What Specific PUFA Foods Did You Remove From Your Diet?

Jun 19, 2020
I'm relatively new to this forum, and I'm still trying to understand things. I get that PUFA is considered one of the first things to get rid of, and I read post after posts that say

"Getting of PUFAs in my diet is what made me feel better"...

But what PUFA-rich foods exactly are the majority of people talking about here, that they got rid of?

I've never been a canola oil user, nor a fast food eater... I don't even know if I have that much PUFA in my pre-peat diet. I tend to eat chicken often (but usually remove the skins), and tried to make myself eat avocados from time to time... But from what I can tell, the Standard "healthy" American diet (ie: salads, meats, whole grains, fruit) doesn't really have that much PUFA in it, in the first place.

So for those of you that completely eliminated PUFAs, where were those foods exactly?

Nobody ever mentions the food they got rid of, just that they "got rid of PUFAs", so I'm still really curious what all of these PUFA-laden foods are. (And more specifically, hear from people about the actual foods they themselves removed from their own diet)

Thank you


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I think you will find a large number of your questions have been answered at least in part, previously. When I stumble onto a new avenue of learning, the first thing I do is google "ray peat " + [ray peat thing], and in fact it usually (but not always) leads me to this forum. For example, if I search "ray peat sources of pufa", I get these results as the 4th hit:


If we dissect the 3rd hit down, "unexpected sources of pufa" from the above, some of the members listed ice creams, chocolate, restaurant-cooked foods, non-ruminant animals, cold-water fish, and etc. Heres the link Im talking about: unexpected sources of PUFA

This isnt always fruitful, or sometimes it only helps in pieces or chunks, but I find it generally helpful for gathering information.

I hope this can be helpful for this specific question, as well as your health quest going forward!


Jul 1, 2015
Vegetable oil is number one. Soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, and canola oil are all included. Almost all nuts and seeds. Fatty portions of both chicken and pork. Oily fish— although I will eat sardines occasionally—that is another topic that has already been discussed ad nauseum in numerous threads here. Large amounts of wheat and dairy fat can contribute.

Vegetable oil is so major because it is added to all kinds of foods that people eat without a second thought. Anything “grilled” or sautéed at restaurants, breads, chips, crackers, salad dressings. Of course anything fried, unless you do it yourself in butter or coconut oil. Sauces.


Feb 23, 2020
Vegetable oil is number one. Soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, and canola oil are all included. Almost all nuts and seeds. Fatty portions of both chicken and pork. Oily fish— although I will eat sardines occasionally—that is another topic that has already been discussed ad nauseum in numerous threads here. Large amounts of wheat and dairy fat can contribute.

Vegetable oil is so major because it is added to all kinds of foods that people eat without a second thought. Anything “grilled” or sautéed at restaurants, breads, chips, crackers, salad dressings. Of course anything fried, unless you do it yourself in butter or coconut oil. Sauces.
What do you mean when you say that large amountso wheat and dairy fat can contribute?

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
Almost anything you get at restaurants is going to be cooked in vegetal oil or have it added to it by sauces and things like that.
Same goes for most packaged foods, even the “healthy” stuff from Whole Foods.

Avoid vegetal oil, seeds, nuts and iron enriched starch and you should do well


Jun 13, 2019
its not just fast food, but nearly every restaurant in America uses vegetable oil.


Jun 19, 2016
All PUFAs and MUFAs out, they have 0 use in human body. Egg yolks only PUFA that stays, and some animal meats like chicken etc. in moderation.
Jun 19, 2020
I think you will find a large number of your questions have been answered at least in part, previously. When I stumble onto a new avenue of learning, the first thing I do is google "ray peat " + [ray peat thing], and in fact it usually (but not always) leads me to this forum. For example, if I search "ray peat sources of pufa", I get these results as the 4th hit:


If we dissect the 3rd hit down, "unexpected sources of pufa" from the above, some of the members listed ice creams, chocolate, restaurant-cooked foods, non-ruminant animals, cold-water fish, and etc. Heres the link Im talking about: unexpected sources of PUFA

This isnt always fruitful, or sometimes it only helps in pieces or chunks, but I find it generally helpful for gathering information.

I hope this can be helpful for this specific question, as well as your health quest going forward!

