Help for Hashimoto, insulin resistance, heavy metals!


New Member
Nov 6, 2022

In Bulgaria, it is not easy to find a functional medicine doctor, so we partially treat ourselves.
For many months I have been reading very intensively (over 10,000 pages) everything on the forum and outside it because I really want to help my wife (44 years old, 63 kg, 160 cm tall, smoker - 7-10 cigarettes a day, does not drink alcohol, heart pulse when idle approx.70, temperature 36.8C/98.24F) to discover and solve her Hashimoto's, anxiety, memory, focus and love issues. This problem leads us to divorce. I think heavy metals and insulin resistance are the trigger for the condition. I sincerely hope to receive your comments.
From the community here and across Internet I was able to figure out that something is really wrong.

I would like to get your advice, comments or criticism if the way we are going is fine as my wife is very scared of the supplements she started taking at my insistence because I am not a doctor.

During pregnancy in 2007, she increased her weight from 51 kg to 85+. Two years later, she managed to lose 20 kg.
Symptoms before diagnosis (2014): panic attacks and several types of SSRIs (Zoloft was on max dosage) for 1 year. No energy, depressions, emotional problems and low libido.

Diagnosis with proven Hashimoto's disease (hypothyroidism) with antibodies over 1000+, insulin resistance and estrogen dominance.
Date of diagnosis: 2010 (no treatment were prescribed except Selenium). Lots of endocrinologist were visited since then.
In 2020, the last endocrinologist prescribed treatment: ACCU-THYROX (T4).

In 2020, the following mutations were discovered through genetic lab exam:
- MTHFR A1298C type (A/C), rs1801131,
- MTHFR C677T type (C/T), rs1801133,
- COMT type (G/A), rs4680,
- DRD2 - Dopamine receptor type (G/G), rs18000497,
- VDR type (T/C), rs731236,
- MAOA type (G/T), rs6323,
- MTRR type (A/G) rs1801394,

My wife can't methylate Vitamins B by genetic.

* No covid-19 vaccine.

As of today she is not taking any SSRI's but continue to have mild symptoms of anxiety, low level of stress, mood issues, lack of happiness, complete lack of motivation, very low or no libido.

Since 2020 until now, she takes T4 (88 mcg) at the morning 30 minutes before food/coffee, and since 2022, she is taking T3 (6 mcg in total) twice a day 3mcg around 11:30 and 3mcg 16:30. Not sure if dosage is OK.
In addition, to hormones - Seekinghealth Adeno B12, Seekinghealth Folinic Acid Lozenge (1360 mcg DFE), Utrogestan 100 mg (progesterone) from 14 to 28 day of the cycle 3 times a day applied on the skin and Pregnenolon ( from 5 to 15 day of the cycle), because of the very low level of cortisol and ACTH.
Very often eating, especially sugars. Trying to avoid PUFA and gluten when possible.
Whatever amount of food she is taking is blowing her stomach.

Despite taking T3 hormone, energy wanes up to 2 hours after taking T3. Some sleep is needed in the early afternoon. This greatly interferes the work and general condition.

After 2 years in fitness, 3 times a week and different diets with no results in weight.

The main goals defined:
1. To improve liver function;
2. To fix leaky gut;
3. To optimize the kidneys and adrenal glands;
4. To detoxify heavy metals without leaving residues in the brain which will then not be able to cross the BBB;
5. Solution in regards of motivation and libido;

At the beginning of December 2022, we did a lot of lab tests including for heavy metals.

On 12/23/2022 she started supplements for the first time in her life on my advice. She is very worried taking them as already explained.
At first I didn't think about Taurine but on the advice of @haidut I included it. There is almost a 2 kg drop in weight, less need to sleep in the afternoon and less appetite than before the supplements. Still anxiety and no libido (probably from berberine??).

