Really Tired After Eating, Has Anyone Resolved This For Himself?


Oct 15, 2016
Dark leafy greens like spinach work wonders for that. I tried a low fat meal with potatoes, I felt less sleepy but still far from optimal, more experimenting to do!
Feb 4, 2015
I eat mostly well steamed, boiled or mashed potatoes or rice and feel like absolute crap afterwards too . Steamed leafy greens (well mostly spinach) are very beneficial to me. What do you add to your potatoes and rice to eat them if you barely use any fat? How much proteins do you get in a day? Do they all come from potatoes or is 0% fat milk ok? How much calories? How are things like voice, libido, muscle tone etc.. if I may ask?

Just some salt and seasoning/homemade condiments. Taste adjusts over time and you then prefer the new taste of foods. I'm not concerned with protein because of something called protein recycling. I think too much protein is damaging to the kidneys. I also eat legumes as well which have enough protein so between the roots, beans, greens and meat, I get enough. If I were to consume dairy it would only be fat free greek yogurt or a fat free milk with no vitamin A or D added. But it's hard to find no A and D added milk. I think added D to milk is dangerous because the factory can mess up and add a toxic amount. Contrary to what many say, there are not much of the fat soluble vitamins ADEK in the fat of milk. There is only a tiny amount of A and K2 if you're lucky. And there is definetly no D or E in the fat. I don't count calories. I just eat to satiation. My voice is fine but voice is something you can't change, you're born with it. Diet has nothing to do with voice. That's why certain singers are revered for their voice because its something so unique to each person. Anyone can sing because singing is just the act of hitting notes. But that doesn't mean that everyone has a voice that is pleasing to listen to. That's the key-pleasing to listen to, soothing to the ears. For example, Beyonce can sing and just hit notes with her voice. But her voice sounds horrible to me. It's nasally and thin. Compare her voice to Whitney Houston or Annie Lennox and she really sounds bad. Whitney and Annie were born with those voices. Libido has more to do with how attracted you are to your partner(s) than anything else. I'm not concerned with muscle tone too much but I'm slowly adding more lean muscle mass over time. Lean muscle mass has more to do with working out the desired toned muscle than it does diet.

Since you said you feel like crap after you eat starch, fill out this form and I'll tell you what I think. PM me if you don't want to post it here:

Weight (in pounds or kilos, no "stones" please)
Gender of birth (please indicate if you're transgender as you may be taking hormones)
General weekly diet
Medical conditions or diseases
Surgeries including cosmetic
If available, current blood labs taken from you when fasted for at least 12 hours
All pharmaceutical medications you currently take
All pharmaceutical medications you have taken in the past including any birth control or TRT
All dietary supplements including "natural" hormones you currently take
All dietary supplements including "natural" hormones you have taken in the past
Activity on a weekly basis
Approximate location in the world
What kind of water you drink
How much sunlight you receive directly on your skin and on which parts of the body
Level of life stress
Level of sexual satisfaction
How many hours you sleep per night
How often you wake up during sleep
What hours of sleep from and to, as in normal or late like 3am-noon
What products you put on your skin like make up, soap, and other chemicals
Quality of the air you breathe/Environmental exposure to chemicals such as living near a power plant, a freeway, or working in a mine
Tobacco/nicotine/vape use
Alcohol use
Marijuana use
Other "street" drug use (meth, cocaine, heroin etc.)
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Jul 8, 2016
So calories increased and hence the weight gain rather than the actual fat causing it?

I just cronometered (Is that a word?) My typical day, and I reckon I'm eating 3000 cals, 450 carbs (about 300g of which sugar) 120g protein 80g fat. Probably the calories causing weight increase I agree, but feel good at the moment so reluctant to change.


