Rope Worms, Mucoid Plaque, What The Hell Came Out Of My ****? (PICTURES INCLUDED)radiation=corona?

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020

tldr; i got food poisoning from oysters and pooped out some weird stuff. pictures below.

if you're in for an adventure, the story goes like this:

in march, i went to Japan, but as soon as I got there I started feeling terrible. i was already aware of emf dangers, but i had never experienced anything like the electrical hell that is Tokyo. i lived in an apartment in central Shibuya and there were 5g boxes EVERYWHERE. i mean on every building. i couldnt sleep, the jetlag wouldn't go away, i was weak and tired. after two weeks i felt like death and started getting dizzy. then when out on a walk i nearly passed out so i hurried home. i went to the toilet and when i stood up, i became lightheaded and fell to the ground. suddenly i could not breathe and my roommate freaked the hell out because he thought i had corona (so did i). i went to sleep with breathing troubles, fearing for my life for the first time. ive never been scared to die, until i couldn't breathe. that is truly the worst feeling. i woke up the next day super sick, but i could breathe better. we were living in a modelling apartment full of young models from all over the world, the agency lost their ***t and i had to leave. at this point after getting insane tinnitus after standing next to a tv tower i realized it was the radiation and i got as far away as i could. i took a train out to mt. Takao, where i spent the next 4 days recovering in a small Airbnb far away from everything else. i felt better immediately. after those 4 days i continued traveling up to mt fuji, far away from heavy emf areas, and after two weeks i no longer had the flu-like symptoms. however, i would feel tired and shitty for the rest of the two-month journey.

after having recovered, i made a quick return to Tokyo because i had to pick up something. i passed by an oyster bar and i figured id just eat myself full on oysters because i must have been so malnourished at this point. japan truly has the worst food ive ever seen. i ate 6 very big oysters and went home satiated. that was, until i felt everybody fluid trying to escape from every hole at the same time and i realized i had made the biggest mistake of my life. i had gotten a food poisoning so bad my "corona" scare paled in comparison. the nausea was so bad i can't put it into words. of course, this happened on the subway, which was completely packed. im sure youve seen pictures of railway employees pushing people into the train, it gets really packed. i tried to tell people to get out of the way, but the sight of a sweaty dirty lanky gajin with snot and tears running down his shirt freaked people out and i wasnt able to get anywhere. i could feel the puke coming with the force of a thousand suns, and i figured i would minimize the damage by holding over my mouth so hopefully, only the lady in front of me would get a bit dirty. however i had underestimated the Japanese oyster bacteria, and the puke instead ricocheted from my hands in all directions, splattering every salaryman on the train and panic broke out. everyone flooded out of the subway and i ended up on the ground in the middle of the station. things started becoming hazy at this point so i just shut my eyes and went to sleep. i woke up 10 minutes later with people just stepping over me. truly, a great country. now of course i had to ***t like a mf so i ran to the closest bathroom, and this is where we get to the point:

after explosive diarrhea, i felt something hanging out of my ****. i thought it was a giant worm so i clenched my teeth and pulled out this ***t covered white-ish thing. it hurt the inside of my **** to pull it out. i turned around to take a closer look, but of course those toilets have kaledoscopical microchip sensors in the seats that makes the toilet flush when you get off, so i didnt get to take a good look. defeated, i sat back down and pressed the multidirectional massage pulse **** cleaning spray on medium heat.

i crawled my way into a hostel as far away from central tokyo as i could and passed out. the next morning i woke up and went to the toilet. i noticed that my stool was packed with "worms". some were encased in the stool, and some i had to pull out (which again is very unplesant.) i was very sick still so i didnt count all the poop, but it looked like they were all packed with 4-5 "worms". i fished out a couple of poops, (finally the chopsticks came in hand) and washed away the feces. you can see them in the pictures below:

they were slimy, stringy, and rubbery at the same time. i had to use a lot of force to pull them apart. some kinda felt like tire rubber, others were more frail. they didnt smell that strongly, but whatever they touched, the smell would NOT go away. the smell stayed on my hands for two days. explain to me what the hell these things are? i passed some the next day too, after that i didnt see any again. the oysters must have triggered some massive detox. after passing these my digestion immediately improved and i could suddenly digest so many things i couldnt before. as horrible as it was, its one of the best things that have happened to me. my digestion is so much better now. things just started moving faster. i guess these things were stuck on my gut slowing other food down.

ive heard gluten and pasteurized dairy can build up in the stomach and cause this, others say they are living parasites. im so lost here. most of all i just wanna know if there are more in there and how i can get them all out.

ps: if you ever go to the hostel "palette takashimadaira", do NOT use the big blue plate. trust me.

