Vitamin D Really Toxic?


Nov 6, 2015
Your thoughts on this?


As CEO of The People's, I'm both amazed and disgusted by how many
people are being tested for vitamin D. Chemist, founder and author, Shane
Ellison, wrote Over-The-Counter Natural Cures years ago to warn consumers.

(As such, he is hated by the "health gurus" preaching vitamin D. But, we
aren't in this for a popularity contest.)

As CEO, I've seen the damage of synthetic vitamins with my own eyes. I've
also got to see the miraculous turnaround!

So, I'm writing this to say, at the very least, ditch the synthetic vitamins!
And stop letting your doctors give you "tests" that are designed for failure.

Vitamin D, also known D2 or D3, when manufactured synthetically, has the
chemical name cholecalciferol. Made in a lab, designed off hormones made
by the body, it is nothing close to a "vitamin."

Look past the vitamin D ads and hype and you'll notice that cholecalciferol
is best known as "rat poison!" And your pets can be harmed by it, too!

The Pet Poison Helpline warns that cholecalciferol is toxic to animals and
that "Common signs to watch for are lethargy, poor appetite, weakness,
increased thirst and urination, halitosis [and] organ failure."

But where's the warning for the humans? Cholecalciferol has the exact same
effects on kids, women, children and men…But, you won't easily find one,
because vitamin D is very profitable, thanks to the neatly designed ploy of
administering "a test."

It's so hard for people to see past the smoke and mirrors.

The state of health is an outrage, and declining.

For the first time in history despite all of our advancements and
technology, it's getting even worse. And synthetic vitamin makers are trying
to profit from it, telling you vitamin D is good for everything from getting
pregnant to boosting athletic endurance. Not true. Forget all the fabricated
and fake studies paid for by the maker - Big Pharma.

Don't be the next victim.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) specifically mobilizes calcium from the bones
into the blood stream. This can lead to excess calcium in the blood
(hypercalcemia), kidney failure, central nervous system depression and
heart failure. Hence, it's a great poison.

It's real. It's happening to millions on vitamin D, right now.

The National Library of Medicine warns: "Early symptoms of hypercalcemia
may include weakness, fatigue, somnolence, headaches, anorexia, dry mouth,
metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, constipation, diarrhea,
vertigo,..." and the list goes on.

Sounds a lot like the warning for cats and dogs, doesn't it?

That's just the early warning for ONE synthetic vitamin. Imagine the effect
of many over a lifetime, accumulating in your body - folic acid, vitamin A,
vitamin C….

There's a meme going around social media that says "the path to inner peace
is begins with four words: Not My ******* Problem."

It's kind of true…nobody suffers from your intake of synthetic vitamins,
except you. So technically, it's not our problem or anyone else's.

But, at The People's Chemist, we've made it our problem and we've been
fixing it for over 10 years! We are the only company in the world that
makes truly natural, healthy supplements that come with measurable results.

So effective, our company slogan is "Ditch The Meds."

At the end of the day, it's about living young…It's about more time with
your kids. It's about more early mornings, watching the sunrise and
sipping coffee. It's about more evenings sharing a bottle of wine with a
good friend…

But on synthetic vitamins, you slowly erode your longevity and lose these
memorable moments.

So ditch the synthetic vitamins.

Ditch the meds.

Start living young.

The best place to begin is by reading, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures
Expanded ( and also taking Daily Dose

Best regards,

Jeff Milano
The People's Chemist"


Jan 6, 2015
Sorry I didn't read it all,but I experienced vitamin d excess,110 ng was my level,it really feel bad.but I took very high dose.
Yes in excess it cause bones to release calcium into blood and also cause hypercalcemia which is very bad.
But in normal dose its just a vitamin and very important ,if someone doest get sun light then its very good to supplement.
Especially if you check your levels and stay in safe dose of 2-5000iu and have enough vit A&k in your diet,you will be fine.
Nov 21, 2015
I also think that K2 and A are necessary co-factors, and people's bad experience with D is because of not getting these.

