When Does The Peat-body Start Buzzing With Energy?


Feb 18, 2018
I like occasional fasting on days when I have no obligations, because it gets me hyper in tune with food, energy, and my bodily perceptions. What I'll do is fast until I absolutely must have food. By that point, my digestion has been "reset", and I can begin eating from a clean sheet. Often, my brain will feel off, and so I'll eat this and that attempting to correct and feel better, and this will result in all sorts of odd physiological problems, with bloat being at the crux of everything. At the tail end of today's revelations, I got some things that might help out. A couple of people have noted digestive health being paramount, and I'd have to agree. It's a terribly complex puzzle putting together what foods are offending and what foods are not, and so many things influence and bias our own perception of what's good or bad. But, if you stick at it long enough, slowly but surely there's a certain "feeling" that has to be sought after and retained at all cost. I correlate it with an electrical activation right at the center region of the brain, and this results in euphoria, desire to socialize, motivation, clarity of thought, etc.... Coffee, a little bit of 1% milk, and maple syrup produce this effect every time. Sugar with the coffee and milk does not do it, it must be maple syrup. I can't speak absolutely, but I'm personally convinced of the power of this drink to cure all ailments of nihilism, depression, fatigue, apathy, anhedonia, etc...

Of course, one can't live off of coffee, milk, and maple syrup, other foods must be consumed, and those foods have to be judiciously chosen so as to provide energy while at the same time not disrupting the activation of that cranial region. Things that I've found to disrupt that activation is literally any food that isn't digested properly, salted properly, hydrated properly, too mushy, too pasty, too chalky, too proteiny, etc... etc... For me personally, I've eliminated down acceptable foods to bread with butter sugar and cinnamon, ramen noodles with Cajun seasoning, veggies, occasional chicken drum sticks, and coffee/milk/syrup. Ripe fruits are ok but in general I seem to prefer the effects of the other foods I listed. Quality seasoning in general tends to activate these pleasure regions of the brain, and can result in consuming inappropriate foods without terrible ill effects. I think this is why spices and seasoning have been so prevalent in human culture. They allow us to eat inappropriate foods and not feel terrible! Give these foods a try, or, more importantly, start experimenting with lots of different spices, recipes, food preparations, and their relation to energy, mood, digestion, and brain states. I'm a bit reductionist nowadays, and find that my entire moods and thought patterns are most strongly influenced by my diet. Of course, the environment has some influence, but nothing is more powerful than diet.

I get full of energy if I look forward to doing something. It's not always diet related, although it plays a big role, but doing thinks that make you happy energizes you. Having a perspective that you're doing things that will make your future better is energizing.

I agree, but what I noticed is that I would be excited to do something, and feel energy come into my body due to the excitation, only to lose focus, get distracted, feel hunger, etc... after 20-30 minutes. Being well-fed is crucial.

Good digestion and feeling good go together for me. Starch is really hard on my digestion. I have my limits, like a tiny bit of Unbleached white flour to make potato pancakes is fine, but pasta or bread more than 2 days in a row constipates me immediately. I am really mean and self centered if I am constipated or bloated. It sucks. I literally lose the capacity to think of anyone but myself and my own feelings.

I'm the same way. It sucks because I know things can be different, but there is a physical obstacle preventing me from expressing any feelings of love, empathy, other, etc... My self-centeredness had gotten so bad yesterday that some elderly lady, sick in her hospital bed, was complimenting me and all I could think about was going home and fixing my state! The entire drive home I was entertaining nihilistic thoughts!

If you’re feeling stuck or off-ish, with low energy symptoms, drinking a Red Bull or downing a cappuccino can sometimes get you over a hump. There’s a sensitivity that you might develop, where you get to a point of finding which foods make you tick. And even then you might falter — the great purpose will probably be developing a tempo that can be maintained. At the beginning I messed with all the great suggestions and I’m still not sure if those things were ill advised? Try to operate from a perspective of intuition; eat nutritious foods and get rest and exercise.

I agree with the intuition and the sensitivity. It's very difficult to develop and takes some time. Even when dipping my toes into the shores of euphoria, I'll feel ecstatic and wonder how I could ever forget how to re-find that beautiful ocean. But then time passes due to whatever activities I was doing and it's time to eat again and I'll mess up entirely for days at a time! Then out of no where the directions to salvation will just come screaming to my forefront and back in Grace I am again!

