Low Toxin Lifestyle You Think Virus Theory Works How They Taught us? You Think "Vitamin A" is a Vitamin? Think Again & Consider This.....


Feb 21, 2021
1. What makes some forms of detox contagious and others not? There are no reports of someone's copper/bromide/mercury/whatever dump causing a person near them to be sick too. What makes the detoxes we attribute to viral illnesses special in this regard?

2. Why do particular "viral" detoxes cause the same particular symptomologies in all affected? Someone with norovirus will experience diarrhea and vomiting, whereas someone with influenza will have a different set of symptoms. Since we are all toxic in different ways, why are our contracted detoxes identical to those of our infected peers?

Can sepsis occur up to a year after the initial offense, as it is the case with rabies?
There are many many questions to be answered. But science has stopped looking. A bigger question is why humans accept such nonsense of germs. Maybe humans need things settled. It is very easy to understand germ theory. A germ attacks you and gets you sick. But if that were true, if we were attacked by viruses, bacteria and fungi all day, we would have died years ago. Or not even been here. BJ Palmer (his father founded chiropractic medicine) said that if germ theory were true, they'd be no one around to believe it.

The fact is the body is an extremely complicated organism. Different illnesses are due to different organs being affected. Is it regualr cellular waste, damage from toxins, damage from electricty or emf, mineral imbalance causing something. It's very complicated. There is also the behind the scenes drive for the species to survive (phermones, resonance). The mind plays a rold as well. There is no one way that gets a person sick so there's no one way that someone heals.


Jan 8, 2019
Why do we seem to detox (get sick) at the same time? Women who live together can have their menstual cycles sync together. This is done through pheromones. Maybe this is for survival. Do you think detoxing is for survival? Yes, and organisms will help the species survive. The mind also is very powerful. I have twitter posts showing that in experiments to give people colds, the group that got the saline got more colds than the group that got the "infected" snot.

I did know that about menstrual cycles but never really thought about in relation to viruses.

Abundant Life

Jun 22, 2022
During the pandemic I have been exposed to many theories about viruses. The theory that viruses are actually a reaction, a defense (or detox) mechanism, created within the body instead of being caught stuck with me. Also the fact that there has never ever been viruses isolated or even a simple study where they were able to spread a virus to infect a group of lab rats came to a surprise to me. Everyone around me still believes viruses are spread through contact and I try to tell them whether you get sick or not is all dependent on the environment within your body.

The idea that the sun triggers a detox event is a very interesting one. Can't say I am sold on it yet. Most people get sick when there is a very little sun because they are not getting as much Vitamin D so eventually it will become a deficiency that leads to sickness. If I am understanding the sun detox event theory, the few times the sun comes out during the winter is triggering a detox reaction that many assume is the flu? If so, what if one was to stay inside every time the sun comes out in the winter and then step out in the spring, would that trigger a detox event?


Feb 21, 2021
During the pandemic I have been exposed to many theories about viruses. The theory that viruses are actually a reaction, a defense (or detox) mechanism, created within the body instead of being caught stuck with me. Also the fact that there has never ever been viruses isolated or even a simple study where they were able to spread a virus to infect a group of lab rats came to a surprise to me. Everyone around me still believes viruses are spread through contact and I try to tell them whether you get sick or not is all dependent on the environment within your body.

The idea that the sun triggers a detox event is a very interesting one. Can't say I am sold on it yet. Most people get sick when there is a very little sun because they are not getting as much Vitamin D so eventually it will become a deficiency that leads to sickness. If I am understanding the sun detox event theory, the few times the sun comes out during the winter is triggering a detox reaction that many assume is the flu? If so, what if one was to stay inside every time the sun comes out in the winter and then step out in the spring, would that trigger a detox event?
I did a twitter post on it. The authors document how flu cases sync at the same latitude. That would have the same sun intensity and radiation.
The Northern hemisphere syncs together by latitude. These 1st pic shows countries far apart but at same latitude.
The 2nd pic shows northern latitude next to southern latitude countries. The South has the same pattern, just 6 months later.

View: https://x.com/ValZimmer2/status/1757876470611910828?s=20


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Abundant Life

Jun 22, 2022
I did a twitter post on it. The authors document how flu cases sync at the same latitude. That would have the same sun intensity and radiation.
The Northern hemisphere syncs together by latitude. These 1st pic shows countries far apart but at same latitude.
The 2nd pic shows northern latitude next to southern latitude countries. The South has the same pattern, just 6 months later.