There is ample evidence that vitamin D levels should be 50 - 100 and are often too low, IMHO.


Jul 25, 2013
if we start from a fact that this substance was mislabeled as vitamin at some point in the past (and no "authority" corrected that yet) many other "surprising" findings will come out.
This substance is, by every definition, a hormone -- made by human body from cholesterol, like all other hormones. Particularly, it is made from cholesterol in the skin when exposed to UV light. Commercial one is made from ship skin exposed to UV. Your skin can do that same.


Jul 8, 2016
Enthusiastic messages like this are killed with links to the end to his own supplement shop, which is selling a number of supplements, the cheapest of which is $30 for what, a 1 month supply?

Also, I always laugh when people use the "big pharma" line when talking about D3. You can buy 360 caps of D3 at a decent dose for $12. Are we really talking about big bucks pharma here?

His slogan is "ditch the meds" but buy everything from our shop which is definitely safe and worth your money.

Also no links to studies to prove anything he says.

"Vitamin D, also known D2 or D3, when manufactured synthetically, has the chemical name cholecalciferol"

D2 is called ergocalciferol which has had some questions asked about its usefulness. Is his whole argument against D2? Which nobody recommends?

Dude is selling a "serotonin" supplement, which consists of valerian and tryptophan at $45 a bottle. Do not take advice from this man.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
In my pre-Peat days I was prescribed D2 50,000 units to be taken once a week by an M.D. to correct a deficiency. A month supply from the pharmacy cost less than 2 USD so I can't imagine that it's a big money maker. I could tell by the second dose that my teeth were becoming transparent so I stopped taking it right away. I had kidney pain around the same time as well but who knows maybe that was just a coincidence. I'm not really sure of the rationale in dosing it in that manner but it certainly didn't agree with me-it felt toxic.

I've wondered how the sick, elderly people must feel *and if they are actually harmed* when they are given such a high dose because that's the typical way it's prescribed to nursing home residents in my area of the world.

I've never had any problem though with more reasonable doses of 2-5,000 units in D3 form.


Jan 25, 2014
In my pre-Peat days I was prescribed D2 50,000 units to be taken once a week by an M.D. to correct a deficiency. A month supply from the pharmacy cost less than 2 USD so I can't imagine that it's a big money maker. I could tell by the second dose that my teeth were becoming transparent so I stopped taking it right away. I had kidney pain around the same time as well but who knows maybe that was just a coincidence. I'm not really sure of the rationale in dosing it in that manner but it certainly didn't agree with me-it felt toxic.

I've wondered how the sick, elderly people must feel *and if they are actually harmed* when they are given such a high dose because that's the typical way it's prescribed to nursing home residents in my area of the world.

I've never had any problem though with more reasonable doses of 2-5,000 units in D3 form.

Anecdotally, I've heard more people have issues with D2 than the D3 form. In the past, I've done the Vitamin D "megadose" (40,000iu of D3) for a few days when I've had or felt a cold coming on. It seemed to help, and I don't remember any negative effects. However, I've also supplemented Vitamin A, K2 and Magnesium for as long as I've taken D, so that could have been a bigger factor than the form of D.

It's funny, I'm currently doing much lower doses of D, but really high doses of Vitamin A (over 100,000iu) to see if has any positive effects on my skin.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Anecdotally, I've heard more people have issues with D2 than the D3 form. In the past, I've done the Vitamin D "megadose" (40,000iu of D3) for a few days when I've had or felt a cold coming on. It seemed to help, and I don't remember any negative effects. However, I've also supplemented Vitamin A, K2 and Magnesium for as long as I've taken D, so that could have been a bigger factor than the form of D.

It's funny, I'm currently doing much lower doses of D, but really high doses of Vitamin A (over 100,000iu) to see if has any positive effects on my skin.
I really enjoyed the link you posted. It sounds like I must have been super sensitive because I had many of the toxicity symptoms. I wasn't doing any other fat soluble vitamins or magnesium at the time either which seems pretty important!
I hope your vitamin A experiment goes well.