Lol sorry for the religious allusions, but I do find the correlations strikingly similar to what the saints would usually recount about their experiences with God's Light. It would come and they would feel amazing and loved and comforted and like life just made sense, and then it would go and they would feel depressed and wait desperately for it to come back, engaging in all their usual prayers, fasting, rituals, to enter into that euphoric state again. I'm not sure I would go as far and say I experiencing the exact same feelings they do, but it must be close. I think engaging in the saint's life of extreme introspection, sensitivity to self, distancing from the distractions of the materialistic world, etc... etc... are the most fruitful when attempting to "find God" ;)

(Ok thanks Judeochristian upbringing but I don't think I can ever escape it even though I find the devoutly religious to be incredibly annoying and superstitious and to have an incomplete grasp of reality, but at the same time they get certain things right about love, community, selflessness, vocation, etc... etc...)

Because you don’t know about the coffee, oj, milk, lsd protocol yet

Have you microdosed? I've been wanting to play around with it, but haven't had the opportunity. I do like the states occasional marijuana use gives me, so long as I don't over do it.

That's all I got for today, I'm off to have some bread, butter, sugar, and cinnamon!

Oh yes, to the central question, at least in my experience, the shift in energy should be immediate! All it takes is one correct meal to induce the euphoria!

Last of my discoveries so far, is unsweetened black tea mixed with apple juice! Better than water itself! Truthfully, these are gems! Pearls for the masses! Do not be like the swine who cannot behold their value! While I ride this state, onto aesthetics must I investigate!
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Mar 3, 2016
Peat said it is a powerful gut disinfectant. I've only started trying it very recently but so far it seems much more effective than the carrot salad ever was for me.
What does he base that claim on?

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
I like occasional fasting on days when I have no obligations, because it gets me hyper in tune with food, energy, and my bodily perceptions. What I'll do is fast until I absolutely must have food. By that point, my digestion has been "reset", and I can begin eating from a clean sheet. Often, my brain will feel off, and so I'll eat this and that attempting to correct and feel better, and this will result in all sorts of odd physiological problems, with bloat being at the crux of everything. At the tail end of today's revelations, I got some things that might help out. A couple of people have noted digestive health being paramount, and I'd have to agree. It's a terribly complex puzzle putting together what foods are offending and what foods are not, and so many things influence and bias our own perception of what's good or bad. But, if you stick at it long enough, slowly but surely there's a certain "feeling" that has to be sought after and retained at all cost. I correlate it with an electrical activation right at the center region of the brain, and this results in euphoria, desire to socialize, motivation, clarity of thought, etc.... Coffee, a little bit of 1% milk, and maple syrup produce this effect every time. Sugar with the coffee and milk does not do it, it must be maple syrup. I can't speak absolutely, but I'm personally convinced of the power of this drink to cure all ailments of nihilism, depression, fatigue, apathy, anhedonia, etc...

Of course, one can't live off of coffee, milk, and maple syrup, other foods must be consumed, and those foods have to be judiciously chosen so as to provide energy while at the same time not disrupting the activation of that cranial region. Things that I've found to disrupt that activation is literally any food that isn't digested properly, salted properly, hydrated properly, too mushy, too pasty, too chalky, too proteiny, etc... etc... For me personally, I've eliminated down acceptable foods to bread with butter sugar and cinnamon, ramen noodles with Cajun seasoning, veggies, occasional chicken drum sticks, and coffee/milk/syrup. Ripe fruits are ok but in general I seem to prefer the effects of the other foods I listed. Quality seasoning in general tends to activate these pleasure regions of the brain, and can result in consuming inappropriate foods without terrible ill effects. I think this is why spices and seasoning have been so prevalent in human culture. They allow us to eat inappropriate foods and not feel terrible! Give these foods a try, or, more importantly, start experimenting with lots of different spices, recipes, food preparations, and their relation to energy, mood, digestion, and brain states. I'm a bit reductionist nowadays, and find that my entire moods and thought patterns are most strongly influenced by my diet. Of course, the environment has some influence, but nothing is more powerful than diet.

I agree, but what I noticed is that I would be excited to do something, and feel energy come into my body due to the excitation, only to lose focus, get distracted, feel hunger, etc... after 20-30 minutes. Being well-fed is crucial.

I'm the same way. It sucks because I know things can be different, but there is a physical obstacle preventing me from expressing any feelings of love, empathy, other, etc... My self-centeredness had gotten so bad yesterday that some elderly lady, sick in her hospital bed, was complimenting me and all I could think about was going home and fixing my state! The entire drive home I was entertaining nihilistic thoughts!