IMG-1612.jpg IMG-1613.jpg IMG-1614.jpg IMG-1616.jpg IMG-1617.jpg IMG-1618.jpg IMG-1619.jpg
just to be clear, there is not fecal matter in these pictures. all the poop was washed away









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Jul 23, 2018
Thank you for documenting this. The "rope worm" phenomenon is real, although rest assured they are not worms.

Do you know a pathologist or laboratory that could perform basic histology on the sample?

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
Thank you for documenting this. The "rope worm" phenomenon is real, although rest assured they are not worms.

Do you know a pathologist or laboratory that could perform basic histology on the sample?

this was in a hostel back in march, sadly I do not have any samples. i did however show the pictures to a GI doctor who told me I was making it up. classic doctors.


Mar 29, 2016
Those look like mucous that's been building up along the intestinal walls for a while. It just happened that while you were in Japan it got resolved. Maybe the oysters had something in them that hastened the resolution of longstanding bacterial issues. I suspect them to be anaerobic biofilms along the intestinal walls that were being enclosed in mucosa by the immune system. The rubbery feel is old mucus that has firmed up and gelled.

Maybe when the rubbery mucous finally got detached from the intestinal lining, the remaining embedded bacteria in the biofilm were released to the intestines, and this brew had to be expelled, as the intestinal endothelial cells were not keen on absorbing this toxic brew, and it was thru diarrhea or thru vomit that it would come out. Given that the anal passage was still figuring out how to expel all that rubbery junk, the oral route was the only way to go.

Feel sorry for those guys you vomited on. I'd vomited only once, and I can only imagine how much you let out. Must be a bucketful. In covid times, it had to be very traumatic for those guys as well. Not characteristic of what I know about the Japanese that they'd walk over you in the subway, but it must be that people are more concerned about their safety against the corona virus.

Have seen rubber mucus before. I pulled out a long string from my cat from a wound that surfaced. It must be a long festering wound I suspect that came from a claw nail embedded in the flesh from a catfight. It healed embedded and undetected and must be why my cat had paresthesia. And why he became paralyzed on one foot. I didn't know to use urea then to treat it. My cat eventually died from that long lingering infection that had done enough damage.

I hope that your gut health is back to optimal now. If not, you still got some work ahead of you.


Mar 15, 2014
i passed by an oyster bar and i figured id just eat myself full on oysters because i must have been so malnourished at this point. japan truly has the worst food ive ever seen. i ate 6 very big oysters and went home satiated. that was, until i felt everybody fluid trying to escape from every hole at the same time and i realized i had made the biggest mistake of my life.
Important Questions:
How much time passed between eating the oysters and pooping out the worms that you photographed?

And approx how long are these? I'm guessing like 8 inches long but your testimony is more reliable.

Also: Did you digestion improve with respect to what it was like BEFORE Japan?

And did you eat any raw seafood prior to the oysters? (It's Japan, after all)

Those look like mucous that's been building up along the intestinal walls for a while.
Could be, but couldn't it equally be a festering parasite/tapeworm? Or even a possibly a parasite from sushi/sashimi that he picked up in Japan? Why would oysters trigger such a release of bacterial biofilm?

Again I'm open to all possibilities but I have eaten raw oysters many many times, sometimes slightly dodgy ones, and I've never experienced anything like that. I have seen worms in my poop from raw fish and raw milk though.


Mar 29, 2016
Could be, but couldn't it equally be a festering parasite/tapeworm? Or even a possibly a parasite from sushi/sashimi that he picked up in Japan? Why would oysters trigger such a release of bacterial biofilm?

The "ropes" shown are lifeless. I've seen a tapeworm come out of me long ago while I was a kid, so I know what it looks like. I don't know if we can, but try to imagine leaving a booger in your nose for a long, long time as it accumulates, you may also get something that's like that. Solidified pus can turn out that way also. When I pulled a long rope out of my cat's wound, I was perplexed as well. It's only because that was the first time I saw one. It makes more sense to me now.