View: https://x.com/ValZimmer2/status/1757876470611910828?s=20

Very interesting. If I am following, the "flu" outbreaks occur when the sun is hitting an area with an intensity and radiation that triggers this response from our bodies. There is correlation among areas that are of the same latitude on the globe. So because I live in Chicago, whenever there is a "flu" outbreak it would also mean the same thing is happening many, many miles away in Rome. Although the climates of Chicago and Rome are completely different, we get a similar response because the sun is hitting us the same way.


Mar 23, 2016
Rabies is overblown. A dog bite is the cause right. Dog bite is a puncture wound. What about tetanus? That's from stepping on nail. Puncture wound.
Now of course not so simple. But point being both of these things are just a form of sepsis. Puncture wounds cause injury to tissue that causes areas with no oxygen. If these areas are not cleaned and opened to let oxygen in, death can occur. Any area not getting blood and oxygen can die.

This brings in Pleomorphism. Bacteria are not good or bad. They just are. They and fungi are responsible for decompsing everything dead in this world. They live symbiotically with us in our bodies and DO NOT attack live tissue. But as soon as dead tissue shows up, they are ready to decompose you. In anaerobic environments, bacteria waste can be very toxic. This toxin is what causes sepsis. Sepsis tooth can kill you too. It's the same thing. An area with no oxygen.
The experiment to get bit by dogs without causing disease has been done many times.
I am intrigued. Would you be willing to be a case study and then come back to this forum with your ongoing observations?


Sep 12, 2015
I know it's not easy to grasp. We have been told for over 200 years that viruses were a thing. Our grandparents told stories. We just "know" don't we.
While I agree that the traditional concept of communicable viruses causing disease is misunderstood, I have never found a satisfactory explanation of herpes. Could you expound on your understanding of herpes and how it is so obviously communicated by touch, and then continues to recur in the afflicted?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I don’t understand this idea since I don’t restrict vitamin A, except for beta carotene, and I haven’t been sick with anything for over seven years.
Not getting sick is not a good sign, its actually a bad sign. It shows that your body is not having regular and natural detox cycles and instead has decided to hold onto the toxins and they keep building up until eventually the "vitamin A" cascade comes into play. You are likely suppressing this cycle with all the toxins you are taking in. The only people who should not get sick is those who have completely detoxed and that can take several years.
Mar 10, 2021
Not getting sick is not a good sign, its actually a bad sign. It shows that your body is not having regular and natural detox cycles and instead has decided to hold onto the toxins and they keep building up until eventually the "vitamin A" cascade comes into play. You are likely suppressing this cycle with all the toxins you are taking in. The only people who should not get sick is those who have completely detoxed and that can take several years.
Well the years I was getting sick, I was not looking the part of good health and did not have the boundless energy I have now. I imagine my liver must be eliminating toxins through my bowels. I’m not interested in my sick sluggish old days.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Well the years I was getting sick, I was not looking the part of good health and did not have the boundless energy I have now. I imagine my liver must be eliminating toxins through my bowels. I’m not interested in my sick sluggish old days.
You use stimulants for energy so of course you have energy. You are stealing from the future energy to get today's energy. Eventually that check will need to be cashed......
Mar 10, 2021
You use stimulants for energy so of course you have energy. You are stealing from the future energy to get today's energy. Eventually that check will need to be cashed......
Charlie I have one cup of coffee in the morning, and no supplements AND I’m sixty.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Charlie I have one cup of coffee in the morning, and no supplements AND I’m sixty.
It's possible that you are going into the older person pattern of where they do not get sick because the body does not support detoxing anymore. Liver is a stimulant.


Jan 6, 2019
There are many many questions to be answered. But science has stopped looking. A bigger question is why humans accept such nonsense of germs. Maybe humans need things settled. It is very easy to understand germ theory. A germ attacks you and gets you sick. But if that were true, if we were attacked by viruses, bacteria and fungi all day, we would have died years ago. Or not even been here. BJ Palmer (his father founded chiropractic medicine) said that if germ theory were true, they'd be no one around to believe it.

The fact is the body is an extremely complicated organism. Different illnesses are due to different organs being affected. Is it regualr cellular waste, damage from toxins, damage from electricty or emf, mineral imbalance causing something. It's very complicated. There is also the behind the scenes drive for the species to survive (phermones, resonance). The mind plays a rold as well. There is no one way that gets a person sick so there's no one way that someone heals.
Note that you have now twice replied to my questions with tangential reasoning that fails to actually address the points brought up. In case you are trying to explain why established knowledge is wrong, merely referring to the failures of science and the complexity of the human body is unlikely to do the trick. At the very least, you have to be able to justify your position by giving direct answers to direct questions. Otherwise a simple "I don't know" will suffice.

