What exactly do you think is the reason of what's going on between Russia/Ukraine and potentially other countries.


May 21, 2015
Last edited:


May 21, 2015


Jan 18, 2020
that's too much for me, I'm lost in all this


May 21, 2015


Feb 18, 2016

They are total psychos, there has to be a paper trail of coordination, I doubt the Wikileaks psyop honeypot will release anything related to king Klaus, the other psyop group anonymous are the same, they always pop up as a pseudo antiestablishment styled hacker group yet always support the latest approved ruling class social justice cause.

Your new profile pic is a great meme, it will be very effective, it highlights the amplification attraction phenomenon present in humans, "the thing" is what's amplified, it creates the illusion of potential resources, expect the woke mob to do some articles soon about it being a far right dog whistle created by Putin and Russia.


Feb 18, 2016

"I think there are two scenarios:

Either Putin and Zelensky are joined in a conspiracy with the Schwab globalists.

Or the West deliberately pushed Putin into invading Ukraine and is now taking full advantage of the war it helped create (while Putin takes advantage of a commodity grab).

The bottom line is that I don’t think it matters whether Putin is part of the Global Reset plan or is simply being used by the conspirators.

What I do know for certain is that we can’t trust anything governments say or do and we cannot trust anything we are told by any of the mainstream media. Indeed, it is safer to assume that everything on the mainstream media is a lie and is there to mislead and confuse.

So, we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be massively distracted by this war. How or why it happened is irrelevant.

We need to ignore the war and keep an eye on their endgame.

And this means that we need to keep in mind the long-term aims of the conspirators.

They want more deaths, they want digital passports, they want a cashless society, they want an energy crisis, they want global poverty and massive unemployment. In the UK, the Government is pushing through a mass of scary new legislation. (If you haven’t seen it please watch my video entitled ‘It’s Time to be Terrified’ which was first published on 4th February 2022.)

I’m afraid that the only thing that matters to us is that Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine will help them with all of those things.

And so those are the things we should concentrate on and concerning ourselves with.

We should ignore this war and continue to fight our own war for our freedom.

Time is rapidly running out.

I fear that we have until the end of 2022 to defeat them.

We have ten months left and the ticking of the clock is deafening.

This is no time for distractions of any kind."
This is it, its a psyop when people continually need to know the why of it, digging up history, derailing etc, reasonable occasional questions along those lines is ok but focusing on preventing the desired outcome and taking action to do so is more important.

Italy for example just used the Ukraine/Russia war to extend covid emergency measures.

We also have destroyed biolabs, they can now release small pox and the Ukraine is an easy blame, once again we need vaxx passports/digital Id.


May 21, 2015
Blumenthal is a disinfo guy, same with stone, this is likely a limited hangout with glaringly obvious omissions.
I think you might be right, I don't see to many other people even recognizing the Nazism in Ukraine and how it was propped up, armed, and bankrolled by the United States. It just seemed like a step in the right direction but people should be aware of what you've pointed out as I've seen some evidence of it as well but I'm not certain


Feb 18, 2016
There is twitter chatter of Putin bombing some western central banks, the FED, ECB and Bank of England would love this, perfect excuse for market collapse and great reset, IMF takes over, most high up FED staff happen to not go in on the day like 9/11, all highly unlikely but we are dealing with psychotics who poison people with mRNA vaccines.


Feb 18, 2016
I think you might be right, I don't see to many other people even recognizing the Nazism in Ukraine and how it was propped up, armed, and bankrolled by the United States. It just seemed like a step in the right direction but people should be aware of what you've pointed out as I've seen some evidence of it as well but I'm not certain
I wouldn't rule out this being a Hegelian exercise as I mentioned earlier in the thread, its entirely possible the USA armed and normalised the Neo nazis and then left, allow all of them to come out of the nazi closet over a period of years as they felt legitimised, its like terror groups in countries, its hard to smoke them out, this could have been the tactic all along, even Israel sent the Neo nazis weapons, Putin is going in now to clean them up?

Who knows, in the end its all working class delusions seeded by the ruling class which end up killing and enslaving said working class.


May 21, 2015
I wouldn't rule out this being a Hegelian exercise as I mentioned earlier in the thread, its entirely possible the USA armed and normalised the Neo nazis and then left, allow all of them to come out of the nazi closet over a period of years as they felt legitimised, its like terror groups in countries, its hard to smoke them out, this could have been the tactic all along, even Israel sent the Neo nazis weapons, Putin is going in now to clean them up?

Who knows, in the end its all working class delusions seeded by the ruling class which end up killing and enslaving said working class.
I'm not sure I agree with you. It seems very clear that socialist sentiment was spreading through Ukraine since the 90s and US support of fascism in ukraine and the Maiden coup of 2014 were attempts to cleanse the region of socialism. Putin previously refused to support Donbass separatists because of their socialism which he didn't want spreading into Russia as they already spend a lot of time, energy, and money cracking down on communists there.

There is some talk of Kremlin offing charismatic leaders of the Donbass militia themselves for this very reason

If you've read any history the US capitalists (such as the Rockefeller's) supported fascism before WW2 to combat socialism in Europe. All of these political issues stem from economics. Capitalist support of fascism is nothing new and there is a plethora of research and source documents supporting and demonstrating this if you'd like me to provide them.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Capitalist support of fascism is nothing new and there is a plethora of research and source documents supporting and demonstrating this if you'd like me to provide them.

What you mean, even if you don't know it, which you probably don't, is capitalist oligarch support of fascism. Capitalism itself is a system that anyone can participate in and benefit from. Millions upon millions have.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Tankie propaganda. Soviets were the bad guys, and people who lived in the SU have confirmed this. There is a reason Western citizens were allowed to move freely and Soviet citizens were not.


Sep 24, 2016
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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