Nauseous, constipated, and panicky


Apr 3, 2015
Hey everyone,

So I've been "peating" for about 8 months now and had some great results for the first few. About 2 months ago, though, I started getting very antsy with my job and life situation and began unintentionally under eating as I usually do when I feel those things. I'm currently in an outpatient mental facility to address these issues but I wanted to ask for some input for the physical symptoms I'm experiencing. I think my gross under eating over the last few weeks has wreaked havoc on my digestion, as whenever I seem to eat a non-neutral food I almost immediately get very nauseous and have to try to fight off a panic attack. Specifically, here's what I've been eating lately:

* Greek yogurt (I'm starting to think too much of this is exacerbating things)
* milk, ice cream
* toast, white rice, bananas
* loads of applesauce

I've so far had this nauseous reaction from:

* prunes (can't be sure though)
* fast-food milkshake or burger (the burger was immediate and one of the worst)
* Mexican food

It's worth noting I haven't had a "normal" bowel movement in at least a few weeks. I saw a doctor and she gave me an antacid, thinking it was reflux, but I really don't think that's the case and I felt worse after taking it. I also had a cup of coffee one day and ended up in urgent care due to dehydration.

Anyway, I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions. I'm going for a physical this week but most doctors haven't really helped me address it so far.

Thanks a lot,



Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Nauseous and panicky

Sorry to hear about your rough time Max! You could ask your doctor about Zofran for nausea. I found it quite helpful when I was re-adjusting to eating enough and most things I ate seemed to bother me. It certainly didn't solve all my issues but did help make the situation more bearable.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Cascara sagrada keeps my bowels moving when my body does not have the energy to do it. For heartburn relief I use Famotidine and for emergency situations calcium carbonate(Tums or Walmart Equate brand).

Famotidine does some remarkable things:

Ray Peat Topics>Scientific Studies>Famotidine


I would not recommend Zofran if you are already constipated. Your diet is very limited, I would try adding some meat and vegetables (well cooked). Also, is your diet low fat? Fat can really help with constipation. Low fat dairy and especially low fat casein (greek yogurt) causes constipation in most people. Also, some saturated fat may help with the anxiety.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
That's so true what Derek mentioned about zofran sometimes worsening constipation. I hope you are able to find relief with simpler measures like the ones that Charlie and Derek suggested.


Mar 29, 2014
Sorry you are struggling.

Seen these?: ... order.html ... ubles.html

In my books, eating is more important than eating perfectly. If you can find food that is easier to handle, that's great. But even if you can't, you still have to eat, and hope your system will be able to adapt when it gets more energy. (I'd still choose low PUFA where possible.) Your body including brain can't get more energy to recover if you are starving.

I don't think I'd fare well on the diet you describe.
I guess you know gastroparesis and slow transit are normal adaptations to undereating.

In addition to the ideas above, some other non-comprehensive thoughts:
Large quantities of greek yogurt may be a bit high in lactic acid if your system is already struggling to get/make enough energy.
I just found a really delicious tub of unadulterated greek yogurt, which tasted fantastic to my mouth and stomach, and which I devoured with gusto for three days until it hit back at me. I'm not sure if it was the lactic acid, or the milk protein, or something else in it, but unfortunately it didn't serve me well. Some people do fine with it, so I'm not saying it is definitely a problem for you, just a possible suspect.
How do you fare with potatoes?
Does the raw carrot salad work for you?
Is there any fruit or juice that you can eat without too much distress?
Have you run your current food through cronometer or similar? Are you getting much magnesium from your food? Necessary for relaxing. Other electrolytes?
Are you salting to taste? Sometimes salt with food and drink can help against nausea. (I think my most anti-nausea food is hot salty potato chips fried in beef fat, but potatoes and salt n other forms can also be good for me.)
Are you drinking to thirst or somehow sufficient to avoid further dehydration?
Wheat toast is constipating and/or irritating for some people. Wheat can do either to me. (Again, some people are fine with it, and it's a dense source of food that tastes good, so I'm not necessarily saying you should avoid it - depends on whether you can find sth your body likes better at the moment.)