Does it seem like a reasonable assumption to you that epidemics with particular, universally shared symptomologies occurr because everyone has weaknesses in the same organs, presence of the same mineral imbalances or toxicities, exposure to the same EMF and so on?


Sep 8, 2017
I did a twitter post on it. The authors document how flu cases sync at the same latitude. That would have the same sun intensity and radiation.
The Northern hemisphere syncs together by latitude. These 1st pic shows countries far apart but at same latitude.
The 2nd pic shows northern latitude next to southern latitude countries. The South has the same pattern, just 6 months later.

View: https://x.com/ValZimmer2/status/1757876470611910828?s=20

I hope alternative opinions are welcomed in the discussion, not trying to start anything. I think we should consider viruses are everywhere and remain inactive until a certain frequency of light hits them all at the same which then activates them simultaneously.

Many virus have been known to become activated by ultraviolet light, including herpes and lyme Reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus infection by ultraviolet light: a human model - PubMed. Then there are other virus' that hibernate during the summer when UV light is strong and could kill them (UV light has been shown to decimate the flu virus). Consider that we are all collecting dormant flu viruses during the summer and once winter comes and the sun reaches certain angles where the max UV rays are not strong enough to keep the viruses at bay they suddenly have their way with large populations all at once once the earth's incubator for them is ripe.

While those flu viruses are running rampant during the winter, others which are activated by ultraviolet light become dormant and are waiting for the emergence of the sun to become activated.

In your own house you can observe that mold grows better in dark places while meat rapidly goes bad in the sun do to heat changes and ultraviolet light activation of certain bacteria. Sunlight creates frequency modifications in organisms on a cellular level, increases or decreases vibrations and acts a giant infrared remote to turn functions on or off in organisms all over the globe.


Feb 21, 2021
Note that you have now twice replied to my questions with tangential reasoning that fails to actually address the points brought up. In case you are trying to explain why established knowledge is wrong, merely referring to the failures of science and the complexity of the human body is unlikely to do the trick. At the very least, you have to be able to justify your position by giving direct answers to direct questions. Otherwise a simple "I don't know" will suffice.

Does it seem like a reasonable assumption to you that epidemics with particular, universally shared symptomologies occur because everyone has weaknesses in the same organs, presence of the same mineral imbalances or toxicities, exposure to the same EMF and so on?
TheSir, You are free to believe the "established knowledge". But have you really read any of their papers and experiments. If you're sitting back with your arms folded waiting for someone to teach you something, you will be disappointed. You must take an active role in your learning.

You believe that "viruses" are coughed out of a sick person, inhaled by another person, which then beomes sick, correct? Can you show any studies that prove this? I can show dozens that disprove this. Maybe the most famous is the Rosenau study of Spanish Flu. Rosenau was the Head of Harvard Medical. This study was in conjunction with the US Navy and the US Public Health Service. They were no small players. I've linked a summary below.

View: https://x.com/ValZimmer2/status/1660749660774907907?s=20

Another study I like is one on colds and flu. They inoculated volunteers with snot and fluid from sick people. There was also a control group that got saline injections. The groups that got the saline injections got more colds than the group that got "sick" material. Linked as well.

View: https://x.com/ValZimmer2/status/1660749663035588613?s=20

Please show me a study where a "sick" person made another person sick by breathing on them. I can show you 50 more that FAILED. These failures led scientists to come up with the antibody BS. This is also when they invented the asymptomatic BS. So in these new experiments, a positive antibody test even with no symptoms means a person is sick. If that's the science you want to trust, that's your prerogative.

The question of why we seem to get sick together is a valid one. And it would be great to know the answer. We may never know the answer. but we do have some reasonable assumption.
Some illnesses are straight out poisoning or malnutrition.
Pellagra was thought to be a contagious virus. Here's an older article about an outbreak of this disease in Alabama. Read it here. AN EPIDEMIC OF ACUTE PELLAGRA.

Was it infectious disease. Nope it's a B3 deficiency. Well then how did all those people get sick at the same time.

Scurvy was another contagious disease right? One sailor would catch it then another, then another. If it's not contagious, how did all those sailors get sick together?
Of course you know it's not contagious. The official word is that it's a Vit C deficiency. On Grant's blog, he shows you why scurvy is really a Vit A toxicity.

POLIO. You think virus I'm sure. Why was it only a summer disease? Cause that's when they sprayed for bugs. They also did not cases clumped together. Many times only 1 child in the family had polio.