Current supplements list (with estimated duration) :
- Swanson Berberine - 500 mg - 3 times per day (1 year) ;
- NOW Taurine - 1000 mg - 3 times per day (30 days) ;
- GNC Vitamin D - 400 IU - 3 times per day (30 days) ;
- Holland&Barrett Black Cumin Seed Oil - 500 mg - 1 time per day (30 days) ;
- NOW Glutathione - 500 mg - 1 time per day (30 days) ;
- Thytrophin PMG - 3 times per day (1 year) ;
- NOW Choline & inositol - 1 time per day (30 days) ;
- Probiotic Fortify Optima, 100 billion, 15 Probiotic strains, 63 billion CFU - 1 per day (15 days);
- Double Wood TUDCA - 1 per day (60 days);
- Vitamin D+K2 5000 per day but not every day for every other month;
- CandidFree - 1 time per day for 1 month;

Planning to change current supplements with the following once a month have passed:
- All active forms of vitamin B in a certain scheme with a gradual increase for 1 month;
- IdeaLabs Vitamin E - 1 month;
- NOW Rhadiola - from time to time if required;
- NOW DOPA Mucuna - every other day;
- NOW Betaine HCl - each heavy meal;
- Manganese Chelate - for 1 month;
- Wobenzym PS or another system enzymes - for 1 month;
- NMN - for 1 month;
- NOW Silymarin Milk Thistle - 2 months;
- Quicksilver Scientific Liver Sauce - for 1 month
- Kirkman 5-MTHF ([6S]-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate) 5 mg OR MethylPro B-Complex + 5 mg L-Methylfolate

Supplements we're not sure yet if we should start taking them:
- Solgar L-tyrosine + GABA for one month but not together with NOW DOPA Mucuna;

Detox Plan: Quicksilver IMD or BioRay NDF Plus or QuickSilver Quad.

So, guys, what are you thinking about:
1. Do you think that doses, ingredients, frequency are OK or do you think we should change something?
2. What do you thing about simultaneous intake of these supplements?
3. What do you think about the detox plan and the option to gradually increase the T3 to 6 mcg 4 times a day? And the T4?

P.S. We know that Dr. Peat does not believe that antibodies really exist the way they've been explained by modern medicine.

Name of the testResultUnitReferenceMethod
LDL-cholesterol3.92mmol/l0 - 3.36PHOT
HDL-cholesterol1.43mmol/l> 1.68PHOT
reverse T3192pg/ml90-2158-
Vitamin B12300.2pmol/l171 - 920ECLIA
Candida albicans IgG (blood)33.9NTU0-30ELISA
Serotonin (serum)60ug/l0-292
1,25 (OH)2 Vitamin D51ng/l19.9-79.3
Lead in blood8ug/l0-30
Mercury (EDTA blood)1.5ug/l0-2
Zinc (serum)13.5umol/l9-18
Copper (serum)1068ug/l680-1690
Norepinephrine (EPL)341ng/l0-499
Tissue Transglutaminase (Ab IgA)< 0.1U/ml0-7
Iodine (blood)75ug/l40-80
Iodine (urine)388ug/l100-199
1.25 (OH)2 Vitamin D351ng/L-
Gabapentin< 0.5--
Cadmium (urine)1.8ug/l0-1
AAb tissue transglutaminase IgG< 0.6U/ml0-7
Arsenic in blood< 1ug/l0-12
Dopamine (plasma)23ng/l0-85
Zonulin (serum)31ng/ml0-48
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Aug 17, 2018
Very nice of you trying to help your wife and save the marriage.

Personally, I would drop probiotics and milk thistle. I let more knowledgeable to comment on the rest.

For liver detox she needs to eat quality protein.

For heavy metal detox follow this:

Heavy metals & antagonistic trace elements:
Cadmium --> Zinc
Lead --> Calcium, Molybdenum, Sulfur
Aluminum --> Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Fluorine
Mercury --> Sulfur + Selenium
Arsenic --> Selenium
Fluorine, chlorine --> I (+ Se) (for thyroid)"

Also, there are many positive reviews on Undecylenic acid and candida.
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Dec 28, 2021
Just a quick thought - that's a lot of supplements. I am really novice about physiology and interactions/dosages of different supplements, so I won't make any suggestions or comments about them specifically, but with sensitive digestion I would be very cautious with it in general. I know it's easy for me to say this, and I bet you have good reason for your strategy, but just a word of caution. I know Ray has talked about people feeling better after dropping all supplements, and benign things like MCT-oil in vitamin D supplements causing digestive stress. Praying for your wife's recovery.