When I'm feeling unwell, sometimes sweet things make me feel worse/nauseous, and potatoes and veges etc seem to be better.
A good salty soup made with beef broth and veges and ginger (ginger is often used against nausea, too) often helps settle me, too (or maybe it's the little bit of chicken neck stock in it). Ginger ale?

How's you overall metabolism?


Apr 3, 2015
Thanks a ton for the suggestions everyone.

Blossom said:
post 107524 Sorry to hear about your rough time Max! You could ask your doctor about Zofran for nausea. I found it quite helpful when I was re-adjusting to eating enough and most things I ate seemed to bother me. It certainly didn't solve all my issues but did help make the situation more bearable.
I actually did get a prescription for an anti-nausea after the urgent care incident, and I'm pretty sure it was Zofran though I haven't filled it yet. Might look into that though, thanks :)

Charlie said:
post 107528 Cascara sagrada keeps my bowels moving when my body does not have the energy to do it. For heartburn relief I use Famotidine and for emergency situations calcium carbonate(Tums or Walmart Equate brand).
Thanks a lot, I finally looked into cascara sagrada and ordered some off Amazon. I don't think I have heartburn at all, though, and I'm assuming eggshell calcium would work well?

Derek said:
post 107594 I would not recommend Zofran if you are already constipated. Your diet is very limited, I would try adding some meat and vegetables (well cooked). Also, is your diet low fat? Fat can really help with constipation. Low fat dairy and especially low fat casein (greek yogurt) causes constipation in most people. Also, some saturated fat may help with the anxiety.
Thanks, yeah I've been skimping on protein a lot lately, but I don't think the greek yogurt is doing me any good so I better start making meaty stews again. I have some (allegedly) additive-free, unflavored whey isolate. Would this make a reasonable supplement for now? I know Peat is usually against powders.

tara said:
post 107657
In my books, eating is more important than eating perfectly. If you can find food that is easier to handle, that's great. But even if you can't, you still have to eat, and hope your system will be able to adapt when it gets more energy. (I'd still choose low PUFA where possible.) Your body including brain can't get more energy to recover if you are starving.
I have to remember this often, though I know I shouldn't go nuts at this point as restaurant food hasn't fared well recently.

tara said:
post 107657
How do you fare with potatoes?
Does the raw carrot salad work for you?
Is there any fruit or juice that you can eat without too much distress?
Have you run your current food through cronometer or similar? Are you getting much magnesium from your food? Necessary for relaxing. Other electrolytes?
Are you salting to taste? Sometimes salt with food and drink can help against nausea. (I think my most anti-nausea food is hot salty potato chips fried in beef fat, but potatoes and salt n other forms can also be good for me.)
Are you drinking to thirst or somehow sufficient to avoid further dehydration?
Wheat toast is constipating and/or irritating for some people. Wheat can do either to me. (Again, some people are fine with it, and it's a dense source of food that tastes good, so I'm not necessarily saying you should avoid it - depends on whether you can find sth your body likes better at the moment.)

When I'm feeling unwell, sometimes sweet things make me feel worse/nauseous, and potatoes and veges etc seem to be better.
A good salty soup made with beef broth and veges and ginger (ginger is often used against nausea, too) often helps settle me, too (or maybe it's the little bit of chicken neck stock in it). Ginger ale?

How's you overall metabolism?

I don't think I fare well with white potatoes, but sweet potatoes never bothered me. In fact, I just looked up a recipe for homemade sweet potato chips made with coconut oil and actually started salivating, and that hasn't happened recently so maybe I should follow the urge :roll: . I've been eating store-bought white bagels/bread only for temporary calorie purposes, otherwise I've been avoiding them as I don't think they help anything. I'm trying to salt to taste but I often forget as I don't usually crave salty foods. Fortunately I'm definitely not dehydrated anymore, assuming urine color is a good indicator. Also, I haven't used chronometer but I'm sure I'm pretty deficient in magnesium. I actually took a tab of magnesium glycinate after reading the suggestions on this thread this afternoon and had probably the closest-to-normal bowel movement in recent memory about 15 minutes after. So I'll definitely be doing more with that now.

