What did high dose inositol do to me?


Oct 14, 2016
Why did inositol at even a few grams begin to create depersonalization and anxiety in a few days for me ? It has been linked to 5HT2A and acetylcholine.
Maybe you used to high of a dose? You could try taking below one gram and stacking with choline (popular stack).


May 30, 2018
Sorry! I should have been more descriptive. During the two days, I experienced zero anxiety, like there was a shield between me and any negative thought. Also felt dopaminergic, maybe a little too much.
But on the second day I started to disassociate pretty bad, couldn’t stay awake, and my eyes were producing a lot of mucous where if I closed them they would actually stick together. I thought something bad was happening so I dropped it.

Over the next ten days I felt like my brain lit up in a way it hasn’t since I was in my late teenage years. My brain feels quicker, everything is brighter, and I feel more connected to people. My libido, which wasn’t terrible before but maybe a little numbed, has returned full force. More human is a way id describe these effects. Overall happy this happened but looking into what could cause these long lasting effects
If I had to make a bet, I would say it reset your production of oxytocin (impact DHT and libido, social interactions, energy).
Also, regarding the antibiotic effect you mentioned, I discovered that inositol is linked with the activation of a transcription factor called XBP1, which is involved in bile and antimicrobial peptides production in the gut. A lot of people report having digestion issues when they start but it eventually tend to normalize.

I tried inositol again and I get more dream recall (something I rarely experience normally). I don't know if someone knows what it means in terms of hormones/neurotransmitters?
It's interesting because people also report colloidal gold improve their dream recall and (one of) my hypothesis is that oxytocin (and vasopressin) could carry metal like silver and gold around.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Never cared for this supplement, it created depersonalization and anxiety for me, even at doses under one gram


Oct 9, 2020
If I had to make a bet, I would say it reset your production of oxytocin (impact DHT and libido, social interactions, energy).
Also, regarding the antibiotic effect you mentioned, I discovered that inositol is linked with the activation of a transcription factor called XBP1, which is involved in bile and antimicrobial peptides production in the gut. A lot of people report having digestion issues when they start but it eventually tend to normalize.

I tried inositol again and I get more dream recall (something I rarely experience normally). I don't know if someone knows what it means in terms of hormones/neurotransmitters?
It's interesting because people also report colloidal gold improve their dream recall and (one of) my hypothesis is that oxytocin (and vasopressin) could carry metal like silver and gold around.

Could you elaborate please on how inositol impacts oxytocin, DHT and energy, libido etc?

Actually I would greatly appreciate any and all information on how this compound actually works because it's so difficult to find this online.

I ask because taking 11g of Myo inositol each day for 5 weeks permanently wrecked my cognition/ADHD, slowed down my brain and gave me facial muscle tightness, spasms and myoclonus. It also caused me to get words and letters muddled all the time and it's all very concerning. It's been years.

I will look into XBP1


May 30, 2018
Could you elaborate please on how inositol impacts oxytocin, DHT and energy, libido etc?

Actually I would greatly appreciate any and all information on how this compound actually works because it's so difficult to find this online.

I ask because taking 11g of Myo inositol each day for 5 weeks permanently wrecked my cognition/ADHD, slowed down my brain and gave me facial muscle tightness, spasms and myoclonus. It also caused me to get words and letters muddled all the time and it's all very concerning. It's been years.

Based on what he reported, I thought that his oxytocin levels might have get back to normal levels. It's an hypothesis of mine that some people are stuck with low oxytocin levels (like hibernating animals can have from some studies).

Oxytocin has been shown to increase the conversion of testosterone to DHT. That's why I thought about it when he said that his libido increased. That and the connection with other people he talked about.

Finally, inositol is an osmolyte (a molecule that can help cells counteract osmotic stress) and oxytocin is connected to the regulation of fluids, as it is a parent of vasopressin.

Regarding your sever symptoms, I'm not a doctor and am far from having researched the kind of neurological issues you seem to suffer from. If I had to make a bet though, I would say you could try colloidal gold. Some people report that their brain works better on it. I even wonder if I didn't see someone say that it helped facial contractions (my mother also suffers from such things with her eyes, that's why this kind of things attract my attention), but it was maximum one testimony I saw among the whole so I'm not sure it's worth something.
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