I agree with the intuition and the sensitivity. It's very difficult to develop and takes some time. Even when dipping my toes into the shores of euphoria, I'll feel ecstatic and wonder how I could ever forget how to re-find that beautiful ocean. But then time passes due to whatever activities I was doing and it's time to eat again and I'll mess up entirely for days at a time! Then out of no where the directions to salvation will just come screaming to my forefront and back in Grace I am again!

Lol sorry for the religious allusions, but I do find the correlations strikingly similar to what the saints would usually recount about their experiences with God's Light. It would come and they would feel amazing and loved and comforted and like life just made sense, and then it would go and they would feel depressed and wait desperately for it to come back, engaging in all their usual prayers, fasting, rituals, to enter into that euphoric state again. I'm not sure I would go as far and say I experiencing the exact same feelings they do, but it must be close. I think engaging in the saint's life of extreme introspection, sensitivity to self, distancing from the distractions of the materialistic world, etc... etc... are the most fruitful when attempting to "find God" ;)

(Ok thanks Judeochristian upbringing but I don't think I can ever escape it even though I find the devoutly religious to be incredibly annoying and superstitious and to have an incomplete grasp of reality, but at the same time they get certain things right about love, community, selflessness, vocation, etc... etc...)

Have you microdosed? I've been wanting to play around with it, but haven't had the opportunity. I do like the states occasional marijuana use gives me, so long as I don't over do it.

That's all I got for today, I'm off to have some bread, butter, sugar, and cinnamon!

Oh yes, to the central question, at least in my experience, the shift in energy should be immediate! All it takes is one correct meal to induce the euphoria!

Last of my discoveries so far, is unsweetened black tea mixed with apple juice! Better than water itself! Truthfully, these are gems! Pearls for the masses! Do not be like the swine who cannot behold their value! While I ride this state, onto aesthetics must I investigate!
I am curious about what percentage of the time you are able to maintain the feeling that you describe with food alone and if you are aware of specific things which might be disruptive? I think that the more awareness you have of your own mood, well being, etc. the more you are able to perceive the people around you through a similar lense. The environment that I work in (office) can be highly disruptive of any perceived momentum or well being for me personally, but it’s undeniable that there are people that I work with who are invariably in poor health (e.g. overweight; poor complexions; hairloss) and I swear they are regularly mirthful, able to socialize and seem generally impervious of the stressful environment that surrounds us. I don’t know what this means?

Now I’m off to make coffee, with milk and maple syrup.
Dec 18, 2018
I am curious about what percentage of the time you are able to maintain the feeling that you describe with food alone and if you are aware of specific things which might be disruptive? I think that the more awareness you have of your own mood, well being, etc. the more you are able to perceive the people around you through a similar lense. The environment that I work in (office) can be highly disruptive of any perceived momentum or well being for me personally, but it’s undeniable that there are people that I work with who are invariably in poor health (e.g. overweight; poor complexions; hairloss) and I swear they are regularly mirthful, able to socialize and seem generally impervious of the stressful environment that surrounds us. I don’t know what this means?

Now I’m off to make coffee, with milk and maple syrup.

If you are somewhat like your avatar,stop smoking.
It raises inflammation like nothing else.
No Fun allowed for the smokeys,sadly.


Feb 18, 2018
I am curious about what percentage of the time you are able to maintain the feeling that you describe with food alone and if you are aware of specific things which might be disruptive? I think that the more awareness you have of your own mood, well being, etc. the more you are able to perceive the people around you through a similar lense. The environment that I work in (office) can be highly disruptive of any perceived momentum or well being for me personally, but it’s undeniable that there are people that I work with who are invariably in poor health (e.g. overweight; poor complexions; hairloss) and I swear they are regularly mirthful, able to socialize and seem generally impervious of the stressful environment that surrounds us. I don’t know what this means?

Now I’m off to make coffee, with milk and maple syrup.

In regards to your coworkers, I’m not really sure. I don’t know enough to say definitively how the different energy states correlate with different behaviors and nutritional inputs, especially since a lot of our behaviors especially by adulthood can become so ingrained, and are highly influenced by how we perceive ourself and others in a given situation. Many people put on a mask, especially in social settings where camaraderie and social acceptance are crucial to good relations. So even if they feel like crap inside, they put on a smile and fake it. I stopped doing that a while ago, because it’s highly stressful, and only act how I truly feel, to a certain extent anyways, yet there are many people who wouldn’t dare to risk the social isolation that expressing frequent negative moods can bring.