Apr 17, 2015
I know there is quite some negativity against vitamin D in this forum, but when I emailed RP and told him that My PCOS with amenorrhea is not responding to high amouoof Pregnenolone, progesterone and thyroid, he told me to take vitamin D. I experimented with it for a short period of time, but I was very stressed and my health started deteriorating and had to stop taking it. At some point I will try again. If it is that bad, why would he not warn about it or suggest to take with other vitamins, supplements?


Apr 13, 2016
I know there is quite some negativity against vitamin D in this forum, but when I emailed RP and told him that My PCOS with amenorrhea is not responding to high amouoof Pregnenolone, progesterone and thyroid, he told me to take vitamin D. I experimented with it for a short period of time, but I was very stressed and my health started deteriorating and had to stop taking it. At some point I will try again. If it is that bad, why would he not warn about it or suggest to take with other vitamins, supplements?

I think his position is that he likes vitamin D, but within reason. Some people like 1,000,000 IU every week. I think he has referred people to the Vitamin D Council for information on it, so that might be a good place to look for good dosages and serum levels.


Apr 9, 2015
Anecdotally, I've heard more people have issues with D2 than the D3 form. In the past, I've done the Vitamin D "megadose" (40,000iu of D3) for a few days when I've had or felt a cold coming on. It seemed to help, and I don't remember any negative effects. However, I've also supplemented Vitamin A, K2 and Magnesium for as long as I've taken D, so that could have been a bigger factor than the form of D.

It's funny, I'm currently doing much lower doses of D, but really high doses of Vitamin A (over 100,000iu) to see if has any positive effects on my skin.
I did this and I've come to the conclusion that vitamin A actually makes my skin worse


Sep 9, 2015
My mother forwards me these awful sales emails disguised as a solemn warning. They all follow the same format:

'Common advice is wrong! You're in great danger! There's a large conspiracy to keep the truth from you, but don't worry my motives are pure! I just want you to be healthy! In fact I'm the only person who can make you healthy and happy! For the low low price of $39.99..'

Maybe there's a reason to avoid oral D3 (it's made from sheep's wool btw so pretty 'natural' if that's what your into) but nothing in this long rambling 'but wait there's more!' style missive would cause me concern.


Aug 15, 2015
I wouldn't take more than 1000 IU of vitamin D3 in divided doses throughout the day because I already live in a hot sunny country. Balance it with K2 and liver/vitamin A as people mentioned above with good amounts of magnesium and milk/calcium.


Nov 6, 2015
Thanks to everyone who replied, that’s some good thoughts there! I was having doubts also because I rarely hear a positive story in regards to vitamin D supplementation, so I decided to ask Peat about it. He replied: “I’ve seen some quick improvements from serious symptoms with a supplement of it. I think low thyroid could increase the need for it. It takes lots of summer sun direct exposure of a lot of skin to make enough vitamin D.”

As for its toxicity, there is no doubt that it can be toxic if the amount is too high, but as far as “rat poison” goes, I only find that it is used in very high concentrations for that purpose. The guy I cited above can have some good insights, but yeah, his serotonin supplement and some other stuff is highly questionable.
Nov 21, 2015
I feel it's very beneficial. I've been doing it for years now and I think I'm much better for it. Take it in the morning though.

I take 20000 units or so most days. Some days or weeks none at all. Always with K2.

My levels were 80 when I did a blood test.


Nov 6, 2015
I feel it's very beneficial. I've been doing it for years now and I think I'm much better for it. Take it in the morning though.

I take 20000 units or so most days. Some days or weeks none at all. Always with K2.

My levels were 80 when I did a blood test.

Thanks for sharing, hamster. In which areas have you noticed improvement? Does it help with your headaches? (I think I remember you mentioning them, I have the same problem and it gets worse if I raise my metabolism with say T3 - very annoying)
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