Progest-E for Men


Jan 15, 2021
I just received Progest-E. I believe I have permanent elevated cortisol due to decades of extreme stress, severe injuries, and 3 near-death experiences including 7 surgeries. I have permanent damage form my last illness that affects my neuromuscular system called A.C.N.E.S. and neuro damage and weakness in my legs. I only slept around 3 hours of interrupted sleep for the past few years. I have gotten it up to 5 hours with 11 wakeups if I stay in bed for 8 hours. My morning temperature is 96.6 F and my pulse is 64. According to my Oura ring I usually don't get any deep sleep most evenings, and when I do it's 5 minutes or less, towards the end of my sleep, a couple of hours before I wake up. I haven't been able to see a doctor due to my financial dilemma from my last illness. I figured I'll start with Progerst-E to see if anything changes. What is the average dosage of Progest-E for men? Do men take it every day or do we cycle it on and off. If so, what is the schedule of cycling for men? Thank you for the help!!!


May 10, 2018
Not a hungry educated answer here, but I just wanted to past on my best wishes and admiration for you in trying to fix a difficult situation. One thing I would say is that one of the largest inconveniences of higher dosed progesterone in my experience is dampening of libido and sexual performance. Given your situation and the fact that this wouldn’t be high on your list of priorities anyway, I would recommend trying out some higher doses 30mg+ and see how you personally respond. Very best of luck.


Nov 27, 2015
I just received Progest-E. I believe I have permanent elevated cortisol due to decades of extreme stress, severe injuries, and 3 near-death experiences including 7 surgeries. I have permanent damage form my last illness that affects my neuromuscular system called A.C.N.E.S. and neuro damage and weakness in my legs. I only slept around 3 hours of interrupted sleep for the past few years. I have gotten it up to 5 hours with 11 wakeups if I stay in bed for 8 hours. My morning temperature is 96.6 F and my pulse is 64. According to my Oura ring I usually don't get any deep sleep most evenings, and when I do it's 5 minutes or less, towards the end of my sleep, a couple of hours before I wake up. I haven't been able to see a doctor due to my financial dilemma from my last illness. I figured I'll start with Progerst-E to see if anything changes. What is the average dosage of Progest-E for men? Do men take it every day or do we cycle it on and off. If so, what is the schedule of cycling for men? Thank you for the help!!!

Have you tried extended periods (4+ hours a day) of grounding to the earth for awhile? This, coupled with early morning full-body UV light (sunlight), can be far more powerful than any supplement at reducing chronic inflammation, mapping hormones, depression/anxiety, neuromuscular issues, etc.

In addition, if you have access to an infrared sauna, 15-45mins at 160+ followed by a cold shower is also fantastic for all of the body systems - especially the thyroid.

Finally, if you are able to perform deep massage on your legs, abs, & entire body daily - it can be extremely helpful for breaking down the blockages (scar tissue) from surgeries, muscular/facia/lymph constriction, etc.

All of the aforementioned should also help promote deep, restful sleep (@10pm).


Jun 10, 2020
Building on what @James b said, I think progest-e contains about 3 mg per "drop." So to reach 30 mg, that would be ten drops, taken maybe in 3 doses throughout the day. I would also recommend searching the forum for posts by @SonOfEurope where he discusses his healing experiences with progesterone.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
Hope your health journey gets better from here on.

In a healthy system, exogenous progesterone is probably not needed. This is why you hear sometimes Peaters taking thyroid / optimizing their thyroid function to enhance the conversion rate from cholesterol into steroids.

If I was you, I would want to prioritize sleep and do what is needed to improve the sleep cycle. Liver health is probably key here to allow for the storage of glycogen and minimize excess cortisol secretion at night when fasting. As such, if I was you, I would consider taking aspirin before bed along with fructose and dairy (if tolerated) and have a bedtime snack, like caramel candy or marshmallows. Anytime you wake up with high stress, eat a small piece and try to go back to sleep. Of course much more can be done, but I would start there regardless of exogenous progesterone. Speaking of which, it has always helped me lower my stress almost immediately - but since my vitamin D levels have been optimized along with good calcium intake, I haven't needed it much.


Feb 18, 2018
I'm sceptical about progest - e I brought some ages ago couldn't feel anything from it so decided to just try like half a bottle at once still didn't feel anything lol


May 30, 2018
I'm sceptical about progest - e I brought some ages ago couldn't feel anything from it so decided to just try like half a bottle at once still didn't feel anything lol
Tiny doses have potent effects for me. Large amounts do nothing. You might need high thyroid levels to make good use of exogenous hormones.


May 10, 2016
I've been taking high dose progesterone for close to a month. Best sleep I've gotten since I was 18. It's really stabilized my blood sugar and my circadian rhythm.


Jun 10, 2020
I've been taking high dose progesterone for close to a month. Best sleep I've gotten since I was 18. It's really stabilized my blood sugar and my circadian rhythm.
Hey man, how much do you take? Any effects (positive/negative) on libido?


