Request to diagnose me - blood test


Oct 15, 2019
I would be very grateful if you could help diagnose me based on blood tests and symptoms. Maybe someone had a similar experience.

Blood test:

sodium----------------------------------------- 144.0 mmol/l (136 - 145)
iron--------------------------------------------- 25.20 mol/l (11 - 34)
ferritin------------------------------------------ 416.9 ng/ml (21.8 - 274.7)

total cholesterol------------------------------- 3,97 mmol/l (< 5,20 )
HDL-------------------------------------------- 1,15 mmol/l (>1)
LDL -------------------------------------------- 1,92 mmol/l
No or none-HDL------------------------------ 3 mmol/l
triglycerides------------------------------------ 1,98 mmol/l (< 1,70)

TSH --------------------------------------------1,249 μlU/ml (0,350 — 4,940)
T3---------------------------------------------- 2,00 nmol/l (0,53 — 2,96)
FT3--------------------------------------------- 3,27 pg/ml (1,71 — 3,91)
FT4---------------------------------------------1,03 ng/dl (0,70 — 1,48)

AST-------------------------------------------- 31 U/L (11 — 34)
ALT-------------------------------------------- 62 U/L (< 55)
GGTP------------------------------------------ 47 U/L (12 — 64)

Wit D 25(OH)--------------------------------- 20 ng/ml
PTH ------------------------------------------51,9 pg/ml (15,0 — 68,3)
Total Testosteron ----------------------------1,82 ng/ml (1,42 — 9,23)

- fatty liver
- digestive issues - bloating, intestinal pain, abdominal pains
- the stool first comes out constipated (poppy) and then thin with tiny undigested remains
- fiber intolerance (diarrhea)
- fruit intolerance (undigested pieces)
- alcohol intolerance (diarrhea)
- morning body temp (10 minut under armpit) 35.5C - 36C - somtimes rises very fast up to 36.7 within 30 minutes (before breakfast)
- midday temps up to 37C
- often dizzy but mind ussually sharp
- when dizzy forgetfulness apperas
- coffee often makes me tired but I don't drink often
- potasium citrate in water often relives bloating
- sometimes (usualy everyday) cold feet but never hands (ussualy after drinkin water or water)
- ussually cold skin
- raw carrot causes bloating
- T3 (tiromel) ussualy lowers my body temp, gives me wierd head pressure after taking 6mg (6-12mg relives ussually my bloating)
- insomnia, often waking up many times at night but no problem with getting up in the morning
- ussually dizzy after meals (especially after morning)

I would really appreciate as many comments as possible.
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