Toenail Fungas! Help!

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
How’s it looking now? You learn anything new?

Sending an update. I took a dremel tool and ground off the dead looking stuff like I normally do, but this time I kept going into the hump that has built up towards the back of the nail. Didn't hurt so I kept going, thinning it down... until it started bleeding (which I didn't expect). That's actually a good sign because the last time I did that the nail healed for a long time. Apparently fluid gets trapped or something. Maybe fungus toxins are causing that, I don't know. But I'll stay on top of it since this latest good development and will report back.


Sep 24, 2016
I’ve had a lot of toenail problems due to extensive basketball and football in younger and not so young years. Countless times I had a boot on my big toes especially, with almost instantaneous heamatoma.

Even before my own medical training I adopted the technique of letting of the pressure and blood asap with a lanceta or something similar. You need to drill a hole into the fresh wound when blood hasn’t coagulated yet.

If you didn’t and toenail fungus evolved and some clotted blood residues I have „developed“ a way that gets rid of these issues quicker and much more healthily than with systemic antimycotic therapy or month long lacquer treatment from the pharmacy:

Mechanical Abrasation of as much dead nail tissue as you can stand.
Then a 40% salicylic acid cream or salve to dissolve as much tissue as possible and already simultaneously kill the pathogens.

Then, every few days apply an essential oil mixture. I use lemonoil (!) as „base“ and into it: cedar oil. Tea tree. Eucalyptus. Palamrosa. Copaiba. And isolated Farnesol.

That’s such a broad spectrum anti-fungal action that regardless of actual species they cannot sustain. The oils also speed up tissue renewal but don’t overdo it. You have to get a feeling for it.

But if really works.

(Urea high concentration can also be used but recently I found that saliva acid salve is Even more effective)


Feb 18, 2017
Got rid of mine with rubbing alcohol. Didn't have it bad, just under my big toenail, but had it for years. Started spraying my feet with alcohol, then putting on my socks while feet still wet, then putting on my shoes. Feet stay stink-free and fungus went away.
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