Jan 15, 2021
Not a hungry educated answer here, but I just wanted to past on my best wishes and admiration for you in trying to fix a difficult situation. One thing I would say is that one of the largest inconveniences of higher dosed progesterone in my experience is dampening of libido and sexual performance. Given your situation and the fact that this wouldn’t be high on your list of priorities anyway, I would recommend trying out some higher doses 30mg+ and see how you personally respond. Very best of luck.
Thanks James, so you think taking 10x the amount that I am now will be better?


Jan 15, 2021
Have you tried extended periods (4+ hours a day) of grounding to the earth for awhile? This, coupled with early morning full-body UV light (sunlight), can be far more powerful than any supplement at reducing chronic inflammation, mapping hormones, depression/anxiety, neuromuscular issues, etc.

In addition, if you have access to an infrared sauna, 15-45mins at 160+ followed by a cold shower is also fantastic for all of the body systems - especially the thyroid.

Finally, if you are able to perform deep massage on your legs, abs, & entire body daily - it can be extremely helpful for breaking down the blockages (scar tissue) from surgeries, muscular/facia/lymph constriction, etc.

All of the aforementioned should also help promote deep, restful sleep (@10pm).
Thanks, I don't have access to 4+ hours of grounding, but I do ground intermittently. I go out every morning for light. I do deep tissue on my body to diminish adhesions all the time. I don't have access to a sauna. I've been going out to see early morning light for the past year.


Jan 15, 2021
Hope your health journey gets better from here on.

In a healthy system, exogenous progesterone is probably not needed. This is why you hear sometimes Peaters taking thyroid / optimizing their thyroid function to enhance the conversion rate from cholesterol into steroids.

If I was you, I would want to prioritize sleep and do what is needed to improve the sleep cycle. Liver health is probably key here to allow for the storage of glycogen and minimize excess cortisol secretion at night when fasting. As such, if I was you, I would consider taking aspirin before bed along with fructose and dairy (if tolerated) and have a bedtime snack, like caramel candy or marshmallows. Anytime you wake up with high stress, eat a small piece and try to go back to sleep. Of course much more can be done, but I would start there regardless of exogenous progesterone. Speaking of which, it has always helped me lower my stress almost immediately - but since my vitamin D levels have been optimized along with good calcium intake, I haven't needed it much.
I started trying Progest-E because all my symptoms point to elevated cortisol ALL THE TIME since I'm not tired, chronic insomnia (I've tried every sleep biohack without change), and I can't take aspirin because I have very loud tinnitus and the aspirin exacerbates it terribly. I eat snacks before bed to alleviate insomnia, such as organic ice cream, etc. Nothing has helped me sleep so far. Doesn't progesterone help lower cortisol so I can get more than 3 - 5 hours of interrupted sleep?


Jan 15, 2021
Tiny doses have potent effects for me. Large amounts do nothing. You might need high thyroid levels to make good use of exogenous hormones.
My morning temperature is 96.6 F and my pulse is 56 so I've been trying Progest-E, but I don't know which thyroid hormone I need so I've been taking Ancestral Grassfed Beef Thyroid capsules. It's a natural glandular and I'm trying 2 capsules in the morning.


Jan 25, 2014
I just received Progest-E. I believe I have permanent elevated cortisol due to decades of extreme stress, severe injuries, and 3 near-death experiences including 7 surgeries. I have permanent damage form my last illness that affects my neuromuscular system called A.C.N.E.S. and neuro damage and weakness in my legs. I only slept around 3 hours of interrupted sleep for the past few years. I have gotten it up to 5 hours with 11 wakeups if I stay in bed for 8 hours. My morning temperature is 96.6 F and my pulse is 64. According to my Oura ring I usually don't get any deep sleep most evenings, and when I do it's 5 minutes or less, towards the end of my sleep, a couple of hours before I wake up. I haven't been able to see a doctor due to my financial dilemma from my last illness. I figured I'll start with Progerst-E to see if anything changes. What is the average dosage of Progest-E for men? Do men take it every day or do we cycle it on and off. If so, what is the schedule of cycling for men? Thank you for the help!!!

I mean, the average dose for men would be 0mg. But, men can take a lot more, and see benefits.

I think Peat generally suggests lower doses for men. Maybe around 20 mg. However, he has experimented with higher doses, and on his most recent interview with Roddy and Haidut, talked about a friend who drank heavily and used drugs regularly, and he saw benefits from taking half a bottle (!!!!!) on Christmas. He said he continued to use about 2 bottles a week (!!!!!!!!!), so, his dose was quite high. But, he was also dealing with chirrosis, I think.


I have found larger doses to be beneficial, around 100mg a day or more-

Some people think a large "loading dose" around 100-150mg can be beneficial for a few days, and then you can taper to a lower dose. But, I've been using that "loading dose" for several months.
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