New Member
Nov 6, 2022
Very nice of you trying to help your wife and save the marriage.

Personally, I would drop probiotics and milk thistle. I let more knowledgeable to comment on the rest.

For liver detox she needs to eat quality protein.

For heavy metal detox follow this:

Heavy metals & antagonistic trace elements:
Cadmium --> Zinc
Lead --> Calcium, Molybdenum, Sulfur
Aluminum --> Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Fluorine
Mercury --> Sulfur + Selenium
Arsenic --> Selenium
Fluorine, chlorine --> I (+ Se) (for thyroid)"

Also, there are many positive reviews on Undecylenic acid and candida.

@L_C The core issue with the Detox is the MTHFR mutation. High attention is required for such people as they can't/low produce some of the enzymes and heavy metals once moved, they might pass the BBB.
We will check Undecylenic acid per your suggestion.

We still hope other people to join this discussion to give some light where could be the problem...


Dec 27, 2021
I don’t know enough to comment on any specifics. I wanted to say though that some functional medicine doctors will work with people out of state or in other countries. The one treating me for Hashimoto’s does and I imagine there must be others that do too, especially post pandemic and lockdowns. I’m in different state than my doctor and we have done things via blood tests and zoom videos.

Having said that, I think it’s admirable that you’re helping your wife and are learning so much in the process. I wish you and your wife well on her journey to recovery. I know it’s possible even after many years of difficulty.
Oct 13, 2022
@pstoianov "Despite taking T3 hormone, energy wanes up to 2 hours after taking T3. Some sleep is needed in the early afternoon. This greatly interferes the work and general condition."

I am experiencing this myself, perhaps she needs a higher dose of either t3 or t4? I noticed that the higher dose of t3 the longer my energy lasts. But I think that a higher dose of t4 would be beneficial too because it is more of a level, all day energy boost. It takes trial and error, do not be satisfied with so much fatigue.

Personally, I would work on just getting the correct dose of thyroid medications, because having a proper level of thyroid hormone could help detoxifying in and of itself. Then maybe add the extras (non-vitamin supplements) as they are tolerated. It does look like she could use B vitamins now. Proper levels of thyroid also affect cholesterol in a good way.

Also, I wonder if she could wait a little longer to eat after taking thyroid pill in the morning? I wait at least an hour, sometimes as much as two. Some people can take it at night so it has all night to absorb. And if that helps maybe then you know she needs a higher dose so she doesn't have to wait hours to eat!!


May 13, 2015
I really want to help my wife (44 years old, 63 kg, 160 cm tall, smoker - 7-10 cigarettes a day, does not drink alcohol, heart pulse when idle approx.70, temperature 36.8C/98.24F) to discover and solve her Hashimoto's, anxiety, memory, focus and love issues.
Hi @pstoianov, There's just a whole lot here; I'll try to comment and help with what I see.

Your wife is 44 years old and is estrogen dominant. She is probably experiencing peri-menopause. This was much harder on me that menopause itself. This would be a top priority.

I think these Ray Peat shows would be good for both you and your wife to listen to:
Progesterone and pregnenolone would probably be very helpful. You do not mention the dose of pregnenolone your wife is taking. Too high a dose can increase cholesterol on a blood test. It happened to me. I halved my dose of pregnenolone and within a few months my cholesterol went back to normal.
I would like to get your advice, comments or criticism if the way we are going is fine as my wife is very scared of the supplements she started taking at my insistence because I am not a doctor.
I think your shotgun approach with this enormous amount of supplements is not a good idea. You are concerned about your wife's heavy metals toxic load; you cannot know how pure these supplements are. There are impurities in supplements so there's always a risk which is why it's best to discern what is really needed and what can be stopped.
Symptoms before diagnosis (2014): panic attacks and several types of SSRIs (Zoloft was on max dosage) for 1 year. No energy, depressions, emotional problems and low libido.
Estrogen dominance has all of these symptoms. High estrogen lugs down the liver which makes it impossible for the liver to convert T4 into the active T3. That said, thiamine deficiency/functional blockage has all of these symptoms as well. Estrogen dominance can cause hypothyroidism. Both hypothyroidism AND also thiamine deficieny/functional blockage block oxidative metabolism.
Diagnosis with proven Hashimoto's disease (hypothyroidism) with antibodies over 1000+, insulin resistance and estrogen dominance.
Bingo. Many times, first comes estrogen dominance and then comes hypothyroidism. However, if there's lead poisoning, the resulting thiamine deficiency will damage thyroid function too. The result is hypothyroidism and poor liver function which would result in a build up of estrogen in the body. Thiamine is needed by the liver; all the organs need thiamine to function properly.
My wife can't methylate Vitamins B by genetic.
According to the test results, maybe, assuming the mumbo jumbo about genes is valid (big assumption). However, there's another viewpoint on MTHFR.