Oct 15, 2016
Just some salt and seasoning. Taste adjusts over time and you then prefer the new taste of foods. I'm not concerned with protein because of something called protein recycling. I think too much protein is damaging to the kidneys. I also eat legumes as well which have enough protein so between the roots, beans, greens and meat, I get enough. If I were to consume dairy it would only be fat free greek yogurt or a fat free milk with no vitamin A or D added. But it's hard to find no A and D added milk. I think added D to milk is dangerous because the factory can mess up and add a toxic amount. Contrary to what many say, there are not much of the fat soluble vitamins ADEK in the fat of milk. There is only a tiny amount of A and K2 if you're lucky. And there is definetly no D or E in the fat. I don't count calories. I just eat to satiation. My voice is fine but voice is something you can't change, you're born with it. Diet has nothing to do with voice. That's why certain singers are revered for their voice because its something so unique to each person. Anyone can sing because singing is just the act of hitting notes. But that doesn't mean that everyone has a voice that is pleasing to listen to. That's the key-pleasing to listen to, soothing to the ears. For example, Beyonce can sing and just hit notes with her voice. But her voice sounds horrible to me. It's nasally and thin. Compare her voice to Whitney Houston or Annie Lennox and she really sounds bad. Whitney and Annie were born with those voices. Libido has more to do with how attracted you are to your partner(s) than anything else. I'm not concerned with muscle tone too much but I'm slowly adding more lean muscle mass over time. Lean muscle mass has more to do with working out the desired toned muscle than it does diet.

Since you said you feel like crap after you eat starch, fill out this form and I'll tell you what I think. PM me if you don't want to post it here:

Weight (in pounds or kilos, no "stones" please)
Gender of birth (please indicate if you're transgender as you may be taking hormones)
General weekly diet
Medical conditions or diseases
Surgeries including cosmetic
If available, current blood labs taken from you when fasted for at least 12 hours
All pharmaceutical medications you currently take
All pharmaceutical medications you have taken in the past including any birth control or TRT
All dietary supplements including "natural" hormones you currently take
All dietary supplements including "natural" hormones you have taken in the past
Activity on a weekly basis
Approximate location in the world
What kind of water you drink
How much sunlight you receive directly on your skin and on which parts of the body
Level of life stress
Level of sexual satisfaction
How many hours you sleep per night
How often you wake up during sleep
What hours of sleep from and to, as in normal or late like 3am-noon
What products you put on your skin like make up, soap, and other chemicals
Quality of the air you breathe/Environmental exposure to chemicals such as living near a power plant, a freeway, or working in a mine

Yes I can see how taste would not be an issue long term, I still find that steamed potatoes need a lot of fat or at least something like 0% milk to be eaten, that's not the biggest issue though. I heard many times that proteins from legumes and veggies are not used with the same ease as meat and dairy . Unless you eat legumes like lentils soup or humus, don't you find them hard to digest ? (gas etc..) In Europe it seems easier to find milk without added vitamins than with them. I suspect lactose makes me feel depressed but have played with too many variables to be sure.
Actually I beg to differ about the voice (which is why I asked in the first place), several times I experienced a deeper , fully resonating voice and it was way more enjoyable than the one I've been used to. I'm still trying to figure out how I achieved it the past few times. As for the libido thing, sure how attracted you are to a partner plays a strong part but I would not overlook hormones. A ***t diet with a good working out plan will yield ***t results afaik, quite a few guys on here (and RP himself ) have reported feeling much better with a certain amount of proteins, be it for muscle tone, strength building or general well being.
I'll send you a pm, I'm a transgender illegal immigrant midget so would like to keep a low profile if possible.
Feb 4, 2015
C'mon man. This is BS.

I disagree. There was a study done where post-menopausal women who said that they had a low libido cured it by getting a new sex partner. Magically, hormones and desire kick in when a new person comes into play. New partner wins over any other therapy every time, showing you how powerful the mind and body can be given the right circumstances. Obviously if someone is obese and sick then they may have a physical limitation to have sex or desire it because they are in pain. Most married couples end in divorce and no sex for years. But the desire to cheat shows that it's not a libido thing. The libido is strong. It's just strong for someone else, not the person you've been with for years and are bored.
May 21, 2015
I disagree. There was a study done where post-menopausal women who said that they had a low libido cured it by getting a new sex partner. Magically, hormones and desire kick in when a new person comes into play. New partner wins over any other therapy every time, showing you how powerful the mind and body can be given the right circumstances. Obviously if someone is obese and sick then they may have a physical limitation to have sex or desire it because they are in pain. Most married couples end in divorce and no sex for years. But the desire to cheat shows that it's not a libido thing. The libido is strong. It's just strong for someone else, not the person you've been with for years and are bored.
Of course one may be bored of his/her partner and that affects it but you can't deny that there are hormonal problems caused by nutrient deficiencies or endotoxins or whatever.