In regards to my electrical activation, it always happens when I eat sugar or caffeine in some fashion. I think this is why the coffee, milk, and syrup is such a potent combo. It’s everything dopaminergic packaged into one sweet delectable drink. I am careful with how I use it though, because I do tend towards mania if I overdo things. Today I went on a fruit smoothie binge and felt the most energy I felt in such a long time. I was sprinting my heart out in soccer and it felt so incredible. I felt so athletically capable and light, it was like I was in a new body. My friends were shocked because I haven’t played like that ever, and one friend even asked what drugs I was on, because to be honest I felt so good that I was practically bursting through the seams with energy and vibrance. I’m not sure if I’m extra sensitive or if people just tried what I do for once to see how ecstatic life can be. I think they’d be in for a surprise.

Anyways I went to a party feeling great but slightly retarded and strung up after I had a tequila sunrise. It was poorly prepared to be honest, as it didn’t have enough water and ice. I’ve become super picky about how I eat and drink now, not because of taste, but because I know how intimately it’s tied with my physical states. The tequila sunrise tasted off, and sure enough I started feeling off because of it. I drank half a beer and that calmed me down substantially and now I’m very relaxed. Unclear how to proceed tomorrow, because I love the sugar energy, but do feel that it doesn’t bring warmth and strength into my body. Some balance must be found... somehow... Nothing else makes me as sociable and so motivated for life though as those damn sugars!

it’s interesting because a philosopher I’ve begun enjoying to watch has been Slavoj zizek, who has a vast knowledge on so many political, philosophical, and cultural topics. He brings a very interesting spin to things, and he has so much energy and passion when he talks. He has severe ocd and ticks, but the kicker is he’s a huge sugar addict.... not surprised. Sugar just gives so much raw energy to engage. It has to be done correctly though. Soda and candy is inappropriate, sugary fruit smoothies? That’s the communion of life!


Mar 3, 2016
Not sure, but:

"The natural function of avidin in eggs is not known, although it has been postulated to be made in the oviduct as a bacterial growth inhibitor, by binding biotin helpful for bacterial growth. "
Avidin - Wikipedia
But that doesn't make it an antiseptic does it? It just means it's resistant to bacterial growth.


Jul 8, 2019
So, as I've come to understand, we're all about lowering the stress hormones, ramping up metabolism & androgens & youth hormones.
Many of us come from a background of 'running on stress hormones', and getting our energy from such hormones.
When we first lower our stress hormones, we feel down, we feel low energy. This is the point where I'm at.

My question is at what point do we start shifting into a higher gear, at which point do we reach the high-energy & low-stress state & uplifting mental mood?

For me, it was when I added low-dose Vitamin E and got my B vitamins right. The other thing that made a huge difference was switching from commercial progesterone cream to Progestene from Idealabsdc.

For Vitamin E, I'm using a couple drops a day of Tocovit from Idealabs. For B vitamins I'm using two drops of Energin from Idealabs with every meal and snack into the early afternoon. If I use Energin after about 2 pm, I have trouble sleeping.

For B vitamins I also eat two oysters a day, one in the morning and one near bedtime, and an ounce of beef liver a day at lunch.

Taking T3 didn't help. Taking both T3 and T4 didn't help. Eliminating PUFAs and adding lots of fruit and milk to my diet helped a lot, but didn't get me all the way there. I keep starch down to one 100g serving a day.

But Energin helped so much I wondered if every person with symptoms of hypothyroid was really B vitamin deficient, and this even though I had used B vitamins from other sources before. Energin immediately got me to a heart rate of roughly 85, normalized my low blood pressure, gave me huge energy, ended my shortness of breath.

And even though I'd used progesterone cream for years, Progestene was like a kick in the head. Within a week all nerve pain was gone (and it had been terrible for years). Plus, since starting it I've been sleeping 8-9 hours a night with never more than a single wake-up to pee. Dreaming is back, but no nightmares. Libido is back.


May 1, 2019
For me, it was when I added low-dose Vitamin E and got my B vitamins right. The other thing that made a huge difference was switching from commercial progesterone cream to Progestene from Idealabsdc.

For Vitamin E, I'm using a couple drops a day of Tocovit from Idealabs. For B vitamins I'm using two drops of Energin from Idealabs with every meal and snack into the early afternoon. If I use Energin after about 2 pm, I have trouble sleeping.

For B vitamins I also eat two oysters a day, one in the morning and one near bedtime, and an ounce of beef liver a day at lunch.

Taking T3 didn't help. Taking both T3 and T4 didn't help. Eliminating PUFAs and adding lots of fruit and milk to my diet helped a lot, but didn't get me all the way there. I keep starch down to one 100g serving a day.

