Temperature Reset à La Steve Richfield


Sep 13, 2012
No diet, supplement, mineral, skin cream, or hormone helped my low temperatures or my cracking hands. This looks like it's going to be the first autumn-spring in 13 years that I will have normal-looking hands. I almost can't believe it but it's right there in front of me. I was always embarassed of my hands in the cold season, they looked like the hands of a decaying zombie... Now they are about 95% summer quality.

A quote from Steve's website:

Number 4 is me. My 'famine' was almost 2 years of various alternate day and intermittent fasts, calorie restriction, eating 500 calories on a whole day, and other bull****. There isn't really all that much broken, my brain just adapted to the conditions it was exposed to. I wouldn't be surprised if my 'primary hypothyroidism' turns out to be nothing but an adaptation to what I went through, and that my thyroid is actually perfectly fine.
Congrats of teaching your body how to have a normal temp!! I did it with thyroid, hit normal temps and beyond.... except my body wasn't used to it... and I went through the extreme adrenaline rushes. Maybe that is all they are, just trying to keep the body at a stable temp.
Nov 16, 2012
Congrats of teaching your body how to have a normal temp!! I did it with thyroid, hit normal temps and beyond.... except my body wasn't used to it... and I went through the extreme adrenaline rushes. Maybe that is all they are, just trying to keep the body at a stable temp.

Still some ways to go. Today I went out again and maintained my temps outside in the rain and cold weather, so that is good.

Now I still need to work on my night-time temperatures, and I want to get to the point where my temperature comes up on its own in the morning. I have some trouble getting my temperture up adequately in the first 2-3 hours after I wake up. Need a good amount of coffee, steaming shower and lots of clothing. Right now I am only wearing an extra pair of shorts, long socks and a two shirts and can maintain my 98.6°. But in the morning I have to dress like an eskimo to keep it. So hopefully I have some success fixing that as well.
Sep 4, 2016

Thanks for your detailed log. I'm curious to try this experiment myself starting this weekend... I'd only use the shower, clothing, and coffee though since I don't take thyroid at all.

I'm certainly doing better than I was months ago. When I first started paying attention to temps I was waking up in the 95s. That's steadily gone up to the 96s in the mornings, and now I wake up around 97.7-97.9. By mid afternoon (1-3 PM) I'm either 98.7 or 99 which is when I feel really awesome, but I do notice it still takes sometime to warm up like you were talking about.

My question though is this: isn't there a natural fluctuation of body temperature?? Like shouldn't it be lower upon rising and then top out in the mid afternoon and decline a bit as evening approaches? I want to make sure I'm setting realistic expectations for my body in a natural rhythm. Maybe it's just that it shouldn't dip below 98.6?

Look forward to what you achieve in the next couple of days and trying it myself!


Sep 13, 2012
Daytime temps should be set at 98.6. I don't feel well until my thyroid is taking over the temperature instead of adrenaline usually that means eating more in the earlier part of the day. A lot of people use coffee, but I have trouble with coffee and panic attacks.


Sep 13, 2012
Nov 16, 2012
So even first thing in the morning (I often rise between 6 and 7:30) temps should be 98.6?

Steve recommends having 98.6 throughout the day and 97.34 in the evening (or when asleep). The transition between those two usually is not abrupt but gradual.
However, my body seems to have a tendency toward 98° setpoint for an evening temperature, i.e. it doesn't drop enough. Not sure why.
In the morning I wake up with a temperature that is slightly low - 96.98. It then takes me approximately 3 - 4 hours to get up to 98.6. I can get there sooner but I have to use so much clothing.
I don't know how quickly you should hit 98.6 though. Maybe a few hours is OK. I got the idea that it should be up there within an hour of waking up, but maybe not. In the afternoon I can maintain 98.6 with normal clothing, but I am still overdressing until I am sure the setpoint is set in stone.
Nov 21, 2015
I used Buteyko exercises very very strong and vigorously over a year or two, and I believe that although it was a net HUGE benefit, it did lower my temps a LOT.

I didn't know anything about thyroid then and neither did my teachers and coaches.
Nov 21, 2015
Mine was 98.6 but fell. Not sure why. I had a bunch of coffee -- could it be the caffeine? Anyhow, I gave up for the day as Steve had said not to fight it in these cases. Around 97F. now. Quite the crash.
Nov 16, 2012
Mine was 98.6 but fell. Not sure why. I had a bunch of coffee -- could it be the caffeine? Anyhow, I gave up for the day as Steve had said not to fight it in these cases. Around 97F. now. Quite the crash.

Mine was at 98.6 from 12 - 19 hrs today, unfortunately I didn't dress forcibly warm so it took a nose-dive. I could tell by the immediate brain-fog and when I measured I was at 97.88. I guess it will take months as Steve says, until my brain actually prefers this mode but I will continue pushing it every day as much as I can. What sucks is that I have to start work next week so it's going to be tough to get warm in the mornings since I won't be able to dress like an Eskimo.

The benefits are well worth it because leaving the house at 98.6 I just feel so much more open, outgoing, friendly and can really enjoy my interactions with people. I'm also smarter, wittier and more confident. I will do whatever it takes to be like this all the time.

It beats out even the effects of thyroid hormones by and large.


Sep 13, 2015
I used Buteyko exercises very very strong and vigorously over a year or two, and I believe that although it was a net HUGE benefit, it did lower my temps a LOT.
I had some similar experience. My highest CP was when i had Low temps. I got a cold even though according to buteyko i shouldnt get one. That brought me to peat and now even with a lower CP i did not get a cold for 2 years now. Thats one reason i think if one practise the buteyko methods one shiuld pay attention to ones temperature to be safe that one is improving health.
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Mar 29, 2014
Thanks you very much for these reports. Congratulations on progress.