I have never had a blood test but i'm pretty freaking sure that i have had really low T levels. Nonexistent libido etc. I have seen how dietary things have improved my libido greatly. For example whole grains destroy my libido. When i was a vegan eating mostly whole grains my libido was a joke. Even nowadays if i eat a whole grain based vegan diet for a couple of days my libido tanks. And i have a girlfriend that i very much am attracted to. Oats especially are a bye bye boner-food. :D


Apr 9, 2015
I just cronometered (Is that a word?) My typical day, and I reckon I'm eating 3000 cals, 450 carbs (about 300g of which sugar) 120g protein 80g fat. Probably the calories causing weight increase I agree, but feel good at the moment so reluctant to change.
Don't change! As long as you feel good that is the main thing! You eat plain white sugar or is it fruit sugars?


Apr 9, 2015
Of course one may be bored of his/her partner and that affects it but you can't deny that there are hormonal problems caused by nutrient deficiencies or endotoxins or whatever.

I have never had a blood test but i'm pretty freaking sure that i have had really low T levels. Nonexistent libido etc. I have seen how dietary things have improved my libido greatly. For example whole grains destroy my libido. When i was a vegan eating mostly whole grains my libido was a joke. Even nowadays if i eat a whole grain based vegan diet for a couple of days my libido tanks. And i have a girlfriend that i very much am attracted to. Oats especially are a bye bye boner-food. :D
So what do you eat these days?


Jul 8, 2016
Don't change! As long as you feel good that is the main thing! You eat plain white sugar or is it fruit sugars?

Sugar comes from 1 litre orange juice, 2 litres milk, then about 6-8 tbsp sugar added to my milk.

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Nov 21, 2015
For me, when my liver apparently got better, I no longer got strong cravings after eating sugar, and I no longer get tired after eating. I think the liver health is the key to this.

Lots of coffee, vitamin K2, eliminating PUFAs over time, all contributed.

I used to have a huge appetite, never full, never had enough. But now I don't feel hungry all the time and don't eat huge amounts. It's been wonderful.


Oct 15, 2016
Why makes you say it's from the liver?
For me it seems the type of food and amount of it (carbs, dairy, which are very insulinogenic) makes me sedated and lethargic for hours. Most of us have a dip in energy around noon/afternoon (circadian rhythm) but that's not as bad as being hit by a brick on the back of the head :D


Feb 18, 2018
I’m definitely still in the weeds sorting it all out for myself, but I’m finding out that consuming sugar in the form of fruit juice never causes any fatigue whatsoever, pure energy always, whereas most starches usually always cause fatigue + digestive distress in me. The problem is that the water content of oj and most fruits is too high, and will make me urinate way to frequently. Today I found a solution through frozen concentrate. I can make the mixture way more syrupy by adding only a little bit of water, and get all the sugar + minerals, minus the high water content.

Anyone else play around with this? I’m always going to keep starches on hand in case I need them, but so far today all I’ve consumed is fruit juice concentrate, coffee, milk, and meat and I’ve felt pretty energized and euphoric all day. Plus they sell different types of concentrate so I can have grape, orange, mango, guava, etc...

Kyle Bigman

Jul 9, 2018
One thing you may want to check is your iron levels. I used to have really high iron levels, and I would get the "carb crash" after higher carb meals (they were mostly starch based). After getting de-ironed, I didn't really get tired after eating carbs anymore.
what is a good way to check iron levels?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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