The parasite angle can be considered. Would it be competing for the intestinal wall to attach to such that it dislodged the mucus from the walls? Possibly, given the timing. As to the oysters, I'm only guessing, trying to explain why eating the oysters would cause the mucus to be detached from the intestinal wall. It's from detaching from the wall that possibly lingering anaerobic biofilm would be released. Being that they're anaerobic, they would die and the die-off would be causing the vomiting.


Mar 29, 2013
"Rope worms" are 100% mucus lining. Anyone who says otherwise is extremely delusional. In this case, it appears to be an old built-up mucus lining as @yerrag stated. Who knows why they came out, but my guess food poisoning caused the detoxication. There's a long history of alternative health protocols devoted towards expelling this stuff. (Many people believe the mucus blocks absorption in the small intestine or contributes to disease states by harboring biofilms, parasites, etc.) Glad you feel better after getting it out of your system, OP.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

tldr; i got food poisoning from oysters and pooped out some weird stuff. pictures below.

if you're in for an adventure, the story goes like this:

in march, i went to Japan, but as soon as I got there I started feeling terrible. i was already aware of emf dangers, but i had never experienced anything like the electrical hell that is Tokyo. i lived in an apartment in central Shibuya and there were 5g boxes EVERYWHERE. i mean on every building. i couldnt sleep, the jetlag wouldn't go away, i was weak and tired. after two weeks i felt like death and started getting dizzy. then when out on a walk i nearly passed out so i hurried home. i went to the toilet and when i stood up, i became lightheaded and fell to the ground. suddenly i could not breathe and my roommate freaked the hell out because he thought i had corona (so did i). i went to sleep with breathing troubles, fearing for my life for the first time. ive never been scared to die, until i couldn't breathe. that is truly the worst feeling. i woke up the next day super sick, but i could breathe better. we were living in a modelling apartment full of young models from all over the world, the agency lost their ***t and i had to leave. at this point after getting insane tinnitus after standing next to a tv tower i realized it was the radiation and i got as far away as i could. i took a train out to mt. Takao, where i spent the next 4 days recovering in a small Airbnb far away from everything else. i felt better immediately. after those 4 days i continued traveling up to mt fuji, far away from heavy emf areas, and after two weeks i no longer had the flu-like symptoms. however, i would feel tired and shitty for the rest of the two-month journey.

after having recovered, i made a quick return to Tokyo because i had to pick up something. i passed by an oyster bar and i figured id just eat myself full on oysters because i must have been so malnourished at this point. japan truly has the worst food ive ever seen. i ate 6 very big oysters and went home satiated. that was, until i felt everybody fluid trying to escape from every hole at the same time and i realized i had made the biggest mistake of my life. i had gotten a food poisoning so bad my "corona" scare paled in comparison. the nausea was so bad i can't put it into words. of course, this happened on the subway, which was completely packed. im sure youve seen pictures of railway employees pushing people into the train, it gets really packed. i tried to tell people to get out of the way, but the sight of a sweaty dirty lanky gajin with snot and tears running down his shirt freaked people out and i wasnt able to get anywhere. i could feel the puke coming with the force of a thousand suns, and i figured i would minimize the damage by holding over my mouth so hopefully, only the lady in front of me would get a bit dirty. however i had underestimated the Japanese oyster bacteria, and the puke instead ricocheted from my hands in all directions, splattering every salaryman on the train and panic broke out. everyone flooded out of the subway and i ended up on the ground in the middle of the station. things started becoming hazy at this point so i just shut my eyes and went to sleep. i woke up 10 minutes later with people just stepping over me. truly, a great country. now of course i had to ***t like a mf so i ran to the closest bathroom, and this is where we get to the point:

after explosive diarrhea, i felt something hanging out of my ****. i thought it was a giant worm so i clenched my teeth and pulled out this ***t covered white-ish thing. it hurt the inside of my **** to pull it out. i turned around to take a closer look, but of course those toilets have kaledoscopical microchip sensors in the seats that makes the toilet flush when you get off, so i didnt get to take a good look. defeated, i sat back down and pressed the multidirectional massage pulse **** cleaning spray on medium heat.

