btw frequent consumption of aspirin reduces colon cancer incidence by 80%.

And 11% of people who die in accidents and other unrelated causes have malignant tumors they were unaware of.

Brian Douglas

Jan 29, 2022
Pls ignore this guy's political rhetoric but focus on the 2 anti parasitics working synergistically. Numerous papers out on this. He sells both on his site but you can easily get them on Amazon. Looks like an alarmingly high cure rate is the outcome:
Nov 21, 2015
100% with you there. Yes probably exists in all of us. But typically taken care of. I underarms your family member follows the doctors advice and people are conditioned that way (through fear).

You are right about living with it. A long time ago I read about a famous statistician that did an analysis (in the 70s if I remember) and on average the ones who had no treatment lived longer and with a better quality of life.

The treatments are suppressed. The other day I was watching a video on YouTube of the channel called “The Doctors”. There was an alternative medicine practitioner that was on to discuss Hydrogen Peroxide. He wasn’t even allowed to give his side of the story, the “Professionals” just attacked him. I looked in the comments section and everyone defended him saying hydrogen peroxide cured them of so many things. Goes to show how stupid and brainwashed most people are.

I wish you the best of luck. By the way I know 3 people (friends of friends) who cured their cancer. One was stage 4 weeks to live and survived with hemp oil rectally and now lives a normal life, another had multiple tumors and used protocel and the 3rd used ivermectin and other herbs (don’t know him but this is what I was told). So these treatments do work. All 3 were in the higher stages. And were essentially cured.

thank you. And this is very inspiring.


Aug 2, 2023
Thanks Rinseandpeat for that. Do you take aspirin as prevention? I live in Denmark, people look strange at me mentioning Aspirin. I take 500 mg "****- ratiopharm" aspirin every other day, not that I'm ill in any way.
Acetylic acid is not legal in Denmark, so weird....
Mar 10, 2021
Thanks Rinseandpeat for that. Do you take aspirin as prevention? I live in Denmark, people look strange at me mentioning Aspirin. I take 500 mg "****- ratiopharm" aspirin every other day, not that I'm ill in any way.
Acetylic acid is not legal in Denmark, so weird....
I don’t take aspirin regularly. I am an “0” blood type and already have blood clotting challenges. I do sometimes for sleep. Thanks for reminding me, I am gonna take some now before going to sleep.


May 10, 2022
man **** aspirin. this ain't a headache, this is something serious. It comes off as disrespectful to talk about taking aspirin for your sleep or whatever, in a thread where he's trying to keep someone from actually dying.
Mar 10, 2021
man **** aspirin. this ain't a headache, this is something serious. It comes off as disrespectful to talk about taking aspirin for your sleep or whatever, in a thread where he's trying to keep someone from actually dying.
I think it would be more rude to ignore someone’s question. My father has colon cancer, and two of my friends have stage-4 cancer, and that has been the case since early last year, we all live life and talk in the meantime.
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