-Not sure what the thyroid status is right now, not taking thyroid supplements at the moment but will wait up to 2 weeks to see if it "wakes up" and then do some lab tests
If you took T4 a couple of days previously, you will probably have that in your system for a few more days. If you are converting it effectively to T3, then you may still be getting effects from that supplementation?

What sucks is that I have to start work next week so it's going to be tough to get warm in the mornings since I won't be able to dress like an Eskimo.
Woolley underwear and socks :)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
What sucks is that I have to start work next week so it's going to be tough to get warm in the mornings since I won't be able to dress like an Eskimo.
You could get some far infrared clothing to wear under your regular clothes when you have to work. I bought far infrared socks a couple years ago when I had to work in an unheated office and they worked pretty good.
Nov 21, 2015
Today I woke at 97.1, got up to 98.6, then temps crashed later. I tried coffee but it may have made it worse. I was at 96ish for awhile, and feeling tired, but not as bad as yeseterday. I will try again tomorrow. Maybe I'll work on increasing temperatures for 3 hours tomorrow, then let things just go. Maybe lengthen that time over a period of days.
Nov 16, 2012
When you can feel that you're at 98.6°F but the thermometer reads 98°...


(then you remember you drank 2 cups of cold milk, retest 15 minutes later and it reads 98.6°)
Nov 21, 2015
Woke at 97.1. Showered to 98.6. Drank hot coffee and ended up bundled up. Off and on at 98.6 or 98.1 for 6 hours. Then ended it. Under lights at 98.1 for 2 hours. Then bundled up and crashed to 96.8 or so.

Came up to 97.9 then 98.1 in a few minutes though...interesting...I think I am resetting to around 98. Steve said I should reset to 98.6 of course, but that may be possible in steps.

The big deal was I sneezed on waking up and had a raw throat. Endotoxins signs. And had a lot of blood in my stool. Fresh blood. Weird. Haven't had that experience in a long time. I had aspirin a few days ago, but nothing that would account for it and I do take some K2.

Any ideas? Weird...maybe it's the stress from doing this stuff that is causing a bit of a leaky bowel.
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Nov 16, 2012
Odd that you mention that - my throat has been messed up since my initial reset! It hurts when I swallow right now, like a bad throat infection, but I have no other signs of a cold. Weirrrrddd. Hope this goes away soon.

My first guess would be some kind of bacterial die-off from the high temperature. All the species that can't take a degree higher are being killed off now and you have some of the side-effects of that until your body purges all that out? Maybe?

I'm also not sure how this multi-stage reset that Steve proposed to you is supposed to work. I think my brain would outsmart me if I tried that, so I just went for knocking it out of the park right from the first try.
I simply do everything in my power to stay at 98.6 as soon as I wake up, no matter what. Slowly it seems to be getting easier. Today I managed to do that until 9 PM, and then my temperature started coasting down. Now at 12 AM it's 97.34°F and I'm ready for sleep. If only every day was this perfect.

Oddly that I feel absolutely no need for thyroid hormones. I remember last year around this time, I really felt like I was dying. Like a zombie. I wonder what's compensating for that. Either my thyroid has increased it's output or those symptoms were actually from lack of adequate temperature.
Nov 26, 2013
Why can't people believe good advice without huge-**** logs hmmm
Nov 21, 2015
Odd that you mention that - my throat has been messed up since my initial reset! It hurts when I swallow right now, like a bad throat infection, but I have no other signs of a cold. Weirrrrddd. Hope this goes away soon.

My first guess would be some kind of bacterial die-off from the high temperature. All the species that can't take a degree higher are being killed off now and you have some of the side-effects of that until your body purges all that out? Maybe?

I'm also not sure how this multi-stage reset that Steve proposed to you is supposed to work. I think my brain would outsmart me if I tried that, so I just went for knocking it out of the park right from the first try.
I simply do everything in my power to stay at 98.6 as soon as I wake up, no matter what. Slowly it seems to be getting easier. Today I managed to do that until 9 PM, and then my temperature started coasting down. Now at 12 AM it's 97.34°F and I'm ready for sleep. If only every day was this perfect.

Oddly that I feel absolutely no need for thyroid hormones. I remember last year around this time, I really felt like I was dying. Like a zombie. I wonder what's compensating for that. Either my thyroid has increased it's output or those symptoms were actually from lack of adequate temperature.

yes the die-off is a good possiblity.

I do want to reset to 98.6. But it isn't always possible to get up to that temperature. Steve had told me a few steps are okay. But he said recently that I should get 98.6 however I can. Im going to be patient and chip away at this.

I feel a lot better this time today than I have last few days. In fact I don't feel tired and I haven't had to nap like I did the last few days in the evening.

Taking my temps now...97.9F . Not bad for the evening. At least at this point.


Apr 9, 2015
No diet, supplement, mineral, skin cream, or hormone helped my low temperatures or my cracking hands. This looks like it's going to be the first autumn-spring in 13 years that I will have normal-looking hands. I almost can't believe it but it's right there in front of me. I was always embarassed of my hands in the cold season, they looked like the hands of a decaying zombie... Now they are about 95% summer quality.

A quote from Steve's website:

Number 4 is me. My 'famine' was almost 2 years of various alternate day and intermittent fasts, calorie restriction, eating 500 calories on a whole day, and other bull****. There isn't really all that much broken, my brain just adapted to the conditions it was exposed to. I wouldn't be surprised if my 'primary hypothyroidism' turns out to be nothing but an adaptation to what I went through, and that my thyroid is actually perfectly fine.
So you fixed the dry zombie looking hands by just resetting your temp and keeping it high?
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