i crawled my way into a hostel as far away from central tokyo as i could and passed out. the next morning i woke up and went to the toilet. i noticed that my stool was packed with "worms". some were encased in the stool, and some i had to pull out (which again is very unplesant.) i was very sick still so i didnt count all the poop, but it looked like they were all packed with 4-5 "worms". i fished out a couple of poops, (finally the chopsticks came in hand) and washed away the feces. you can see them in the pictures below:

they were slimy, stringy, and rubbery at the same time. i had to use a lot of force to pull them apart. some kinda felt like tire rubber, others were more frail. they didnt smell that strongly, but whatever they touched, the smell would NOT go away. the smell stayed on my hands for two days. explain to me what the hell these things are? i passed some the next day too, after that i didnt see any again. the oysters must have triggered some massive detox. after passing these my digestion immediately improved and i could suddenly digest so many things i couldnt before. as horrible as it was, its one of the best things that have happened to me. my digestion is so much better now. things just started moving faster. i guess these things were stuck on my gut slowing other food down.

ive heard gluten and pasteurized dairy can build up in the stomach and cause this, others say they are living parasites. im so lost here. most of all i just wanna know if there are more in there and how i can get them all out.

ps: if you ever go to the hostel "palette takashimadaira", do NOT use the big blue plate. trust me.

View attachment 19554 View attachment 19555 View attachment 19556 View attachment 19557 View attachment 19558 View attachment 19559 View attachment 19560
just to be clear, there is not fecal matter in these pictures. all the poop was washed away







Glad you get those out of you and thanks for sharing. I'd also presume not parasites but kind of pathological mucus build up. Sad we dont know much about these things and why (if) oysters triggered the cleaning process.
If it was not from the shellfish, then it must've been the 5G lol

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
Those look like mucous that's been building up along the intestinal walls for a while. It just happened that while you were in Japan it got resolved. Maybe the oysters had something in them that hastened the resolution of longstanding bacterial issues. I suspect them to be anaerobic biofilms along the intestinal walls that were being enclosed in mucosa by the immune system. The rubbery feel is old mucus that has firmed up and gelled.

Maybe when the rubbery mucous finally got detached from the intestinal lining, the remaining embedded bacteria in the biofilm were released to the intestines, and this brew had to be expelled, as the intestinal endothelial cells were not keen on absorbing this toxic brew, and it was thru diarrhea or thru vomit that it would come out. Given that the anal passage was still figuring out how to expel all that rubbery junk, the oral route was the only way to go.

Feel sorry for those guys you vomited on. I'd vomited only once, and I can only imagine how much you let out. Must be a bucketful. In covid times, it had to be very traumatic for those guys as well. Not characteristic of what I know about the Japanese that they'd walk over you in the subway, but it must be that people are more concerned about their safety against the corona virus.

Have seen rubber mucus before. I pulled out a long string from my cat from a wound that surfaced. It must be a long festering wound I suspect that came from a claw nail embedded in the flesh from a catfight. It healed embedded and undetected and must be why my cat had paresthesia. And why he became paralyzed on one foot. I didn't know to use urea then to treat it. My cat eventually died from that long lingering infection that had done enough damage.

I hope that your gut health is back to optimal now. If not, you still got some work ahead of you.

not characteristic of them no, but this was tokyo and during the corona peak. i thought to myself, "great people". then when news about corona broke out, it was every man for himself. everyone just collectively completely changed it was terrifying. though they are just one big hivemind in my politically unpopular opinion. outside of tokyo people were still nice.

I'm sorry about your cat, I've lost three and now I wont have another one because it hurt so much to loose them. very interesting about the mucus, never heard of something like that. did it look like my pics? did it smell like dead fish?
my gut health is not optimal but much better. lots of work to go.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
If you eat it, you absorb its power.

cant wait to become a dead rubbery string of ***t lol

Important Questions:
How much time passed between eating the oysters and pooping out the worms that you photographed?

And approx how long are these? I'm guessing like 8 inches long but your testimony is more reliable.

Also: Did you digestion improve with respect to what it was like BEFORE Japan?

And did you eat any raw seafood prior to the oysters? (It's Japan, after all)

Could be, but couldn't it equally be a festering parasite/tapeworm? Or even a possibly a parasite from sushi/sashimi that he picked up in Japan? Why would oysters trigger such a release of bacterial biofilm?

