Temperature Reset à La Steve Richfield

Nov 16, 2012
So you fixed the dry zombie looking hands by just resetting your temp and keeping it high?

That's right. I still have just the tiniest amount of dryness right on top of the knuckles but it's a 95% improvement over how it would normally be.
Nov 21, 2015
Exciting stuff this morning wake up temp was 97.5. Highest it's ever been. Woot! Shower entry was already at 98.2. Much easier to get to 98.6. And stayed near there after hastily donning lots of clothing. Great sign.
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Nov 16, 2012
I found unless I stay very well dressed in the afternoon, I usually crash to some weird midway setpoint of 36.7° and get some nasty brain-fog. This most often happens between 5 and 7 PM. If I stay dressed in winter clothing during this time I usually make it to 9 PM and then gradually transition to sleeping temperatures.

I might also consider sleeping clothed, because I throw all the covers off an hour after I fall asleep, then when the room goes cold overnight, I probably dump all my adrenaline to stay warm...
Nov 21, 2015
staying in front of red lights with some really strong and close exposure can keep me at 98.6 or a little higher even...better than winter clothes. But I'm alternating...I did winter clothing from the morning through to the mid-afternoon, about 6 hours.

I had a crash when I went shopping though.

Then went into the hot car, cranked the heat ALL the way up, and with the sun into the car, and no windows open, and winter clothing, got to 98.6 ish by the time I got home. It was very challenging because then my temps crashed again but then came back. They are 98.6 now still with the lights.

Throat still a little sore, but better. No bowel movements so I can't see if that is good or bad today.

I'm eating less, not as hungry. I think I'm losing weight this way, losing fat rather.

Mental clarity is good! Much easier today than yesterday and much easier than the day before. I'm not tired at all now, and for awhile there I was feeling really sleepy and napping in the early evening.

I am getting a radiant heater to use also, for the short term. Steve says that it takes about 2 weeks, and each day you stay warmer longer. And after 2 weeks you stay warm on your own without all the accoutrements. I just want to be warm, warm, warm all the time.

He recommends only drinking warmed up liquids in the meantime. Not even room temps, but warmed up. I am not sure I want to warm up a Coke though I might do it anyway.
Nov 16, 2012
staying in front of red lights with some really strong and close exposure can keep me at 98.6 or a little higher even...better than winter clothes. But I'm alternating...I did winter clothing from the morning through to the mid-afternoon, about 6 hours.
I had a crash when I went shopping though.
Then went into the hot car, cranked the heat ALL the way up, and with the sun into the car, and no windows open, and winter clothing, got to 98.6 ish by the time I got home. It was very challenging because then my temps crashed again but then came back. They are 98.6 now still with the lights.
Throat still a little sore, but better. No bowel movements so I can't see if that is good or bad today.
I'm eating less, not as hungry. I think I'm losing weight this way, losing fat rather.
Mental clarity is good! Much easier today than yesterday and much easier than the day before. I'm not tired at all now, and for awhile there I was feeling really sleepy and napping in the early evening.
I am getting a radiant heater to use also, for the short term. Steve says that it takes about 2 weeks, and each day you stay warmer longer. And after 2 weeks you stay warm on your own without all the accoutrements. I just want to be warm, warm, warm all the time.
He recommends only drinking warmed up liquids in the meantime. Not even room temps, but warmed up. I am not sure I want to warm up a Coke though I might do it anyway.

Nice! I have a really big surge in mental clarity from 11 AM - 12 PM. Now I just need to work on avoiding the afternoon crashes.
I also noticed being less hungry, and lost some weight particularly around my midsection.

Also, a bit more about my hands (I just can't stop being amazed).

For the past 13 years they used to look exactly like this (just add in even deeper 'canals', redness, and bleeding) every November - May:


Nov 21, 2015
So I’ve been working on this since Monday. I’m learning a lot. Wednesday and Thursday quite a lot of fresh blood in my stool. It obviously is coming from the anus and is nothing indicative of anything serious inside. I used to bleed there in the past when I was highly inflammatory back in the old days.

Also I’ve had a scratchy throat and been a little sneezy. I used to sneeze a lot, but more recently with improvements in my gut, not much. Are these typical of “strange” symptoms that pass as one does the reset? Anyone know?

I know from my teaching of the Buteyko method such types of reactions are common enough, Herxeimer’s or cleansing reactions or whatever you want to call it.

Just wanted to ask your opinion about this. Is this typical?

I am re-reading Steve's material and his emails to me in the past.

Today I woke up at 97.1 not 97.5. I read in Steve's book that this “compensatory reaction” is common. I also realized I should drink hot liquids, some salt and sugar etc., and then go into the shower after waiting a bit, while I was doing the reverse this week.