As of today she is not taking any SSRI's but continue to have mild symptoms of anxiety, low level of stress, mood issues, lack of happiness, complete lack of motivation, very low or no libido.
Very good to be off of the poisonous SSRI's. The symptoms you have listed could all be attributed to poor oxidative metabolism. If you have poor oxidative metabolism you have low/poor ATP production. Two things that commonly affect this are hypothyroidism (that is not properly addressed) AND thiamine deficiency/functional blockage. Heavy metals (lead and possibly mercury too) bind to thiamine and make it unavailable to be used for oxidative metabolism. A thiamine supplement might be very helpful. I have lead poisoning myself; I've found great health improvement via high dose thiamine hcl. Other types of thiamine are available. TTFD thiamine needs glutathione to work; mine was low so I couldn't tolerate it so I stuck with thiamine hcl. Taking thiamine hcl for several months normalized my glutathione level.

Since 2020 until now, she takes T4 (88 mcg) at the morning 30 minutes before food/coffee, and since 2022, she is taking T3 (6 mcg in total) twice a day 3mcg around 11:30 and 3mcg 16:30. Not sure if dosage is OK.
If you suspect that your wife is burdened with lead toxicity, it would be logical to think that she may be suffering from a thiamine deficiency/functional blockage. Coffee makes things worse because it blocks thiamine. So does black tea.

Estrogen dominance makes converting T4 into T3 by the liver without any additional T3 impossible. A little T3 "primes the pump" for the liver. The estrogen lugs down the liver making it not be able to do its jobs. The liver needs a little T3 to improve its function so that it can convert T4 into more T3. T4 alone can actually make the situation worse, not better. If you could get a good natural desiccated thyroid product (like Acella) along with a good endocrinologist to help, I think your wife would experience improvement.
In addition, to hormones - Seekinghealth Adeno B12, Seekinghealth Folinic Acid Lozenge (1360 mcg DFE), Utrogestan 100 mg (progesterone) from 14 to 28 day of the cycle 3 times a day applied on the skin and Pregnenolon ( from 5 to 15 day of the cycle), because of the very low level of cortisol and ACTH.
Progesterone, dissolved in vitamin E, rubbed into the gums (to bypass the liver) would be a more effective way to take progesterone. When it is just applied to the skin, you lose about 80%. Progest-e is this type of product.
Very often eating, especially sugars. Trying to avoid PUFA and gluten when possible.
Whatever amount of food she is taking is blowing her stomach.
Estrogen dominance makes the abdomen get big. The fat accumulates there. The fat is estrogenic. It's a vicious cycle.
Despite taking T3 hormone, energy wanes up to 2 hours after taking T3. Some sleep is needed in the early afternoon. This greatly interferes the work and general condition.
Ray Peat would suggest taking tiny doses of T3 throughout the day; that might be helpful. I simply take my Acella brand desiccated thyroid in the morning. It works well for me. That said, when I was thiamine deficient, I was tired all the time even though my thyroid tests looked great.
After 2 years in fitness, 3 times a week and different diets with no results in weight.
Maybe all those supplements are not the way to go? I take supplements too, but I don't take a lot of the things you are having your wife take. I got well via prescription desiccated thyroid and high dose thiamine hcl (plus magnesium glycinate, riboflavin, niacinamide, progesterone, pregnenolone, biotin, D3, K2), but I did not lose the 25 pounds I had packed on in 25 days summer of 2020 when my thiamine function got blocked with Bactrim antibiotic until I changed the way I take my niacinamide (switched from 200mg, 2Xday to 90mg, 4Xday). After about 4 months, I stepped on the scales and had lost 30 pounds.