View: https://x.com/Aldhissla45/status/1757500014673134051?s=20

AIDS. There's numerous books written on how AIDS is NOT caused by HIV. Read one or 2.

Spanish Flu started as an experimental bacterial vaccine by Frederick Gates. Yes, the uncle of Bill. Soldiers got sick first. Then civilians were frightened into getting the vaccine. Poison and fear can cause much illness and death.

I can't go through all illnesses. Some are easy to understand like those above. Some are not so easy to understand. The flu and all the respiratory illnesses have an electrical, emf and solar radiation component. But we see this unexplained synchronization all across this planet.

A woman's pheromones can change another women's menstrual cycle. That's a fact. Why?
I'm sure humans have more than 1 pheromone for more than 1 reason. Is it really a stretch to think that another pheromone might be involved in keeping the species healthy?
Why do birds fly South for the winter? There's no alarm going off for them. How do they synchronize this?
Why do blue crabs lose their shell in late spring. May and June is soft shell crab season. What is going on across the entire Gulf of Mexico to cause all these crabs to lose their shell?

I'm ok not knowing exactly the reason for all these mysteries in life. I know that Big Medical is lying about polio and AIDS, as those are the easiest to understand, so they are lying about all the rest. I know that the flu follows a cycle that cannot be explained by a virus randomly infecting people. I've read dozens of studies showing that sick people cannot get other people sick. I've read studies of what they call viral isolation. There is no isolation involved. 😂 I've read the dozens of animals studies where the only way to make an animal sick or dead with a virus or bacteria was to do something like drill a hole in its head and inject some toxic culture mess into the brain. I know that all the diseases of the past plummeted way before any vaccine came out. I could go on but this post is long enough. You know what you believe, if you want to know the truth, you'll have to read something else.

Dissolving Illusions
The Truth About Contagion
What Really Makes You Ill
Virus Mania
The Moth in the Iron Lung
Vaccines, Viruses, and Bacteria: Not What You've Been Told

Lots of this discussion on Twitter @valzimmer2


Sep 13, 2012
Great work @valzim :thumbup My family is starting to go through cycles where only one of us is sick instead of the whole family. Because it isn't a virus, it's a way for the body to clean out diseased cells so it's actually a good thing because then your risk of all kinds of illnesses goes down. Fever therapy is a treatment for cancer. Children who got measles have a lower risk for disease later on.


Feb 21, 2021
I hope alternative opinions are welcomed in the discussion, not trying to start anything. I think we should consider viruses are everywhere and remain inactive until a certain frequency of light hits them all at the same which then activates them simultaneously.
Of course opinion are welcome. And of course it's possible there is a dormant flu virus. That's exactly what the hypothesis was in that solar radiation paper I linked earlier.

But what is a virus. A virus is a dead thing. It's a package of dna or rna with a protein or lipid coat. It has no nucleus, No mitochondria. Doesn't breath. Doesn't eat. Doesn't' move. Bacteria can move. Viruses cannot. Viruses are dead pieces of material. The theory is a virus is breathed in or enters another way, the first cell it lands on (passively), it enters the cell and starts replicating. This is still just a theory. It has never been seen live. So how would this dead thing go hide somewhere in the body for months, or years in the case of herpes and rabies?
Where would it hide?


Sep 8, 2017
Of course opinion are welcome. And of course it's possible there is a dormant flu virus. That's exactly what the hypothesis was in that solar radiation paper I linked earlier.

But what is a virus. A virus is a dead thing. It's a package of dna or rna with a protein or lipid coat. It has no nucleus, No mitochondria. Doesn't breath. Doesn't eat. Doesn't' move. Bacteria can move. Viruses cannot. Viruses are dead pieces of material. The theory is a virus is breathed in or enters another way, the first cell it lands on (passively), it enters the cell and starts replicating. This is still just a theory. It has never been seen live. So how would this dead thing go hide somewhere in the body for months, or years in the case of herpes and rabies?
Where would it hide?
Apologies for bringing up a point you've already linked to in a previous post, Admittedly sometimes I don't go through 100% of the content but first look at the main idea to understand the author enough to engage and I didn't catch that paper you posted. I do understand what you're saying about viruses not being alive, I would then just say that bacteria are being spread throughout summer the winter and the UV light from sun "emergence" activates viral shedding.

In any case, I'm open to the idea, if I've learned one thing it's that science changes its mind frequently on things they swore to be true just a few years before. My mind is wide open and always looking for the truth, it's what led to the gleaming health that took my decades to achieve Regardless of whether you're wrong or right about this one, I'm a fan because you're a free-thinker.
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