Learning To Appreciate The Stress Metabolism (weird I Know)


Nov 20, 2019
My TSH is in the “normal range” at 1.6, but, I have all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism or at least hypometabolism which btw all came on at once after a prolonged period of extremely high stress (I was sued in court for big big $$). I suffer with cold hands and feet, cold spells, brittle coarse dry hair, hair fall, facial edema, ridged finger nails, sudden patches of dry flakey skin, crazy dandruff, severe debilitating brain fog, low mood/depression, poor initiative, poor libido, terrible erections, can barely get out of bed in the morning… So even though I might not have classical Hypothyroidism aka thyroid not producing enough hormone, I am still quite confidant I have issues with either T4 – T3 conversion and/or elevated reverse T3 and/or issues with T3 absorption/utilization. I used to eat tons of vegetable oils, raw vegetables, soy, and beans and had a lot of gallbladder discomfort at the beginning of my issues, so there’s a good chance T4 to T3 conversion is hindered at my liver. Anyways…

I found that a low carb and/or no carb diet based on meat and eggs (and some fruit if low carb) does the following: Brings incredible mental clarity (compared to debilitating brain fog at least). Makes my face and body tone and lean. Can hop right out of bed in the morning. Greatly improved mood. High energy. Sex drive becomes insanely high. Very good erections and sexual performance.

But…. These improvements all come with a price. I firmly believe that the reason low carb/no carb feels so good to me is because, in response to the lack of adequate T3 and overall poor respiratory metabolism, my body has compensated by turning on the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol and the glycolytic metabolism in order to keep me functioning as a human being and to keep my energy up, and therefor, because low carb/no carb activates the stress metabolism and stress hormones even further, it means I feel more energetic. The thing is, it doesn’t change the fact that I am in a stress state. My homeostasis is basically that of someone who is very close to the edge and so I can be angry and aggravated extremely easily. Many things both large and small in the world around me are often perceived as either an annoyance or a threat and I must remind myself to "chill" and gain perspective. Also, I still get really cold hands and feet and sometimes bad cold spells (cortisol and adrenaline duhhh). In this stress state, caffeine doesn’t affect me in a normal way either. Instead of providing energy or a boost, caffeine just pushes my body immediately over the edge and my gallbladder becomes tense, heartrate becomes elevated, breath becomes short, temper becomes short, etc.

So the answer is to get the body out of the stress state then, right? Feed it more sugar, continue avoiding PUFA, raw carrot salads, saturated fat, adequate protein, oysters, liver, shellfish, small dose aspirin here and there. You know… "Peating".

For now the answer is, NO. My body engages the stress hormone system to compensate for the under-performing respiratory metabolism. So what happens when you eat foods and take supplements that suppress the stress hormones and reduce the stress state in that scenario ? Did you guess yet? Yup, that’s right, you go back to feeling like absolute crap. Stress hormones have become my way of maintaining. So when I knock those down, in comes the brain fog, depression, chronic fatigue, puffy face, poor libido, poor erections. Oh sure, my hands and feet can stay warmer and there are no more cold spells. So great… I am now a useless, depressed, brain-fogged lump with warm hands and feet… Hooray.

Rather than being upset about the stress metabolism, I am instead grateful that my body at least has the energy reserves to kick that system into gear in order to keep me going. It’s nice to know that I have a backup system ready to go when needed. I can simply just take the carbs way down and manage the subsequent edginess and sensitivity by taking Chinese licorice root, ashwagandha and nettle leaf, deep breathing, cold showers, good exercise. I’ll also have a bowl of banana nice-cream around 7pm-8pm so that the carbs stay low enough to keep the stress metabolism going (keep ME going), but still getting enough sugar for restful sleep. Keep using digestive bitters on the tongue to stimulate the vagus nerve and keep cleaning my liver and gallbladder. This is still FAR from ideal though. The low/no carb stress state diminishes my creativity (I am a musician) and I can tell that my full human potential and complexity is hindered. I’m probably going to try a month long T3 taper up - taper down protocol to see if I can clear out the T3/RT3 issue and then get into the relaxed state along with well-functioning oxidative metabolism.

I hope this triggered some interesting thoughts for you.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
When were you sued? Have the legal battles ended? How old are you? I think you plan sounds good.


Nov 20, 2019
When were you sued? Have the legal battles ended? How old are you? I think you plan sounds good.

The legal issue ended a little over a year ago. I am 35 years old. Thank you for taking the time to read. I appreciate it.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The legal issue ended a little over a year ago. I am 35 years old. Thank you for taking the time to read. I appreciate it.
You’re welcome. I’ve been through a frivolous lawsuit that wasted a lot of time and money. It can be challenging to rebound from that level of stress. You recognize it though so that’s positive. I don’t know about you but my digestion is usually the first thing to suffer. I hope you get more replies!