Again I'm open to all possibilities but I have eaten raw oysters many many times, sometimes slightly dodgy ones, and I've never experienced anything like that. I have seen worms in my poop from raw fish and raw milk though.

first worm came out perhaps an hour or two later.

then many many more when i pooped the next morning.

that blue plate is huge. the worms in the picture are 30-40cm long. i measured them.
my dig4estion had been slow for about 6 months because of low carb dieting.
no sea food prior to it.
i have to seen tons of worms in my stool after eating raw fish. I'm not very scared of worms

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
"Rope worms" are 100% mucus lining. Anyone who says otherwise is extremely delusional. In this case, it appears to be an old built-up mucus lining as @yerrag stated. Who knows why they came out, but my guess food poisoning caused the detoxication. There's a long history of alternative health protocols devoted towards expelling this stuff. (Many people believe the mucus blocks absorption in the small intestine or contributes to disease states by harboring biofilms, parasites, etc.) Glad you feel better after getting it out of your system, OP.

could you please help me find some of these old remedies for getting rid of these things?


Mar 15, 2014
i have to seen tons of worms in my stool after eating raw fish. I'm not very scared of worms
but prior to the oysters and the explosive diarrhea, did you eat raw sushi/sashimi in Japan?

Because if these are worms (not saying they are or aren't), then it could be worms from raw fish


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
The "ropes" shown are lifeless. I've seen a tapeworm come out of me long ago while I was a kid, so I know what it looks like. I don't know if we can, but try to imagine leaving a booger in your nose for a long, long time as it accumulates, you may also get something that's like that. Solidified pus can turn out that way also. When I pulled a long rope out of my cat's wound, I was perplexed as well. It's only because that was the first time I saw one. It makes more sense to me now.

The parasite angle can be considered. Would it be competing for the intestinal wall to attach to such that it dislodged the mucus from the walls? Possibly, given the timing. As to the oysters, I'm only guessing, trying to explain why eating the oysters would cause the mucus to be detached from the intestinal wall. It's from detaching from the wall that possibly lingering anaerobic biofilm would be released. Being that they're anaerobic, they would die and the die-off would be causing the vomiting.

It could be as simple as the copper replenishing the C-amp enzyme and nourishing the intestinal wall.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
but prior to the oysters and the explosive diarrhea, did you eat raw sushi/sashimi in Japan?

Because if these are worms (not saying they are or aren't), then it could be worms from raw fish
i ate no such thing at all.


Mar 29, 2016
I'm sorry about your cat, I've lost three and now I wont have another one because it hurt so much to loose them. very interesting about the mucus, never heard of something like that. did it look like my pics? did it smell like dead fish?

I've lost more cats I don't even dare mention how many. I wished I knew then what I know now. My consolation is that they didn't die alone (except for the one that died at the vet), and that while they lived, they were loved and cared for. And they may not have been better off had I not rescued them. But now, the ones I have are doing well. ut yes, it hurts to lose them.

The mucus didn't smell. It was soft and wet. I wouldn't call it rubbery but it's firm enough that it wouldn't break. I kept pulling and pulling and I had an 18 inch 6mm diameter string once I was done. I didn't know what to do but to pour distilled water as alcohol would hurt. Perhaps I used hydrogen peroxide. Knowing better now, I think I should have used urea as the urea would eat up the debri and decay.


Mar 29, 2016
It could be as simple as the copper replenishing the C-amp enzyme and nourishing the intestinal wall.
Are you talking about enabling CAMP as a secondary messenger?

Possible. What would be the CAMP be signalling and triggering?

I think copper's effects are significant. Over the weekend, I fixed a bloaty gassy, painful gut with copper acetate, with the help of probiotics and cascara sagrada.

Blue Water

Apr 26, 2020

tldr; i got food poisoning from oysters and pooped out some weird stuff. pictures below.