It's nice that you are trying to help your wife. However, your ability to help her is hindered by the fact that you are not her. She is the only one who can discern if something is helping her or not. It's her body, not yours. She is female; you're not.
The main goals defined:
1. To improve liver function;
2. To fix leaky gut;
3. To optimize the kidneys and adrenal glands;
4. To detoxify heavy metals without leaving residues in the brain which will then not be able to cross the BBB;
5. Solution in regards of motivation and libido;
1. thiamine would help the liver.
2. thiamine and magnesium heal the gut. Thiamine normalizes the digestive tract.
3. Thiamine helps the kidneys and the adrenals.
4. Thiamine helps detox heavy metals. Please note that a thiamine deficiency can be caused by heavy metal toxicity and a thiamine deficiency will compromise the blood brain barrier.
also this: Lead induced thiamine deficiency in the brain decreased the threshold of electroshock seizure in rat - PubMed
5. When your oxidative metabolism is in the ditch it's pretty hard to get motivated about anything, including feeling frisky.
Current supplements list (with estimated duration) :
- Swanson Berberine - 500 mg - 3 times per day (1 year) ;
- NOW Taurine - 1000 mg - 3 times per day (30 days) ;
- GNC Vitamin D - 400 IU - 3 times per day (30 days) ;
- Holland&Barrett Black Cumin Seed Oil - 500 mg - 1 time per day (30 days) ;
- NOW Glutathione - 500 mg - 1 time per day (30 days) ;
- Thytrophin PMG - 3 times per day (1 year) ;
- NOW Choline & inositol - 1 time per day (30 days) ;
- Probiotic Fortify Optima, 100 billion, 15 Probiotic strains, 63 billion CFU - 1 per day (15 days);
- Double Wood TUDCA - 1 per day (60 days);
- Vitamin D+K2 5000 per day but not every day for every other month;
- CandidFree - 1 time per day for 1 month;
Shotgun approach. I think you're way overdoing this. I think stopping a LOT of these would be helpful. Focus on oxidative metabolism and estrogen dominance. This means addressing hypothyroidism, probable thiamine deficiency, and progesterone supplementation. These three things are tangled up with each other.

Planning to change current supplements with the following once a month have passed:
- All active forms of vitamin B in a certain scheme with a gradual increase for 1 month;
- IdeaLabs Vitamin E - 1 month;
- NOW Rhadiola - from time to time if required;
- NOW DOPA Mucuna - every other day;
- NOW Betaine HCl - each heavy meal;
- Manganese Chelate - for 1 month;
- Wobenzym PS or another system enzymes - for 1 month;
- NMN - for 1 month;
- NOW Silymarin Milk Thistle - 2 months;
- Quicksilver Scientific Liver Sauce - for 1 month
- Kirkman 5-MTHF ([6S]-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate) 5 mg OR MethylPro B-Complex + 5 mg L-Methylfolate
You need to relinquish control over your wife's health and give that responsibility back to her. Offering information is fine. Force feeding another person handfuls of supplements is quite another. Showing respect for her autonomy might even get you laid, assuming she felt up to it.
Detox Plan: Quicksilver IMD or BioRay NDF Plus or QuickSilver Quad.
Suggest focusing on oxidative metabolism and estrogen dominance. Suggest addressing hypothyroidism, probable thiamine deficiency, and progesterone supplementation. Provide your wife with some reading material, assuming she is receptive to reading the articles you offer.

Lead in blood8ug/l0-30
Mercury (EDTA blood)1.5ug/l0-2
Does your wife have any "silver" fillings (mercury amalgams)? If yes, these need to be addressed by a specialist who knows how to safely remove them. It is very dangerous to remove them incorrectly as this would increase the exposure to the mercury.
Iodine (urine)388ug/l100-199
Do you know why this is high? High iodine will block thyroid function.
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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