It's such a bizarre but fascinating thing to keep in mind the digestive tract is in some ways "the outside" of the body. I think it's the workhorse of the system and thereby takes the burden of insult. All first strikes are against it, apart from what the skin endures.
Aug 21, 2018
Anecdotally I can confirm identical experience.


Feb 26, 2018
I think your problems might be digestion related .
And the benefits from low carb is often just because of a reduction in irritating food and thus endotoxin.
Just my 2 cents.


Mar 12, 2017
Yeah, this was me for a while. I think a lot of people think lowering stress hormones will fix everything but metabolism has to come from somewhere. If your thyroid is not functioning enough or correctly, the stress hormones are there to band aid things. You gotta focus on healing metabolism at the same time you lower stress hormones. It can take a while but eventually you come out the other side as a fully functioning person. If you can't manage to get metabolism working, it's best to just allow the stress hormones to rise so you can at least keep your life in order. Losing a job because you were too depressed or brain fogged isn't fun.


Nov 20, 2019
I think your problems might be digestion related .
And the benefits from low carb is often just because of a reduction in irritating food and thus endotoxin.
Just my 2 cents.

I totally agree with you. Not to say that ALL of my issues can be attributed to digestion and endotoxin, but I definitely notice that when I'm consistently eating foods which digest easily and which don't cause inflammation and edema, that I generally feel better in the days that follow (in terms of overall energy and mood). I also notice that low carb greatly reduces the whitish/yellowish coating which is otherwise on my tongue around 95% of the time. When I'm super low carb this coating recedes to almost nothing after only a couple days. I've correlated significantly enhanced mental clarity and improved mood with the absence of that tongue coating. Also to your point, I've noticed slight benefits from carrot salads in terms of energy and mental state, apart from the fiber causing a bit of unpleasant bloating sometimes.


Nov 20, 2019
Yeah, this was me for a while. I think a lot of people think lowering stress hormones will fix everything but metabolism has to come from somewhere. If your thyroid is not functioning enough or correctly, the stress hormones are there to band aid things. You gotta focus on healing metabolism at the same time you lower stress hormones. It can take a while but eventually you come out the other side as a fully functioning person. If you can't manage to get metabolism working, it's best to just allow the stress hormones to rise so you can at least keep your life in order. Losing a job because you were too depressed or brain fogged isn't fun.
I am super intrigued by your comment "this was me for a while". I guess it's sometimes relieving to connect with people who've gone through similar issues. Does this mean that you've "come out the other side" as you say? If so, what did you find worked for you?
Also, you hit the nail on the head... In my experience, severe fatigue, brain fog and the ensuing apathy/despair is VERY likely to threaten one's ability to maintain their quality of living, including their career, relationships, and responsibilities. I'd much rather be hyped up on adrenaline and cortisol than witness my life crumble to pieces in front of my very eyes.


Aug 9, 2019
Not to say that ALL of my issues can be attributed to digestion and endotoxin, but I definitely notice that when I'm consistently eating foods which digest easily and which don't cause inflammation and edema, that I generally feel better in the days that follow (in terms of overall energy and mood).
Exactly my experience.

I also notice that low carb greatly reduces the whitish/yellowish coating
Same here.

However, low carb never made feel great, I felt terrible. So weak and lack of energy. Emotionally numb. So I had no reason to stay on it. I sometimes envy those who experience amazing benefits from low-carb, at least they can access that anytime.
I wonder why some folks just don't feel great on low-carb.

I feel bad on low-carb, I feel ok on high-carb. I don't feel amazing on either . Yet
I have stronger libido on low-carb, I have higher strength and energy on high carb.
Mentally, I feel poor on both.

For me, adopting the Peat way (with a lot of supplementing) and lowering stress hormones makes me more mellow, sedated. I am less motivated, more prone to fall into learned helplessness
I crave high-dopamine, high-adrenaline states often.
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Nov 1, 2019
striving towards health is so complicated and de-motivating at times. I wish I have never knew any of this to be honest LOL.
Oct 22, 2020
I can relate to some of the benefits of low carb because I was on the carnivore diet for more than a year, the benefits only lasted so long though. After the year mark, I was having a lot of brain fog, HFD, lethargy, hypothyroidism, no libido, I was peeing a lot, waking up 3-6 times in the night, it was horrible. As soon as I started to eat carbs again, everything improved but I was having some gut issues, mostly endotoxin related things, like dandruff, white tongue, etc., but way better than having all of those symptoms on carnivore. I'm getting better since I eat 1-2 raw carrots per day and I don't stress about it. I think that most people try to look for "life hacks" and forgetting more and more the basics and Peat's recommendations.
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