But Energin helped so much I wondered if every person with symptoms of hypothyroid was really B vitamin deficient, and this even though I had used B vitamins from other sources before. Energin immediately got me to a heart rate of roughly 85, normalized my low blood pressure, gave me huge energy, ended my shortness of breath.

And even though I'd used progesterone cream for years, Progestene was like a kick in the head. Within a week all nerve pain was gone (and it had been terrible for years). Plus, since starting it I've been sleeping 8-9 hours a night with never more than a single wake-up to pee. Dreaming is back, but no nightmares. Libido is back.
I agree, I think the B vitamins are crucial where thyroid/energy is concerned. I take a basic store bought B complex atm but will try Energin when funds permit.
The addition of extra B1 to my schedule lately produced amazing results (initially). However, it can then produce what Dr Lonsdale calls paradox symptoms, where the body’s getting used to having B1 stores after long term deficiency. That’s where I’m currently at.
Worth a try though, add in slowly and gauge response. Hormones Matter webpage is a great resource for B1 /fatigue


Oct 3, 2016
Im almost 4 years into PUFA depletion and i do almost completely fat free and try to let my body synthesize its own fats through de novo lipogenesis,

Now ive noticed some incredible results however, i have extremely bad gut issues that ive been battling even before PUFA depletion and if i didnt discover Ray no lie i honestly believe i wouldve died, i got extremely sick and while i still have alot of metabolic problems, i know Ray is right about PUFA,

Eating this way has drasticly decreased my dermatitis and dandruff and excessive hair loss, i've also been able to achieve a lot of reduction of bloating in my face,

I can link some before and after pics if anyone wants, i still have a long way to go,

And based off of Ray's quotes i think PUFA depletion can take waaaayyy longer than 4 years depending on the person, his quote says "signifigant amount of these oils will still be present in the tissues even 4 years after their elimination"

Which leads me to believe PUFA depletion can take possibly way longer than 4 years,

Im going through a really rough time in my life right now so health isnt great, but i know if i was still eating PUFA id be scared to see where i would have gone,

I used to consume 100+ g of PUFA per day,

Ive made some great improvements however ill post some pre PUFA depletion and now pictures


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria


Aug 9, 2019
  • Good sleep caused by starch
  • raw, cold-pressed fruit juice (orange / mango)
These 2 factors can make me get a taste of that buzzing energy.:)::):


Aug 9, 2019
Gotta be honest, it's been 6 months on my Peat journey and it is getting frustrating at times.
I have not put on new muscle mass. Granted, my caloric intake was not high enough, and with low starch and so many restrictions, it gets trickier. Also, I did not make building muscle my no. 1 priority. Neglected my sleep, lots of late nights of clubbing.

It is very likely that both starch and dairy cause me digestive and mental issues.
I eat over 100g of fructose in a day, but it doesn't feel right. I feel 'adrenalin dominance' from it.

Have been experimenting with: aminos (Taurine, Lysine), Aspirin, B complex, carrot salad, Vitamin E, high-dose caffeine, energy drinks, Coke. More recently, Kuinone and Pansterone.
The more I take these 'metabolic enhancers', the worse I feel. Mellow, depressed, sedated, unmotivated.
I believe the secret is to have extremely high thyroid function, which apparently I do not.

  • 3rd cup of double espresso leaves me jittery and anxious. I feel a strong cortisol hit from it.
  • Lately, I have been relying too much on coke, red bull and coffee. My hair health has degraded since.
I will focus on digestion in the upcoming months.

Im almost 4 years into PUFA depletion and i do almost completely fat free and try to let my body synthesize its own fats through de novo lipogenesis,
Were you lean 4 years ago or were you overweight? If you were lean back then, then your experience has more relevance to me.
Otherwise, of course someone who goes from overweight to normal weight will see improvements


Aug 9, 2019
I have felt a resemblance of this in my first 2 weeks of using T3. I used Tyronene at that time, and overdid the dosage, and it stopped working after that.
Back to present moment, I got my hands on some Tiromel tablets, and can break it down into smaller doses. I seem to respond very well to low doses of T3 through the day and some small amounts of T4 at night.


Jun 7, 2019
It took about seven years for me to have normal functionality.
How could you even connect a change that occurs seven years after starting a diet to the diet and not something else that happened in that time? Maybe you had just felt like however you felt for so long that it started to feel normal.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
How could you even connect a change that occurs seven years after starting a diet to the diet and not something else that happened in that time? Maybe you had just felt like however you felt for so long that it started to feel normal.
Do you really think it was a single thing that changed suddenly?
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