If anyone has any more suggestions I'm all ears. I hope to post an positive update within a month or so. Thanks again everyone :hattip
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Mar 29, 2014
mbarvian said:
post 107665 In fact, I just looked up a recipe for homemade sweet potato chips made with coconut oil and actually started salivating, and that hasn't happened recently so maybe I should follow the urge :roll: .

mbarvian said:
post 107665 I actually took a tab of magnesium glycinate after reading the suggestions on this thread this afternoon and had probably the closest-to-normal bowel movement in recent memory about 15 minutes after. So I'll definitely be doing more with that now.

mbarvian said:
post 107665 I've been skimping on protein a lot lately, but I don't think the greek yogurt is doing me any good so I better start making meaty stews again.

mbarvian said:
post 107665 I have some (allegedly) additive-free, unflavored whey isolate.
Peat doesn't generally favour whey (high in tryptophan) or powders (damage from dehydration/contamination from manufacturing). But if you've got some at hand, and you're needing more protein, it may be better than nothing while you get it together to eat more other foods.
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Apr 3, 2015
So it happened again today after I had some apple juice, whey protein, and some magnesium for breakfast. I'm very light headed and out of it right now, and was still constipated this morning. Any suggestions? I'm actually thinking of going to urgent care again.


Jan 12, 2014
mbarvian said:
post 108160 So it happened again today after I had some apple juice, whey protein, and some magnesium for breakfast. I'm very light headed and out of it right now, and was still constipated this morning. Any suggestions? I'm actually thinking of going to urgent care again.

What kind of meal is that? No wonder you don't feel well.
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Sep 5, 2015

Sometimes we can have a tendency to overthink meals and forget what we enjoy. An egg with some yoghurt and fruit is just a suggestion. Something you enjoy! - that's just as important.. I realize you mentioned wanting to limit yoghurt.. I had trouble with that at first but the body just needed adapting.


Oct 29, 2015
Try a small amount of Cascara each time you eat. If it's a pill just break it into smaller pieces, it's very powerful. Your goal is to go absolutely everyday. I'd ditch the yogurt , whey and limit apples (pectin). I thrive on raw pasture fed dairy and I've had similar problems with constipation and nausea. As for the panic, practice some brown paper bag breathing and or shallow breathing, no yawning or sighing.


Apr 3, 2015
Thanks for the suggestions again everyone. I definitely struggle with trying to eat the perfect foods vs eating to taste, and I agree that that breakfast was pretty ***t in hindsight.

I did however just have another shitty morning with the same symptoms, and the only thing I had last night was homemade mac n cheese. Woke up with pounding heart, racing thoughts, ate some fruit (grapes) and buttered toast with sweetened peppermint tea but got very chilled soon afterward. (Did have a loose bowel movement though.) Spent the rest of the morning fighting very bad nausea and panic, though I'm definitely getting better with the panic. Stomach felt tight all last night and I had many nightmares that woke me up.

Again, if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears as this is seriously affecting doing normal ***t I enjoy. Otherwise, I'm meeting with my psychiatrist and primary care physician tomorrow as well. I did order some cascara and more ginger ale off Amazon, God bless that site. Thanks again.


Nov 1, 2012
Low blood sugar comes to mind. Whey protein can cause low bs if not enough carbs to balance. Protein with your breakfast. Increase sugar with protein. Supplement salt(also helps with blood sugar). Snacks every hour or two. Carbonated water can help...maybe add oj/sugar and salt to water. coconut oil might help. Have sugar/salt/protein at bedtime. Snack on sugar/fat in the evening until bedtime.
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