if you're in for an adventure, the story goes like this:

in march, i went to Japan, but as soon as I got there I started feeling terrible. i was already aware of emf dangers, but i had never experienced anything like the electrical hell that is Tokyo. i lived in an apartment in central Shibuya and there were 5g boxes EVERYWHERE. i mean on every building. i couldnt sleep, the jetlag wouldn't go away, i was weak and tired. after two weeks i felt like death and started getting dizzy. then when out on a walk i nearly passed out so i hurried home. i went to the toilet and when i stood up, i became lightheaded and fell to the ground. suddenly i could not breathe and my roommate freaked the hell out because he thought i had corona (so did i). i went to sleep with breathing troubles, fearing for my life for the first time. ive never been scared to die, until i couldn't breathe. that is truly the worst feeling. i woke up the next day super sick, but i could breathe better. we were living in a modelling apartment full of young models from all over the world, the agency lost their ***t and i had to leave. at this point after getting insane tinnitus after standing next to a tv tower i realized it was the radiation and i got as far away as i could. i took a train out to mt. Takao, where i spent the next 4 days recovering in a small Airbnb far away from everything else. i felt better immediately. after those 4 days i continued traveling up to mt fuji, far away from heavy emf areas, and after two weeks i no longer had the flu-like symptoms. however, i would feel tired and shitty for the rest of the two-month journey.

after having recovered, i made a quick return to Tokyo because i had to pick up something. i passed by an oyster bar and i figured id just eat myself full on oysters because i must have been so malnourished at this point. japan truly has the worst food ive ever seen. i ate 6 very big oysters and went home satiated. that was, until i felt everybody fluid trying to escape from every hole at the same time and i realized i had made the biggest mistake of my life. i had gotten a food poisoning so bad my "corona" scare paled in comparison. the nausea was so bad i can't put it into words. of course, this happened on the subway, which was completely packed. im sure youve seen pictures of railway employees pushing people into the train, it gets really packed. i tried to tell people to get out of the way, but the sight of a sweaty dirty lanky gajin with snot and tears running down his shirt freaked people out and i wasnt able to get anywhere. i could feel the puke coming with the force of a thousand suns, and i figured i would minimize the damage by holding over my mouth so hopefully, only the lady in front of me would get a bit dirty. however i had underestimated the Japanese oyster bacteria, and the puke instead ricocheted from my hands in all directions, splattering every salaryman on the train and panic broke out. everyone flooded out of the subway and i ended up on the ground in the middle of the station. things started becoming hazy at this point so i just shut my eyes and went to sleep. i woke up 10 minutes later with people just stepping over me. truly, a great country. now of course i had to ***t like a mf so i ran to the closest bathroom, and this is where we get to the point:

after explosive diarrhea, i felt something hanging out of my ****. i thought it was a giant worm so i clenched my teeth and pulled out this ***t covered white-ish thing. it hurt the inside of my **** to pull it out. i turned around to take a closer look, but of course those toilets have kaledoscopical microchip sensors in the seats that makes the toilet flush when you get off, so i didnt get to take a good look. defeated, i sat back down and pressed the multidirectional massage pulse **** cleaning spray on medium heat.

i crawled my way into a hostel as far away from central tokyo as i could and passed out. the next morning i woke up and went to the toilet. i noticed that my stool was packed with "worms". some were encased in the stool, and some i had to pull out (which again is very unplesant.) i was very sick still so i didnt count all the poop, but it looked like they were all packed with 4-5 "worms". i fished out a couple of poops, (finally the chopsticks came in hand) and washed away the feces. you can see them in the pictures below:

they were slimy, stringy, and rubbery at the same time. i had to use a lot of force to pull them apart. some kinda felt like tire rubber, others were more frail. they didnt smell that strongly, but whatever they touched, the smell would NOT go away. the smell stayed on my hands for two days. explain to me what the hell these things are? i passed some the next day too, after that i didnt see any again. the oysters must have triggered some massive detox. after passing these my digestion immediately improved and i could suddenly digest so many things i couldnt before. as horrible as it was, its one of the best things that have happened to me. my digestion is so much better now. things just started moving faster. i guess these things were stuck on my gut slowing other food down.

ive heard gluten and pasteurized dairy can build up in the stomach and cause this, others say they are living parasites. im so lost here. most of all i just wanna know if there are more in there and how i can get them all out.

ps: if you ever go to the hostel "palette takashimadaira", do NOT use the big blue plate. trust me.

View attachment 19554 View attachment 19555 View attachment 19556 View attachment 19557 View attachment 19558 View attachment 19559 View attachment 19560
just to be clear, there is not fecal matter in these pictures. all the poop was washed away







Are you positive those are not parasites from raw fish or oysters in Japan? That seems a more likely explanation than raw oysters causing a detox...

Oh nvm, I see you answered this.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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