Actually I've gone a step further and even looked at lists of high PUFA foods. But I wanted to hear from people what they specifically removed from their own diets, to give it more context to me.
Jun 19, 2020
Vegetable oil is number one. Soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, and canola oil are all included. Almost all nuts and seeds. Fatty portions of both chicken and pork. Oily fish— although I will eat sardines occasionally—that is another topic that has already been discussed ad nauseum in numerous threads here. Large amounts of wheat and dairy fat can contribute.

Vegetable oil is so major because it is added to all kinds of foods that people eat without a second thought. Anything “grilled” or sautéed at restaurants, breads, chips, crackers, salad dressings. Of course anything fried, unless you do it yourself in butter or coconut oil. Sauces.

Can you tell me what YOU specifically removed from your diet? That's what I'm most interested in hearing about. Thank you :)
Jun 19, 2020
All PUFAs and MUFAs out, they have 0 use in human body. Egg yolks only PUFA that stays, and some animal meats like chicken etc. in moderation.

Can you tell me what YOU specifically removed from your diet? That's what I'm most interested in hearing about. Thank you :)
Jun 19, 2020
Vegetable oil is number one. Soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, and canola oil are all included. Almost all nuts and seeds. Fatty portions of both chicken and pork. Oily fish— although I will eat sardines occasionally—that is another topic that has already been discussed ad nauseum in numerous threads here. Large amounts of wheat and dairy fat can contribute.

Vegetable oil is so major because it is added to all kinds of foods that people eat without a second thought. Anything “grilled” or sautéed at restaurants, breads, chips, crackers, salad dressings. Of course anything fried, unless you do it yourself in butter or coconut oil. Sauces.

So you specifically removed all packaged foods, restaurant foods, salad dressings, and fatty portions of chicken and pork? Anything else that you specifically had to remove from your diet (that previously you ate, and now you do not eat)?
Jun 19, 2020
+1 I occasionally have a few pecans just because I love them - but this is the correct list to answer OP’s question.

I also personally love pecans. Which is why I wanted to hear people's PERSONAL lists of foods they actually started cutting out of their diet. For example we all know KFC is a food that would be high PUFA, but if you never eat KFC in the first place, this wouldn't have been a food that you personally cut out. However, if you used to eat a ton of potato chips, and now instead you eat beef jerky, then this is an example of an actual change you made to your diet.

I am more interested in hearing the changes that people actually made (or didn't make) to their own diets.
Jun 19, 2020
I think you will find a large number of your questions have been answered at least in part, previously.

Actually no they haven't. I have already done a site wide search. I'm not asking for a list of PUFA foods, I'm asking for people's personal accounts of what they personally cut out of their own diet. And in reading many articles so far in this forum, people tend to say "I've cut out PUFA" rather than say exactly which foods they personally have cut out of their own diet (aka: foods that they used to eat, which they no longer eat)


Nov 18, 2019
I also personally love pecans. Which is why I wanted to hear people's PERSONAL lists of foods they actually started cutting out of their diet. For example we all know KFC is a food that would be high PUFA, but if you never eat KFC in the first place, this wouldn't have been a food that you personally cut out. However, if you used to eat a ton of potato chips, and now instead you eat beef jerky, then this is an example of an actual change you made to your diet.

I am more interested in hearing the changes that people actually made (or didn't make) to their own diets.
*I stopped all vegetable oils. I only use ghee, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, beef tallow.
*I stopped eating out (only occasionally for a social reason).
*I started making all of my own food from scratch like sour cream, cookies, pasta sauce (red, mushroom cream), lemonade, etc., occasionally bread (organic Einkorn all purpose flour), enchiladas, soft tacos, pan fried chicken (pasture raised, organic), cheese burgers (no bread), bone broth and on and on and on.
*I mostly stopped avocados-occasionally like once a year have guacamole.
*I stopped all beans, legumes.


Jun 13, 2019
for me personally, peanut butter and chips was the biggest pufa source I had to cut
Jun 19, 2020
*I stopped all vegetable oils. I only use ghee, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, beef tallow.
*I stopped eating out (only occasionally for a social reason).
*I started making all of my own food from scratch like sour cream, cookies, pasta sauce (red, mushroom cream), lemonade, etc., occasionally bread (organic Einkorn all purpose flour), enchiladas, soft tacos, pan fried chicken (pasture raised, organic), cheese burgers (no bread), bone broth and on and on and on.
*I mostly stopped avocados-occasionally like once a year have guacamole.
*I stopped all beans, legumes.

Interesting, thank you for that list. Sour cream from scratch, omg YUM.
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