Any suggestions appreciated.
Nov 16, 2012
I have also symptoms of a cold / bacterial issues - coughing and a sore throat ever since starting the reset. I'm probably just gonna wait it out. Not sure what else to tell you. Maybe buff up on some Vitamin C?
Nov 21, 2015
I'm falling back so much to the low 98s that I'm not fighting it. I'll keep warm and not worry about it for 3 days and then try another reset I think. I'm at 98.6 right now under lights etc., but it was SO difficult that I couldn't stay anywhere near 98.6 today.

I suppose I didn't have enough good winter clothing etc. So I am getting my heater tomorrow and will be better prepared to do a 16 hour reset next week. Meanwhile I'll stay in the low 98s and my body will continue adjusting to higher temperatures anyway.
Nov 16, 2012
Good luck.

I am dealing with a different problem every day. I can stay at 98.6 from around 10 AM to 5 PM And then my set point just drops. Can't do much about it, no matter how I dress, I don't sweat, don't heat up, my temps just don't go up after that point any more. I might have to talk to Steve.
Nov 21, 2015
Good luck.

I am dealing with a different problem every day. I can stay at 98.6 from around 10 AM to 5 PM And then my set point just drops. Can't do much about it, no matter how I dress, I don't sweat, don't heat up, my temps just don't go up after that point any more. I might have to talk to Steve.

can you get into a hot car or something like that?
Nov 16, 2012
can you get into a hot car or something like that?

No but I can usually lean on a radiator or something really warm like that.

BUT. Odd thing happened today. My temp dropped around 6 PM to 98.06 like usual. Normally I'd give up and remove my heavy clothing and dress normally for the rest of the day. Today I didn't. I put on a hat and scarf back on. Temps STILL stayed the same for one hour and wouldn't increase despite me dressing warmer.

Then all of a sudden I started feeling a bit warmer, out of nowhere. Went to check, 98.42. Huh, I thought.
Kept slowly feeling warmer and warmer, now one hour later, I shot up to 98.78°, same clothing.

From now on I will definitely stay dressed no matter what so that my body doesn't use this temporary drop in temperature as a disarming tactic to get me to give up.
Nov 21, 2015
YES, that exactly.

much harder day today. But I spent the whole day either in front of lights or in winter clothing. Went out for dinner in winter clothing. And now my temps are 98.2 F at 11:20pm.

During the day I really crashed in the afternoon and spent the day kind of sleepy. Bit I kept winter clothing on anyway.

Despite the crashes, I got a lot of brainy work done in between naps. I think the key is to stay warm all the time and not get cold at ALL, at ALL. Stay very warm.

Just right.

And didn't have bloody stool today either.
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Nov 21, 2015
Woke at 97.9 today. First time that has ever happened. Or at least for many many years. Wow.

I can see in a couple of weeks or so I'll be warmer all the time and in a few months I won't have to wear super warm clothing maybe. Wow!!

Throat still a little raw. A little sneezy this morning.
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Nov 21, 2015
also, Steve says that your adrenaline and cortisol falls and you may feel low energy, I suppose as your thyroid has to up-regulate. Anyway, stress hormones fall. This has happened to me the last few nights. I wake up and feel a low blood sugarish feeling. Not terrible, not urgent, just a bit different than in the past.
Nov 16, 2012
also, Steve says that your adrenaline and cortisol falls and you may feel low energy, I suppose as your thyroid has to up-regulate. Anyway, stress hormones fall. This has happened to me the last few nights. I wake up and feel a low blood sugarish feeling. Not terrible, not urgent, just a bit different than in the past.

Today around 11 AM I felt amazing. So energetic, hyper, happy, I just couldn't stop moving. Rest of the day wasn't bad either.

If this doesn't fix my hypothyroidism then nothing will, because it sure feels like it's working better with each passing day. I really wanna see that blood test now.


Oct 27, 2016
also, Steve says that your adrenaline and cortisol falls and you may feel low energy, I suppose as your thyroid has to up-regulate. Anyway, stress hormones fall. This has happened to me the last few nights. I wake up and feel a low blood sugarish feeling. Not terrible, not urgent, just a bit different than in the past.
Hamster, why don't you just use a little T3 ala Tyronene to get your temperature up? It's worked for me and my rat. I've only taken a little bit, maybe two times a day. Or are you trying to avoid the supplement route?
Nov 21, 2015
Hamster, why don't you just use a little T3 ala Tyronene to get your temperature up? It's worked for me and my rat. I've only taken a little bit, maybe two times a day. Or are you trying to avoid the supplement route?

T3 never worked for me.


Tried it a number of times.


Oct 27, 2016
Oh, if someone has been exercising, and their temperature falls after exercise, I have noticed if you drink orange juice right after your workout, it brings your temperature back up again.
Nov 21, 2015
Today around 11 AM I felt amazing. So energetic, hyper, happy, I just couldn't stop moving. Rest of the day wasn't bad either.

If this doesn't fix my hypothyroidism then nothing will, because it sure feels like it's working better with each passing day. I really wanna see that blood test now.

How long since you first did your first day of the reset?
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